Foreign relations of Austenasia

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The diplomatic foreign relations of the Empire of Austenasia are implemented by the Foreign Office of Austenasia, led by the Chief Ambassador. The power to grant official diplomatic recognition of sovereignty lies primarily with the Monarch, but the Prime Minister and Chief Ambassador can also grant recognition if through a diplomatic treaty.

Austenasia is the foremost power of the Carshalton Nations, with its Monarch being either their sovereign or suzerain, and Austenasia has been considered one of the most influential nations within the MicroWiki Community since late 2011. The Empire is a current member state of the Grand Unified Micronational, the Saint Josephsburg Economic Pact, and the Union Against Micronational War, and a former member state of the Organisation of Active Micronations.

Since 24 March 2014, the Foreign Office has followed a policy of refraining "from considering non-solicited diplomatic relations". All foreign relations established after that date (with very few exceptions) were therefore initiated by Austenasia approaching the government of the other nation.

Sovereignty disputes


Various aspects of Austenasia's foreign relations are influenced by the Empire's worldview regarding imperial rank and succession from Rome, usually referred to as the "Imperium" worldview. Since 2010, the Austenasian Monarchy has claimed succession from the Roman Emperors, which gradually became a claim (by mid-2016 at the latest) that the Empire of Austenasia is, in the words of a clause voted into the Constitution in January 2018, "a continuation of the indivisible and perpetual Roman Empire".

Austenasia's view of itself as part of the Roman Empire influences decisions made regarding recognition of various states or titles in the sphere of foreign relations. Since October 2020, Austenasia has recognised - along with its own - the thrones of Japan, the Holy Roman Empire, Adammia, and Imvrassia as holding imperial rank as Emperors. The Austenasian view is that the title of Emperor holds a special significance and that "the more individuals hold the supreme rank, the more the title is devalued and the more opportunity is created for dissension amongst the consortium imperii" (Decree XLV Jon. I), in addition to a concern that recognition of a claimant to the title grants them just as much right to legitimacy and succession from Rome as Austenasia claims itself. The Empire has therefore aimed to limit the number of states it recognises with an Emperor as head of state, reserving this recognition only for its closest partners. Since 2013, Austenasia has been bound by treaty with the Empires it already recognises to not bestow such recognition without unanimous agreement from said Empires.

To prevent this ideology from becoming too great an obstacle to friendly relations with other nations, there are various ways that Austenasia has recognised countries which claim to be ruled by an Emperor without recognising them as an Empire. Said claimants to the title of Emperor are recognised by Austenasia either:

  • 1) as Caesar rather than Augustus (cf. the Roman Tetrarchy), enabling said claimants to be addressed as "emperor" out of diplomatic courtesy without recognising them as holding full imperial rank: this is currently the case with Reyla, Rhōmanía and Zenrax;
  • 2) with an alternative title: this is currently the case with Iustus, in which its monarch is by his consent referred to as Princeps by Austenasia;
  • 3) simply as the sole legitimate and monarchical head of state, with an understanding to "agree to disagree" on the title held: this is currently the case with Pavlov.

Recognised nations

Nations which are in a state of alliance with Austenasia

Nations which are protected states of Austenasia

Nations with which Austenasia has signed a treaty of mutual recognition

Other nations which Austenasia recognises

(Bold text signifies that official recognition is mutual)

Nations the government of which Austenasia does not consider legitimate


Austenasia has historically had varied stances on Antarctic territorial claims. Act 42 (International Diplomatic Relations), passed on 3 January 2009, recognised the claim of Flandrensis to Siple Island. Act 55 (Antarctica), passed on 31 January 2009, also recognised all official claims of UN member states other than those of Argentina and Chile, and most of the claims of Westarctica.

Act 74 (8th Revision to Existing Laws), passed on 18 April 2009, ratified the Antarctic Treaty and revoked recognition of Flandrensisian and Westarctican sovereignty over their land claims due to them having no population there, but acknowledged that they did have a population and so recognised them as sovereign nations rather than as sovereign states (recognition of Westarctica was fully revoked in September 2010 due to it being "defunct", that is, the government it then had becoming inactive).

On 10 September 2010, Act 126 (17th Revision to Existing Laws) repealed the law which had ratified the Antarctic Treaty. Although Act 126 did not specifically announce the Empire's withdrawal from the Treaty, from then on Austenasia de facto recognised no Antarctic claims. The Antarctica Act 2013 (given Imperial Consent on 16 January 2013) changed this - recognition of the Antarctic claims of UN member states recognised by Act 55 was reaffirmed, and the sovereignty of the three nations of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth (Flandrensis, Campinia and Arkel) was recognised over their Antarctic claims, becoming recognised as sovereign states (it was also confirmed that the Antarctic claim of Landashir was recognised).


Jonathan I as Crown Prince (left) with HRH Grand Duke Niels I (right), 2012.
Jonathan I as Crown Prince (left) with HRH Grand Duke Niels I (right), 2012.

Austenasia and the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis entered into mutual recognition on 3 January 2009. Later that year, on 18 April, Austenasia clarified that it recognised Flandrensis as a nation only and not as a sovereign state, as Flandrensis does not exercise any control over the land that it claims (Siple Island, Antarctica). A treaty was signed between Austenasia and Flandrensis on 13 January 2013 in which the Empire recognised Flandrensisian sovereignty over its Antarctic claims and upgraded recognition of the Grand Duchy to being a sovereign state rather than merely a sovereign nation.

