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Meeting chamber of the National Assembly, the lower chamber of the French Parliament.

The legislature is a branch of the running of a nation with the power over legislation. The enacting and alteration of laws is the main duty of a legislature, but it may also be required to perform other tasks such as the election of the head of state, executive or government. Legislatures are usually unicameral (consisting of one chamber) or bicameral (consisting of two chambers), however, rarely, they are tricameral (consisting of three chambers).

In most bicameral systems, the lower house, despite its description of being "below" the upper house, is almost always the most powerful of the two chambers and almost always wholly elected. The upper house, meanwhile, is usually smaller, more restricted in power and designed to be a more deliberative body, and can be either directly elected (e.g. Australian Senate), indirectly elected (e.g. Indian Rajya Sabha), wholly appointed (e.g. Canadian Senate), a mixture of appointed and elected (e.g. Belgian Senate prior to 2014), or consist of members who hold seats by virtue of their position in society (e.g. hereditary and religious peers in the British House of Lords). These can hold office for a fixed term or, rarely, for life.

In countries with federal systems, it is common for the upper house to represent specific geographic areas, often equally in spite of population differences. This is the case for the United States Senate, where each state, regardless of population, returns 2 senators.

Legislatures can be known by many names. Names such as National Assembly, Congress and Parliament are most common. Likewise, there are many names for the individual Houses of the legislature. Senate is the most common name for an Upper House. Unicameral legislatures and lower Houses tend to have names such as Assembly, House of Representatives or Chamber of Deputies. Names are often related to the country, for example, the prefix Bundes- (meaning "federal") is used in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, whilst the word Majlis (meaning "council") is common in Islamic countries.

List of micronational legislatures

Nation Name of legislature Name of house(s) House level Term Electoral system Seats
Aariania Grand Senate Unicameral 3 years First-past-the-post 5
 Abelden Reichsversammlung Bundesrat Upper house 1 year Appointed by the states 6
Volkstag Lower house 6 months Party-list proportional representation 13
Abristan Royal Council King of Abristan Crown-in-Parliament Until Death/Abdication Head of State 1
Chamber of Counselors Upper house 4 years Appointed by head of state 8
Chamber of Representatives Lower house 4 years First-past-the-post 5
 Aethodia QA Jury Upper House 1 year Random sampling 7 per jury
Legislative Juries Lower House
 Aigues-Mortes General Assembly Unicameral No term limits Self-appointment 387
Alexostan Senate Unicameral ? ? ?
 Alsann Republic Alsane Federal Council Unicameral 1 year Approval voting 5
Andany National Assembly Senate Upper house 6 years First-past-the-post 11
House of Represntatives Lower house 2 years First-past-the-post 22
Angle-Saxish Kingdom Parliament Assembly of Councillors Upper house For life Appointed by head of state 3
Assembly of Commons Lower house No term limits First-past-the-post 3
 Arlandica Parliament of Arlandica Unicameral No term limits Appointed by the President of the Parliament 5
Arstotzkan Union Federal Assembly of the Arstotzkan Union Arstotzkan Federal Congress Bicameral For Life Positions First-past-the-post 19
House of Representatives of the Arstotzkan Union
Asassin Parliament (The Bamboo) Unicameral 5 years First-past-the-post 25
Asgard Parlamento de Asgard Unicameral 4 years First-past-the-post 11
 Aspen Parliament King-in-Parliament Bicameral 4 months Proportional Representation 15
 Atovia House of Commons Unicameral 1 year Single transferable vote 3
 Austenasia Parliament Emperor Emperor-in-parliament For life Hereditary position 1
House of Representatives Unicameral 5 years First-past-the-post 7
Austin Island National Assembly Unicameral 2 years 70
Australland Parliament House of tables Crown-in-parliament 4 months Australian Ballot 11
 Azzurria Light Blue Commission Unicameral ? Appointed by head of state 13
Royal State of Bagradoria Council of Divine Governance Unicameral 1-3 years
(1 term a year, 3 max)
First-past-the-post 3
Baránok Federal Assembly Unicameral 6 months Party-list proportional representation 7
 Bartonia National Council Unicameral No term limits Elected by the People 5
 Baustralia Parliament House of Lords Upper house For life Hereditary position Not fixed
House of Commons Lower house 4 years First-past-the-post 50
Begonian Kaiserreich Parliament Kaiser-Koenig Emperor-in-Parliament Life Hereditary 1
High Council Advisorial Life Chosen by Kaiser-Koenig 10
Reichstag (Peoples Imperial House) Upper House 1–3 years

