Style (manner of address)

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A style is a form of legal title commonly associated with leading political and religious figures who hold an established legal office in a specific institution. Although styles are used in nearly all forms of government, they are more commonly associated with monarchies and aristocracies. In such systems a style of office is typically more extravagant than those of a republican system, with styles such as "Royal Majesty" or "Excellency" being employed. Styles are typically broken down into the reference style (third person, e.g. "His/Her Highness"), spoken style (second person, e.g. "Your Highness") and alternative style (second person for use as an alternative to the spoken style, e.g. "Sir/Madam"). In some cases the first two styles may be identical, as is the case with the popular communist style of "Comrade", whilst others may have no alternative.

Example styles

Royal styles




  • His/Her Divine Holiness
  • His/Her Holiness
  • His/Her Reverence
  • His/Her Worship
  • His/Her Eminence


  • Comrade
  • Doctor
  • His/Her Honour
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Mrs
  • Mr
  • Generalissimo

Manner of address by nation

This is a list of Styles (manners of address) by micronation.

Abeldane Empire and the Commonwealth

  • His Imperial and Royal Exalted Majesty - used to refer the monarch.
  • His/Her/Their Imperial Highness/es, Imperial Prince/Princess - used for the heir apparent.
  • His/Her/Their Imperial Highness/es - Members of the Imperial Family.
  • Baron title of the person as baron - People who have been given titles as barons.
  • The Right Honourable - used for Prime Ministers and other people whom this title has been bestowed.
  • Knight/Dame - Any member of all chivalry orders of Abelden.


On extremely formal sessions

  • The Right Honourable - Members of the Federal Privy Council, Ministers, and recipients of the Order of the Mockingbird.
  • The Honourable - Members of the House of Commons

On formal / informal sessions

  • Mr./Ms./Mrs. - Members of the Federal Privy Council, Ministers, House of Commons, citizens


  • His/Her Excellency - The President and Premier of Amager
  • His/Her Serene Honor - The Doge, Chancellors
  • Sir/Madam/Zeram; M., Z. or Ms. - Any citizen of Amager
  • Knight/Dame - Any member of the five orders of Amager

Principality of Arkel

Between brackets after the function the translation in Dutch

  • His/Her Serene Majesty or His/Her Royal Highness – The Prince of Arkel (Zijne/Hare Doorluchtige Majesteit or Zijne/Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid)
  • His/Her Serene Highness – Family members of the Prince (normally dukes) (Zijne/Hare Doorluchtige Hoogheid)
  • His/Her Highness – Non-royal dukes (Zijne/Hare Hoogheid)
  • His/Her Highness – Counts
  • Highness (in Dutch: Hoogheid, in English also called: Lord) – Baron
  • Edelachtbare (The Right Honourable) – Members of Parliament
  • His/Her Excellency – Minister (Zijne/Hare Excellentie)
  • His/Her Most Noble Baron of the Swan – for members in the Order of the Ladder (Zijne/Hare Hoogste Baron in de Orde van de Zwaan)
  • The Right Honourable (rank) in the Order of the Ladder – Members in the Order of the Ladder (Weledele Heer/Mevrouw)

Empire of Austenasia

  • Your Imperial Majesty - Used to address the Monarch.
  • Your Imperial Highness - Used to address members of the immediate Imperial Family and their close relatives, as well as Caesars and Augustae.
  • Your Highness - Used to address medium-ranking members of the extended Imperial Family, the unmarried partner of the Monarch, and non-Imperial regents.
  • Your Serene Highness - Used to address lower-ranking members of the extended Imperial Family.
  • Your Grace - Used to address Dukes.
  • Your Illustrious Highness - Used to address the Countess of Memphis.
  • Your Eminence - Used to address the Pontifex Maximus.
  • My Lord/Lady - Used to address Lords/Ladies Imperial (members of the Line of Succession who are related to the Monarch only through marriage and/or more than two illegitimate generations), Duchesses, Counts/Countesses, Barons/Baronesses and sons of Dukes/Duchesses.
  • The Lady - Used to refer to daughters of Dukes/Duchesses and of Counts/Countesses.
  • The Right Hon. - Used to refer to the Prime Minister and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  • The Hon. - Used to refer to Representatives and to children of Barons/Baronesses and sons of Counts/Countesses.