Both nations are on friendly terms, with both being members of the UAMW, and national leaders Jonathan I (while still Crown Prince) and Grand Duke Niels I of Flandrensis met at the 2012 Polination Conference.


Austenasia unilaterally recognised Westarctica as a sovereign state on 31 January 2009, recognising all its land claims with the exception of those also claimed by Flandrensis and UN member states. On 18 April later that year, the Empire rescinded recognition of all Antarctic land claims, but continued to recognise Westarctica as a nation (instead of a state). This recognition was also rescinded on 10 September 2010 after the government of Westarctica became inactive, resulting in the effective collapse of the nation's sovereignty.

Austenasia restored recognition of Westarctica on 12 June 2015, and on 17 June later that month signed a treaty of mutual recognition and national co-operation with the Westarctican government. On 28 June 2019, Jonathan I met with Dr Kim Bryan, Westarctican Consul to the United Kingdom, at the 2019 GUM Birmingham Summit.

Austenasia also held diplomatic relations with the Imperial Kingdom of Calsahara, a separate nation which was annexed by Westarctica in October 2017 and is now a Westarctican colony. Austenasia and Calsahara entered into mutual diplomatic relations on 10 September 2010, and signed a treaty of mutual friendship and co-operation eleven days later, on 21 September.



Formal diplomatic relations were established with Vishwamitra on 26 April 2021 upon the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between Jonathan I and Varuna Sriraya, the respective monarchs of Austenasia and Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra had earlier recognised Austenasia unilaterally on 1 August 2019. On 15 May 2023, Varuna Sriraya was granted non-residential subjectship of Austenasia and was also appointed as Austenasian Ambassador to Bangladesh; he held this status and office until 7 April 2024, when Vishwamitra began to withdraw from active international relations.


N.B. - Transcontinental nations are listed under the continent in which their capital is located.


Jonathan I (left) with Adam I (right) upon the latter's visit to Wrythe on 15 September 2018.
Jonathan I (left) with Adam I (right) upon the latter's visit to Wrythe on 15 September 2018.

The Empire of Adammia is one of Austenasia's closest international partners. Formal diplomatic relations were established with the Empire of Adammia on 23 May 2018 upon the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between Jonathan I and Adam I, the respective monarchs of Austenasia and Adammia. Genealogical research undertaken by both Jonathan I and Adam I has revealed that the two monarchs are eleventh cousins once removed via the House of Boxall. The two monarchs have met several times to date, the first being when Adam I visited Wrythe in September 2018 during the celebrations for Austenasia's tenth Independence Day.

The initial 2018 treaty between the two states specified that the designation of the Adammic state as an "Empire" would be recognised as being the more inclusive definition of "a political unit comprising a number of different territories" rather than as a successor of the Roman Empire; furthermore, it was recognised that the claim of Adam I to the rank of emperor would not be recognised by Austenasia, although he would be considered the fully legitimate and sole legal monarch and head of state of Adammia in all other respects, the reservation being purely one of titulature. However, on 1 January 2020 a new treaty signed between Austenasia, Adammia, and the Holy Roman Empire established recognition for Adammia's claim to imperium, and since then Adam I has been recognised as holding equal imperial rank to Jonathan I.

Austenasia and Adammia have often co-operated in the Grand Unified Micronational, with the two states often - along with Wyvern - being seen as representative of the organisation's "Old Guard". The two emperors both attended the 2019 GUM Birmingham Summit and the 2022 GUM London Summit.

Relations between the two states have only grown closer in recent years. In November 2022, Emperor Adam I served as a groomsman to Emperor Jonathan I at the latter's wedding, and in October the following year Jonathan I and Empress Hannah were welcomed to Adammia on a state visit by Adam I. During the course of this state visit, the two emperors signed a charter for the creation of an Association of British Micronations, a project they had first agreed on alongside Lundenwic at an earlier multilateral meeting in London in August 2021.

Due to the distant relation of Adam I to Jonathan I, the former was - by an Imperial Decree passed on 29 September 2018 - given the right to put forward a claim to the Austenasian Throne in certain circumstances should the official Line of Succession come to an end. On 5 April 2024, as part of a radical overhaul of the Austenasian line of succession, Adam I was placed directly in the official Line by the Austenasian Senate, and is currently fifth in line to the Throne.

Gymnasium State

Mutual recognition was established between the Empire of Austenasia and the Gymnasium State on 13 September 2022, when the former reciprocated recognition with the passage of the Foreign Relations Act 2022. This followed a request from Gymnasium made on 16 July earlier that year, during a two week window during which the Foreign Office temporarily lifted its standard policy on refusing to recognise unilateral requests for diplomacy.

Holy Roman Empire

The Empire of Austenasia granted recognition to the newly re-established Holy Roman Empire (HRE) as an "imperial confederation of sovereign states over which the Holy Roman Emperor holds imperium" on 21 September 2016 in a clause of a treaty signed with the Kingdom of Wyvern, whose king Quentin I had declared himself Holy Roman Emperor. By this treaty, the Austenasian Throne bestowed recognition of imperial rank upon Quentin I, thereby legitimating the restored HRE in the eyes of many. Austenasia recognises the sovereignty of each member state of the Holy Roman Empire for as long as it is a member state; likewise, the Holy Roman Empire's Imperial Chancellor Bradley of Dullahan specified in October 2016 that all member states of the HRE recognise Austenasia.


