Alsann Republic

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Alsann Republic
Coat of arms of Alsann
Coat of arms
Motto: Alsann, stronger, united.
Capital city
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish, Noongar
GovernmentFederal republic
Kalan Cameron del Kersika
LegislatureAlsane Federal Council
• Established
9 September 2022
• Declared independence
23 September 2022
• Total
3.42 km2 (1.32 sq mi)
• 2023 estimate
• Density
3.8/km2 (9.8/sq mi)
CurrencyAlsane mark (ANM)
Time zoneUTC+8 (Alsan Time)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+61 (de facto)
RIS 002 codeAN
Internet (de facto)
.an (planned)

Alsann, formally the Alsann Republic,[a] is a self-proclaimed sovereign nation,[1] often referred to as a micronation by external observers. It is located through the western section of the Australian continent, where it mostly borders Australia with some borders to the sea. It was declared independent on 9 September 2022 from the Commonwealth of Australia. The nation consists of two states, two territories and a federal district. The nation's capital city of Kersika is located within the Kersik Naverston Federal District.

Since foundation, the Alsann Republic has been a federal republic. Its federal government is known as the Concordia, a unity of powers between a legislature (the Federal Council), a judiciary (the Federal Court) and an executive (the Officer-General). Since 9 September 2022, the Officer-General has been Kalan Cameron del Kersika, often shortened to Officer-General del Kersika.

The Alsann Republic has only informal relations with one other nation, the satellite nation of Melodia. It formally and unilaterally recognises 203 sovereign nations, mostly members of the United Nations.


The name 'Alsann' was entirely fabricated by the Officer-General upon foundation, however the name and imagery was designed to invoke the image of a European city-state. Other parts of Alsann take their name from European explorers, such as the state of Flinders and the name of St Alouarn in a territory. Others take their name from Noongar (the native Aboriginal people's language), such as the Aeonian contiguous area of Banyowla and the territory of Goolamrup.

The demonym for someone from Alsann is Alsanian, and in reference to something from Alsann it may also be called an Alsane thing. Alsann was assigned RIS 002 codes AN and ALN (formerly ALS) in November 2022.[b][2]


Alsann was founded on 9 September 2022,[c] by a group of former Concordian citizens. It was decided that prominent Alsanian, Kalan Cameron del Kersika, would take the role of Officer-General, a military-based head of state.[3] It was initially to be a principality, however that idea was swiftly abandoned. On 10 September, the first iteration of the Alsann Proclamation was made[d]A. The current heraldry of Alsann was created in the middle of September, having been sketched out by del Kersika prior. After much revision, the Alsann Proclamation was released to the public and formally published on 23 September.[4]

Executive control

On 28 September, Officer-General del Kersika issued his first executive order, putting the Alsann Proclamation into full enforceable effect and mapping out most of the nation's borders.[5] Later executive orders also established citizenship processes alongside temporary citizenship to former Concordians,[6] as well as authorising a burnoff which later became the Alsane News Service's first story.[7] Later orders also introduced the Alsane mark and fenn, military flags and flags for Aeonia, Flinders, Kersika and Shetvik & St Alouarn (flag later given to Macleay Federal Territories).[8] November executive orders saw a greater focus on establishment of process, including the recognition of nations, assignment of Divisions, establishment of federal market socialism, funding the Alsann Central Media Association and creation of the Mail Carriers Service.[9] The event of highest significance in early November was the dissolution of southern Flinders and Shetvik & St Alouarn, replaced by a new South Flinders with the South Flinders Islands (formerly Shetvik & St Alouarn) and Little Flinders. Flinders also gained two territories (Monger and Britannia) near its capital, Austeria, and Aeonia gained Mills, a new territory near north-eastern Banyowla.[10]

Democratic rule

First federal election

On 23 November 2022, Executive Order 11 was issued announcing an election for the Alsane Federal Council's two federally-elected seats. It also announced a plebiscite[e] concerning national symbols, flags and voting procedures. Originally scheduled to start on 3 December, a last-minute executive order on that day pushed it to 10 December. A debate was organised and carried through, however the transcript was never released to the public. Three candidates competed for two seats in an approval voting format beginning on 17 December.[11] James L and Fan Breadfold were determined to be the victors, having captured 40% and 33% of the 15 total votes respectively.

Alsane Silence

Following the federal election, Alsann dipped into a brief hiatus between 23 December 2022 and 21 January 2023. On 23 January, the Alsane Elections Office confirmed the two electoral victors and the Finance and Statistics Division redrew Alsann's borders to more closely match those at founding, dropping its area from 10.16 km2 to 2.99 km2, publishing maps of the changes at the same time.

Following an executive announcement on the 2023 earthquake in Türkiye, Alsann went for the most part silent for over three months, interrupted only by a news story about football and some announcement over bike theft. This hiatus, colloquially known as the Alsane Silence, included the nation's half-year celebrations which passed without any such indication. The hiatus was only broken on 2 May, when the Alsane Elections Office announced the 2023 Alsane regional election,[12] for members representing Alsann's states and Kersika. This announced election was delayed once more from a start date of 20 May to 27 May due to noncompetitive campaigns, as well as one seat that was not contested whatsoever. These issues remain unresolved and as such the regional elections have been indefinitely postponed.

