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Merit State of Regelis
Coat of arms
'Motto: 'By the shield, not by the sword.
Anthem: None
Fort Wayne, IN, US
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentOligarchical Democratic-Republic
LegislatureHouse of Councils
House of Judges
House of Associates
Establishment22 Nov 1999
• (Includes only registered citizens with RID numbers.) census
CurrencyHouro H HRO
Internet TLD.rg
ISO3166 RG REG 636

The Merit State of Regelis[1], colloquially known as Regelis (/ˈrɛɪ.ɡ[invalid input: '(j)']ə.lɪs/) "re-ge-lis" or (/ˈrɛɪ.ɡju.lɪs/) "re-gyou-lis", is a micronation locally operating out of Fort Wayne, IN. It is made up of a local government consisting of three houses each representing a single branch of the government structure. The nation operates under a western technomeritocratic philosophy outlined by James and Fleshier Anderson's writings on hacker subculture.[2][3]

Regelis operates under a meritocratic democratic-republic system of government with 11 heads of state, 11 vice heads, and 11 secretaries. These leaders make up a 33 member parliamentary council called the House of Councils. Acting as the Executive Branch of Government, they are in charge of voting for, and ultimately implementing, the law. The Legislative Branch, which is composed of Regelis' associate ministers, is the House of Associates. This house drafts the law submitted for ratification by the House of Councils. Finally the Judicial Branch, the House of Judges, interprets and enforces that law.

The nation of Regelis is most notable for its complex governmental system, and short-lived merger with the controversial nation of Promatia.


Kaosian Republic

Regelis was founded on the 22nd of November 1999, a Monday, by a group of students from within the Florida state's Gifted Student Program (GSP), more commonly known as Gifted And Talented Education (GATE). The 22nd of November is a recreational holiday called "Start Your Own Country Day".[4] In the beginning, Regelis was originally created under the name Republic of Kaos (/kəʊz/) "toes but with a k" as a olligarchial dictatorship. An assignment was given to the students to create and maintain a model nation over a period of 8 weeks. Students then used this model nation to simulate diplomatic relations with the nation's of other classmates. There was a prize involved to the best performing team, making the assignment competitive.

Originally, Kaos operated as an oligarchical dictatorship, with each team member having a shared leadership role. Over the course of the 8 week assignment the initial student team consisting of Shawn F., Heather C., Addien L., and Devin H., through natural evolution during the assignment, reformed the government into a operating Republic. Instead of having a Republic in name only, members of state were able to vote on government issues presented to them during class. A novel concept was create at this time, the Meritocractic portion of Regelis' ideology. The most knowledgeable team member was given a higher vote weight. At this time, votes for issues passed with a 3 to 5 point majority, with one of the 4 team members being given two vote points instead of one.

After this school assignment had ended, that group of individuals continued to maintain the Kaosian government throughout the 1999-2000 school year. These 4th grade students continued the Kaosian government as a group projects beyond that school year into the 2000-2002 school years. During this time the Kaosian constitution, flag, and basic laws were created. Citizens were made of school students who signed a petition like notebook with their name and a crude signature. This was also carried into the local Boy Scouts of America troop, members from that organization also became involved.

After the 2002 school year, the members of the team were split to into different middle schools. Shawn F., and Devin H. maintained the Kaosian government through the 2002-2003 school year in a state of lite inactivity. During the 2003-2004 Heather C., was able to rejoin the team where she stayed before separating during the 2005-2006 school year. The three team members parted during the 2006-2007 as both Shawn F., and Devin H., moved to individual school districts. Though internet contact over MySpace they operated the Kaosian government in a state of substantial inactivity in 2006.

In the 2007-2008 school year, Rourke K., and Gaige R., were brought into the Kaosian government project. Gaige did not take a government seat within the Meritocratic Republic of Kaos, but introduced the government to more secure operating protocols and the hacker subculture. Throughout the 2007-2008 year Rourke K. funded the printing of Kaosian Republic flags, and pins which were distributed to students during extracurricular clubs. They were responsible for creating a school club centered around the NationStates browser based game, and roleplaying model nations.

After the 2008 school year had ended, Shawn F. moved across the United States from south Florida to northern Indiana. At this time, the Kaosian government was still mostly active, but began to quickly inter inactivity as Facebook began to replace MySpace as the most popular social media platform. Some information was lost between Shawn F.'s move to the state of Indiana. Several boxes of paper documents were damaged during the move, along with a number of valuable personal items. Thanks to contacts in the hacker community, the Kaosian government didn't die completely.

After a meeting with the rest of the team, it was decided that Kaos could no longer exist in its current state. As, Rourke, Heather, and Devin had cut down on extracurricular hobbies and begun seriously preparing for college; Shawn F, continued to operate the dying micronation. In an attempt to revitalize the project, a group of like minded friends of Shawn F. were brought onto the project. During the 2008-2009 school year, Adam H., Nicolas D., Jeffrey C., and others were introduced to the micronation for the first time. This new team recreated Kaosian government under a new name to represent a new beginning in its history. The same color scheme, an regal colors of blue, white, and gold were maintained. This evolved into the name Regalis, which became Regelis after frequent mispronunciation and misspelling.

Merit State of Regelis

An example Regelian Flag.

During the 2009-2010 school year, Regelis became very active creating new ideas and philosophies of government. In this year, the first of several Regelian constitutions were written, a currency called the Regular was made, as well as the first editions of the Regelis flag and writings on the structure of government.

By the end of 2010, Shawn F. was no longer in secondary education as was taking a gap year before starting college. This abundance of free time lead entering micronational communities, and white hat hacking communities online. Regelis was introduced to the communities there where it was immensely popular with the people who frequented them. Communities like HackThisSite, and Let Them Find Us[5] further spread Regelis' technomeritocractic ideals which were already popular with the subculture.[6]

By the end of 2011, all members of the Regelis' government has graduated from college and worked on Regelis nearly non-stop for many months. Over 140 pieces of legislation were drafted. The governmental structure and voting system was finalized, and countless resources were gathered by its government; far surpassing its Kaosian predecessor. It was during this time the first Regelis freewebs and foiearchive websites were started. Providing file sharing for rare documents among the white hat hacking community. Regelis opened for public citizenship in on the 21st of September 2011.

In 2012, as members of the government started college for the first time, there was a major period of inactivity. Occasionally, people in the local area would be hand registered to Regelis' list of citizens.

