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MicroWiki is the largest online encyclopædia about micronations, small and often rather eccentric nations that are unrecognised by the wider international community. The wiki is being continually improved and updated by 87,401 editors, with content being moderated by a small group of staff and funded by our generous Patrons. Since its creation on 27 May 2005, the site has grown to become the largest micronation-related website on the Internet, with a total of 246,441 pages and 39,846 articles, of which 136 have achieved good article status. Before you start editing, it is recommended that you take a look at our content disclaimer, basic rules of editing, and the nation page guide.

 Featured article

Intermicronational treaty

An image of the Wrythe Convention.

Intermicronational treaty is a term typically used to describe multilateral treaties between micronations. Intermicronational treaties are commonly open to ratification by other micronational entities, such as micronations or intermicronational organisations, without restriction. Intermicronational treaties serve to establish a system of rules and standards within micronationalism. While intermicronational treaties have dealt with issues such as climate change and human rights, the most widely adopted intermicronational treaties serve to establish rules and standards on micronationalism as a practice itself. These intermicronational treaties handle practices such as the granting of citizenship and false claims such as the land a micronation controls. (more...)

 Featured image

Flags of the Musania, Mekniy-Lurk, Pleiso, New Rubix, Obscurium, Duckionary and MicroWiki held by attendees of the 2024 Berlin Diplomatic Meetup infront of the Ernst Thälmann memorial in East Berlin.

 Today in history for 27 July 2024

 Did you know...

 Current headlines

Tuesday afternoon marked the historic formation of the Grand Duchy of Marlanda, the first Duchy of Dracul, commissioned by His Royal Highness Stephen, Prince of Dracul. This momentous occasion honors Her Grace, Mary, Duchess of Marlanda, who will serve as the official head of the Duchy until her passing...
Hurricane Beryl made landfall early Monday morning, bringing significant flooding, widespread power outages, and extensive damage to the Gulf Coast region. The Category 1 storm hit with winds exceeding 80 mph, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake...
Saspearian will enter into a regency period beginning on July 12 due to Emperor Anthony I having jaw surgery, as announced by Anthony I last week. The surgery occurs a few days after the Emperor’s 20th Birthday on July 10...
Music in Dracul is not uncommon, as the nation has created its own national anthem, March, military songs, and commercial music. What’s not so common is everyday music, such as rock, alternative, pop, or in this case metal...
An Act of Parliament passed by the new Regent has given Wrythe a special autonomous status. The Imperial Capital Act 2024, proposed and passed during this year’s ongoing Summer Session of Parliament...
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and the prime minister Lord Michael took the unusual step today of issuing a joint statement on behalf of the Imperial Government urging Adammic citizens not to vote for the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom general election due to be held on the 4th of July. They have argued that a “National Service” policy proposed by the Conservatives, which would require eighteen-year-olds to either join the British Army for a year or participate in one weekend a month for a year in mandatory “volunteering”, could place “undue legal obligations” on Adammic citizens...
Last weekend’s general election concluded on Monday night with the Liberal-Moderates narrowly retaining their three Ruling Council seats, making it likely that they will stay in power, despite receiving only 8 first preferences to the 9 received by independent candidates...
Emperor Jonathan I has announced he is stepping back from leadership of Austenasia, instituting a regency. The Senate has appointed Aggelos of Imvrassia as Prince Regent...

 Analysis and opinions