A treaty of mutual recognition was signed between the Empire of Austenasia and the Iceni Social Imperium on 3 December 2018, while the latter was still known as Sakasaria. Iceni and its predecessor states had long been infamous for the appearance of political instability, frequently changing its form and structure of government, but as the core population group and territorial claims have remained consistent over this time the Austenasian government judged it possible to extend diplomatic recognition to the nation. The Iceni Social Imperium was founded and is run by Lord John Gordon, who is also a long-standing Austenasian politician who served as Prime Minister from 2020–21; furthermore, Emperor Jonathan I served as the monarch of one of Iceni's predecessor states from 26 June to 14 November 2017. An Austenasian state visit to Iceni is planned to take place on 21 October 2023.


Austenasia and the Empire of Imvrassia entered into mutual recognition and diplomatic relations on 19 April 2017 with the signing of a treaty promising friendly relations. The 2017 treaty allowed for dual nationality - Lord Peter Palaiologos, Count of Mentavlos at that time being both an Austenasian and an Imvrassian citizen - and, while recognising both states as in political succession from the Roman Empire and the Austenasian Monarch's title "Emperor of the Romans", clarified that the holding of said title would give no right to interfere domestically within Imvrassia. An issue developed in 2020, when on 1 January the title of Emperor was claimed for its monarchs without the agreement of Austenasia, in violation of the earlier treaty between the two states. Due to its own treaty obligations, Austenasia was unable to recognise the new claim to imperium without the consent of the Holy Roman Empire and Adammia, which did not wish to recognise Imvrassia as holding imperial rank. On 1 May 2020, an agreement was reached between the three pre-existing empires to recognise the Imvrassian monarchs as holding the rank of Caesar rather than Augustus, but to translate this into English as "Emperor"; this compromise was accepted by Imvrassia, along with the understanding that any Imvrassian uses of Augustan rank would be neither recognised nor protested by the other empires, and perhaps recognised in time. This came to pass on 23 October later that year, when an effort spearheaded by Jonathan I and Bradley, Duke of Dullahan resulted in Austenasia and the Holy Roman Empire recognising (with the consent of Adam I of Adammia) the claim of the Imvrassian Crown to Augustan rank.


Austenasia formally recognised the Kingdom of Juclandia on 31 December 2011, and a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations was signed two days later. On 17 November 2012, the joint Austenasian-Juclandian cultural project of Crepundia was unveiled in Wrythe, strengthening the bonds between the two nations, and Austenasia was declared a "sister nation" of Juclandia by a decree made by the King of Juclandia on 30 March 2013. The treaty of mutual recognition defining the friendship between Juclandia and the Empire was updated on 16 June 2013, and national leaders Emperor Jonathan I and King Ciprian met at the 2013 Intermicronational Summit. Austenasia and Juclandia currently hold very strong friendly relations.

Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia (left) with Queen Carolyn I of Ladonia (right) in London in July 2015, holding the impromptu Treaty of Heathrow.
Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia (left) with Queen Carolyn I of Ladonia (right) in London in July 2015, holding the impromptu Treaty of Heathrow.


Austenasia formally recognised the Royal Republic of Ladonia on 11 February 2013. A treaty of mutual recognition was signed between Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia and Queen Carolyn I of Ladonia at a meeting between the two in London on 12 July 2015, with a friendship between the two monarchs having been built up over the previous few years primarily via various Skype venues. They had previously met at the 2012 Polination Conference, while Jonathan I was still Crown Prince.


Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia (left, holding Diplomabear) with Prime Minister Mike Lewis of Lundenwic (right), 2021.
Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia (left, holding Diplomabear) with Prime Minister Mike Lewis of Lundenwic (right), 2021.

Austenasia and the Imperial Grand Duchy of Lundenwic officially entered into mutual recognition and diplomatic relations on 14 August 2021, with the signing of a treaty at a meeting in London. However, the two nations had held strong friendly informal relations for some years previously; Lord Lewis, Prime Minister of Lundenwic, visited Wrythe as a tourist in December 2016, and took part in Austenasia’s tenth anniversary celebrations along with Grand Duke Julian of Lundenwic in September 2018. Lord Lewis has also met Jonathan I both at the 2019 Birmingham and the 2022 London summits of the Grand Unified Micronational.


Austenasia officially entered into mutual diplomatic recognition with the United States of Mekniy and Lurk on 9 July 2022 with the signing of a treaty between Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia and Rāvenssae Kxaiji of Mekniy-Lurk at an informal summit in London. Mekniy-Lurk shares a border with the Austenasian Territory of Aurora, and as such is the only nation directly bordering Austenasian land with which the Empire holds diplomatic relations.


Austenasia officially granted diplomatic recognition to Mercia - which had already recognised the Empire for some time previously - on 4 June 2016 as a sovereign nation. Informal friendly diplomatic interactions, such as the heads of state of the two nations meeting at international summits and exchanging Christmas cards, had already prior to this taken place since 2012. An official treaty to formalise relations between the two countries was planned as early as 2019 to be signed in person during a prospective state visit. However, this Mercian state visit to Wrythe was envisaged to take place in August 2020, and as such was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A treaty was finally signed in person between Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia and Karl Friedrich, Lord Temporal of Mercia at an informal summit in London on 9 July 2022.


