High Priest of the Pahun

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High Priest of the Pahun
as King of the Valtirians

since 1 October 2014
StyleHis Holiness
AppointerThe Sabioveronese people
approved by the bašobók
Inaugural holderHaerpyer I Ashkuusinu
Formation15 May 2012

The High Priest of the Pahun (Pahdur: Miisete Pahunetur; Sabian: aibašorág barbaħuninnán) is the spiritual and formerly executive leader of the Church of the Pahun. The role of the High Priest has changed with the passing of time, and the position has held various purposes since its conception. Currently it is universally accepted that the High Priest is the spiritual guide of the Pahunists and the principal protector of the Pahunist dogma. Nowadays the position is mostly symbolic, but in previous times the High Priest or High Priestess was the main authority of the Church of the Pahun. Since the nationalization of the Church of the Pahun by Sabia and Verona, the Monarch of Sabia and Verona is automatically also High Priest of the Pahun.

Even though the High Priest no longer holds authority over Church matters, his or her say is generally considered of utmost importance in issues of the faith, and the position holder's insight and knowledge of the Pahunnia is looked up to in the Sabioveronese society. Sabia and Verona is the only remaining nation of the Valtir Sector, where Pahunism originated.

The current High Priest of the Pahun is Tarik, King of the Valtirians, as Haerpyer. In 2017, through a royal edict, the title of "High Priest of the Pahun" was removed from the official title of the Sabioveronese Monarch, instead replaced by the title of "Defender of the Avendrá".


The Blue Age

During the Blue Age before the days of Dakrit Pahunism was a form of Paganism in the early micronational days of the Valtir Region. Little is known about the early Pahunism of the times before the establishment of the Church, and most of the texts from this era lack any mention of hierarchies or leaderships. Since at some point Pahunism got to be the state cult of the Berinese Confederation, it's possible that the Berinese Imperial Crown may have had some say in the spiritual affairs of the early Pahunnia.

The Church of Faelys

The Church of the Pahun or Church of Faelys was established alongside the Holy State of Dakrit in May 2012. The establishment of the Church represented the introduction of a strict hierarchy to the Pahunist organization and the once Pagan religion became an organized faith. The First High Priest of the Pahun was Tarik Kârjasary under the religious name of Haerpyer. Kârjasary was the author of many of the modern texts of on the Pahun Evette and he was the main person behind the organization of the Church. The political instability in the Valtir Sector however didn't allow Dakrit to prosper and by April 2012 the state had fallen into disgrace. With the declaration of the Union of Artaghe Kârjasary passed to have political obligations with the new nation and could no longer remain as head of the Church. Liam Barnard succeded him as High Priest under the name of Lajam.

During Lajam's reign the Church fell into inactivity, and it was mostly forgotten by the Sector which continued to struggle with its constant changes and political turmoil. It wasn't until after a few months of the creation of Sabia and Verona that the Church was revived, this time syncretizing the Sabian, the Veronese the Lycene cultures into the Pahunnia. Lycene traditions found themselves especially easy to bond with Pahunism, and soon Saria Josephine would be declared the new High Priestess of the Pahun under the regnal name of Senna.

Senna's reign was marked by the separation of the Pahunists into the two schools of thought, the Nikolaeists or Faelists and the Fäkhists of Pashqarists. Her reign was a period of activity and progress in the Church, though it was marred by what has been called the "loss of Pahunist principles". She reigned for nine months before stepping down. Upon her dismissal she was given the nanasehur of Ashminasuunu, the Beloved. She was succeded by Ashukov politician Vera Hewitt, who took the regnal name of Noaeryk.

The Return of Ashaytanabahwaai

In late January 2014, months into Noaeryk's reign, the Edict of the Aytana Tree was released, written by former High Priest Haerpyer and approved by Noaeryk himself. It was also signed by former High Priestess Senna and High Star Syleon of Sūrnyjann. The edict reformed the organization of the Church and reformed the hierarchy of the whole institution. The Council of High Stars was dissolved and the position of High Priest became purely symbolic. The Edict also criticized the "deviation from the Pahun's path" and the fall into the "pretentions of organized religion". By February 2014 all the reforms had been adopted and High Priest Noaeryk had adopted a purely symbolic role in the Church. The Schools of thought were unified, and most followers agreed to comply with the unification.

Unification of the Aytana Tree and the Crown

High Priest Noaeryk stepped down as High Priest on 29 September 2014. On 1 October 2014, a series of reforms were approved by the General Assembly, the lower house of the Courts of Sabia and Verona. Counting with the consent of the Pahunist vetha, the Church of the Pahun became the national Church of Sabia and Verona. Thus, the High Priest or High Priestess of the Pahun would be the King or Queen of the Valtirians, the Sabioveronese Monarch. The first of these High Priests was Isadora of Annenak, Queen of the Valtirians. She took the name of Alyna, and her age was named the age of the Hummingbird (Kolaabroshi'tu).


Tencoxu portrait Personal name Reign Nationality Place of birth Era

(First rule)
Haerpyer Xaradamuu: Xaradamuu of a King
Hands: Flame of Lycem.
Tarik Kodavái Kârjasary 15 May 2012
19 June 2012
(36 days)
Valtirian 17 August 1999
Hamburg, Germany
Lajam Xaradamuu: Protection for sailors
Hands: Nothing.
Liam Barnard 19 June 2012 –
31 December 2012
(196 days)
Valtirian 1997
United States
Senna Xaradamuu: Markings for a fire ritual
Hands: Dry leaf.
Saria Josephine 1 January 2013 –
10 September 2013
(253 days)
Valtirian 31 May 1999
Libertador, Venezuela
Noaeryk Xaradamuu: Markings for a Coosivaega'eejon
Hands: Candle of Nikolaeism and pine needles of Fäkhism.
Vera Hewitt 13 September 2013 –
1 October 2014
(387 days)
Austenasian 31 January 1999
United States
Alyna Xaradamuu: Xaradamuu of a King
Hands: Two green leaves.
Isadora Isadoravái Annenak 1 October 2014 –
23 August 2015
(327 days)
Valtirian 17 June 1999
Caracas, Venezuela
(Second rule)
Haerpyer Xaradamuu: Xaradamuu of a King
Hands: Flame of Lycem.
Tarik Kodavái Kârjasary August 23, 2015 –
(3297 days)
Valtirian 17 August 1999
Hamburg, Germany