Baustralian Empire

  • Your Majesty - Used to address the Monarch.
  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address the immediate family of the monarch.
  • Your Highness - Used to address the extended family of the monarch.

Grand Republic of Cycoldia

  • Your Imperial Majesty - Used for the Summi Imperator/Summi Imperatoria
  • Your Royal Majesty - Used for a Prince or Princess
  • Your Royal Highness - Used for a Regent
  • Your Noble Highness - Used for a Duke or Duchess
  • Your Highness - Used for Sub-Dukes and minor nobility
  • Lord/Lady - Used for a Baron or Baroness
  • Your Grace - Used to address a member of the Royal House of Nowell
  • The Right Honourable - Used for the Prime Minister
  • The Honourable - Used for a member of the General Assembly of Cycoldia or a member of the Council of the Constitution of Cycoldia
  • Knight/Dame - Used to address a member of the Knighthood of Cycoldia

Cheslovian Federation

  • President - Used for the President
  • Prime Minister - Used for the Prime Minister
  • Gaspadiin/Gospadiin - Used to formally address other male Cheslovian or Malokaznian citizens, has similar status to "Sir".
  • Gaspazhaar/Gospazhaar - Used to formally address other female Cheslovian or Malokaznian citizens, has similar status to "madam".
  • Comrade - Used informally to address other citizens since the Kaznian Rebirth.
  • Sir/Madam - Used to address other male/female citizens

Dale Republic

  • Mr. President - Used formally and by diplomats from nations without relations with the Dale Republic.
  • Mr. [Surname] - Used informally and by diplomats with diplomatic relations with the Dale Republic.
  • The Right Honourable - Used formally towards members of the Dale Gorvernment.
  • Sir/Madam - Used to formally address other male/female citizens.

Imperial State of Econia

  • Your Imperial Majesty - Used to address the Imperial Sovereign.
  • Your Imperial Highness - Used to address members of the Imperial Family that hold the title of Prince/Princess.
  • Your Highness - Used to address the 8 princes in charge of Econias principalities.
  • Your Excellency- Used to adress members of the Council of State.
  • Your Grace - Used to address Counts.
  • My Lord/Lady - Used to address Barons.
  • Mr/Madame Speaker - Used to the adress the Speaker of the Riksting.
  • Sir/Madame Used to adress knights/dames. When used to refer to a knight/dame their surname follows. For example: Sir Larsson
  • The Right Honourable - Used to refer to current government ministers or former People´s Ministers.
  • The Honourable - Used to refer to members of the Riksting or former government ministers and former speakers.

Technological Federation of Erephisia

  • Sir(Madam/Ma'am)/President/Mr(s) President - Used for the president
  • Sir(Madam/Ma'am)/Vice President/Mr(s) Vice President - Used for the Vice President
  • Sir(Madam/Ma'am)/Prime Minister/Mr(s) Prime Minister - Used for the Prime Minister
  • Sir(Madam/Ma'am)/Minister/Mr(s) Minister - Used for members of the ministerial cabinet
  • Sir(Madam/Ma'am)/[occupational name]/Mr(s) - Used for other citizens
  • Sir [name]/Madam [name] - Used for knighted or honoured Erephisian citizens

Federated States of Antarctica

  • Mr./Madam President - The President or President Emeritus
  • Madam Lady - First Lady
  • Mr. Gentleman - First Gentleman ("Mr. Lady" or "Madam Gentleman" could theoretically be used if preferred, although not expected to be common)
  • Mr./Madam Vice-President - The Vice-President (normal capacity)
  • Mr./Madam Speaker - Vice-President (acting as President of the Senate) or Speaker of the House of Representatives (most states)
  • Mr./Madam Secretary - General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Antarctica
  • The Right Honorable - Governor
  • The Honorable Senator - Senator
  • His/Her Honor - Judges, Mayors, Representatives, and other local officials