Constitutional crisis

On 3 June 2023, following a number of unsuccessful attempts at contact, Alsann's Premier finally responded, saying he no longer wished to be involved in Alsane government, resigning immediately in favour of being a private citizen-resident. This sparked a constitutional crisis, where no candidates have expressed interest in the role of Member for Flinders and where an incomplete election means that the Federal Council itself may not represent current interests. As Alsann has non-codified, sometimes unwritten constitutional regulations, no precedent could guide the potential paths. As of 26 June 2023, no Premier has been selected and no member has been elected in Flinders. An anticipated mid-year referendum fell through due to general disinterest. On 6 October 2023, the Officer-General approved the 2023 Alsane federal election and opened candidacy applications for the 4 November event.


The Alsann Republic is a federal republic, where states are given greater power within themselves. The military plays a relatively strong role in Alsann, however it does not control the nation and is not involved in the legislative or judicial process except amongst its own ranks. Alsann's unicameral legislative body is the Federal Council, which as of 20 October 2022 is in its first configuration. Politics within Alsann are highly progressive due to the citizenship's mostly intellectual and young membership. As of 20 October 2022, the Officer-General is Kalan Cameron del Kersika, and the Federal Council's Premier is Ozren C.

Government structure

The union of powers that govern Alsann are often known as the Concordia, in reference to the peace and cooperation between them. The power of executive are invested in the Officer-General of Alsann, a military leader, the legislative powers are invested in the Federal Council and judicial power is invested in the Federal Court. Each role works to ensure the functionality of society in Alsann.


The Officer-General is an unelected post of military significance. The Officer-General has direct and enforceable supreme power over the entirety of the Alsane Federal Military and its Kersik Guard. A successor is appointed by the current Officer-General, who will take over the post immediately after the appointing Officer-General's resignation or passing. It is considered standard that an Officer-General will appoint either a prominent politician or a successful military leader as their successor, and appointing family members is generally frowned upon.

Federal Council

The Federal Council is the unicameral legislature of Alsann. It is a democratically elected body that comprises five members. Three of these are known as regional members, and are elected by the residents of their voting districts (Kersika, Aeonia, Flinders) every six months. The other two are federal members, elected by every citizen of Alsann, including federal citizens each year. The Federal Council was known as the Council of Representatives until 14 October 2022. The leader of the Federal Council is the Premier, elected by knockout rounds until one candidate achieves over 50% of the vote. Once elected, the Premier and Officer-General collaborate to assign Chief of Divisions according to their specialities.

Federal Court

The Federal Court is the highest judicial power in the Alsann Republic. It was created by the Alsann Proclamation, and has remained unchanged since. It is democratically elected, with one justice being elected every year. Each of the three justices serves a three-year term, with a consecutive term limit of 9 years. Justices are not permitted to campaign nor publicise political beliefs to gain office, and it is maintained that justices should be elected based on integrity and quality as an officer of the law. No justice is superior to another, and are each treated as equals, though each will serve as the speaking officer in the last year of their term.

Government policy

The Alsann Republic is a federal republic, meaning it is divided into self-governing states. It has relatively strong military involvement in high-level government, as the Officer-General is directly an officer in the military. Military-related politicians are also quite common, with examples including Mackenzie Arra (Mid-ranking Federal Military officer and Capital Guard Lieutenant) and H Norman (Commander of the Army, also Head of Military Division and member of the Military Coalition).

Alsann is also notably progressive politically, with the majority of the voter base being young and/or intellectual people. The Alsane Federal Council therefore reflects that, as does the nation's state as a federal market socialist nation. Government policy reflects, in part, this socialist occurrence, with multiple socialist policies such as universal basic income and government-owned big business are either prepared or already instated.[13]


Government divisions are subdivisions to which policy is relegated on many topics. Divisions allow for standard management of federal responsibility, whilst also allowing government members to specialise their interests. Divisions are assigned by the Premier and the Officer-General to any person who holds a Federal Council seat, including non-voting members and the presiding officer. Currently, 8 divisions exist, of which one is an original division and another, retired, division was the other original.[14] The heads of divisions are known as Chief of Division.

Foreign relations

Alsann has no formal relations with any other micronations, however does maintain informal contact with the bordering state of Melodia. The Alsanian government maintains a list of recognised nations,[15] which is simplified below.

Unilaterally recognised states


Military flag of Alsann, a modified civil flag.

Alsann has a historically strong military culture, though its prevalence and complexity have been recently diminished. In total, their armed forces number four troops, around a third of the total population. Its military follows a similar ranking structure in both branches of the military. The branches are the Capital Guard alongside the Federal Military (with Land, Sea and Air divisions).