Regelis' most rapid period of growth started in 2013, when Tommy C., Christopher L., Niesta C-D., Erika W., Willaim H., and others joined the governmental office around the same period of time. Interest in the micronational hobby took off locally, and Regelis was the only already establish nation in the area. Through the local public library, Regelis expanded rapidly. It began to hold weekly meetings, and referendums. When it later took on Adam H. as Judistace, Regelis was able to hold full council votes, and implement its appeals process. During this same year the Regelis' Micronations Wikia[7] page was removed in favor of a website in forum. Formal documents and the government structure charts were published during this time.[8]

Regelis continued to remain active throughout 2014, adding Michael B. to it roster of council seats. After it had opened public citizenship, Regelis had previously limited registrations to the local area. This year it allowed people to register internationally, as long as they could prove mastery of the English language.

In 2015, growth of the nation began to slow. Culminating into general stagnation. During the 2015-2016 year, Nicolas D. and Shawn F. maintained citizen registration and website information. At the beginning of 2016, the Regelis had changed its currency into a dual physical-digital system called Houro's Regular, and Houro's Real. It also adopted the philosophies of the Universal Basic Income, and flat rate taxation.

During the 2016-2017, Regelis was introduced to the HighTechLowLife[9] white hat hacking community, where it's membership again increased to include people participating in Regelis's digital economy system. Regelis' first discord server was made during this time, along with other non-MicroWiki micronational community pages.

After the 2017 year, Regelis' government began to again interact with the NationStates community, in an attempt to recruit citizens and get people to interact with the white hat micronational community. In the middle of 2018, Regelis started to list its information on Shawn F.'s personal website. This was eventually transferred to MicroWiki after rediscovering it in 2019, after leaving MicroWikia in 2013.

In the 2019 year, Regelis began to interact substantially with the MicroWiki and r/micronations communities. Culminating in the controversial merger between itself and Promatia in August 2019. This lasted until the 5th of May 2020, when Regelis seperated from Promatia using its treaty powers. Regelis again reignited a high level of activity throughout August and September 2020, negotiating a large number of bilateral recognition treaties with the micronational community, and applying for multiple micronational organizations.


Regelis' ideology has changed over time into what it represents today. Kaos' and ultimately Regelis were founded from members of the white hat hacking community. Starting from entrants of the FIRST Robotics Competition[10] not long after the nation was founded. The 2001 competition connected Regelis to online hacking communities like hackthissite, and DEF CON. Members of these communities contributed to the ideas and legislation to Regelis throughout 2007-2016. Some of its contacts will advise the Regelian government, providing Open-Source Intelligence(OSINT) services to its cyber-military Sentry Branch.

Its ideology, based on the work of Manuel Castell, and James and Fleisher Anderson; Regelis has developed a slant in personality toward the Asian internet hacker culture, as mentioned previously. The nation of Regelis has a distinctly Japanese feels, uses Japanese symbolism, and operates with a cyberpunk-like vision of the future. Regarding technomeritocracy and hacker culture, Manuel Castell has this to say.

Together they contribute to an ideology of freedom that is widespread in the Internet world. However, this ideology is not the founding culture because it does not interact directly with the development of the technological system: freedom has many uses. These cultural layers are hierarchically disposed: the techno-meritocratic culture becomes specified as a hacker culture by building rules and customs into networks of cooperation aimed at technological projects. The virtual communitarian culture adds a social dimension to technological sharing, by making the Internet a medium of selective social interaction and symbolic belonging. The entrepreneurial culture works on top of the hacker culture, and on the communitarian culture, to diffuse Internet practices in all domains of society by way of money-making. Without the techno-meritocratic culture, hackers would simply be a specific countercultural community of geeks and nerds. Without the hacker culture, communitarian networks in the Internet would be no different from many other alternative communes. Similarly, without the hacker culture, and communitarian values, the entrepreneurial culture cannot be characterized as specific to the Internet

— Manuel Castell, Culture of the Internet (2001)[11]



Community activity is sporadic and varies seasonally, normally due to the schedule of the US education system, as there are a large number of citizens between the ages of 14 and 23. Regelis' primary means of communication with citizenship is its website, discord server, and its e-mailing lists. Community members can interact with the government directly through e-mail, or contacting any member of the government over any instant chat service it uses, including twitter.

The citizenship community of Regelis is primarily local to the areas of Eastern Florida (Brevard County), Northeast Indiana (Allen County), and North Western Ohio (Defiance, Paulding, and Van Wert Counties). Local meetings take place in both Fort Wayne, IN on a regular basis. These meeting discuss primarily laws of Regelis, the structure of government, and visions of the future.

Holidays and Events

Regelis celebrates a number of publicly observed annual holidays, the most notable that are specific to Regelis are: Founder's Day celebrated on the 22nd of November, and Meriter's Day celebrated on the first Monday of May.

Holiday Name Date Purpose
New Year's Day 1 January Time Off. Celebrates the first day of the New Year. A party holiday.
Valentine's Day 14 February A gift giving holiday to the female partner of a relationship, or admiration from a male to a potential partner.
White Day 14 March A gift giving holiday to the male partner of a relationship, or admiration from a female to a potential partner.
Black Day 14 April A gift giving holiday to those without a partner for the purpose of finding them a partner, or for asexual celebration.
Meriter's Day 1st Monday of May Time Off. A celebration holiday for workers in order to extend their weekend. A cookout and party holiday similar to the 4th of July, Memorial Day, or Labor Day.
Halloween 31 October A gift giving holiday which encourages communities to give gifts to children in costume.
Bonfire Night 5 November A celebration for the people's power over their government. Encourages the lighting of fireworks and a cookout, much like the 4th of July.
Founder's Day 22 November Time Off. Regelis' day of national founding encourages people to create their own nations, write their own laws, and participate in voting. People are given a day off work, and are expected to take this day to vote on subjects if they haven't had the time previously.
Feasting Day 4th Friday of November Time Off. Regelis' alternative to thanksgiving. This holiday encourages a large community meal enjoyed by family, roommates, and friends. It is meant to extend into the weekend with food, rest, and relaxation before the next week begins Monday. Coincides with Black Friday, which in Regelis is celebrated as Cyber Monday.
Boxing Days 25-26 December Time Off. Acts as the largest annual gift giving holiday. The largest exchange of gifts. It is traditional in Regelis to open Christmas Day gifts late in the evening, for children and family to gather at that time. Boxing Day, those gifts are enjoyed.

National Symbols


Artistic representation of a phoenix, the national animal of Regelis.

Having Regelis' national animal be a mythical creature was careful choice, and it had many opponents until its symbolism was argued in the House of Associates. The phoenix represents transformation, rebirth, and death. The phoenix fire is used in the forge of all creation. Is a spiritual animal, it is more than just its appearance. In historical lore, it has been used as a symbol of renewal and power.