Kingdom of Florenia

  • Your Majesty - Used to address the Monarch and his or her consort.
  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address Princes and Princesses.
  • Your Grace - Used to address Dukes and Duchesses.
  • The Most Honorable - Used to refer to Earls and Countesses.
  • The Right Honorable - Used to refer to Barons and Baronesses, the Prime Minister, Members of Parliament and members of the Cabinet.
  • The Honorable Lord/Lady - Used to refer to children of peers, and children of the heirs apparent to peerages.

Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros

  • Comradsiyy Prezidenta (President Comrade) – President
  • Mistyaru - Has a Similiar status To "Sir"
  • Ministyaru - Has a similiar status to "Miss"
  • Comrada (Comrade) – Member of National Army
  • Comradsiyy - Has a Similiar status To "Sir"

Democratic Kingdom of Mallanor

  • His/Her Royal Majesty- The King or Queen
  • The Right Honorable - The Prime Minister
  • The Honorable - Ministers of the Royal Council

Kingdom of Militarmia

  • His Imperial Royal and Autocratic Majesty - Son / Sa Majesté Impériale Royale - The King and Queen (English and French)
  • His/Her Imperial Royal Highness, The Grand Duke/Duchess of Militarmia - The Heir/Heiress Apparent
  • His/Her Imperial Royal Highness or if more than Their Royal Highnesses - Royal Family Members
  • The Dowager Empress of Militarmia - The Widow of the Emperor.
  • The Right Honourable - Barons and Count/Countess, Prime Ministers and others
  • Sir/Dame - Knight/Dame

Empire of New Europe

  • His/Her Imperial and Royal Majesty - The Emperor and the Empress
  • His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness - The Crown Prince or Heir Apparent
  • His/Her Imperial Highness - Imperial Family members (some prefer their royal titles at which case it is Royal Highness)
  • The Right & Honourable - The Imperial Chancellor
  • His/Her Honour - Imperial court judges
  • His/Her Excellency - Ambassadors & non-royal heads of individual state titles
  • His/Her Royal Majesty - Kings & Queens of individual states. (From there the states regulate state titles)

Commonwealth of Northern Australia

  • His/Her Royal Majesty (Your Royal Majesty)– The Reigning Monarch
  • His/Her Consortal Majesty (Your Royal Consortship)– The Reigning Monarch's Spouse/Partner
  • His/Her Crown Highness (Your Crown Highness) – The Crown Heir (Abbreviated as HWH)
  • His/Her Royal Highness (Your Highness) – Prince/ Princess
  • His/Her Consortal Highness (Your Crown Consortship) – The Crown Heir's Spouse/Partner
  • His/Her Consortal Highness (Your Consortship) – Prince/Princess' Spouse/Partner
  • His/Her Noble Highness (Your Nobleness) – Duke/Dutchess
  • His/Her Most Honourable|His/Her Most Honourable Lordship/Ladyship Lordship/Ladyship(Your Honourable Lordship/Ladyship) – Baron/Baroness
  • His/Her Lordship|His/Her Lordship/Ladyship (Your Lordship/Ladyship) – Lord/Lady
  • The Right Honourable (The Right Honourable) – Prime Minister/Chairman of the Senate
  • The Right Honourable (The Right Honourable) – Cabinet Ministers
  • The Honourable (The Honourable) – Members of Parliament
  • His/Her Grand Excellency (Your Grand Excellency) – Governor-General’s
  • His/Her High Excellency (Your High Excellency) – Lieutenant Governor-General’s
  • His/Her Excellency (Your Excellency) – Governor’s
  • His/Her Honour (Your Honour) – Justices of the Court

