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Simon Reeve

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Simon Reeve
Chair of the Cupertino Alliance
In office
15 February – 15 August 2021
Predecessor Jayden Lycon
Successor Varuna Sriraya
Lieutenant Chair of the Cupertino Alliance
In office
27 September 2020 - 15 February 2021
Chair of the Board Jayden Lycon
Predecessor Otto Gillespie Birch
Successor Matthew Xia
Emperor of Aenopia
Assumed office
16 August 2019 - 4 July 2022
First Minister Leon Montan
Predecessor Office established
Successor Carson I
Emperor of New Cymru
In office
9 May 2019 - 30 June 2019
Predecessor Office established
Successor Dissolved
Personal information
Born 18 May 2006 (2006-05-18) (age 18)
Birth name Simon Reeve
Citizenship Empire of Aenopia
United Kingdom
Abeldane Empire
Commonwealth of Essexia
Principality of Posaf
People's Republic of Ponderosa Hills
Nationality Aenopian
Political party Aenopian Independence Party (Aenopia)
Religion Atheist
Member of TOES

Simon Reeve;[b] (born 18 May 2006) officially known to some as Emperor Simon I, is a retired UK-born micronational politician and musician,[2] primarily known for serving as the former Emperor of the Empire of Aenopia[3] and Chair of the Cupertino Alliance.[4] Other notable positions include formerly serving as the Prime Minister[5] and 2nd Emperor of Qaflana, Lieutenant Chair and Chair of the Cupertino Alliance, Chair of the North Atlantic Defence Union and Prime Minister of Phokland.[6] Reeve initially joined the micronational community in May 2019 with the formation of New Cymru, and later joining the Organisation of Active Micronations, where he would serve as Speaker of the Chamber until his departure on 20 August 2019. After the dissolution of New Cymru on 30 June 2019, Reeve would form the Empire of Aenopia.

In previous years, Reeve has served as an important figure in numerous micronational organisations, most of which are now defunct. Most notably, Simon formerly served as one of the Vice-Chairs of the Konmalehth until the organisation's dissolution in July 2020, the ex-Speaker of the Chamber of the controversial Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union) and until recently serving as the Minister of MicroWiki Affairs and Lieutenant Chair of the Cupertino Alliance. Reeve was also served as a key figure in the formation, and later revitalisation, of the North Atlantic Defence Union, serving as the chair from September 2019 until its dissolution in December 2019. Reeve would later serve as chair of the reincarnation of NADU from October 2020 until February 2021. Reeve also ran unsuccessfully in the Grand Unified Micronational election of December 2019, amassing a total of 2 votes. Reeve has also served in a multitude of micronational roles, notably serving as the Prime Minister of Phokland from 10 September 2019[7] until its merger with Naveria in October 2019. Reeve also served as the Emperor of Qaflana until his resignation and subsequent replacement by Leon Montan in August 2019. Following the reestablishment of Qaflana in September 2020, Reeve would assume the role of Prime Minister, and later Governor of Helyg Cwsg, until his resignation and succession by Cristi on 15 February 2021. Alongside these roles, Reeve also served as the chair of the Royalist party of the Republic of Carthia and the Baron of Weisseria.

Reeve is a member of the micronational social group TOES[8] and the founder of the Hannah Montana Club. Reeve was nominated for Statistic-Dime's "Micronationalist of the Month" in November 2020, and later placed 17th at their MicroWiki's 25 Most Influential list for 2020.[9][10] Alongside his work in various nations and organisations, Reeve has also worked on numerous projects ranging from environmental treaties, surveys and conventions. Most notable of these is the Sough2020 convention[11] and treaty, which amassed over 28 signatories, translations into 5 languages[12][13][14][15] and general positive support from across the community.[16][17]

Political career


(Top to bottom): flag of Aenopia, flag of Qaflana, flag of Weisseria, flag of Carthia, flag of Phokland.

Throughout the course of his micronational career spanning 5 years, 3 months and 24 days, Reeve has assumed the positions of numerous micronational governments. Most notably, Reeve has served as the Emperor of the Empire of Aenopia since its formation on 1 July 2019. Other positions include serving as the Prime Minister of Phokland, Emperor and Prime Minister of Qaflana and Baron of Weisseria.