This symbol was chosen because, despite many hardships, reformations, differences in vision, and long periods of inactivity; Regelis never truly dies. Like the phoenix Regelis is an immortal being that sub-sequentially rises from its own ashes. From the reformation of the Kaos dictatorship, to monarchy, to democracy to the republic that Regelis is now. Through the merger of itself with other states such as Promatia. Through physical separation of members of government over distance and time. Regelis still survives. The phoenix reciprocates this as a symbol of longevity, the seasons, and protection. It is also known as a creature of vision, organization, and imagination. This beast fits the spirit of Regelis all around.


An end game position of the 4000 year old board game Go.

Regelis' national game is Go. Go is a two player abstract strategy board game. The goal for each player is to claim more territory on the board than their opponent. Invented in the orient yearly 4,000 years ago, it is believe to be the longest continuously play board game in human history. Go is played by placing on a grid pieces called stones. Each player alternates placing a single stone on the board. One player is white, and the other is black. Once a stone is placed onto the Go board, it cannot be moved; unless it is captured by an opponent. Stones are captured by surrounding stones of your opponent's color with stones of your own color. Each grid square orthogonal to a stone is called a liberty. Once all of a stone's liberties are occupied by stones the opponent's color, it is removed from the board. Stones which share a color share their liberties. A group of stones which share liberties are much more difficult to capture than individual go stones.

Traditionally, Go is played on a 19 by 19 square grid. Players new to the game begin by practicing on Go boards of smaller size; 9 by 9, 13 by 13, then finally 19 by 19. The game has remained popular in South Korea for over 1500 years. Even though Go has simple rules, the game itself rapidly becomes very complex. Go has a much larger board, longer player, and more moves to consider than chess.[12]

Go players in Regelis are scored on an ELO Rating System ranking players from 30 Kyu to 10 Dan making up 50 total ranks. Each 3 percentile ranks a player by from 30 Kyu to 1 Kyu, where a 90 percentile player would be 1 Kyu. Beyond a single percentile ranks players from 1 Dan to 10 Dan, with the exception of the last percentile. The final percentile contains higher rated 9 Dan players. There is only one 10 Dan Go player in Regelis, which is the player with the highest ELO.

Matches of Go in Regelis consist of 6 games with players alternating black and white, with a 6.5 point Komi to white players. Matches that remain tied after game six continue into two extra games in order to break the tie. If this continues, the matches continue until a player is up two games over an opponent. If a player scores 4 games in a 6 game match, the match ends prematurely. Games end in Korean style territory scoring. The polite way to resign in Regelis is to play on the board a piece of your opponent's color.


An empty and beautifully polished crokinole board.

That national sport of Regelis is Crokinole. Crokinole is a dexterity board game for two to four players, invented in 19th century Canada. Each player sits on either side of the table, unable to move their seating after they have settled before starting the game. The player must then remain seated for the duration of the game, with at least one buttock must be contacting their seating at all times; while taking shots. Each player will start the game with a stacks of disks of their color. 3 stacks of 3 disks in a two player game. Or 2 stack of 3 disks in a four player team game. Players alternate shooting single disks across the board's well waxed wooden surface. Players must shoot using only their dominant hand, or a hand of their choosing before the game starts.[13]

After all players have taken their turns, any disks sunken in the middle hole during play are instantly removed from the board and are worth 20 points. Anything in the middle circle is worth 15 points, concentrically 10, and finally 5 points. The closer to the middle, the better a player scores. At the end of each round, the score of each player is totaled. The winner gets the difference of the point value, which accumulates over the course of the game. First player to 100 points, wins the game. In Regelis, matches are played over 12 games, each player alternating color and turn order. A player must be ahead by two games by the end of the match or play two additional extra games. Otherwise, if either player wins 8 games over the course of the match, the match ends prematurely.

If there are no disks on the board controlled by your opponent when shooting, if a shot does not land into the central circle it is removed from the board. If your opponent does have a disk on the board, in order to retain the disk you are shooting, you must contact an opponent's disk. This can be done with a carom shot, by hitting another one of your disks before hitting an opponents. However, if you fail to hit an opponent's disk, all disks of your own touched during that shot are removed from the board.


An image of the purple trimmed leaves of the shy princess.
Gif of the Mimosa Pudica leaf movement.

The Mimosa Pudica, commonly referred to as Sky Princess is a viney fern-like flowering plant in same family as peas and legumes. This plant is a non-edible non-poisonous pantropical weed found in the southern United States, but exists on almost every continent. It grows in high light conditions and thrives in low-nutrient soils that can't support other plants.

Mainly grown as a novelty plant, its compound leaves fold inward quickly through rapid plant movement when touched. Due to Mimosa's unique response to touch, it became an ideal plant for many experiments regarding plant habituation and memory.[14] It's leaves typically remain open during the day, but close at night.[15] For this reason, this Mimosa genus plant is called pudica, which in Latin translates to bashful.

Mimosa Pudica's seed pods are quite large and easily harvested for their small, round peppercorn-like seeds. These seed pod are brambled collections of burred filaments much like small tumbleweeds. In many parts of the world, Mimosa Pudica is considered a invasive weed, and strongly effects tropical crops. Some crops it effects strongly are bananas, coconuts, coffee, corn, cotton, papaya, soybeans, sugar cane, and tomatoes. The plant also strongly effects the soil composition of the areas it invades, increasing the amount of ground nitrogen and potassium. The main branch of the plant is covered in sharp thorns next to each stem.


A flowering Weeping Yoshino tree. It's pink flowers of late spring.

The Weeping Yoshino Cherry Tree, or shidarezakura is child of hybrid Prunus speciosa and Prunus pendula cherry trees grafted with Prunus serrulata the common cherry blossom; Prunus × yedoensis|serrulata. The resulting tree, the Weeping Yoshino Cherry Tree has a very different appearance than the common cherry blossom, looking much more like a weeping willow tree. Often confused with a willow which is a salicylic acid producing evergreen plant, the Weeping Yoshino Cherry is a flowering tree of the Rose family.

The Weeping Yoshino Cherry occurs as a natural and artificial hybrid in Japan, and has been transplanted to the United States on several occasions; primarily in Washington D.C. It is one of the most popular, cultivated, and planted cherry tree variations worldwide. Unlike the common cherry blossom which is known for it large pink flowers, the flowers of the shidarezakura are quite small; but are far more numerous. They hang in dense bunches toward the ground like the willow tree, and similarly its branches also fall to the ground like those of a weeping willow, creating easy to retrieve bundles of flowers.