Kingdom of Olland

  • His Highness/Majesty - The King
  • Mr/Mrs Royal - Consort of the Monarch
  • Mr/Ms/Mrs Prime Minister - The Prime Minister
  • His Lordship - A Lord or Member of the Parliament
  • His Grace - Archduke of Crosstann

Duchy of Orenburg

  • His/Her Grace (formerly Highness)- The reigning Duke/Duchess.
  • His/Her Ducal Highness - Duke consort
  • His/Her Highness - Duke heir(s)
  • His/Her Excellency - The Senior Adviser of the Duke of Orenburg, head of Government
  • His/Her Honour - The Member of Supreme Court
  • Mr/Mrs/Miss Minister - Government members

Kingdom of Pavlov

Between brackets after the function the translation in French

  • His/Her Majesty - (Sa Majesté) Used to address the King/Queen of Pavlov
  • His/Her Royal Highness - (Son Altesse Royale) Used to address the Princes/Princesses of Pavlov
  • Mister the Prince/His Serene Highness - (Monsieur le Prince/Son Altesse Sérénissime) Used to address the First Prince of the Blood(Premier Prince Du Sang) of Pavlov
  • His/Her Ducal Highness - (Son Altesse Ducale) Used to address the Dukes/Duchess of Pavlov
  • His/Her Grace - (Sa Grâce) Used to address the Count's/Viscount's/Baron's of Pavlov
  • Sir,Dame - (Sire, Madame) Used to address the Lower nobility of Pavlov
  • Mister/Miss - Used to address commoners in polite manner

Principality of Phokland

Grand Duchy of Prsänëa

  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address the Grand Duke/Grand Duchess of Prsänëa, or Grand Dukes in general
  • Your Serene Highness - Used to address Archdukes/Archduchesses
  • Your Highness - Used to address Dukes/Duchesses
  • Your Excellency - Used to address Viceroys/Vicereines
  • Your Serenity - Used to address Marquesses/Marchionesses
  • Your Grace - Used to address Counts/Countesses
  • Your Lordship/Your Ladyship - Used to address Viscounts/Viscountesses
  • Master/Madame- Used to address Barons/Baronesses
  • Sir/Dame- Used to address Baronets/Baronetesses and Knights/Dames
  • Your Serene Honour - Used to address the Prime Minister or other Prime Ministers
  • Your Honour - Used to address Ministers
  • Your Right Honour - Used to address Mayors
  • Your High Worship - Used to address the Cheif Justice or other Chief Justices
  • Your Worship - Used to address Judges
  • Comrade - Used to address Ambassadors
  • Herr/Fraulein - Used to address other officials or persons of authority
  • Your Nobility - Used to address other ruling officials of non royal nature
  • Doctor - Used to address commoners of high academic standing
  • Mister/Miss - Used to address commoners in polite manner

Kingdom of Ruthenia

  • Your Royal Majesty - Used to address the King and the Queen.
  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address the Crown Prince, the Grand Dukes and the Dukes of the Royal Family.
  • Your Most Serene Highness - Used to address an Hereditary-Prince.
  • Your Most Illustrious Highness - Used to address Dukes who are not members of the Royal Family.
  • Your Highness - Used to address Princes who are not members of the Royal Family.
  • The Right Honourable - Used to address Counts and the Head of the Council of State.
  • The Honourable - Used to address Barons.
  • Lord/Lady - Knights and Dames of any Order of the Kingdom.
  • Your Excellency - President of General Assembly and Ministers of State.
  • Doctor - Used to address commoners of high academic standing.
  • Mister/Miss - Used to address commoners in polite manner.