Empire of Aenopia

Reeve originally formed Aenopia on 1 July 2019, partially as a successor to the now-defunct New Cymru but mainly as a continuation of his micronational career. Aenopia was annexed by fellow Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union) member Empire of Emosia, during which Reeve served as Governor of Aenopia.[18] Following independence from Emosia on 16 August 2019, Simon would become Emperor of Aenopia.[19] Simon would serve as the primary leader of Aenopia, acting as the sole representative of Aenopia in the community and sole leader until the formation of Y Senedd in August 2020.

As Emperor of Aenopia, Reeve is credited as the primary driving force of Aenopia, serving a key figure in the history of Aenopia and establishing most projects including the Reform Act[20][21] and subsequent changes associated with it.[22] As part of his duties as Emperor of Aenopia including handling Aenopian foreign affairs, Reeve has established almost all of Aenopian foreign relations, most notably relations with Posaf, Gymnasium State, Kohlandia and Lytera to name a few.[c] Reeve also pioneered Aenopian Mean Time, the national time zone of Aenopia,[67] as a continuation of Cymrunian Mean Time which was intended to serve as a means to connect every territory in New Cymru under one unified timezone.

Following criticism from certain micronationalists referring to Aenopia and Reeve himself as highly simulationist partially due to New Cymru, Reeve's Reform Act was published on 1 February 2020. Made up of a document consisting of 26 articles with the main objective being to improve factors of Aenopia including its governance, national symbols, foreign affairs, etc. The contents of the document ranged from updating the national symbols (replacing the flag and national anthem and obtaining a coat of arms) to the formation of an Aenopian Government and a legal system. On 2 February 2020 the first 3 requirements out of the 26 in the document were fulfilled which saw the replacement of both the national anthem and state flag and the creation of a coat of arms.

On 21 February 2020 Bryniau Gwyrdd was annexed, bringing the population up to 9 and becoming the third territory of Southern Aenopia. On 12 March 2020, Reeve enacted a national state of concern which was later bumped up to a national state of emergency, resulting in the borders of Bryniau Gwyrdd and Greater New Aberdare being closed, marking the first time in Aenopian history that a national state of emergency was declared and the border between an Aenopian territory had to be closed.[68] In late July 2020, it was reported that the number of cases was continuing to rise in the United Kingdom. As a result, the number of cases in the local area around Northern Aenopia had reportedly risen to the point where restrictions had to be reintroduced.[69] Because of this, it was decided by Reeve himself to continue to enforce the national state of emergency.[70]


Reeve would initially join Qaflana in May 2019 and would be elected as the emergency emperor in June 2019. Following the abdication of Alex Halbesleben in July 2019, Reeve would assume the role as Emperor of Qaflana until his own abdication and subsequent appointment of Leon Montan as his successor on 12 August 2019.

Reeve would later assist with the reestablishment of Qaflana in May 2020 alongside Emperor Leon Montan as a result of a conversation between the two. As part of this, Reeve would be appointed as the Prime Minister,[5] and later Senator, of Qaflana on 31 May 2020. On 13 July 2020 Reeve would be appointed as Governor of Helyg Cwsg following its annexation as a Qaflanan province.

On 4 January 2021 Reeve announced his resignation as part of his aspirations to focus solely on the Cupertino Alliance and Aenopia.

As many of you may know already, the Cupertino Alliance elections have been concluded with my ticket being deemed as the successor to the current chair. As part of my campaign promise, I stated that if I became chair I would be focusing my attention solely on the Cupertino Alliance and my nation Aenopia. As a result of this, I hereby declare my resignation from my position of Prime Minister of Qaflana on 15 February 2021. My journey in Qaflana is coming to an end.

I originally joined Qaflana in mid-2019. At this point both Aenopia and Qaflana were Emosian dominions, and I knew Alex Halbesleben (the founding father) fairly well thanks to the OAM. After Qaflana declared independence, I was elected as the emergency Emperor until Alex resigned in September 2019. I would later hand down this mantle to Leon after I couldn't handle running 3 nations at the same time. Of course Qaflana became inactive before it was reformed by Leon and I. That leads us to where we are now.

As part of this departure, I hereby call for an election to take place to elect the 2nd Prime Minister of Qaflana. The elections will take place on 30 January 2020 and end on 1 February.

— Reeve's departure announcement on 4 January 2021.