Most cultivars of cherry trees have a short lifespan of 30–40 years. However, the Weeping Yoshino Cherry's lifespan is unknown. Originally relatively uncommon hybrid, was formed naturally. The oldest known examples of shidarezakura have survived more than 300 years, and show no evidence of senesence.[16] A fully grown tree has a trunk diameter between 2–3 meters, a height of 7–8 meters, and a width 10–15 meters. Hangings from tree are capable of reaching from the full height of the tree to the ground.[17] The shidarezakura grows rapidly, reaching 15 foot height in as little as 3 years, and full height in as few as 20. Because of its rapid growth, much like the willow tree it needs a substantial amount of water in order to sustain its growth; preferring areas with high precipitation. These trees easily survive cold winter temperatures, but their buds may be damaged when exposed to cold weather during the spring budding season, where temperatures below -2 C (28 F) damage flowering buds permanently.


Climate data for Regelis
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 0.2
Average low °C (°F) -8.1
Average Precipitation mm (inches) 58.4
Source: Weather-US[18]

Government of Regelis

Image shows the physical seating arrangement of each voting member of the House of Councils during voting periods. (Sep 2013)

The government of Regelis is separated into three Houses. The House of Councils, the House of Associates, and the House of Judges. The Associates draft the law, the Council votes on the law, and the Judges interpret the Law.

The House of Councils is separated into 11 branches each called an office or ministry. Each office has a unique name to identify it. The offices are: Armistace, Comustace, Emisstace, Ferastace, Indistace, Judistace, Monistace, Natustace, Popustace, Remistace, and Socistace. Each branch as a specific set of jobs associated with it. In while voting on legislation in the House of Councils, each ministry acts as its own political party working in its own interests competitively. The job of each office is to convince the others to vote in favor of or against legislation that might help or hurt their office.

The House of Councils has 3 governmental positions. Premiere, which is the Head of State position in Regelis. They have the authority to promote or demote any member within their office, including those holding council positions; and have 3 voting points in council sessions. The Vice-Premiere have 2 voting points in councils sessions. Secretaries have 1 point in council sessions. Council sessions also require 10 randomly selected members of the population, and 24 Judges; wish each have 1 point in council sessions. Members of the House of Councils are elected by subordinate members of the House of Associates. Premieres positions are only filled when a Premiere dies, a special session votes them out of office, they are rules unfit for service by the House of Judges, or outed by formal public request.

The House of Associates has a few positions. The most important of which is Associate, which is responsible for all of the duties within their division. An office is made up of multiple divisions. Each division is dedicated to a specific task or duty within a ministry. Underneath an Associate are Director, Managers, and Agents of the government. Associates are appointed to their position by the House of Councils.

The House of Judges is made up of 24 Judges, 11 of which are randomly selected to vote on issues, court cases, and appeals. The House of Judges may act in two teams of 11 with two judges cycling off time. The allows a breaking period for judges about 4-5 times per year. Judges are elected by subordinate judges within the House of Judges.

With this system of government, the leading party is chosen by the people determined by their range of credibility. The most credible and contribute to mankind as a whole should be elected to serve a term in office. The highest ranking official in office, is a Premiere. A Premiere is a single member of a small council. This council's only function is to make the final decision as what new policies to enact upon the state. The House of Councils, is informed by a publicly elected House of Associates. The House of Associates serves the role of a parliament, with premieres acting as the main speakers. The associates within the house each represent one field within the eleven bodied government consortium. All associates act under one of the premieres, and report vital and influential data directly to the House of Councils.

The House of Associates have a barrage of advisors that provide information to direct the associates' main focuses. Advisors, obtain information directly from scientists, researchers, and civilians within their given aspect of government. Advisors collect data to represent new policies provided by associates to be passed by the House of Councils via popular vote. House of Councils then distributes orders to be followed by District Chairmen, to change public or international policy. In the event that any policy disregards any of the basic fundamental human rights. It can be declared “perilous aevum”, and disregarded in popular vote by the House of Judges. Otherwise, the House of Judges put the law into effect through district courts.

Seats of the House of Councils

Pins depicting the Regelian flag.
List of Premieres
Position Job Title Name Year of Election
Armistace Premiere Military Commander Jeffrey C. 2009
Comustace Premiere Workforce Supervisor Tommy C. 2013
Ferastace Premiere Network Coordinator Michael B. 2014
Indistace Premiere Intelligence Officer Nicolas D. 2009
Judistace Premiere Judicial Representative Adam H. 2013
Natustace Premiere Environmental Surveyor Brittany C. 2020
Popustace Premiere Voice of the People Shawn F. 1999
List of Vice Premieres
Position Job Title Name Year of Election
Vice Armistace Secondary Military Commander Christopher L. 2013
Vice Popustace Secondary Voice of the People Devin H. 1999
List of Secretaries
Position Job Title Name Year of Election
Secretary Armistace Minister of Military Command Niesta C-D. 2013
Secretary Popustace Minister of the People Rourke K. 2007

Indicates inactive members of government. Per house charter retain their positions until a suitable replacement can be found.

Former Seats of the House of Councils

List of Premieres
Position Job Description Name Year of Election Year of Termination
Comustace Premiere Workforce Supervisor Addien L. 1999 2005
Monistace Premiere Economic Overseer Heather C. 1999 2005
Natustace Premiere Social Coordinator Erika W. 2013 2020
Vice Indistace Secondary Intelligence Officer William H. 2013 2016


The Regelian structure of government.

Population makes up the foundation of the structural hierarchy of governmental power. The people democratically elect representatives from every part of the hierarchy from the individual team level, to the Council itself. Law enforcement and legal professionals are hired from the pool of public career workers. Scientists and researchers come from education spaces, academic centers, and colleges. District chairs are traditionally grown from grassroots lobby groups, and public interest electoral committees. Public speakers make their way up the political ladder.

From this level of development, scientists and researchers might be poached from organizations and teams by the government to become advisors leading their respective fields of study. District courts will tend to seek skilled law enforcement personnel, or experienced legal practitioners to serve the justice system under district or regional courts. Districts each have their own judges, chairmen, and advisory committees. Districts are areas of the nation grouped into similar sizes. There is no limit the numbers of these districts, and mainly serve as arbitrary divisions to cut the overhead of managing a large unified group of people. District chairs will usually do what they can in the people's best interest. With enough public speaking experience will eventually make their way through the ranks, ending up as secretaries of state.

The last level of government is the House of Associates, built from advisors contained within districts. By being leaders in their fields, they will presumably promote the best suggestions of leadership. This voting republic is in the best interest to ease their own line of work, give a means for clear optimization of systems they use, and suggest quality of life improvements for themselves. The House of Councils should contain the secretaries that communicate with elected Premieres to promote advice from the House of Associate's. These suggestions should be put into action as these suggestions interest everyone in their own ministry. Through this selfishness of the ministries, the whole of the House of Councils moves efficiently. Populous based ministries take their leadership generally from politicians, field leaders, and the academic hierarchy so that both associates and secretaries have a clear line of succession (through death, abandonment, or election) to all of the ministries' positions. Lastly of course the House of Judges, voted in by their peers, stands to act as the moral leadership of Regelis. With the ability to veto and enforce law with direct access to district courts, should the House of Councils bypass the 1st appeal stage.