Standard of the former Kersik Guard, later Capital Guard

Capital Guard

The Capital Guard is the defending force of the nation's capital, Kersika. It is also charged with defending the Officer-General and any visiting officials. The Capital Guard is Alsann's primary ceremonial force, commonly attending state events representing the military. It has a total of two guards, with another in reserve. The Kersik Guard regularly patrols the south and western borders of Kersika, and also conducts military exercises throughout the city and in their home base of Fort Norman, just outside of the city's walls.

Federal Military

The Federal Military is the organisation used as the non-ceremonial branch of Alsann's military. Its stated purpose is 'defence from invasion [...] and if needed performing incursions into other nations'. It is divided into Land, Sea and Air divisions, each of which use the same structure of rank with different titles. Two leaders share command of the Federal Military, the Commander of the Federal Military and the Officer-General. The two share direct executive control over the Federal Military, with the Commander being the practical leader and the Officer-General being the supreme commander.


The Land division of the Federal Military is its largest. It is the most practical branch, with defence jurisdiction covering almost all of Alsann. The land division has three total members, and has bases in Kersika, Ibisca and Armisak.


The Sea division is another division of the federal military. It is marine, and operates within the streams and rivers of Aeonia and Goolamrup, and oceanic regions in southern Flinders. It has two crafts, the ANS Isle and flagship ANS Southwater, each with a capacity of two. It has two serving members.


The Air division is the final one of the Federal Military. It deals with air-related activities. It can technically operate throughout all of Alsann, however in practice only operate in and around Kersika, Aeonia and Goolamrup. It has two aircraft, the AFV Novadonia and flagship AFV Concordia. It has two members, with each operating one of the aircraft.


The Alsann Republic is a geographically diverse area. All territories lie within 50 kilometres of the western Australian coast. Alsann's territories are generally grouped by land features or regions, with Flinders being the noticeable exception. The state of Aeonia is generally the areas on or near the Darling Range. Flinders, the exception, is composed of all territories to the east of the Darling Range on the Swan Coastal Plain and all areas south of Perth, especially near Augusta.

Most of Alsann's territories are non-contiguous, though some may be considered contiguous by virtue of being connected by Alsane waters. The two truly contiguous subdivisions of Alsann are Kersika, as it consists of a single city, and Goolamrup, as it is a minor territory with no space to expand. States are generally composed of major contiguous regions combined with smaller towns. An example are the Banyowla and Ibisca regions of Aeonia, and its town of Armisak.

Administrative divisions

Alsann is divided into five subdivisions since 23 September 2022. They are a federal district, two states and two federal territories. Additionally, the nation has two cities, part of a state or district.

Flag Arms Picture Name Abbreviation Area Joined Official
Aeonia AE, AEO 2,367,450m2 9 September 2022 Member
H Norman
Flinders FL, FLN 595,120m2 9 September 2022 Member
formerly Ozren C
Federal Territories and Districts
Goolamrup GP, GMP 34,350m2 23 September 2022 Administrator
Officer-General del Kersika
Kersik Federal District KA, KSA 1450m2 23 September 2022 Member for Kersika
Mackenzie Arra


Alsann has an enriched, organic culture. Influenced largely by Australian and Concordian culture, the Alsane culture has a broad scope, from sports to holidays to festivals.

Public holidays

Alsann has a number of public holidays which are nationally observed, though often not fully applied.


  1. Alsann Republic. Website homepage, retrieved 9 November 2022
  2. Alsane News Service. Alsann's Blue Wrens take out Melodia in football match (9 Nov 2022), retrieved 9 November 2022
  3. Alsann Republic. Alsann Proclamation (1. Government, 3.), retrieved 10 November 2022
  4. Office of the Officer-General Executive Orders (1. Sep 23), retrieved 10 November 2022
  5. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (1. Sep 23), retrieved 15 November 2022
  6. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (3. Oct 2), retrieved 15 November 2022
  7. Alsane News Service. Officer-General gives final approval to burnoff a large area of Banyowla (8 Oct 2022), retrieved 9 November 2022
  8. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (5. and 6.), retrieved 15 November 2022
  9. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (7., 8. and 10.), retrieved 15 November 2022
  10. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (9. Nov 11), retrieved 15 November 2022
  11. Alsane News Service. Live: First federal ballot (17 Dec 2022), retrieved 16 June 2023
  12. Alsane News Service. [1] (7 May 2023), retrieved 16 June 2023
  13. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (7. Nov 8), retrieved 15 November 2022
  14. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (7. Nov 8), retrieved 15 November 2022
  15. Alsann Republic. Executive Orders (7. Nov 8), retrieved 15 November 2022


  1. The full name, as in the Alsann Proclamation, is the Sovereign Republic of Alsann and her Lands, Seas and Skies.
  2. Codes are used both for the nation and national sports teams, regardless of name.
  3. This is sometimes incorrectly dated 8 September, due to prior confusion.
  4. This is despite the Proclamation reading 'as of September 9'.
  5. This was referred to as a referendum until after the election.