(1 term a year, 3 max)

Elected by the People 15 (Two per district/region or state/duchy, etc)
Kaiserhaus (House of Royals) Lower House Life Hereditary 20 (Monarchs of imperial territories like Duchies, Kings, Lords, etc)
 Belcity Parliament President Unicameral ? First-past-the-post 1
Members of the Parliament 1 year Plurality-at-large voting 24
Benjastan People's National Congress Of Benjastan Workers' Assembly Unicameral 3 years Party-list proportional representation 8
Bir Tawil Tawilian National Council Unicameral 1 year First-past-the-post 9
 Bradonia The Royal Diet House of Peers Unicameral At his majestys pleasure Appointed by the Head of State 5
Caddia Parliament Chamber of Laws Unicameral - - -
Cambria Parliament Unicameral 2 years, 3 terms max First-past-the-post Not fixed
Cascadia Glasreachtas Seanad Upper house 10 Elected by Councils of minorities 3 Months
Dail Cascadia Lower house 14 Party-list proportional representation 3 Months
 Caudonia Parliament Senate Upper house - Appointed by the prince For the duration of Parliament
House of Assembly Lower house 13 Party-list proportional representation Not fixed (typically 4 months)
 Cycoldia General Assembly Unicameral 1 year Instant-runoff voting 10
 Deseret Grand Council Unicameral ? ? 50
Earth's Kingdom Green and Blue Commission Unicameral Based on the Head of Government Estabilished by the Constitution 6
 Ebenthal Konkrëse House of Aristocrats Upper house Life-long Appointed by the monarch 12
House of Councillors Lower house 6 months First-past-the-post 12
Efransa Parliament National Assembly Lower House 4 Months First-Past-the-Post 5
Senate Upper House At His Majesty’s Pleasure Appointment by the King 4
 Eintrachtia Parliament Monarch Crown-in-parliament For life Hereditary position 1
Senate Upper house For life Appointed by the monarch 4
Chamber of Deputies Lower house 1 year Party-list proportional representation 20
Elbonia Parliament Staatsrat Bicameral Max. 4 months Parliamentary confidence D'Hondt Method 10
Esse Parlamenzalochas Unicameral No term limits Appointed by head of state 8
Essexia Parliament King Crown-in-parliament For life Hereditary position 1
Imperial Parliament of Essexia Unicameral 1 year Proportional Representation 11
Essizia Parliament of Essizia Senate Bicameral At His Majesty's pleasure Appointed by the King 2
National Assembly 5 years and at His Majesty's pleasure First-past-the-post and appointed by the King 10+
Flammancia Assembly of the Sea Council of the Sea Upper house 1 year Mixed-member proportional representation 10
National Council Lower house 1 year Appointed by parties 1
 Florenia Parliament Unicameral ? First-past-the-post 1
 Forestia National Assembly Unicameral 6 months First-past-the-post 30
 Forestria Imperial Parliament (Parlamentum Imperialis Forestriae) Senate Unicameral 2 years First-past-the-post 2
Formicad General Assembly Unicameral No term limits Appointed by the General Secretary (Must be approved by the King) 6 (Can be changed by the King or General Secretary)
Gendarania Gendaranian National Assembly Unicameral 6 Months First-past-the-post 11
Goldlandia Congress Unicameral 2 years single transferable vote 2
Griffasus National Delegation Council Unicameral 2 weeks Direct non-competitive elections 11
Imruland Parliament Unicameral Until death or abdication Examination No limits
 Gymnasium State Senate Unicameral No term limits Acquirement of citizenship 25
Indecencia Federal Congress Federal Chamber of Deputies Lower Level 1 month First-past-the-post 40
Federal Senate Higher Level 4 years First-past-the-post 20
Indokistan National Forum Unicameral No term limits ? 4
Hamsterland Congress Senate Upper house For life Appointed by Chief Hamster 20
Chamber Lower house 1 year Proportional representation 20
 Juclandia Great National Assembly Unicameral No term limits Self-appointment 159
 Jupiter Senate Unicameral 3 months First-past-the-post 1
 Krzakacja Royal Council Unicameral 1 year and 6 month Party-list proportional representation Unknown
 Kingdom of Landopia Senato del Regno Unicameral 1 year Proportional representation 6
Lanzantonia The Senate of Lanzantonia House of Imperial Counts Upper House Until Death Emperor's Choise 500