The House of the People consists of every citizen with the ability to vote.

House of Councils

The House of Councils consists of the 11 Premieres, 11 Vice-Premieres, and 11 Secretaries.

House of Associates

The House of Associates consists of a large number of advisors with direct communication to the council.

House of Judges

The House of Judges consists of 10 elected judges.

Legislative Process

A flowchart showing the operating order of appeals.

The House of the People requests a law.

The House of Associates either:

  • Accepts the proposal, and formally drafts a bill.
  • Declines the proposal, awaiting 1st appeal.

If accepted, the law is sent to the House of Councils for voting.

The House of the Councils either:

  • Accepts the proposal, passing it to the House of Judges.
  • Vetos the proposal, awaiting 1st appeal.

1st Appeal

The House of the people file an appeal with the House of Councils.

The House of Councils forces the House of Associates to draft a revised bill proposal.

The law is sent to the House of Councils for voting.

The House of Councils either:

  • Accepts the proposal, passing it to the House of Judges.
  • Vetos the proposal, awaiting 2nd appeal.

2nd Appeal

The House of the People file an appeal with the House of Judges.

The House of Judges forces the House of Associates to draft a revised bill proposal.

The law is sent to the House of Councils for voting.

The House of Councils either:

  • Accepts the proposal, passing it to the House of Judges.
  • Vetos the proposal, awaiting ratification of the proposal from the House of Associates.

Hereafter, the House of Associates may decline the proposal at their discretion. All future appeals are treated as initial submissions.


Image shows the physical seating arrangement of each voting member of the House of Councils during voting periods. (Sep 2013)
List of Regelian Ministries
Ministry Job Duties
ARMI Regulates the Guard, Navy, Air Force, ROSE, and Sentry. Military force is to be managed as a shield, not a sword. Public knowledge of sensitive military operation is key.
COMU Implements measures to impair the ability of corporate enterprise to produce substandard goods. Manage and maintain logistics systems to calculate the maximum efficiency of resource acquisition, the transport of goods and services, and other logistical operations.
EMIS Manage political (or otherwise) refuges, grant asylum and protection from oppressive governments. Maintain foreign policy, trade, and international affairs in an attempt to minimize classism based international political agendas.
FERA Limit the effect of cyber-crime related activities against national communications infrastructure. Implement a country-wide network that must offer truly free, democratic voting to the entire population. Offer public access to government agenda and policies to be criticized in great detail.
INDI Manage the eminence data processes involved in analysis of personal information. To represent both the public view, and to inform the public about the general state of communal infrastructure. Maintain and improve the quality of communication channels. Acquire knowledge as a resource. Contribute to publicly available research for general education.
JUDI Manage law enforcement entities in co-operation with the Guard and the ARMI ministry. Manage emergency executive orders in the Justice System, Penal System, and Written Law. Provide legal representation for the citizenship.
MONI Manage the efficiency of general goods and services, general “work based” finances and provisional services for the good of the public at large. The state has to keep a constant watchful eye on the movement of inequitable gain of resources and the fair distribution of those resources to reduce or eliminate poverty.
NATU Maintain the health of the environment and efficiency of generalized agriculture. Manage the analysis of land for the use of cartography and resource acquisition. Oversee construction projects in every sector, civilian or corporate enterprise to affirm those involved adhere to environmental guidelines.
POPU Support and represent the voice of the people in all aspects of government and public affairs. Maintain the generalized abolition of censorship in publicly accessible media. Manage religious diplomacy and enforce legal mandates on said organizations. The health of the people will stand before beliefs in every instance.
REMI Maintain the organization of an emergency response team in the event of a disastrous situation. Manage nationwide EMS stations and hospitals to respond to civilian health emergencies. Progress the field of medical research . Distribute vaccination statewide, and internationally if such an event requires.
SOCI Maintain the morale of the people through the use of positive public speech and transparency. Manage the national education curriculum and provide centers of learning and research as a whole the tools they need to succeed. Implement a statewide information database to be used as a source for research and technological progress available to the citizenship.

Regelis' Governmental System in Popular Culture

Solid parallels can be made between the design of Project Zero Dawn from the game Horizon Zero Dawn, and the Regelian House of Councils.

Not to be confused with a claim of Regelis influencing the development of Horizon Zero Dawn; Project Zero Dawn itself is eerily similar in design to Regelis' governmental structure. At least in relation to Gaia's subordinate systems. In the game, Gaia, an artificial intelligence charged with the continuity of the human species after the accidental destruction of life on earth by the Faro Plague;[19] is given charge over 9 subordinate systems named after greek gods. These being Aether, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, Eleuthia, Hades, Hephaestus, Minerva, and Poseidon. These 9 systems are each a compartmentalized unit, which is subordinate to Gaia.[20] Contrasted, is Regelis' own 11 ministries, which is subordinate to the House of Councils.

This comparison is further supported when compared individually between the subordinate systems of Gaia, and the ministries.

Aether, and Poseidon are responsible for detoxifying the earth's air and water, much in the way that the Natustace exists to reverse human environmental damage. Apollo, archives all human history and culture, existing to educate future human generations. Regelis's Comustace ministry creates a store of all scientific knowledge for educating the public. Eleuthia, who rebuilds the human population through cloning and the raising of children, similar to Indistace which holds values of family-building, teaching, and communicating with people. Hades which reverses incorrect operation and execution of commands. like the Judistace that reverses decisions made by Regelis' executive branch. Hephaestus serves as Zero Dawn's protection system, constructing machines to protect the continuity of Gaia. Just as the Armistace of Regelis serves to protect the continuity of Regelis. Minerva bruteforces the Faro activation codes, gathering data to make a computational attack against them; as Regelis' Ferastace ministry acts through cybernetic infrastructure as the cyber-military branch of Sentry.

The only allegories that can't be made between the two are Artemis and Demeter, whose purpose is to catalog the DNA of all species on earth. As well as Regelis' Popustace, Monistace, and Emisstace, due to Project Zero Dawn not needing to operate functions of state and government. Broadly though, the two are very similar. Regelis' governmental structure has existed as early as 2005 as Kaos' government, with charts showing the structure of government made in September 2013.[21]

Armistace Ministry

Armistace promotional image.

