Imperial Parliament of Adammia

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Imperial Parliament of Adammia
XI Legislature
HousesRuling Council
HIM Emperor Adam I
since 13 April 2013
Lord James Green, Radical Left Party
since 7 December 2022
Sir Ned Hilton, Liberal-Moderate Party
since 8 December 2022
Lord Chancellor
HIM Emperor Adam I, Liberal-Moderate Party
since 1 September 2013
Ruling Council political groups
Government (3)
  •   Liberal-Moderate (3)

Opposition (3)

Ruling Council last election
November 2022
Meeting place
De jure: White Gold Palace, Imperial City
De facto: Online

The Imperial Parliament of Adammia is the legislature of the Empire of Adammia. It possesses legislative supremacy over all Adammic provinces, colonies and territories, making Adammia a unitary state. It consists of two principal components: the Emperor-in-Parliament and the Ruling Council. The Parliament legislates by passing Acts of Parliament, which must be passed by the Ruling Council and receive the consent of the Monarch. The council can vote to overturn an Imperial Decree issued by the Monarch. The powers of the Parliament and its constituent parts are defined by the Empire's constitution, the Supreme Directive. The Parliament came into being when the Sixth Amendment to the Supreme Directive came into effect on 1 July 2019; prior to this, the Ruling Council had, on its own, been the unicameral legislature. The Parliament was initially created with the Ruling Council as its upper house and the House of Citizens as its lower house. However, the Ninth Amendment abolished the House of Citizens on 3 November 2022.

The Ruling Council is the upper house. It is comprised of a representative from each province, alongside an equal number of national councilors. The Monarch is the Chair of the council, though they do not have a vote. The Lord Chancellor is a vice-chair, and the Monarch may appoint up to two other members as Vice-Chairs. The Ruling Council nominates the Prime Minister from amongst its own members; this means that the executive Imperial Government must have the confidence of the Ruling Council, and that the Prime Minister will usually be the leader of the largest party or coalition within the council. The council also has some powers of oversight over the Monarchy: it can vote to instigate a Regency if it feels that the Monarch is incapable of ruling (this can be overruled by the Monarch, unless the vote passed with over 80% support), and if the Monarch dies without leaving an Heir, the council can name a new successor. It meets in-person a minimum of twice per year; its official meeting place is at White Gold Palace in Imperial City, Tytannia, but has not met there since late 2017. From late 2017 to early 2019, its de facto meeting place was at Varwall in Serkatia. Since early 2019, following the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, it has mostly met online, though it has had one in-person meeting since the pandemic ended.

The Imperial Government must receive the consent of Parliament in order to levy taxes, spend public money, enter into treaties, or to wage war.

Elections of the national councilors usually take place once per year in a general election. These mark the beginnings and ends of the terms of the legislature. Each term is opened by a State Opening speech, and is closed by a Dissolution speech, both given by the Monarch.


From July 2013 to June 2019, the Ruling Council was the unicameral legislature of Adammia. Desire for constitutional reform, which coincided with the rise of the anti-establishment Storm Party in late 2018, saw a cross-party summit in February 2019. One of the most vocal complaints was that it was difficult for politicians to remain involved in Adammic politics if they left the Birmingham area, as the Ruling Council always met in-person. Several parties had suggested replacing the Ruling Council with a proportionally-elected online chamber, though the Emperor and his Liberal-Moderate supporters were opposed to replacing the Ruling Council, as it was feared that doing so would dilute the influence of the Provinces - the only places where Adammic law is fully implemented and enforced. A bicameral legislature was suggested by the Emperor, and it quickly achieved cross-party support. A Great Reform Act was passed by the Council in March 2019, and its proposed Sixth Amendment to the Supreme Directive was endorsed by the electorate in a referendum in April. The Imperial Parliament officially came into being on 1 July 2019.