Austenasia and Orly are geographically very close, with almost exactly one mile between their borders at their closest point. The Caesarship of Orly, the original incarnation of Orly, never entered into diplomatic relations with Austenasia even though the Caesar of Orly had been appointed by and recognised the suzerainty of the Emperor of Austenasia, who had given him his title. On 19 July 2010, the Caesarship split into the Kingdom of Copan and the Kingdom of the Grove, two nations both of which entered into formal diplomatic relations with Austenasia on 7 August 2010 and also recognised the suzerainty of Austenasia. The two kingdoms were united into the Tsardom of Orly in early December 2010 by Declan I, and despite a short war breaking out between Austenasia and Orly over the opposition of Emperor Esmond III to a reunited Orly, the "Tsardom of Orly" held strong friendly diplomatic relations with the Empire under Declan I for the rest of its existence.

Orly was declared to be in political union with Wilcsland as the United Kingdom of New Wessex on 14 January 2012, but was liberated from foreign rule on 24 June 2013. Orly returned to the somewhat unique situation of being one nation comprised of two sovereign states, Copan and the Grove, both recognising Austenaian suzerainty. After its monarchs asked for protection against any future threats to their independence, Orly was made a protected state of the Empire that same day, with Austenasia pledging to defend both the Grove and Copan against any outside attacks should it be requested to.

Since the Liberation of Orly, Copan has been ruled by Queen Emma I and the Grove by King Calum I. Emma I also administers the Austenasian exclave of East Wrythe as the Copanese embassy to Austenasia. Calum I likewise maintains strong friendly relations with Austenasia, having met with his former classmate Jonathan I several times in a diplomatic capacity since they both left school, most recently attending a diplomatic reception at the Imperial Residence on Independence Day 2023.


Austenasia and the Empire of Ovrestlia entered into formal diplomatic relations with the signing of a treaty on 10 September 2020, following negotiations which began in June earlier that year. In exchange for diplomatic recognition from Austenasia, Ovrestlian monarch Thomas Marios I agreed to use the title "Hegemon" rather than "Emperor" in communications with Austenasia, and to cede an area of land to Austenasia which he would administer; this resulted in the cession of Kaiomenia on 5 October 2020, which Thomas Marios I administers for Austenasia as Governing Commissioner.


Austenasia and the Empire of Pavlov entered into mutual recognition and diplomatic relations on 3 January 2020 with the signing of a treaty between the two states, while the latter was known as the Principality of Montescano. Prior to this, the then Prince Dionisiy I of Montescano had already been involved with the Empire, having ceded his house to Austenasia as the Town of Theodosiopolis on 21 March 2019. Prince Dionisiy subsequently became Leader of the Opposition, and then Prime Minister of Austenasia from 13 February - 1 June 2020, but resigned from his political positions after a political crisis, with Theodosiopolis and other land claims he had annexed leaving the Empire.

However, the departure of Dionisiy from Austenasia was in many ways as amicable as it could have been in the circumstances, with the Prince arranging upon his resignation for the annexation of Chersoneses and remaining Despot of Trebizond in an autonomous capacity. Montescano soon afterwards transitioned into Pavlov, with Prince Dionisiy becoming Alexander IV and claiming the title Emperor, and the nation abandoning its claims to territorial sovereignty; Austenasia on 20 July therefore amended its recognition of Pavlov, with their approval, to being a "sovereign entity under international law" rather than a sovereign state proper.

Although the cultural and ideological tenets of Pavlov conflict on paper in many ways with those of Austenasia, specifically regarding claims to imperial rank and to succession from Rome, mutually acceptable compromises have been sought and largely obtained regarding said issues. By the consent of Alexander IV, Jonathan I passed an Imperial Decree on 14 July 2020 by which it was clarified that Pavlov's claim to have an emperor would not be recognised by Austenasia, although Alexander IV would be considered the fully legitimate and sole legal monarch and head of state of Pavlov in all other respects, the reservation being purely one of titulature. A new treaty between Austenasia and Pavlov (replacing that signed on 3 January) was signed on 21 September 2020, in which the two countries pledged friendship towards one another, Jonathan I and Alexander IV mutually recognising each other as "Roman monarchs" and intentionally avoiding addressing in any further detail their mutually conflicting claims regarding Imperium, in an implicit pledge to "agree to disagree".


Austenasia extended official recognition to the Revalian Kingdom on 13 September 2022, with Revalia having recognised Austenasia since 2020, and the two nations signed a formal treaty of mutual recognition and co-operation on 8 October 2022. Sander II, the King of Revalia, has been an Austenasian subject since June 2021, when he joined the country alongside the annexation of Oppidum Tubae, which he both resides in and represents in the Parliament of Austenasia. Sander II - known as the Duke of Aesti in his Austenasian role - was appointed Minister for Culture in January 2022, and in April 2024 was made third in line to the Throne as part of a radical overhaul of the Line of Succession.

Reylan Imperial Triumvirate

Emperors Jonathan I of Austenasia (left) with Taeglan I Nihilus of Reyla (right), 2013.
Emperors Jonathan I of Austenasia (left) with Taeglan I Nihilus of Reyla (right), 2013.

Austenasia and the Reylan Imperial Triumvirate entered into mutual recognition on 14 January 2012, and signed a treaty of mutual recognition and non-aggression the following day. National leaders Jonathan I (while still Crown Prince) and Taeglan I Nihilus (of Austenasia and Reyla, respectively) had met five months previously at the 2011 Intermicronational Summit, and met again at the 2012 Polination Conference.