Primarily, the Armistace exists to maintain peacetime readiness, and to manage military manpower. There are five branches in the military of Regelis. Of these branches, exist the Guard, Navy, Air Force, ROSE, and Sentry. The Guard houses the states external ground forces, The Navy for sea, The Air Force for Air, and of course The ROSE to secure the homeland from foreign invaders. A branch that you may not be so familiar with the state calls The Sentry, that protects the nation and its residency from attacks through its cyber-security infrastructure. As a general rule of war, the military force in Regelis is not to be managed as a sword. Rather, the force acts as a shield to protect its people from the threat of foreign policy. The Armistace will to the best of their ability provide public knowledge relating to sensitive military operations and advances, while at best avoiding breaches of national security. Please note that Regelis does formally recognize a six-star military rank, in the form of the Secretary of Arms, who does have operating authority over all five branches of Regelis' military force. The Armistace and Vicestace will mitigate the Secretary of Arms, and action may only be placed in the result of a majority vote among the government council. The Armistace is this six-star officer.

Comustace Ministry

Comustace promotional image.

Managing the workforce of any state will be a daunting job for any one person. Under control of the Comistace are Associates for; Corporate Enterprise, Incomes and Wages, Labor, Logistics, and Standards. Management of wages paid for contribution of civilian man-hours will be strictly up to the employer. However, legislation related to the minimum wages that must be paid by field will be the duty of the Associate of Incomes and Wages, and Labor. Exchanges in actual monetary return will be left to the Monistace, and Economic Secretaries. The Comistace must attempt to limit the spread of corporate enterprise, and to prevent the development of substandard goods. Goods like these that would normally be produced in order to reduce company costs and the cost of their products on the consumer. They will also direct manpower to progress the overall technology level of the state and maintain critical infrastructure. The maintenance of logistics systems in order to calculate the maximum efficiency of resources and transport of goods and service will be a duty imposed on the Comistace, as well as the standardization of weights and measures. Regelis will use the metric system of measurement for all trade, national and international. Where the Comistace controls the logistics of international and internal shipping, the Monistace will work with the Emistace to decide the specifics of what may be shipped, as well as international tariffs and taxes.

Emisstace Ministry

Emisstace promotional image.

Political, or otherwise, refuges are an issue to most nations and must be dealt with in a sensitive manor. Information gathering from the office of the Indistace will be assessed in order determine the status of states worldwide. The Emisstace will grant asylum and protection by the state of Regelis from oppressive government powers at no cost to such refuges. National standards will be set in place, as no place of business will be required to communicate in a language other than English for any purpose. Direct communication in English is mandatory. Regelis does mandate that communication from businesses to their consumers for economic reasons provide a universal communication medium in the form of English, and in a base 10 number system. In a primary example, a business may list its ordering options in the form of English and in a foreign language; however ordering must not require a foreign name to be included but simply an order number. Remember that English is Regelis' national language. While mandating international trade regulations may be required, the office of the Emisstace also mitigates international affairs in an attempt to minimize classism, especially as a basis of political agenda. Political diplomacy will not normally be handled by the Emisstace, but rather the Secretary of International Affairs.

Ferastace Ministry

Ferastace promotional image.

The addition of the Ferastace into our governmental system gives Regelis a unique advantage over other states in such a connected world. Minimizing the effect of cybercrime related activities mitigated by the Ferastace, and the actual opposing force will be managed by the Armistace in direct control of The Sentry. Effective implementation of a state or worldwide social network with Regelis Government oversight will be provided free charge. This social network must be managed to protect the citizenship, and offer a truly free democratic voting system to the entire population, limited only by age and education standards. This network be made free, through public access, the government agenda and all policies. They will be criticized in great detail in an environment without censorship, in order to correct injustices imposed on the citizenship by the threat of corrupt government figureheads. As well is a censor free environment for discussion, this social network will log communication. Not for the reason of intruding on basic rights of privacy. In an supervised environment in order to reinforce social interaction, and best serve the communication capabilities of the public. Networking will be monitored to determine people in the citizenship that should be dealt with in a manor alternative to the usual standard. If there is a citizen for some reason with an extraordinary amount of “Denials For Communication” there may be a reason illegitimate. Reasons for these “Denials” may be sent to data centers for review, and to our intelligence offices for investigation. Reporting falsified, incriminating information may incite a penalty on the petitioner. This is a service provided to protect the public. Instead of closing off the government to our citizenship, Regelis seeks to mitigate standards in behavior to establish a moral equilibrium for the purpose of establishing rule of law. If a citizen has a problem with the way in which Regelis provides this service or how it is monitored, then they may freely discuss this with the government in the open forum the service creates. Ironically, making much argument to the legitimacy of states view of privacy rights known to every member of the public both national and international.

Indistace Ministry

Indistace promotional image.

The intelligence community of Regelis manages the eminence data processes involved in analyzing public information. It represents both the public view, and informs people of the general state of the nation's communal infrastructure. Maintaining and improving the quality of communication channels in the state and at the civilian level helps with the transfer of free information. General acquisition of knowledge is a resource, and contribution to a publicly available research archive will be made at all available times. The civilian population will take these contributions to research and may use it without repercussions for the purpose of general education. In the office of the Indistace lies the responsibility of making sure that government powers do not use personal civilian data for illicit purposes. Analyzing data from the social network of Regelis and the information it contains will be up to this office, as well as the Associates of Census and Information. Communications deal with all mediums of direct communication; internet, phone, radio, and video. Know that there is no person in direct control of censorship. The act of radio and video censorship in entertainment channels is actually overseen by the office of the Popustace.

Judistace Ministry

Judistace promotional image.

The Judistace manages law enforcement entities. Because the Law Enforcement organizations are mostly controlled in city sized jurisdictions, and the civilian population, not the military, is employed in a position of judicial power, the office of the Judistace must manage these law enforcement entities at the state level. This office also has power to issue executive order, in the event of a national disaster, such as to instate Marshall Law. Locating and focusing the nations manpower to repair the effects of such a national tragedy, and then literally implementing suggested actions to efficiently rectify its effects on the state, its people, and its economy will be a duty imposed on the Judistace as well. In general, the Judistace will manage a higher court in the form of The House of Judges. Management of the entire justice system will be imposed on the Secretary and Associate of Justice. The Judges of the House and District Judges will self-mediate. The Judistace will oversee the nation's penal system, and will implement all written law. District judges and Judges of the House will provide free legal representation from prosecuting authorities for the citizenship without compensation.

Monistace Ministry

Monistace promotional image.

