Micronational responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

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A public service announcement poster from the Republic of Daliwood encouraging citizens to wash their hands in the COVID-19 pandemic. The poster is written in toki pona.

The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic[1] of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2).[2] The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.[3] The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 28 November 2021, more than 261 million cases and 5.19 million deaths have been confirmed, making the pandemic one of the deadliest in history.[4][5]

Following the advice and recommendations of the WHO as well as macronational and local governments, various micronations have made responses and courses of action to the pandemic,[6][7][8][9] commonly through enforcing WHO advise, increased surveillance and caution, limiting travel, self-isolation and quarantine, and cancellations of social, sporting, political and religious events. As of 23 May 2020, there have been 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 having been reported in micronations, affecting five micronations, resulting in 1 death and 12 recoveries; there are a further 2 suspected cases which have been officially reported. The first case of coronavirus in a micronation was confirmed in the Principality of Montescano on 10 March 2020, which is also the first and so far only micronation to report a death of COVID-19 on 9 April. A number of other cases of coronavirus in micronational claimants have been reported,[citation needed] however, none of which have been recognised citizens.[citation needed] A number of citizens of micronations have also had COVID-19 cases. There have also been claimed cases that have been unverified or disputed.

The pandemic, leaving people with lots of free time, has been responsible for a surge in activity within the MicroWiki Sector. A number of retired micronationalists have returned to service, micronations have gone back into activity or become more active, and participation in elections and referendums, community censuses, surveys, and other events have increased.[6] Multiple micronational news media have reported this as a 'positive' to the ongoing pandemic.

A number of micronations declared states of caution and emergencies; Adammia declared a state of emergency on 16 March, which was the first ever in Adammia's seven-year history. The first media response to COVID-19 was from the Government of Gradonia on 23 January, when the government declared a state of caution. This followed the news of a suspect case in Brazos County, Texas. The Mahuset National Convention of 2019 created a task force monitoring the spread of coronavirus. The only school in New Eiffel was closed on 13 March. Essexia starting holding parliament sessions online via Skype. The Grand Unified Micronational placed all physical summits on hold until further notice.

Lonely Planet published an article about responses from micronations to COVID-19 on April 2020,[10] and Newsweek published an article on responses from micronations in the United States on 10 April.[11]

The decline of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2022 and 2023 has led to a significant decline in activity within the micronational community, due to the lifting of many macronational lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, being dubbed by some as the 'COVID Bust'.

Intermicronational responses

Listed in order of date.