Federal Republic of St.Charlie

  • Mr. / Mrs. President - Head of State (informal)
  • The Right Honourable (Sir/Madam) (Italian: L' Onorevole) - Incumbent Presidents and Prime Ministers (formal)
  • His Excellency (Your Excellency) - Ambassadors

Kingdom of Wellington

  • His/Her Royal Highness (Your Royal Highness) – King/Queen or Prince/Princess
  • His/Her Noble Highness (Your Most Noble Highness) – Duke/Duchess or Grand Duke/Grand Duchess or Archduke/Archduchess
  • His/Her Grace (Your Grace) – Earl/Countess or Baron/Baroness
  • His Lordship/Her Ladyship (Milord/Milady) – Lord/Lady
  • The Right Honourable (Sir) – A Baronet, or a Knight
  • The Much Honoured (Your Honour) – A Judge, or a member of any government related council
  • The Honourable (Sir) – An Esquire

Kingdom of Wilcsland

  • Your Majesty - Used to address Kings and Queens.
  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address Princes and Princesses.

Kingdom of New Anglia

  • His/Her Majesty (Your Majesty) - King/ Queen
  • His/Her Royal Highness (Your Royal Highness)- Prince/ Princess
  • His/Her Serene Highness (Your Serene Highness)-Prince/ Princess
  • His/Her Grace (Your Grace) - Duke/Duchess
  • His Lordship/Her Ladyship (Your Lordship/ Ladyship) - Lord/Lady
  • His/Her Excellency (Your Excellency)- Count/Countess
  • His/Her Honour (Your Honour) - Earl/Earless
  • Sir/Ma'am/Dame - Sir/Dame
  • Mr. ... Esquire - Esquire

Holy Dallmark Empire

  • His/Her Imperial and Royal Majesty - Emperor/Empress
  • His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness - Grand Duke/Grand Duchess
  • His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness - Duke/Duchess | Prince/Princess
  • His/Her Serene Highness - Count/Countess | Margrave/Margravess
  • His/Her Highness - Baron/Baroness

Most Glorious and Holy Empire of Kirkland

  • His/Her Imperial and Most Serene Majesty (Your Majesty) - Emperor/Empress
  • His/Her Imperial Highness (Your Highness) - Crown Prince/Crown Princess
  • His/Her Royal Highness (Your Highness) - Prince/Princess Imperial
  • His/Her Highness (Your Highness) - Prince/Princess Royal
  • His/Her Grace (Your Grace) - Grand Duke/Grand Duchess
  • His/Her Grace (Your Grace) - Duke/Duchess
  • The Honorable (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Marquess/Marchioness
  • The Right Honourable (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Earl/Countess
  • The Right Honourable (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Viscount/Viscountess
  • The Right Honourable (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Hereditary Baron/Hereditary Baroness
  • The Much Honoured (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Life Baron/Life Baroness
  • Sir/Dame - Knight/Dame

Republic of Lostisland

  • Their Excellencies (Your Excellency) - Captains Regent

Principality of Lomellina

Federal Republic of Whestcorea

  • Mr/M/Mrs Mememaster-General (Your Excellency) - Term of address for the elected leader of the Whestcorean government.
  • Your Serene Majesty (Your Majesty) - Term of address used for the monarch of the country, currently Rainbow Gordon Bennett.
  • Baron (Your Lordship/Ladyship) - Term of address for those who have been given the title by the government.
  • Sir - Term of address for those who have been knighted by the monarch.
  • Honourable Gentleman/Lady - Term of address used by members of the Congress or the Senate to describe each other.

Usian Republic

  • Your Excellency - Used to address the Head of Executive, Head of Legislative, and Province Governors.
  • Your Honor - Used to address a judge, esp. a Supreme Judge.
  • The Honorable - Used only as a title for members of the Parliament.

Democratic Republic of Cinnamon Creek

  • Honorable Comrade [insert position title] - Used to address the General-Secretary, Commissioner, or Ministers.
  • Your Excellency - Addressed to all assembly members, or any other government officials, and judges.
  • Your Honorable Ambassador - Addressed to ambassadors, or state officials.
  • Comrade [Rank] - Honorably addressed to high ranking military members or soldiers.
  • Soldier [Last Name] - Used to address any low ranking soldiers in the military.
  • Comrade - Spoken to all citizens of the democratic republic.