Managing the logistics and efficiency of general goods and service, general “work compensation”, financial assistance, and provisional services for the good of the public at large will be in the hands of this office. General efficiency of resource acquisition, and material production methods will be monitored in order to protect the environment and consumers they may purchase such products. The state had to keep a constant watchful eye on the movement of inequitable resource gain and the fair distribution of those resources to businesses in the state. It will be up to the government Council to determine what is a “fair” level of economic competition. Taxation in general is managed by this office, and the taxation of larger corporate enterprises will be strained in order to resist their influence over the public domain. While large corporations like this may exist, they will require a much more exhausting toll for trade than smaller companies. Regelis' social network will be used at the premiere method of trade, and will be electronically equalized. This will in able trade in any elemental resource medium; especially Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium (called the 1B+78 Standard), of which will be the basic standard of Regelis' economy. In addition perishable agricultural resources, (like corn, wheat, and soybeans) and livestock may be traded easily in this social medium in the form of stocks. Regelis' social network can provide a live auction house for every member of its community and even trade internationally. Other economic valuing resources, not as perishable, including but not limited to; Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Oil, Natural Gas, and Sugar #11 may be a basis for the states economy. Rare metals such as Iridium and Uranium, and metals refined in bulk like; Aluminum, Cobalt, Iron and Steel, Tin, Titanium, and Tungsten may also base the economy at the trade currency level.

Natustace Ministry

Natustace promotional image.

The office of the Natustace has the important role of regulating Regelis' environmental impact upon the planet. They provide the testing of toxic emissions and chemicals into the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. This office is also responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between human life and the lives of the numerous species of Earth. They catalog the plant, animal, fungal, bacterial, and viral species into referenceable systems; for use by other government agencies. The Natustace works with school systems and colleges to provide useful information about chemical compound, biological life, and anthropological history. For chemicals, this ministry provides material safety data information, regulate the appropriate personal protective equipment used in the processing of volatile compounds. The most important job the office of the Natustace has is the regulation of agriculture and livestock production. They analyze the land, supply cartography, and mark areas safe for mining or processing into usable materials. All construction projects are registered with the office of the Natustace, to make sure they follow the environmental standards and safe practices.

Popustace Ministry

Popustace promotional image.

The Popustace ministry of Regelis has the single goal of representing the intrests of the citizens of Regelis, people wishing to seek protection of Regelis, an humanity in general. They speak for, support, and represent the people at large in all matters public and private. This job requires the acquisition of large amounts of information to make informed judgements on the public's behalf. Therefore this ministry handles all polling, census information. They work with Indistace who stores and secures that census data, helping distribute it to organizations that request the information, and providing it to branches of government. This helps create informed decision making based on popular demand. The Popustace speaks directly only on results of popular majority opinion to bring compromise on any issues, delivering the concerns of the public through feedback request directly to the House of Councils during house sessions. Additionally, this ministry is responsible for maintaining and resolving copyright issues, freedom of speech, expression, and religion issues; as well and enforcing legal mandates upon organizations representing copyright, speech, religion, expression, charities, political action committees, or the people's right to public protest.

Remistace Ministry

Remistace promotional image.

The healthcare of the citizens of Regelis is of vital importance to its government. The Remistace ministry is responsible for the management of all emergency services. This includes, but is not limited to, EMS stations, hospitals, fire departments, mental and behavioral health, civil police, special tactics, crisis negotiation, bomb disposal, environmental protection, forest rangers, and avalanche response. It is the duty of the Premiere to maintain and organize the hierarchical structure and protocol each service requires, working with the office of the Monistace to budget state funds for these programs, and supply teams nationwide the equipment needed to effectively perform their duties. The duties of the Remistace do not stop at the emergency services, as they are also responsible for civilian health crises and epidemic response. As well as medical research, advocating progress in the field of medicine, the distribution of vaccination; and communication with the Office of the Emiistace for international research effort. They must supply centers of learning with all the full bounty of scientific medical knowledge, and redistribute advances in medicine in a clear an unambiguous manor. The Remistace has the civil responsibility to make medical care, treatment, and medications as inexpensive to the citizens of Regelis as humanly possible.

Socistace Ministry

Socistace promotional image.

The Socistace Ministry is the office of Regelis with the worst public perception. Often seen as a producer of Regelian propaganda, they service more functions that simply this. While they do produce and promote the Regelis to the outside world, they are also responsible for promoting locations of interest, tourism centers, public works, events, and conventions. They work closely with the Emisstace to strategize the best place to assert Regelian influence into centers of trade, Regelian co-operation on international projects, and the acquisition of specialized extranational STEM workers; incentivizing them to migrate to Regelis, through human captial flight.

Additionally, the Socistace is solely responsible for all national education and the contents of the public education curriculum nationwide. The Socistace office is required to provide primary, secondary, and university education centers, schools, libraries, and other centers of learning the tools needed for students to become more knowledgeable. For centers of research, the Socistace makes available a statewide public information database to be used for scientific research, technological process, computer programming, and invention. The service is accessed through infrastructure provided by the Ferastace and Indistace ministries and is intended to be free of charge. This database is meant to contain all current scientific knowledge and research accessible through database query. The Socistace is responsible for copy-typing non-fiction books, and scientific papers to better digitize them.

Example Propoganda

A flag of Regelis.

We believe in the power of the people. In Regelis, we see it in the best interest that the most experienced person within a field leads by example. The Minister of Education is been voted as the best educator by teachers. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is the most knowledgeable of how the governments of the world operate, and is voted in by our ambassadors. Attorney Generals are voted in by other lawyers. The heads of state are voted into office by everyone with suffrage, and of matching ministerial interest.

This democratic system of government is operated by several houses which create laws, issue statements, and steer the entire nation toward a state of progress and development in a positive direction.

We believe in every single person's ability to create great things and live great lives. We want to do everything in our nation's power to make that dream possible. Regelis will give everything it can to meet that goal and forge a future free of regret, free of pain, and free from the failure to meet the needs of the human condition.

— Shawn F. - Premiere Popustace, Regelis National Authority


Regelis military equipment.

The military of Regelis is divided into 5 branches each representing a domain of war.[22][23]

Domain Branch
Land Guard
Air Air Force
Sea Navy
Space ROSE
Cyberspace Sentry



Defends the land of Regelis through superior performance. Regelis' land troops are not referred to as an army, because they are trained not to expect extranational attack. Rather they are trained on homeland soil to protect the nation itself, as a shield rather than a sword. As is the national motto of Regelis.

Air Force

Defends the airspace of Regelis. Almost all planned aircraft of the military are fighter interceptors, with some air carriers, and very few reconnaissance aircraft. Because Regelis does not intend to act internationally, it performs multi-role operations for national defense.


One of the few domains that Regelis operates internationally within. It is planned that the navy of Regelis will be its strongest branch and fighting force. Existing to protect the international interests and shipping vessels of the nation, they maintain and which Regelian ships in international waters.


The rondel meatball of the Regelis Organization of Space Exploration.