Jonathan I and Taeglan I met again at the Coronation of Emperor Jonathan I on 23 February 2013. The two monarchs there signed the Treaty of Wrythe, formally giving recognition of each other's full imperial rank and reaffirming the treaty signed between Austenasia and Reyla the previous year. A further meeting between the two Emperors took place on 14 October 2014 at Putney in celebration of the 20th birthday of Jonathan I, and they met again at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting on 18 July 2015.

In September 2019, in response to inquiries regarding the decreasing activity of Reyla on the international stage, Taeglan I gave his permission for the Treaty of Wrythe to be rescinded. On 27 September, Jonathan I co-authored a declaration with Quentin I, Holy Roman Emperor in which Taeglan I was recognised to, as of 1 October, be a Caesar rather than an Augustus. However, Jonathan I made it clear that this "demotion" did not imply that Austenasia was distancing itself from Reyla diplomatically, and granted Taeglan I a title of nobility in the Independence Day honours list that year.

On 16 September 2023, Taeglan I was hosted at a diplomatic reception at the Imperial Residence as part of celebrations for Austenasia's fifteenth anniversary.


The Basileia of the Romans, commonly known as Rhōmanía, existed as the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Mouzilo from 14 February 2019 (having previously been a part of Ashukovo) until it was granted independence on 25 May 2020. Mouzilo soon transitioned into the Basileia of the Romans, claiming continuity with the Eastern Roman Empire due to its geographic situation and ethnic composition, and its monarch Manolis Afentoulis (who had served as Austenasian Governing Commissioner) took the throne as Basileus Emmanuel I & II.

Upon its independence from Austenasia, the Act of Parliament which ceded it stated that "a close and friendly relationship with Mouzilo [sic] will be a priority of the Austenasian Government". The claim of Rhōmanía to be a continuation of the Roman Empire and the assumption of the title Basileus by its monarch led to negotiations conducted between the Austenasian and Rhomaian governments over June 2020 regarding the compatibility of the claims of the latter with the worldview of the former. Acceptable agreements were made, and a treaty formalising the friendship between the two states was signed on 16 September 2020.


The Empire of Austenasia recognised the Commonwealth of Rudno as a sovereign state - and as a successor state to the now-defunct Francisville - on 12 June 2015. A treaty of mutual recognition was signed in London between Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia and Ambict Sebastian Linden of Rudno on 18 July the following month. Linden became an Austenasian subject on 20 June 2020, having previously served as Governor of Glencoe and of Iostan na Beithe since January 2018 and as Pontifex Maximus since March 2019.


Informal friendly relations between Austenasia and the Kingdom of Salanda have existed since November 2021. Official mutual recognition was established on 13 September 2022, when the Empire reciprocated recognition with the passage of the Foreign Relations Act 2022 following a request from Salanda during a two week window in which the Foreign Office had temporarily lifted its standard policy on refusing to recognise unilateral requests for diplomacy. A treaty formalising diplomatic relations was signed on 30 November 2023.


The Empire of Austenasia and the Snagovian People's Republic entered into mutual recognition on 29 August 2023 with the signing of a treaty. H.E. Marshal Štefan Marius Snagoveanu, the Snagovian head of state, became an Austenasian on 1 December later that year alongside the claiming of Prahova for the Empire, which he administers as Governor.

Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land

The Empire of Austenasia and the Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land entered into mutual recognition on 15 May 2021 with the signing of a treaty.


The Empire of Austenasia and the Free and Independent Association of Venedia entered into mutual recognition on 28 July 2018, when Emperor Jonathan I signed a treaty with Superior Jan Linhart and Secretary Marie Lencová at a meeting in central London. Austenasia at present recognises Venedia as a sovereign entity under international law (cf. the international status of the SMOM), having pledged in the treaty signed to fully recognise Venedia as a sovereign state upon the latter's establishment of a territorial claim.

Wildflower Meadows

Austenasia and the Principality of Wildflower Meadows currently enjoy very close diplomatic relations, the incumbent heads of state of the two nations having been married in November 2022. The Principality was claimed by Emperor Jonathan I on 12 May 2016 for his then unmarried partner Princess Consort Hannah, whom he then crowned Princess of Wildflower Meadows. The two signed a treaty of national friendship and co-operation on 31 May later that month, which also made Wildflower Meadows a protected state of the Empire, a status which had been promised to the Principality by the Emperor since its foundation. Jonathan I holds title Duke of Sweetpea Valley within Wildflower Meadows, whereas Princess Hannah is titled as Empress consort and holds the status of an Augusta within Austenasia, and both are nationals of the other's country.


Austenasia and the Kingdom of Wyvern first began to interact in 2010. The two states initially had a somewhat tense informal relationship via mediums such as the Grand Unified Micronational, although the two also co-operated on occasions such as during the Yablokogate crisis. Austenasia and Wyvern only officially established mutual recognition on 27 January 2014, after discussions between the Austenasian and Wyvernian governments led to a concerted effort to improve relations between the two states. A treaty to further cement the new-found friendship between the two nations was signed on 21 September 2016, which included Austenasian recognition of the Holy Roman Empire. Relations continued to improve, culminating in a formal treaty of alliance being signed on 28 May 2021, by which point Wyvern had become one of the oldest and closest diplomatic partners of Austenasia. Both Wyvern and Austenasia are current members of the GUM and the UAMW, and Wyvernian Prime Minister Bradley, Duke of Dullahan has held various positions within the Austenasian government.