Entity Response
House Hold 14 January, The Health Minister say "China needs to tell the world about this virus"
Kingdom of Gradonia On 23 January 2020, at 5:00 p.m. (CT), the Gradonian government declared a 'State of Caution'. This followed the news of a suspected coronavirus infection in Brazos County, Texas. The suspected infection was announced by the Brazos County Health District.[12] The unidentified patient had recently travelled from Wuhan, China back to Brazos County. Texan authorities have declined to provide a specific timeline for his travels. Following this announcement and declaration, a closed emergency session of the Konlichstag was held "to determine the Gradonian government's next course(s) of action." After the session, Duke Brayden stated: "We will be working with the Brazos County Health District and Center for Disease Control to inform everyone if the infection is confirmed and if further actions are to be taken." William I later made the announcement that all other nations in Texas, including externally located nations with territory and citizens within Texas, would be notified and provided with healthcare by Gradonian officials.[13] The student later tested negative for the virus on 26 January.[14] Following a confirmed case of Coronavirus in San Antonio,[15] the Gradonian government issued another State of Caution and contacted the Austenasian, Hrafnarfjallian, Cycoldian, and Zenraxian foreign office(s). This State of Caution also suspended "political campaign events, flyer distribution, and physical polls", which were planned since the opening of the March 2020 election campaign season.
Key West-Ziberland Key West-Ziberland declared a National Health Emergency 7 days before the 2020 election. However, the election was not postponed but instead, the people voted by Facebook. On July 8, 2020, Key West-Ziberland has a suspected Covid-19 case. The patient is also a PERSON UNDER MONITORING patient from the Philippines. Neighbouring nations also declared lockdown in fear of spreading the Covid-19 virus, Key West-Ziberland declared lockdown on March 30, 2020.
 Wegmat On 25 January the Kingdom of Wegmat declared a Public Health Emergency after a case of Coronavirus was nearby in the Chicago neighborhood of Austin had a confirmed case. On 13 March, Wegmat locked down the nation and advised its citizens against all types of travel, including travelling between Wegmat's provinces, unless to grocery stores.[16][17]
 Kingdom of Lytera On 31 January, after two people were confirmed as having contracted the coronavirus in Newcastle,[18] the Queen of Lytera decreed a state of caution for the Kingdom of Lytera, advising citizens and acquaintances to follow health and safety protocols. The Ministry of Health advised the following "Practice good hygiene, avoid affected or crowded spaces. If you experience fatigue, fever, coughing, headaches and difficulty in breathing, seek medical attention and share travel history with your doctor. People who experience these whilst travelling should disembark at the closest stop and seek help. [sic]" In addition, the King also advised people to not travel to China for the foreseeable future, and that travel should be limited. The King suspended meetings of the Royal Council whilst the issue remains, and, if needed, will rule by emergency acts.[19][20] On 19 March, by the order of the King, Lytera declared a state of National Emergency and introduced rationing in the Capital, with the election confirmed to be unaffected.[21]
 Mahuset On 5 February, the National Convention of 2019 created a task force monitoring the spread of coronavirus.[22] On 8 March, the Lazian Chamber was supposed to hold a session introducing a mandatory quarantine of two weeks for all coronavirus. This session failed to go ahead due to a lack of members present. On 10 March, the Ministry of Environment and Public Health confirmed the first case of coronavirus on Mahusetan territories and announced more information would follow soon. On 12 March, President Emiel Sebastiaan Hardy confirmed the US-Europe travel ban introduced because of coronavirus would complicate travel between the Republic of Lundenland and other Mahusetan territories and announced more information would follow soon. On 13 March, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced it will monitor economic effects of the outbreak and President Emiel Sebastiaan Hardy instructed citizens to follow instructions issued by macronational authorities.
Abeldane Empire On 9 February, during a session of the Abelden Reichsversammlung, James Frisch asked for a government response to the coronavirus outbreak.[23] Edward Daniels urged all Abeldane citizens to be cautious in highly trafficked areas such as airports in the possibility of contagious spread, and said that the government should keep their eyes on this virus and be aware of any symptoms, if any, regarding coronavirus. Later on 21 March, the government released a further response giving advise on safety from COVID-19.[24] The following day Emperor Newton declared an Empire-wide state of emergency.
Aenderia On 2 March 2020, William Efton, then Vice President of Aenderia, confirmed that Aenderia will not be declaring any health emergencies over COVID-19, citing that it is a macronations' job to figure out a way to solve the outbreak.[25]
 Nedland On 28 February, the de facto government of the former Nedlandic lands issued a special warning regarding the coronavirus, proceeding to put the entire country on severe warning mode, and the territories in France, the United Kingdom and Spain on effective lockdown. Supplies were being provided by local governments, and Nedland braced itself for incoming coronavirus cases, due to the largely urban and dense nature of its territories. By 20 April, the unemployment rate in Nedland had soared from 6 per cent before the pandemic to at least 34 per cent. However, the actual number is likely higher, due to very limited reporting.
 Montescano On February 28, Montescano closed the borders of the Principality and issued a decree by which subjects of HSH are only allowed to leave the territory of the Principality with an exit-visa. All foreigners were subject to a 14-day quarantine upon entering the principality. Citizens of numerous countries with high outbreaks were banned from entry. On March 3, the Princely Institute for National Health and Disease Assessment was founded and made responsible for handling the novel Coronavirus outbreak. The PINHDA had the authority to quarantine people for a maximum of 31 days. After news of a first confirmed case on March 9, the Principality enacted an emergency act by which all Subjects of HSH were home-quarantined for 14 days.
Kingdom of Doggenburg On 29 February, the Nationalepolizei ordered all border crossings in Doggenburg to be shutdown and announced that they will update the public over Twitter as new information is released.[26]
Decracy of Vilthia On February 29, the Sovereign Titianus II, after a meeting with the Civil Defence ordered the closure of external borders to non-residents, also imposing restrictions on temporary access permits.