Federal Council of Advisors Imperial House Until Death Emperor's Choise No Set Limit
Emperor of The Grand Imperial Empire of Lanzantonia Emperor in Government Until Death Election Every Time an Emperor Dies 1
House of Imperial Deputies Lower House 1 Month Democratic Election 500
The People's Government Committee of Lanzantonia Ministry House Presidential Choice Presidential Choice At the President's Choise
Leprechia Senate Unicameral 4 months First-past-the-post 6 (at peak)
 Liahonia The House of Parliament Unicameral 2 year term; No term limits First-past-the-post 24
Notice: This Parliament is currently on recess while the legislative system is being restructured. This Parliament will reconvene after the changes have been made.
Further details regarding this restructuring has not yet been released to the general public.
Ljetzan Landtag of Ljetzan Unicameral 4 years Proportional representation 15
Luxe Parliament of Luxe Unicameral 1 year Instant-runoff voting (alternative vote) 10
Madrona Parliament Senate Upper house ? ? ?
House of Commons Lower house ? ? ?
 Mahuset Lazian Chamber Unicameral No term limits Schulze STV 11
Mailacia and Idessa The Unitary Council of Princes Aristocracy Lifetime or Abdication Salic law 8
Malinovia Grand Parliament of the Republic Unicameral 1 year First-past-the-post 3
 Marienbourg Ducal Diet Unicameral 6 months Block voting with panachage 10
Mcarthia Parliament Unicameral No term limits ? 15
Mekniy Council of State Unicameral ? ? 10
Memeistry People's Council Unicameral Democratic Election 1 year 3 Not fixed
 Mercia Parliament House Unicameral ? ? 11
Mivland Parliament Unicameral 2 years Instant-runoff voting (alternative vote) 8
Nedland Qoroltay Unicameral ? ? 16
 Neeburm Grand Council Unicameral 2 months First-past-the-post 5
 Norfolk Empire Parliament House of Commons Unicameral 2 months Two-round system 3
Nova Kalifornio Reprezentantĉambro Unicameral ? ? 5
 Occitania Vergadering Unicameral 6 months First-past-the-post 6
Ohio Republic Congress Senate Upper house 6 Months First-past-the-post 4
House of Representatives Lower house 6 Months First-past-the-post 4
Parliament Board of Advisors Upper house 2 years The population votes for party, not person, and the percentage of votes the party gets overall is the percentage of the Reps’ Collective and the Advisor’s Board. 4
Representatives’ Collective Lower house 1 year 20
 Pacific States Congress Senate Upper house 6 years Plurality voting 5
House of Representatives Lower house 2 years Plurality voting 10
 Paravia Riksting Imperial Council Upper house 6 months Appointed by head of state 3
Chamber of Delegates Lower house No term limits First-past-the-post 11
Pejaten Parlamantre Senate Upper house 1 year First-past-the-post 4
Riksdag Lower house 1 year Party-list proportional representation 22
Permaria Parliament Unicameral No term limits By appointment of monarch 5
 Phokland Parliamentary Senate Unicameral No term limits By appointment of monarch 7
Piedmont National Assembly Senate Upper house 2 years Preferential voting 14
Popular Assembly Lower house 1 year Mixed party-list / preferential voting 75
Pomerak'tèr National Parliament House of Elders Upper house For life First-past-the-post 11 (1 per state & 1 appointed by the Prime Minister)
National Council Lower House 4 years Instant-runoff voting (alternative vote) 63
 Posaf Kadelieort House of Lords Upper house Appointed Appointed by the Monarch and Parties 3
House of Commons Lower house 4 Months Party-list 9
Princess Anne Land House of Representatives Unicameral No term limits First-past-the-post 15
Prudentianopolis Knowledge for All's Legislative Function Quorum of Party Unicameral Life tenure Pledge the oath before the party members and inform the quorum No fixed seat (Regent included)
Rabenberg Minister Council - - No voting 4
 Regelis Parliament House of Councils Unicameral No set term Instant-runoff voting (alternative vote) 33
Richensland People's Representative Assembly Unicameral 2 years Multiwinner approval voting combined with block voting No fixed number
Rhodesia Parliament House of Delegates Unicameral 2 weeks First-past-the-post 15