Despite its name, the Regelis Organization of Space Exploration (ROSE) is intra-military branch of the Regelian miliary's five domain of war organizational structure. The official job of ROSE is to act as a general purpose space exploration organization, with the intention of settling and permanently occupying space in the complete sense. Members of this organization are simultaneously enlisted personnel of the Regelian military, even though most do not perform military duties, and are assigned to instead complete scientific research objectives. However, some of the resources allocated to ROSE are used to fund military project, objectives, and satellite launches. ROSE also intends to weaponize its spacecraft in the event of international 4th domain war. It also maintains military equipment in space, and moving forward an agenda of space colonization, the construction of space stations, and Regelian militarization of the space domain. Under the assumption that the space domain of war would otherwise be a threat to a vulnerable Regelis'.


The most important domain of Regelis in this age of information is the Sentry. This cybermilitary branch defends the nation against extranational attacks, frauds, computer crimes, and child endangerment or exploitation. Along with the Sentry is Regelis' intelligence office First Intelligence; Second Tactics (FIST), which gathers information for the nation's military benefit.

Military Ranks

Enlisted/NCO Ranks
Insignia Code Paygrade Guard Air Force Navy ROSE Sentry
E1 3100 H Private Airman 2nd Class Crewman 2nd Class Agent 2nd Class
E2 3200 H Private 1st Class Airman 1st Class Crewman 1st Class Agent 1st Class
E3 3300 H Corpral Flight Corpral Petty Officer 3rd Class Agent Corpral
E4 3400 H Sergeant Flight Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Class Agent Sergeant
E5 3500 H Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 1st Class Staff sergeant
Company Officer Ranks
Insignia Code Paygrade Guard Air Force Navy ROSE Sentry
CO1 3600 H Senior Staff Sergeant Senior Petty Officer Senior Staff Sergeant
CO2 3700 H Sergeant Major Chief Petty Officer Sergeant Major
CO3 3800 H 2nd Lieutenant Senior Chief Petty Officer 2nd Lieutenant
CO4 3900 H 1st Lieutenant Master Chief Petty Officer 1st Lieutenant
CO5 4000 H Captain Midshipman Captain
Warrant Officer Ranks
Insignia Code Paygrade Guard Air Force Navy ROSE Sentry
WO1 4100 H Major Lieuteanat Major
WO2 4200 H Junior Colonel Junior Commander Junior Colonel
WO3 4300 H Lieutenant Colonel Lieuteanat Commander Lieuteanat Colonel
WO4 4400 H Colonel Commander Colonel
WO5 4500 H Master Colonel Captain Master Colonel
Field Officer Ranks
Insignia Code Paygrade Guard Air Force Navy ROSE Sentry
FO1 4600 H Junior Warrant Officer
FO2 4700 H Warrant Officer
FO3 4800 H Senior Warrant Officer
FO4 4900 H Chief Warrant Officer
FO5 5000 H Master Chief Warrant Officer
Flag Officer Ranks
Insignia Code Paygrade Guard Air Force Navy ROSE Sentry
GO1 5200 H Field General Field Marshal Field Admiral Field Operator
GO2 5400 H Brigadier General Brigadier Marshal Rear Admiral Rear Operator
GO3 5600 H Major General Major Marshal Vice Admiral Vice Operator
GO4 5800 H Lieutenant General Lieutenant Marshal Fleet Admiral Fleet Operator
GO5 6000 H General of the Guard Marshal of the Air Force Admiral of the Navy Admiral of the Rose Operator of the Sentry


Image depicts the Regelian currency account management software. It automatically pays out the Universal Basic Income for Regelis, taxes citizens, and manages account transfers.

The base unit of currency used in Regelis is the Houro (H). This currency is pinned to the value of a person hour. The total currency in circulation of the nation is determined by the following formula: 8766 × population. Regelis' bank is strictly maintained by a computerized balancing system. Its currency is kept in equilibrium with the nation's Universal Basic Income. For this reason the Houro is a digital only currency with its accounts controlled directly by the national treasury and bank, under the Monistace.

Universal Basic Income

Each working class citizen, persons of the working age of 15, regardless of their ability or willingness to work are paid a daily stipend. This stipend is Regelis' universal basic income. Each day every eligible citizen is paid exactly 8 Houros, minus taxes, to do with whatever they please. This is given to maintain or assist individuals under the line of poverty. The Houros issued by the state are indistinguishable from currency earned though work, and are grouped into the same personal account. Sharing this account with another Regelian is not possible, fee free transactions can be made between any account.


Updated Q3 2020

List of Macronational Classifications
Index Score
Democracy Index (MPI) Steady 6.3
List of Micronational Classifications
Index Score
Boodlesmythe-Tallini System of Classification Bricks and Mortar, Small, Community - 5th World
Micronational Potential Index (MPI) Steady 4.0
Dresner's System of Classification (CGSC) Steady 3.8
Economic Potential Index (EPI) Steady 3.4
Freayth's System of Classification Steady 4.3
Linden's Revised System of Classification Steady 3.8
Usian Bureaucratic Scale Steady 4.0
Roscoe's Scale of Micronational Seriousness Steady 4.0


Bilateral Recognition

Unilateral Recognition


  1. Merits of Freedom
  2. Georgette Wang, De-Westernizing Communication Research Altering Questions and Changing Frameworks
  3. Alan Chong and Faizal Bin Yahya; State, Society, and Information Technology in Asia,_Society_and_Information_Technology_in_Asia_2576907_(
  4. November 22 is National Start Your Own Country Day, In Case You've Always Wanted To Be King
  5. LTFU Twitter
  6. Regelis listed on a list of micronations dated 13 Mar 2011
  9. HTLL (Defunct)
  10. FIRST Robotics Competition
  11. Manuel Castell, Culture of the Internet
  12. Cho Chikun, Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game
  13. Wayne Kelly, The Crokinole Book
  15. Raven, Peter H.; Evert, Ray F.; Eichhorn, Susan E. (January 2005). "Section 6. Physiology of Seed Plants: 29. Plant Nutrition and Soils". Biology of Plants (7th ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. p. 639. ISBN 978-0-7167-1007-3. LCCN 2004053303. OCLC 56051064.
  16. Japanse Corpus Wiki
  17. Trees
  19. Horizon Zero Dawn Wiki
  20. Horizon Zero Dawn Wiki
  21. RelianceNA Forum
  22. 5 Dimension Operations
  23. Kevin Benedict. Information Operations: The Fifth Dimension of Warfare. December 11, 2012.
  24. Regelis Naveria Treaty
  25. Regelis Cycoldia Treaty
  26. New Athens Regelis Treaty
  27. Treaty of Kaiserstadt-Regalia
  28. Matachewan Regelis Treaty
  29. Miserbia Regelis Treaty
  30. Regelis Nordika Treaty
  31. Regelis Ustea Treaty
  32. Regelis Yu-Xia Treaty
  33. Regelis Theodia Treaty
  34. Regelis Vishwamitra Treaty