Reeve would join Phokland in late July 2019 after prolonged periods of inactivity within the government and its populace. Following the abdication of Charles Ross on 31 July 2019 and the subsequent transition in government, Reeve would be elected as the Prime Minister of Phokland. Reeve would later attempt to bring reform to Phokland, albeit unsuccessfully, through proposals including the formation of ministries, investments in renewable energy sources and a scale 'railway line'.[6] On 25 December 2019 Ross was appointed as the Minister of Treasury however would ultimately resign from his position as Prime Minister shortly after.

Reeve was appointed as the Governor of Cangun Llus on 18 February 2021 following its annexation by Vishwamitra. During 2019, Reeve served as the chair of the Royalist Party of the Republic of Carthia until his resignation in late 2019. Reeve also served briefly as the Baron of Weisserian Commonwealth until his resignation on 13 February 2021. This followed an unsuccessful attempt to run for Prime Minister during the 2020 elections. Reeve also serves as the Governor of Aenopian Plushunia.


Reeve has served as delegates for numerous micronational organisations, and served as a senior member of organisations such as the Organisation of Active Micronations, Konmalehth, North Atlantic Defence Union and Cupertino Alliance.[71] Reeve's first experience with micronational organisations was his appointment as the Speaker of the Chamber of the Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union) following Charles Ross's resignation in response to allegations in which James Ellis and Charles Ross vandalised the MicroWiki article of Tom Kap in May 2019. Early attempts to form an intermicronational organisation began on 21 May 2019 with the defunct-United European Micronations and the Welsh Micronational Union.[72]

Reeve formerly served as the Chair of the North Atlantic Defence Union and as the Minister of Microwiki Affairs, Lieutenant Chair[d] and Chair of the Cupertino Alliance until his resignation on 15 February 2021.

Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union)

A microball satirizing the OAM leadership's lack of successful reform. Reeve ' New Cymru is seen in the centre.

Reeve joined the Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union) on 9 May 2019 as the representative of New Cymru. The following day on 10 May 2019 Charles Ross appointed him as the Speaker of the Chamber following his resignation in response to allegations in which James Ellis and Charles Ross vandalised the MicroWiki article of Tom Kap in May 2019. Later on in July 2019 Reeve would gain a reputation with active member states for 'snorting' peanuts during a meeting as a joke.[e] Following the dissolution of New Cymru on 30 June 2019, Reeve would continue serving as Speaker of the Chamber and a delegate of the OAM under Aenopia.

Reeve would state that he would be departing from the OAM following a continuous streak of unprofessionalism and recent scandals. This would happen on 20 August 2019. Following his departure from the OAM and its subsequent dissolution on 26 August 2019, Simon would largely remain in contact with other ex-members, initially through the PAA Pact and NADU and later organisations such as the Grand Unified Micronational, Cupertino Alliance, TOES and the general micronational community. Despite its unprofessionalism and controversy, Reeve has on numerous occasions supported the OAM, citing that without the OAM, numerous influential nations such as Aenopia, Lytera, New Eiffel, Ponderosa Hills and Plushunia would not be as developed.

As bad as it was, if it wasn't for the OAM lots of members of the community like Plushunia, Lytera, Pondo or Aenopia wouldn't be where they are today.

— Simon Reeve, 2020


Logo of the North Atlantic Defence Union.

NADU initially started as a group chat formed by Leon Montan on 3 August 2019 consisting of Reeve , Leon Montan and Alex Halbesleben in order to choose the host of the 2020 OAM Games after the cancellation of the 2019 OAM Games previously.[74] The group later evolved into an informal group chat between the 3, and later on Astral of Astropolis and a personal friend of Reeve after the departure of Alex. Following the departure of Alex Halbesleben, the Ponderosa, Aenopia, Astropolis Pact (later known as the PAA Pact) was established. As part of this pact, free movement and trade were agreed by the states as part of a treaty. This treaty later became the Charter of the North Atlantic Defence Union. The North Atlantic Defence Union was officially formed after the signing of the charter of NADU (created by Reeve himself) on 13 September 2019. Reeve would assume the position of Chair following the formation of NADU on 13 September 2019. is position as chair would lead to the rapid development of NADU, with the organisation's membership peaking at 12 members by the time of dissolution in December 2019. He would also spearhead the creation of numerous projects such as the Sough Convention on Global Climate Change, 2019 summit and treaty created in October 2019. This would later lead to the Sough2020 convention and treaty also led by Reeve .