North America

N.B. - Transcontinental nations are listed under the continent in which their capital is located.


Austenasia and the Ashukov Federation formally recognised each other on 27 January 2014, although the two states had engaged in informal friendly contact for several months prior to that date; for example, Jonathan I was present at the online inauguration of Sebastian Schriber as President of the Ashukov Federation two days before the country was officially recognised. Vera Hewitt, the Prime Minister of Austenasia from 2015–20, was the first Ashukov president.

By early 2015, Ashukovo had effectively dissolved, with its government having become entirely titular. Austenasia recognised the dissolution of Ashukovo on 12 June 2015. During this time, some of the land formerly belonging to the Federation became part of the Empire's town of New Richmond. On 29 January 2017, former Ashukov President Edward Jacobs announced the rebirth of Ashukovo statehood and proclaimed himself head of state. The reborn Ashukov Federation signed a treaty of mutual recognition with Austenasia on 4 May 2017, with the Empire re-recognising Ashukov sovereignty.

By late 2018, Ashukovo had effectively collapsed, and its dissolution was recognised by Austenasia on 14 February 2019. However, Edward Jacobs once more revitalized the country on 5 April 2020, proclaiming a new Republic of Ashukovo which was formally recognised as the Federation's successor state by Austenasia on 1 June later that year.


Mutual recognition was established between the Empire of Austenasia and the Republic of Avalonia on 13 September 2022, when the former reciprocated recognition with the passage of the Foreign Relations Act 2022. This followed a request from Avalonia made on 3 July earlier that year, during a two week window during which the Foreign Office temporarily lifted its standard policy on refusing to recognise unilateral requests for diplomacy.


Austenasia formally recognised the Kingdom of Baustralia upon the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition on 18 June 2023. Baustralia had first approached the Empire with a request for recognition in January 2021, but nothing came of this initial interaction. Austenasia and Baustralia have held friendly relations since, and King John of Baustralia was appointed Grand Master of the Order of Saint Constantine in April 2024.


Austenasia entered into mutual recognition with NottaLotta Acres, the predecessor nation of Delvera, on 29 September 2010. Before this, between 13 March and 2 April 2010, the two nations had been at war with NottaLotta Acres as part of the Allied Carolinian Coalition. After the Austenasian Civil War ended, some hostility remained between the two due to NottaLotta Acres not officially renouncing their support of Carolinianism for some months. They did this on 13 September 2010 after negotiations between the governments of both nations, and on 8 October 2010 signed a treaty of mutual friendship and co-operation. NottaLotta Acres collapsed and was absorbed into the Grand Republic of Delvera in August 2016, upon which the Empire signed a treaty of mutual recognition with the Grand Republic of Delvera on 21 September later that year.

The Austenasian government announced a cutting of diplomatic relations with Delvera on 4 September 2017 in response to the discovery of an attempt by a member of the Delveran government to incite a coup within the Empire. This followed a month of increasing diplomatic tensions which began when a member of the Delveran government issued an insulting response to Emperor Jonathan I being unable to take part in a scheduled online discussion. Tensions died down with the passage of time, and the Austenasian and Delveran governments agreed in May 2020 to re-establish formal ties with a treaty in the near future. Negotiations towards this began in January 2021, and a treaty was signed on 8 March 2021 which re-established friendly diplomatic relations and included mutual apologies for past wrongdoings.


Formal recognition of the Commonwealth of Dracul by Austenasia was extended on 27 March 2022 with the passage of the Foreign Affairs Act 2022, following informal friendly communication between government leaders since late 2020. An official treaty of mutual recognition was signed between the two states on 2 July later that year, during a state visit to Dracul by Lord William Wilson, the Prime Minister of Austenasia. ratification of which was confirmed by the Austenasian Parliament on 13 September.


Austenasia and the Kingdom of Florenia entered into mutual recognition on 31 December 2011 after diplomatic relations were requested by Florenia some days previously.


Discussions regarding diplomatic relations between Austenasia and the Kingdom of Gradonia took place over April and May 2019, with the wording of a treaty of mutual recognition being agreed upon by the end of May. The signing of this treaty was however delayed so that it could be done in person at the Birmingham GUM Summit on 28 June 2019. This event saw Jonathan I sign said treaty with Lord Jack of Essexia, who had been given diplomatic authority to represent the Gradonian government.

Since 19 January 2020, William I of Gradonia has also been an Austenasian subject, and served as Prime Minister of Austenasia as Lord William Wilson from September 2021 to February 2024. He currently serves as Representative of Nahona, as well as Margrave of Campo de Jonatán and Governor of Jackson. These latter two claims were ceded to Austenasia from Gradonia on 1 August 2020 as a gesture of national friendship.


A treaty of mutual recognition was signed between Austenasia and the Empire of Iustus on 28 June 2020. Iustus is situated a short distance away from Kingeston, an Austenasian Crown Dependency founded by Ashley Jaax, who several days after founding Kingeston in December 2018 also became monarch of Iustus. Although the Iustian monarchy uses the title of "Emperor" domestically, it uses "Princeps" in its relations with Austenasia due to the latter's pre-existing treaty obligations regarding the recognition of Emperors. Iustus adopted an isolationist stance in July 2021; Jaax temporarily withdrew from the online diplomatic community over security concerns, and ultimately abdicated from the Iustian throne on 10 December 2022. Michael I (Jaax's brother) took power in Iustus, and despite continuing its isolationist stance, online discussions held in January 2023 saw Iustus recommit to friendly relations with Austenasia, with both governments reaffirming the terms of the 2020 treaty.


