Byzantine-Baltish Catholic Church

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Byzantine-Baltish Catholic Church, Baltish-Catholic Church, Baltish Orthodox Church – the Eastern Catholic Church operating in Baltia, which uses the Byzantine synodal rite called the Byzantine-Baltish Rite in its liturgy.

Baltish cross is the symbol of the Baltish Catholic Church.

Byzantine - Baltish Catholic Church
Kościół katolicki obrządku bizantyjsko-baltiackiego
His Holiness the Most Blessed Roman Patriarch (to 29 June 2024)
His Holiness the Most Blessed Patriarch of Baltia (from 29 June 2024)
Francis (to 29 June 2024)
Oakley I (from 29 June 2024)
LanguageBaltish, Church Slavonic
LiturgyLiturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
Origin2020 (as Eastern Catholic Church)
29 June 2024 (as schismatic Baltish Catholic Church)
Separationsdisconnected from the Catholic Church from 29 June 2024
Church buildings5

One of the Eastern Catholic churches from March 21, 2020 to June 29, 2024.

In some regions of Baltia, Western robes were not used.

In June 2024, talks were held on the real presence of the Body of Jesus in communion celebrated in the chapels of the Baltish Catholic Church. The result of these talks was that Peter Rabbitson and Fabian Nowak left this community and the Roman Catholic Church recognized it as a schismatic community. The last liturgy took place on June 28, 2024 in the morning in Zarostowo. From then on, no Liturgy will be celebrated in this chapel, but only rites of folk piety, e.g. blessings.

The last liturgy was not held in the chapel in Yerushalome, but the last two stoles were donated to the museum.

Initially, the view of transubstantiation was not recognized, but on June 27, 2024, this view was recognized, and after talks with Catholic theologians, it was stated that although the former liturgy could lead to schism, communion was still considered a symbol, during these talks, the new liturgy and the schism between the Roman Catholic Church were condemned and Baltish Catholic Church.

On June 30, 2024, the Church split into the Catholic Church of Baltia and the Orthodox Church of Baltia.

Both churches are schismatic and they are not in unity with other communities.