In late November 2019, activity in NADU decreased. Members started to focus on other projects, most notably the Cupertino Alliance (for which Reeve would later join in February 2020) whilst founding member Astropolis fell into inactivity. Attempts by Reeve to restart activity through meetings were mostly unsuccessful. On 4 December 2019, Reeve released a poll asking members to decide the fate of NADU, with members given the option of either A) dissolving the organisation; B) reforming NADU back into the PAA pact, or C) continuing to run NADU as it was.[75] Over 7 respondents were recorded over the course of 7 days, with 42% voting to reform NADU back into the PAA pact. This was the last sign of activity from NADU, with Simon opting to leave the server later in December due to prolonged inactivity.

After the creation of the Sough2020 global climate change convention in October 2020, Reeve publicly announced his intentions to reform NADU in the Microwiki@Discord server on 21 October 2020 after ex-member Cole Baird suggested the reformation of NADU.[76] A server was created on 28 October 2020, and was announced in the TOES group chat on 29 October 2020. Unlike its 2019 predecessor, the primary goals of 2020 NADU are to foster diplomacy in a similar manner to the GUM or Cupertino Alliance. This eliminates the defence doctrine initially employed by the predecessor, primarily due to changes in founding member Aenopia's foreign policy and involvement in micronational war. On 31 October 2020, Simon, again serving as intern chair, announced that ex-member states and their successor states could redeem their membership back without reapplying in order to encourage growth within the organisation. The first session held by Reeve as part of the newly-reformed NADU was held on 4 November 2020 and included the admission of 3 nations as provisional members.

On 10 February 2021 Reeve formally announced his resignation as chair of NADU in order to focus on the Cupertino Alliance, with Prime Minister Cole Baird of Wegmat confirmed as his successor.[77]

Cupertino Alliance

The official logo for the Ross2021 campaign, designed by Jayden Lycon.

Reeve represents Aenopia and became a delegate of the Cupertino Alliance on 24 February 2020.[78] On 30 May 2020 Reeve was elected as Minister of MicroWiki Affairs, which focuses on the improvement of the Microwiki pages of member nations, as well as manages several CA MicroWiki related projects such as the Glasgow System.[79] On 27 September 2020, he was elected as the second Lieutenant Chair of the organisation. Reeve serves as the sole delegate of Empire of Aenopia.

On 5 November 2020 Reeve announced his candidacy for the Chair of the Cupertino Alliance under the Reeve2021campaign during the 2nd Cupertino Alliance chairmanship election. Reeve initially published a manifesto describing his goals for the future of the Cupertino Alliance before releasing his campaign website[80] which included a 'blog' for news around his campaign and the elections. On 24 November 2020 Reeve announced that he would be holding an 'e-rally' on the Cupertino Alliance server to discuss his campaign and what his term as chair would include. This was held on 18 December 2020.

On 24 November 2020 Reeve announced that he had dropped out of the race to join the Liam Alexander campaign. Just 3 days later on 27 November 2020 Reeve announced that he had re-joined the race. On 15 December 2020 Reeve confirmed that Matthew Xia of Yu-Xia would be his running mate after previous running mate Leon Montan resigned to focus on the GUM elections. Following this, he focused on building his campaign team, which included Leon Montan, Matthew Xia, Jayden Lycon, and Brennan Sullivan. On 4 January 2021, Reeve was declared as the automatic winner of the 2nd Cupertino Alliance chairmanship election after rival candidate Hamilton dropped out.[81][82] Reeve formally entered office on 15 February 2021.

Liam AlexanderDaniel JosephSertor ValentinusChris RamsayJames BornsteinThorin NealJames MurrayCarson SnyderLarry MartinMike Lewis, Marquis of New CharterTyler MullinsDhrubajyoti RoyMatthew XiaLogan RossArchie BirchWilliam EftonJayden Lycon

Grand Unified Micronational

The campaign logo of the Reeve Martin campaign.

Reeve would initially join the Grand Unified Micronational as the primary delegate of Aenopia on 6 October 2019, and would later upgrade to Provisional[83] and Full member status on 10 November[84] and 27 November 2019 respectively. As part of his duties as delegate of Aenopia, Reeve has attended almost every Quorum as of 9 February 2021,[f] whilst also currently serving as Events & Summits Secretary since 11 July 2021.