 Sabia and Verona Parliament Unicameral 1 year Party-list proportional representation 23
 Sancratosia National Council Unicameral 1 year Superposition / Mixed-member majoritarian (MMM) using a single (panachage) ballot:
Plurality block voting (BV) in single nationwide constituency (8 seats); Sainte-Laguë method (4 seats)
 Saspearian Parliament Unicameral 1 year Multiple non-transferable vote 6
Seacoln Common Council Unicameral 4 years First-past-the-post 15
Second American Empire Parliament Bicameral 2 years Party-list proportional representation 450 in the House of Deputies
Seybold Sitzungssaal National Assembly Seyboldish Lower Branch 2 Years Elected 10
Lawmakers’ Council Seyboldish Upper Branch 2 Years Elected 2
Empire of Shahawkia Shahawkian Parliament Unicameral Until Death or Abdication Appointed by High Class Monarchs 5
Shorewell General Assembly Senate Upper house ? Appointed by head of state 12
Chamber of Deputies Lower house ? ? 12
 Silikia Senate Unicameral 1 Year, no limits Alternative Vote
 Snagov Supreme People's Assembly Unicameral 4 years Proportional representation 20
 Sorrenia Parliament King's Council Unicameral No term limits First-past-the-post 47
Ecclesiastic Court Papal Directorate Unicameral for life Appointment by the King 5
 Suverska National Assembly Unicameral 6 months MMPR/STV mix 21
Tavil Parliament Unicameral 1 year Party-list proportional representation 300
 Templar Kingdom Grand Council (36 seats) High Council of XII Secular council no term limits Appointed by the head of state 12
Council of Apostles Religious council No term limits Appointed by the head of state 24
Terra Excelsior Parliament Senate of the Republic of Excelsior Tricameral Life until recall Appointed by chancellor and president 18
Presidential Committee of the Republic 2 years Elected by the people 1
Federal Council of Governors Life until recall Appointed by the State governments 9
 Todia Parliament General Assembly Unicameral 5 years 7 elected by the people, 3 members of the Presidential Council 10
 Thulia State Council Unicameral No term limits 3
 Überstadt Parliament Unicameral No term limits Self-appointment 4
Uniland People's Parliament Unicameral 5 Years First-past-the-post 5
Urbo de Sophia Municipal Council Kerna Katedralo Upper house No fixed term By Invitation 31
Kongreso de AF Lower house No fixed term By Certification 42
 Uskor Legislative Assembly Unicameral 2 Years Party-list proportional representation and appointment by the head of state 350 votes distributed to party delegates who hold multiple votes, there are 6 current delegates
Valbona Chestnut Assembly Unicameral 6 years Indirect election 5 Parliamentarians plus the President of the Chestnut Assembly, Head of State in Valbona, who is elected by the parliamentarians.
 Vancouver Island Legislative Assembly of Vancouver Island Unicameral 2 years First-past-the-post 7
Vatolean Parliament Senate Upper house No set term Appointed by head of state 2
Unicameral Instant-runoff voting (alternative vote) 12
Folketing Lower house Party-list proportional representation 5
 Vishwamitra Lok Sabha Unicameral 1 year First-past-the-post 20
 Vlasynia Consultative Senate of Vlasynia Unicameral 1 year At HGM the Despot's pleasure Unknown
 Vodopol Supreme Council Unicameral Lifetime First-past-the-post 4 (including the High Commissioner and the President of the Supreme Council)
Vyomania Parliament of Vyomania The Cabinet Bicameral 5 years First-past-the-post
The House of people
West Moravia United National People's League of Sovereignty Unicameral 1 year First-past-the-post 6
 Winterspell Parliament of Winterspell Unicameral 1 Year Multiple non-transferable vote 3
 Wyvern Statenraad Unicameral No term limits First-past-the-post 4
Xennistra Legislative Assembly of Xennistra Unicameral 6 years Appointed By Provincial Governers 50
 Zenrax Imperial Senate Unicameral ? Appointed by head of state ?
 Zeprana Congress of Zeprana Parliament Upper house 1 Year No term limits 10
Senate Lower house 1 Year No term limits 12
Zakinesia Parliament of Zakinesia Parliament


Upper house

Lower house

1 Year First past the post 8