On March 11, following the provisions adopted by the Italian government, the Sovereign imposed the quarantine to the entire national territory.

Union of Nova-Occitania See also : 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Occitania
Also on the 29th, President Babou Chkaya declared a state of emergency in Nova-Occitania. Chkaya stated in the decree: "The state of emergency is applied for a period of 5 weeks due to the presence of the Covid-19 Virus in France, Aragon and Catalonia." The decision followed a meeting with Prime Minister Ivanna Minaïeva and Adélia Cerdan, the Minister of Solidarity. It is the first time that the state of emergency has been applied since the re-creation of the Occitanian micronation and allows the president to rule alone, by decrees.[27]
A presidential decree on March 14 ordered the closure of all administrations. The same day the first case was detected in an Occitanian national, resident in Barcelona.[28]
Free Socialist State of Paloma President and General Secretary Aidan McGrath along with the approval of others in the Communist Party ban Christians from attending worship and masses on open days in Paloma. The decision was met after the United States officially confirmed its first death from the coronavirus, a man in his 50's from Kings County, Washington State.[29] The decision was met with outrage from Catholics among others.[30] Later on 11 March, a state of emergency was declared[31] as two cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Michigan.[32]
Republic of St. John On 1 March, the Government of the Republic of St. John cancelled the 6th Anniversary event of St. John's establishment due to the concerns of the outbreak. The 6th-anniversary commemoration event was originally planned to be held on 20 December 2019 in Vredesstad, but was postponed until an unspecified time before cancelled by the government.[33] Fifteen days later, the government of St. John declared a state of emergency (later referred as "national emergency period" and prohibited all public gatherings and governmental meetings while giving choices to religious organisations whether to hold or suspend religious services.[34] In addition, the government offers free hand sanitizer to all St. Johnians by request.[35][36]

On 24 March, the government of St. John sprays several areas in Vredesstad Metropolitan Area (formerly the Province of Concordia) with disinfectant.[37]

On 3 August, the President of St. John issued a decree, extending the national emergency period to an indefinite time, requiring all citizens of St. John to wear face masks, and affirming the prohibition on all public gatherings.[38]