Reeve has previously declared his candidacy for the position of GUM chair on two separate occasions in December 2019 and 2021 respectively. In December 2019, Reeve declared his candidacy in the Grand Unified Micronational election of December 2019, amassing a total of 2 votes,[106] or 6.9% of the total votes.[g] In later elections, Reeve would declare his support for Jayden Lycon and Jack Dean respectively. He would later declare his candidacy 2 years later, initially with Sertor Valentinus as his running mate, but later switching to Larry Martin following the suspension of the former running mate.

Election Candidate Outcome Notes Ref.
Dec 2019  Kingdom of Lytera Amelia I Kingdom of Hrafnarfjall Thomas Bainbridge [107]
Jun 2020  Iustus Jayden Lycon Uber-Essian Union Newton von Uberquie [108]
Dec 2020  Poplar Nerva Jack Dean Poplar Nerva Jack Dean [109][110]
Jun 2021  New Florence Anthony Clark New Florence Anthony Clark
Dec 2021  Aenopia Simon Reeve Adam Belcher
Jun 2022 [[File:|23x15px|border |class=|alt=|link=]] Ponderosa Hills Leon Montan Anthony Barauskis


Reeve has served as the primary delegate of Aenopia in every organisation with an Aenopian presence, including but not limited to the Micronational Olympic Federation, Constantia Pact and International Aerospace Community. On 21 January 2021, Reeve formed the International Aerospace Community alongside GUM Chair Jack Dean to serve as a formal platform for national aerospace programs. As of 8 February 2021 the IAC has over 10 member states representing 10 aerospace organisations,[111] with member states cooperating on 4 projects.[112][113][114][115]

Other notable projects


Reeve served as a key figure in the Sough2020 project, acting as the author of the treaty and leader of the Sough2020 convention. The idea of a micronational climate change treaty and the convention was initially conceived by Reeve in September 2019, intended to be similar to the Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocol. This culminated in the creation of the NADU Climate Summit 2019. This consisted of a virtual summit held on 29 September 2019 attended by 4 member states of the North Atlantic Defence Union. The summit focused on micronational efforts to reduce the effects of climate change. The summit culminated in the creation of the Sough Convention on Global Climate Change Volume I which was initially created in the Aenopian city of New Aberdare on 25 September 2019 before entering into force on 1 October 2019.[116]

Sough2020 was initially conceived on 1 October 2020; however, the convention wasn't formally declared until 9 October 2020. In total, 6 meetings discussing and planning the creation of the final Sough2020 treaty took place between 11 October 2020 and 21 November 2020, lasting 42 days in total. Despite the fact that creation of the treaty began on 1 October 2020, final compilation and editing took place on 22 November 2020, with the treaty being presented to participating nations on 26 November 2020. The contents of the Sough Convention on Global Climate Change Volume II formally entered into effect within signatory states on 1 December 2020. At the time of the convention's conclusion on 26 November 2020, 31 nations had participated in the Sough2020 convention and a total of 28 signatories, making it one of the most successful micronational environmental treaties to date. The treaty has been translated into 5 languages.

MicroWiki career

Joining MicroWiki and New Cymru (May–June 2019)

Original flag of New Cymru which existed from 8 May to 30 June 2019.

Reeve created a MicroWiki account under the name of User:New Cymru on 8 May 2019 and made his first edit on the same day.[117] He would later contact Zabëlle Skye to join the Organisation of Active Micronations on 9 May 2019, and would later apply for membership on behalf of New Cymru within the OAM. Following the "Trio" incident in which James Ellis and Charles Ross vandalised the MicroWiki article of Tom Kap[118] in May 2019, Reeve would replace Charles Ross as Speaker of the Chamber following his resignation on 10 May 2019.

Reeve's initial impression to the wider MicroWiki community (initially under the alias of "Him") was critical, following unprofessionalism within the community as a result of extreme land claims, dubious statements involving the development of high-speed railway lines and aircaft[h] and engaging in micronational conflict, most notably the War on Terror in Quebec[119] and New Cymrunian-Edelein "cold war".[i]

To be fair, I regret New Cymru. It was an embarrassment to myself and dare say, the Micronational community. However, I can't ignore it as it taught me stuff that I can use now. I may regret it, but it has been a useful part of me. Without it, I don't think that Aenopia would've been so successful.