Principality of Sancratosia

Shorewellese Empire

  • Your Imperial Majesty - used to address the monarch.
  • Your Majesty - used to address the consort of the monarch.
  • Your Imperial Highness - used to address a blood prince or princess of the imperial family.
  • Your Highness - used to address a non-blood prince or princess of the imperial family.
  • Your Grace - used to address a Duke or Duchess
  • The Most Honorable - used to address a Marquess or Marchioness.
  • The Right Honorable - used to address a Count, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, and Baroness.
  • The Honorable - used to address a Duke, Duchess, Count, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, and Baroness's son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson, and great-granddaughter.
  • Your Excellency - used to address the Grand Vizier, President of the Senate, President of the Chamber, various Secretaries, and other elected officials.

Empire of the United Duchies of Spainshtan and all the Imperial Comonwhelth

  • His Supreme Imperial Majesty- Supreme Emperor
  • His Imperial Highness- Other menvers of the Supreme Imperial Family
  • Your Highness- Nobles
  • His Excellency- President of the goverment
  • Illustrious Lord- Ministers

Co-operative Republic of Wendatia

  • His Excellency - President of Wendatia

Republic of Winthroopstan

  • Your Imperial Majesty - Emperor of Winthroopstan
  • Your Excellency - A member of the Royal family
  • Your Highness- Vice President of Winthroopstan
  • Your Lordship - Barons/Baronesses

Republic of Roscamistan

  • His Excellency The Most Honourable - President and Vice President while in office (and rarely for people out of office)
  • The Right Excellent - Recipients of the Hero of Roscamistan award
  • The Venerable - Senators
  • The Honourable - Members of the cabinet, members of the Chamber of Representatives
  • The Most Excellent - Governor of Motofia Province, Ludwig Collins
  • His/Her Excellency - Ambassadors and foreign heads of state
  • The Right Honourable - Used to address provincial heads of government if they so wish
  • Mr/Madam - Informal address for President. Can be applied to any politician.


  • Your Superior Leadership / Mr. Supreme Leader - Regent of Quorum assuming the office of Chairman of Quorum Affairs Council (Internal Address)
  • His/Her Excellency - Regent of Quorum, Chairman of Quorum Affairs Council, members-in-waiting of Quorum of Party, members of Quorum of Party (Diplomatic Address)
  • His/Her Grace - Exarchs of Prudentianopolis's exarchates, the honorary citizens of exarchs or responsible regions
  • His/Her Serene Excellency, The Highborn - Former aristocrat from their home country. Currently for noble from Wangtan house, a former noble family from Thailand after aristocracy has abolished after Act of Nobility Abolition B.E.2485 (C.E.1942) by Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkram, the former Thai prime minister.
  • The Right Honorable - Honorary Ministers, Ministers-in-waiting, Director-Generals, former ministers
  • His Royal Imperator - Former Emperor of Molco *alternative form of His Imperial and Royal Majesty **Not used, obsoleted

Republic of Jailavera

  • Citizen - used to address all citizens
  • Comrade - used by members of political parties of Unified Socialist Front, particulary members of Jailaverian Communist Party to adress between them
  • His Excellency - used in Jailavera to adress foreign leaders and diplomates and by foreign leaders and diplomates to adress Jailaverian leaders

Kingdom of Wellmoore

  • Your Majesty - Used to address the Monarch of Wellmoore
  • Your Royal Highness - Used to address Princes and Princesses, as well as the Monarch's regent if from within the Royal Family
  • Your Highness - Used to address the Monarch's regent if from outside the Royal Family.
  • Your Grace - Used to address Wellmoorean Dukes and Duchesses
  • The Most Honorable - Used to address a Wellmoorean Marquess or Marchioness.
  • Lord/Lady [Peerage] - Used to address Wellmoorean nobles below Duke/Duchess and Marquess/Marchioness
  • The Right Honourable - Used to address members of the Privy Council of Wellmoore, including those in Cabinet
  • The Honourable - Used to address MPs not in the Cabinet during a Political Debate within the Wellmoorean House of Ministers