Jonathan I as Crown Prince (right) with President Kevin Baugh (left), 2012.
Jonathan I as Crown Prince (right) with President Kevin Baugh (left), 2012.

Austenasia and the Republic of Molossia entered into mutual recognition and informal friendly relations on 27 December 2008. Since then, the two nations have maintained a close friendship, and together organised the Intermicronational Environmental Year in May 2009. Jonathan I (while still Crown Prince) met with President Kevin Baugh and First Lady Adrianne of Molossia at the 2012 Polination Conference, and President Baugh has been an Honorary Subject of Austenasia since May 2015. The governments of each nation have exchanged Christmas cards each year since 2008.

New Athens

Mutual recognition was established between the Empire of Austenasia and the Free Nation of New Athens on 13 September 2022, when the former reciprocated recognition with the passage of the Foreign Relations Act 2022. This followed a request from New Athens made in July earlier that year, during a two week window during which the Foreign Office temporarily lifted its standard policy on refusing to recognise unilateral requests for diplomacy. Diplomatic relations were formalised with the signing of a treaty between the two states on 22 April 2024.

New Richmond Republic

New Richmond has a long history of involvement with the Empire of Austenasia, having originally been founded on 16 August 2013 as an Austenasian Crown Dependency and steadily growing to become Austenasia's largest and most populated City by early 2020. On 11 February of that year, New Richmond amicably seceded from Austenasia along with two other towns to form the Commonwealth of New Virginia (see below).

In August 2021, New Richmond seceded from New Virginia following its leadership's involvement in a failed coup, establishing itself as the New Richmond Republic. Although the independent New Richmonder government was initially hostile to Austenasia, relations steadily improved over the following months. Official recognition of the sovereignty of the New Richmond Republic by Austenasia was extended on 27 March 2022 with the passage of the Foreign Affairs Act 2022, and a treaty to formalise friendly diplomatic ties was signed on 3 July 2023.

New Virginia

The Commonwealth of New Virginia and the Empire of Austenasia have been in a state of mutual recognition since the former's foundation on 11 February 2020, with New Virginia coming about via the amicable bilateral secession of most of the Austenasian Duchy of the same name. The Austenasian legislation which ceded New Virginia established "that a close friendship and alliance with the Commonwealth is a top priority of the Austenasian government", and the New Virginian government stated their commitment to the same. As such, a Treaty of Alliance between the Empire of Austenasia and New Virginia was ratified by both states on 6 May 2020.

Relations between Austenasia and New Virginia soured in mid-2021, exacerbated in late June by legislative proposals unsuccessfully introduced in New Virginia by Sophia Albina (an Austenasian-New Virginian dual national who was convicted of treason in Austenasia for such) for the Commonwealth to declare Austenasia an "enemy" and a "threat" and unilaterally claim two of its territories, supported with fabricated accusations against Jonathan I and Austenasia as a whole. Although this legislation did not pass, various elements within the New Virginian leadership voiced their support for ending the alliance with the Empire. Diplomatic talks to discuss the situation were derailed by a coup within New Virginia, in which the elected government was overthrown by a group which was openly aggressive to Austenasia. With New Virginia seemingly having fallen to a hostile regime, the Austenasian government decided to terminate the alliance on 29 July 2021, shortly after the revolutionaries also announced they sought to "sever the treaty".

Following intense criticism and ridicule both domestically and internationally, the revolutionaries relinquished power and left New Virginia on 2 August, leading to Emperor Adam I taking power as Acting President under the legitimate constitutional framework. He met with Jonathan I in London on 14 August, the first time that heads of state of both Empire and Commonwealth had met in person. As political stability returned to New Virginia, Sir Sertor Valentinus was elected its new President, inaugurated on 19 October in an online ceremony attended by both Jonathan I and Prime Minister Lord William Wilson. A gradual détente has since characterised relations between the two nations, bolstered by the voluntary cession of Fraternitas from Austenasia to New Virginia on 1 November 2021 in order to provide the Commonwealth with an area of land that was part of the original Austenasian Duchy of New Virginia (the Commonwealth having lost all of said land in the post-coup secessions).

After a year and a half of calm between the two nations, a new treaty was signed on 4 July 2023. This did not re-establish the alliance, but placed mutual recognition on a formally documented basis, and provided for negotiated resolution of any future incidents or grievances.


Austenasia and the Free Socialist State of Paloma signed a mutual recognition treaty on 13 November 2020, after a few months of informal friendly interaction between Emperor Jonathan I and President Aidan McGrath which started in early March 2020. McGrath has also held Austenasian national status since August 2020.

St. George

Austenasia and the Principality of St. George entered into mutual recognition and diplomatic relations on 30 April 2019 with the signing of a treaty of friendship and mutual recognition. Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia and Prince Dean II of St. George are both Orthodox Christians, with the two monarchs having bonded over their shared faith.