Empire of Adammia On 1 March, the Cabinet Office issued a public health advisory[39] after the first cases of the coronavirus were confirmed in West Yorkshire and Ille-et-Vilaine, the macronational areas surrounding North Adammia and the colony of Xanada respectively. Citizens of Adammia were urged to use hand sanitiser and to avoid travelling to the heavily affected countries of China, South Korea, Iran and Italy. This decision was met as the total number of confirmed cases in the UK went from 23 to 35, whilst France reached over a hundred confirmed cases.[7] On 5 March, this advice was extended to residents of South Adammia, following the confirmation of a case in Birmingham. On 11 March, the public health advisory was applied to the entire Empire, after a case was confirmed in Cardiff; at this point, cases were confirmed in every macronational subdivision surrounding an Adammic province or colony. It was announced on 16 March that Emperor Adam I and Prime Minister Lord Charles Michael had jointly decided that the Imperial Government of Adammia should declare the National State of Emergency, the first in Adammia's seven-year history.[40] Foundation Day was later cancelled.[41]
Federal Republic of Caddia Also on 1 March, President of Caddia Anna Telford issued a statement about the coronavirus. The statement said that although the Coronavirus is a problem, the flu is much more severe and you should get vaccinated and use hand sanitiser.
Republic of Aswington The President of the Republic of Aswington, Juan Cisneros, declared a state of alert in the micronation on 1 March 2020.[42] On 23 July 2022, the President of the Republic, through a statement, announced that the state of alert remains in effect and recommended citizens to apply preventive measures to prevent contagion.[43]
House Hold 3 March, House Hold's government issue's a declaration of a national emergency as the first cases of coronavirus is detected in Westchester
 Gymnasium State On 10 March, it was announced that Gymnasium State would close its borders. The Senate will keep function as usual but via online meeting venues. The Senate did not release any other advice, however, the Premier stated the people should "not panic and grab a towel".[44] The borders were reopened on 6 June.
Bailiwick of Hak'hanna On 10 March, Hak'hanna released a statement addressing the close proximity of COVID-19 cases to the jurisdiction of the nation. An advisory of caution was also sent to the community.[45] On 12 March, in response to Governor Tom Wolf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's shutdown of Montgomery County, the government of Hak'hanna stated they would not be hosting any Government-sanctioned public events until further notice.[46] As of 14 March, there are three presumptive-positive cases of COVID-19 within the jurisdiction of the Bailiwick.[47]
 Atovia On 11 March, Atovia declared a state of emergency. The Ministry of Public Safety recommended that all citizens and residents of Atovia exercise caution and practice good hygiene, as well as to follow the posted recommendations of the WHO.[48]
 Caudonia Also on 11 March, Prince William I released a statement regarding the five confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the state of Ohio at that time. He said that the virus is expected to spread to all areas of Caudonia, and that the government will take all necessary precautions to ensure the well-being of Caudonians. On 12 March, the Health and Social Care Office published information regarding the wearing of masks to curb the spread of COVID-19. Also on 12 March, the county council of Bismarck voted unanimously to declare a state of emergency. On 14 March, additional cases were confirmed in the vicinity of Bismarck and the county council began discussing what further actions could be taken. On 16 March, the government of Gibson mandated that masks are to be worn when leaving the county. On 29 March, the Department of Foreign Affairs released a statement advising all citizens in the United States to heed and obey any instructions issued by health authorities, and to practise necessary precautions such as washing hands thoroughly and the wearing of masks. He advised all residents to stay vigilant and self-isolate if they show any symptoms. On 19 April, the Health and Social Care Office published its first set of formal guidelines for combating COVID-19. Also on 19 April, the Department of Foreign Affairs implemented travel restrictions for several countries, which were generally in line with the UK's foreign travel advice at that time.
 Essexia Again on 11 March, the Minister of Health Lady Alex released a statement on providing health and social advice for citizens. He advised limited physical contact, and regular use of anti-bacterial soap, in line with the UK's guidelines.[49]
 New Eiffel New Eiffel had suspected cases however none were officially reported, thus giving the number of cases 0. On 12 March, New Eiffel declared a state of caution due to the continuing spread of coronavirus in the surrounding areas. On 13 March, the only school in New Eiffel New Eiffel School was closed and announced it was planning on reopening in two weeks, however, did not open until the 15 April, following the minor threat imposed by COVID-19 for citizens within New Eiffel's borders. The Prince stated on 15 March that sporting events and outside travel would not be restricted for the time being, however later on 24 March all outside travel was restricted. Travel bans were lifted on 27 April with a set curfew.
GUM Also on 12 March, the Grand Unified Micronational placed all physical summits on hold until further notice.
 Ikonia Furthermore on 12 March, Ikonia's ministry of health recommended that citizens and visitors follow the WHO and the CDC. As well as the recommendations, all Ikonian territories closed their borders, and citizens were issued hand sanitizers. The government is claimed to meet on March 14 to further discuss a response to the outbreak.

The evening of 2020-03-12, Theodia announced that, at midnight, all non-essential travel within the country would be suspended, and that all non-citizens would be repatriated at the earliest opportunity.[50]
In the afternoon of 2020-03-28, Theodia additionally announced temporary suspensions to the the demurrage tax and all rent and loan payments, with these also to begin at midnight.[51]
On 2020-04-27, Theodia lifted the lockdown, citing the unfeasibility of permanent siege and the micronation's lack of resources; but reiterated the importance of hygiene and social distancing for the remainder of the pandemic.[52]
Theodia took no further special action during COVID-20 (the "delta" variant) or COVID-21 (the "omicron" variant), and things have been business as usual since early 2021 or so.
(All times are UTC-3.)