— Simon Reeve on New Cymru, 4 January 2020

Aenopia and rise in activity (July–December 2020)

Following the dissolution of New Cymru on 30 June 2019, Reeve would go on to form the Dominion of Aenopia, a dominion of the Empire of Emosia on 1 July 2019 with Reeve would become the Governor of Aenopia.[j] Aenopia would remain a member of the Organisation of Active Micronations (originally named New Eiffel Union of Micronations)[120] until 20 August 2019 when Reeve would withdraw from the organisation and resign as Speaker of the Chamber. The withdrawal followed after months of unprofessionalism within the organisation, particularly between influential member states such as Phokland, Emosia and Qaflana among others.[121] This followed after less than a month after the similar withdrawal of the Kingdom of Lytera.[122][123]

On 13 September 2019, Reeve alongside fellow former OAM members Leon Montan and Astral would form the North Atlantic Defence Union, which inadvertently ended up serving as an international forum for former OAM member states - 6 out of 12 members at the time of dissolution had been member states of the OAM. At its peak in October 2019, NADU saw large amounts of activity from its 12 member states and 1 observer. Reeve would de-facto inherit the title of Chair following the organisation's formation on 13 September 2019, and would remain as the chair until his departure and NADU's subsequent dissolution in December 2019.[124] By December 2019, NADU had fallen into inactivity, following changes in interests of founding member Ponderosa Hills in favour of the Cupertino Alliance, inactivity and shifting focuses from member states and inactivity from other founding member Astropolis after numerous failed government transitions. The organisation would be declared defunct by the end of December 2019. During its lifetime, the organisation would lead projects including the Sough Convention on Global Climate Change Volume I which would see a total of 5 attendants and 4 signatories. Sough Convention on Global Climate Change Volume I would later lead to the Sough2020 convention and treaty held between 1 October and 27 November 2020.

Following the departure of Aenopia from the OAM and the subsequent rise of NADU, Reeve would turn his attention towards joining the Grand Unified Micronational, after previously failed attempts to join under both Aenopia[125][126][127] and New Cymru.[128] Reeve would become a delegate of Aenopia following its initial admission as an Observer on 6 October 2019, and later following admission as both a provisional and member state on 10 November and 27 November 2019 respectively. Reeve would remain the only delegate of Aenopia until Leon Montan became the current 2nd delegate on 25 October 2020 and former delegates William Efton and Zabëlle Skye on 8 April 2020 and 7 November 2020 respectively. Montan would also represent Aenopia as the running mate of Jack Dean during the December 2020 election,[129][130] however would be rejected by Quorum.[131]

Professionalism and influence (January 2020-August 2021)

Original logo of the Reeve2021 campaign. This would be replaced by a logo designed by Jayden Lycon in December 2020.

During this time, Reeve started taking an increased interest in editing MicroWiki. On 8 May 2020, Reeve reached 2,000 edits in celebration of his 'Year micronational anniversary', and would reach 3,000 edits on 12 September 2020. On 1 February 2021 Reeve would sign the constitution of the Glorious Anthean Republic alongside 17 other micronationalists.[132]

On 15 February 2021 Reeve would succeed Jayden Lycon as the Chair of the Cupertino Alliance following the conclusion of Lycon's 2nd term. Reeve would later release his plan for his cabinet on the same day.

It was only 4 months ago when I declared my candidacy for the Cupertino Alliance chair elections. At the time I was the lowest ranking candidate, with only 5% of the pre-poll votes. The fact that the Reeve administration is where it is today makes today's transition even more incredible. Because of this I wish to thank a few people. I wish to send out a thank you to every candidate in the recent Cupertino elections. The ambition shown in the recent elections has been impressive, and shown that many of us are willing to put in the effort in order to do our part for the Alliance. I would also like to thank all of my predecessors, William Efton and Jayden Lycon, for providing us with the framework to continue growing and for putting in the time and effort in order to get us where we are today. I thank everyone for providing me and my team with the chance to change our organisation for the better. You will not regret it.

— Simon Reeve, 2021

Post Cupertino Alliance career (August 2021-present)


Surveys by or partially involving Reeve
by respondents

4 surveys, 184 total respondents

Reeve has hosted numerous micronational surveys, most notably including the Cupertino Member Positivity Survey hosted in October and December 2020, amassing 26 and 29 responses respectively.[133][134][135] The October 2020 survey was generally well received by members of the Cupertino Alliance, resulting in Reeve hosting the survey again in December 2020. Following Reeve's resignation as Lieutenant Chair on 15 February 2021, future Cupertino Member Positivity Surveys will be hosted by Matthew Xia.