Austenasia and the Kingdom of Überstadt entered into mutual diplomatic relations on 15 January 2012 and signed a treaty of mutual recognition on 28 May 2012. A new treaty was signed on 20 June 2013, updating Austenasian recognition of Überstadt to that of a sovereign state rather than a sovereign nation after Überstadt gained sovereign territory in February earlier that year. Both are members of the UAMW and SJEP. King Adam I of Überstadt currently serves as Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Oregonia, and a third treaty between the two nations was signed on 11 July 2015 to regulate mutual defence agreements concerning the surrounding area. The two nations currently hold strong friendly relations, and an unmanned Austenasian embassy to Überstadt was established in Rosewood on 10 August 2015.

West Who

Austenasia and the Republic of West Who entered into mutual recognition and diplomatic relations on 3 August 2019 upon the signing of a treaty between the heads of state of both nations.


Austenasia has held informal friendly relations with Zenrax since 2016. Austenasia's recognition of the Holy Roman Empire (see above) entails its recognition of the sovereignty of its member states; this means that Austenasia has recognised the sovereignty of Zenrax since it joined the Holy Roman Empire on 29 September 2019. Shiro of Zenrax has been an Austenasian since August 2018, and has served in high-ranking governmental positions during that time: Minister of Defence from 2018-19, Consul in both 2023 and 2024, and briefly as an Acting Representative during July 2023. Austenasia and Zenrax have also co-operated closely in the Grand Unified Micronational. Official diplomatic relations between Austenasia and Zenrax (and mutual recognition irregardless of the latter's membership in the Holy Roman Empire) were formalised in a treaty signed on 30 November 2023.



Austenasia and the People's Democratic Autocracy of Arborea entered into informal friendly relations in May 2011, after a request from the Arborean government. Formal diplomatic relations began after official recognition was mutualised by Austenasia on 21 September later that year.


Austenasia and the Socialist Commonwealth of Uskor entered into formal diplomacy when the latter was still known as Zealandia by the signing of a treaty on 23/24 March 2014 (23 March in Wrythe, 24 in Zealandia), having held informal friendly relations since the middle of 2012. Queen Astrid of Zealandia governed the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New South Scotland (NSS) from its cession to the Empire in January 2013 until
September 2016.

Relations with Zealandia were soured as a result of the 2014 New South Scotland crisis, when the then Queen Astrid attempted to occupy and claim New South Scotland for Zealandia after initially claiming that she was being forced to do so by rogue elements of the Zealandian military. After massive diplomatic pressure from the international community, Zealandia backed down and accepted a compromise offered by Jonathan I, whereby NSS was administered by Zealandia on behalf of Austenasia but remained under the official sovereignty of the latter. However, tensions remained, and rose again in early March 2015 after a misunderstanding brought about by a change in the terminology used by the Zealandian government to refer to NSS. This second low-point in relations was ended by the signing of a treaty on 3 May reaffirming the compromise reached in June 2014. In the following years, relations slowly improved, bolstered by the return of New South Scotland to direct Austenasian administration in September 2016 and an informal partnership against diplomatic hostility from Sandus.

South America

Sabia and Verona

Austenasia held diplomatic relations with two incarnations of what is now the Kingdom of Sabia and Verona - namely New Balland and Dakrit - between April and June 2012, revoking recognition upon the dissolution of the latter. This same community became an overseas territory of Juclandia on 20 October 2012 - during which the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Esmondia, which borders Sabia and Verona and is governed by its king, was founded - and upon gaining its independence on 28 February 2016 retained recognition of Austenasia. The Empire formally reciprocated this recognition on 4 June 2016, and the two states signed a formal treaty of mutual recognition and co-operation on 8 December 2019.

Tacit recognition

Austenasia claims to have received tacit recognition - that is, acts or conduct which, in the absence of any indication to the contrary, can be reasonably interpreted to imply recognition - from several countries which have not explicitly granted the Empire official diplomatic recognition.

  •  Italy: On 17 March 2009, an e-mail from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs addressed the then Crown Prince Jonathan as "Your Imperial Highness" and referred to him as "Primo Ministro" (Prime Minister) in the subject line of the message, implying recognition of Austenasia's monarchy and government.
  •  United Kingdom: Declarations of independence sent to the British government on three separate occcasions in late 2008 did not result in any response from the United Kingdom denouncing Austenasia's secession - neither has any opposition to independence been voiced since, even after the Empire has been three times featured in a local newspaper, gained a local following numbering in the hundreds, and had an article about it written on Wikipedia. On 16 March 2010, an e-mail from the administration of Sutton Wide Area Network (an intranet for local council facilities and educational establishments confirmed upon inquiry in July that year to be managed by the London Borough of Sutton and run by Sutton Council employees) addressed the then Crown Prince Jonathan as "The Crown Prince of Austenasia", referred to the website of the Austenasian government as "your state website", and stated that they had "verified" Austenasia's "national status", showing de facto recognition of Austenasia by the local government. Said de facto recognition from the local council was further demonstrated during July 2010, when a large proportion of workers at Sutton Council (including the then Chief Executive) were made aware of Austenasia's existence yet expressed interest and encouragement rather than any opposition to its independence. On 20 May 2011, Crown Prince Jonathan met with Tom Brake (MP for Carshalton and Wallington) to discuss diplomacy with the UK. Mr. Brake contacted the British Foreign Office on the Empire's behalf, and later informed the local newspaper that he "wish[ed the Crown Prince] every luck with his campaign" to have Austenasia recognised.