 Aenopia On 12 March, Aenopia declared a national state of concern, meaning that the borders of Bryniau Gwyrdd and Greater New Aberdare will be closed except to Aenopian residents and exceptional cases where non-Aenopians may visit. Furthermore, public awareness to hygiene will also be increased with posters created by the Aenopian Government soon to follow.[53]
 Posaf On 12 March, the government of Posaf declared a state of caution as the governor of Ohio declared a state of emergency, and suspending all schools until April 6. The Minister of Health is set to host a press conference regarding the speculation of the virus in Posaf, the socio-economic impact, and government predictions. Buck party member Emily Smith, and the New Democrats Grace Konn, motioned to Parliament to let the administrative regions decide their status (State of Emergency, Warning, or Caution) and their precautions for COVID-19. On March 13 the motion passed with the delayed press release on the 14 of March.[54]
 Nottingham Woods On 12 March, Nottingham Woods closed its borders, and the Emperor advised citizens to stay away from restaurants and other social gatherings.
 Baustralia On 12 March, the Parliament of Baustralia began talks about COVID-19 and plans of enacting law regarding the virus. Just three months until the general election is set to take place, Parliament opened with a motion to create a bill to allow provision for mandating a 14-day quarantine for those returning from "high-risk countries" and those testing positive for the virus. It was also reported that no Baustralians had the virus, or any symptoms thereof.[55] On 24 March 2020, John provided assent to the Public Health Emergency Measures (Quarantine) Act mandating that persons who have recently travelled outside their macronation must self-isolate for 14 days and other measures for the common citizen, and those with the virus.[56] Currently, Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Kingston are in quarantine[57] due to the duchess being at high risk.
 Samizdat On 13 March, the State of Samizdat announced it will be suspending all political and cultural activities due to the new laws and restrictions passed by the government of Spain.[58]
House Hold On 16 March, House Hold closes the boarder to the United States. Prime Minister Wolf says "The situation is dire"
Grand Duchy of Rabenberg On 20 March, the Grand Duke closed all borders to Austria. Tourists were not allowed. Only Rabenbergian citizens could travel to their private houses.
 Grand Republic of Cycoldia On 13 March, Cycoldian Schools were closed until 10 April 2020 in Cycoldia, though there have not been any official confirmed cases in the Districts of Cycoldia there is one suspected case. Christina I also declared a state of emergency on 16 March 2020[59][60] Cycoldia also has summoned an emergency Ministry of Health, which Christina I is to nominate members for.
 Poplar Nerva Furthermore on 13 March, Premier Jack of Poplar Nerva issued a decree to close the nation's borders completely, preventing international travel, and allowed the Government to put individuals who are suspected of being infected into quarantine for up to 30 days.
Hungaroslavic Democratic Republic The Hungaroslavic government and President Valentin Ladislav declared a full state of statarium because of the COVID-19. Firstly, it takes effect on the 13th of March at 8 p.m., when Hungaroslavia closes all its inward international borders and starts border control on county borders. Then, on the 15th of March, at 8 p.m., all of the international and county borders closed on both ways, and a curfew was ordered between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. All shops, factories, schools, universities were closed, but some TV and radio channels must operate during this time.
 Cupertino Alliance The Cupertino Alliance has not introduced any restrictions to micronations, following Aenderia's response of it being a macronational duty. However, the Cupertino Alliance hosted the 69 Hour Session on 14–17 March 2020 and on 22 March 2020, donated to the Canadian Red Cross' COVID-19 fund.[61]