Reeve also assisted in the planning and creation of the 19th Microwiki Influence Survey alongside Ashley Jaax, Jayden Lycon, Zabëlle Skye and Nicholas Randouler. The survey was initially well received, with 105 responses recorded however criticism from members of the community, particularly from individuals who worked on the survey and Reeve himself, later claimed that the survey was a "popularity contest". Reeve would later be chosen for a trial period as a joint-member of Statistic-Dime alongside several TOES member, though Smith opted to declare Daniel Hamilton as the new CEO instead, citing Reeve as inadequate. After Hamilton announced the 20th Microwiki Influence Survey, Reeve, who was erroneously still under the impression that he was already a staff member claimed to "resign" alongside fellow TOES members Leon Montan and Jayden Lycon.[136] The survey would later be cancelled.

Music career

Simon Reeve discography
Musician Simon Reeve.
Studio albums2
Live albums0
Compilation albums0
Cover of the single "Trains" released on 9 February 2021.
Sample of the single "Trains" released on 9 February 2021.

Reeve has stated that music is an important part of his life, taking a primary interest in progressive rock. As part of this, Reeve would unsuccessfully experiment with the creation of an album, named "Trains", in late 2019. These plans would be shelved until January 2021, when he restarted work on his debut album under the name of "Birddog",[2][137] named after the Cessna O-1 Bird Dog with the album being released on 8 March 2021. Reeve's first single would be released to the public on 9 February 2021 after being published to YouTube.[138] Reeve confirmed his second album, "Fade into View" in February 2021 as production of "Birddog" concluded. This was released on 15 July 2021.

Reeve has released 2 albums and 3 singles over the course of his career, such as Trains, Fade into View and Odyssey Part 2.


  Under Development


  • Trains (2019)
  • Birddog (2021)
  • Fade into View (2021)


  • Trains (2021)[m]
  • Odyssey Part 2 (2021)[139]
  • Fade into View (2021)

Personal life


Numerous railway-related items used by Reeve for engaging in the activity commonly known as 'trainspotting', (left to right) The Observer's Book of Railway Locomotives of Britain, Trainspotting notebook, Platform 5 DMU 2020 book.

Outside of micronationalism, Reeve participates in hobbies including climbing and scale modelling. Reeve is a self-proclaimed rail enthusiast, primarily focusing on British railways whilst often engaging in railway photography. Reeve also enjoys music, primarily listening to progressive rock bands such as Rush, Supertramp, Yes and King Crimson. As a result of his keen interest in music influencing his micronational career, numerous events and projects of Aenopia are named after songs, albums and lyrics, including Starless IV. Reeve has also cited progressive rock as being an influence to his music career.

Reeve enjoys contributing to online encyclopaedias, namely MicroWiki, Wikipedia,[140] and Wikia-based encyclopaedias including Blue Öyster Cult Wiki[141][142] and TOES Wiki.[143][144]


Despite his atheistic beliefs, Reeve serves as a prophet of Bob within Bobism. Reeve was originally a founding member of Bobism in 2019, and assisted in the writing and creation of various sections of the Boble.[145][146] Reeve also serves as the Pope of Aenopia and Wales.

Outside of micronationalism, Reeve is a staunch atheist. In earlier years Reeve was a founding member of Bartholomewism, a religion dedicated to the omnipotent deity of Bartholemew created by himself and his friends. As part of this, Bartholemewism focused on numerous jokes created by Reeve and his friends at the time, including an inside joke regarding drink formerly traded at Reeve's school,[147] notable memes at the time including Le Monke,[148] crude jokes and teachers either favoured or disliked by members of Bartholemewism. The religion was created in late 2019 and would later become the focus of a game.[149] In total, 2 religious scripts were produced[150][151] before the religion fell into inactivity, primarily as a result of national lockdowns across the United Kingdom.

MicroWiki editing

Reeve is a prolific editor on MicroWiki, represented by 10007 edits accumulated over the course of his micronational career on his account User:Aenopia. Reeve is the primary author of three good articles–articles which are determined by MicroWiki's editors as the best of the site. Reeve began editing MicroWiki following the creation of his account on 8 May 2019[152] and has uploaded over 170 files as of March 2021.[153] Reeve reached 2,000 edits on 8 May 2019, exactly 1 year after the creation of his account, and would reach 3,000 edits on 12 September 2020; 4,000 edits on 6 December 2020 and 5,000 edits on 9 February 2021. Reeve is also ranked as the 20th most prolific editor on MicroWiki by edit count. Reeve participated in the Twenty-four Hour MicroWiki Edit-a-thon hosted by Zabëlle Skye between 17 and 18 April 2020.

Portraits and representation

Image Date Photographed Photographer Notes
22 May 2019 22 May 2019 Digital representation First portrait produced, largely intended to be satirical.
4 June 2019 July 2018 Cropped portrait of Reeve taken in 2018.
1 September 2019 July 2018 Former profile picture of Reeve in late 2019.[n]
23 January 2020 December 2019 Current and most recognised profile picture of Reeve on numerous platforms.
4 January 2021 ~2019 Current portrait of Reeve.

Titles, styles honours and arms

Emperor of Aenopia
Creation date 27 April 2022
Created by Simon Reeve
Peerage Aenopian noblity
First holder Current
Present holder Simon, Emperor of Aenopia
Heir apparent Life peerage

Reeve's full style and title is:

His Royal Highness Simon Reeve, Emperor of Aenopia and her Dependencies, Baron of Abelden, Grand Collar of the Order of the Lamb of Novus Hierosolymis, Grand Cross of the Order of Freedom of Revalia, Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the Helmond Bernhard of Queensland, Member of the Order of Tucker I of Oskonia.

In  Vishwamitra:

In the  Abeldane Empire:

  • 10 May 2020 – present: Baron of Abelden

In the  Novus Hierosolymis

  • 18 May 2021 – present: Grand Collar of the Order of the Lamb[159]

In the  Revalian Kingdom

In the  Kingdom of Oskonia

In the  Republic of Aswington

In the  Kingdom of Queensland

See also

External links


  1. Whilst officially having contrasting views to the concept of religion, Reeve is a devote Bobist and serves as a prophet.
  2. Full style is HRH Simon I, former Emperor of Aenopia, Baron of Abelden.
  3. List of Aenopian foreign affairs See also Foreign affairs of Aenopia
  4. Reeve confirmed that he would step down from his positions as Minister of Microwiki Affairs and Lieutenant Chair following his entry into office on 15 February 2021.[73]
  5. Instead of physically snorting the peanuts, Reeve shoved them up his nose briefly as part of a joke.
  6. List of Quorums attended See also Aenopia and the Grand Unified Micronational
      • 2 January 2021, present [85]
      • 12 December 2020, present [86]
      • 7 November 2020, present [87]
      • 31 October 2020, present [88]
      • 4 October 2020, present [89]
      • 5 September 2020, present [90]
      • 16 August 2020, present [91]
      • 1 August 2020, present [92]
      • 4 July 2020, present [93]
      • 20 June 2020, present [94]
      • 16 May 2020, present [95]
      • 26 April 2020, not present [96]
      • 11 April 2020, present [97]
      • 28 March 2020, present [98]
      • 14 March 2020, present [98]
      • 11 March 2020, present [99]
      • 29 February 2020, present [100]
      • 15 February 2020, present [101]
      • 15 February 2020, present [101]
      • 1 February 2020, present [102]
      • 30 January 2020, present [103]
      • 11 January 2020, not present
      • 8 December 2019, present [104]
      • 27 November 2019, present [84]
      • 20 November 2019, present [105]
      • 10 November 2019, present [83]
      • 22 September 2019, not present
  7. Reeve ranked 40th by number of votes in a GUM election based on a chart created by Zabëlle Skye.
  8. Although these development claims were true, said projects were intended to be scale models, which was not previously stated.
  9. No formal involvement ever took place in either conflict following the declarations.
  10. The title of Governor was originally intended to be Primarch, and Reeve would lose the title following Aenopian independence on 16 August 2019.
  11. Although primarily hosted by Zabëlle Skye, Reeve would assist in the planning of the survey and counting of the votes.
  12. The survey was cancelled following a plateau in responses.
  13. Trains is the first track on the debut album "Birddog", despite being a single.
  14. Does not portray Reeve; originates from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.[154]


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