Kingdom of Brienia
On 14 March, the Government of Brienia released a statement on identifying and protecting yourself from COVID-19. The Government of the Principality of Brienia had previously closed all borders and initiated isolation at the beginning of March.[62] On 15 March, the government further banned travel to sixteen countries.[63]
 Saspearian On 14 March, the Government of Saspearian declared a Public Health Emergency after two cases of COVID-19 were reported nearby Mainland Saspearian's borders in the neighboring US State of Texas.
 Iustus On 15 March,[citation needed] the Government of Iustus issued a State of Caution. The Prime Minister of Iustus urged citizens to wash their hands, isolate if infected, and to not panic. The Prime Minister has also stated that he does not intend on issuing a State of Emergency for the time being.
Fishing Trail Again on 15 March, all schools were closed until 1 April and the government banned all new non-needed travel within Fishing Trail. The government renewed its ban on all new non-needed travel on 1 April, and on 18 April an all mail-in voting referendum was held.
Republic of Ibania Furthermore on 15 March, Ibania recorded an coronavirus case in Sarikei. Across the Malaysian border in Sibu had a person diagnosed with coronavirus. Sarikei MP Wong Ling Biu after tested positive for the virus in Sibu Hospital (across the Malaysian Border). Sarawak DAP Chairman Chong Chieng Jen directed all party members and lawmakers who had close contact with Sarikei MP in the last 14 days to self-quarantine for two weeks. On 16 March 2020, a new coronavirus case was in Betong. Doctors from Malaysia (Sibu) transferred all patients to go to Sibu on 22 March 2020. Online schools and working were hosted on ZOOM. Ibania currently has 0 cases of coronavirus, The mask law was lifted on June 1, 2020. Schools and shops opened on June 15, 2020.
 Sabia and Verona On 16 March, the government issued a statement clarifying that "[it] personally did not care" [sic] about the spread of the virus, as plush toys, who make up over 80% of the Sabioveronese population, can not get infected from viruses.[64] This position was later criticized by the Opposition.[65]
 Federated States of Gapla On 16 March,[citation needed] Gapla declared a state of emergency.
 Karnia-Ruthenia From 09 to 15 March, the Imperial Diet discussed propositions made by the Emperor-King in order to give a proper response to the coronavirus outbreak.[66] On 16 March, was issued the Decree 189-20, ordering the publication of messages about COVID-19 prevention through government channels, encouraging the use of masks for outside activities, the reporting of symptom to the macronational governments to which citizens are subjected and encouraging citizens to be cautious in highly trafficked areas such as airports in the possibility of contagious spread.[67] The Imperial Government wasn't informed of any case of citizen infected with the COVID-19. After testing negative for COVID-19, the Duke of Daugavia, Minister of Foreign Affairs, decided to self-isolate[68] On 21 April 2020, the King of Carpathia, serving with the US Army, started assisting civilian doctors and nurses in testing and treating COVID-19, as well as transporting medical supplies[69] On 16 June 2020, Mr. Nicola Pillonetto, Karno-Ruthenian Ambassador to the Italian Republic joined the Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of Health of Italy on behalf of the Imperial and Royal Red Cross of Karnia-Ruthenia to help fight COVID-19.[70] On 23 December, the Imperial Government announced the first confirmed case of citizen infected with COVID-19, that was His Highness, the Marquis Alexandro of Grancasa, brother of the Duke of Libertia. The members of the House of Libertia isolated themselves until the end of the year.[71]
Federal Republic of Julholm After a corona case was identified in Julholm, the federal government proceeded to put the entire country on severe warning mode. The inauguration of President-Designate Verdigaal will continue although in private. Verdigaal has also cancelled all planned meetings for March and April until further notice Julholm had established a national Coronavirus task force, comprising of seven ministers; to lead the prevention measures and a technical task force has also been set up with members from various government bodies, Although Julholm will work with marconational authorities first.[72]
Democratic Kingdom of Falalia Falalian authorities issued a public order to suspend economic and political activities, to close all schools, and to urge citizens to stay at home.[36] A member of the royal family was revealed to have symptoms similar to Covid-19 and was immediately ordered to be isolated as a quarantine measure.
United Democratic Republic of Excellent Excellent government has issued a recommendations to address the spread of Covid-19, which urged the citizens to limit activities outside, to maintain health and cleanliness on all premises, and to use protective mask especially those with health issues.[36]

In March 2020, Suverska implementing a two-week national lockdown (which continue to be renewed throughout the spring, finally ending in June 2020). During this initial wave of cases, the government urged its citizens to stay home unless essential, among other restrictions. A second and third wave of cases swept through Canada in the final months of 2020 and in Spring 2021, respectively, with the third wave consisting of the Delta variant. On 14 November 2020, Suverska reported its first and only case of COVID-19 to date. In March 2021, Suverska implemented a national partial-lockdown which lasted until May 2021. By May 2021, a majority of Suverians had received their first dose of a vaccine, and two months later, many were fully vaccinated. The nation eased its public health measures the most it has so far in July 2021. In August 2021, Suverska reimplemented past precautions amidst a fourth wave of new cases in Canada, furthering these restrictions at the beginning of December 2021 with the spread of the Omicron variant.[73] Four cases were reported in December 2021. Two cases have been reported so far in January 2022.

 Bregusland On 16 March, the government of Bregusland closed Bregusland's borders until further notice.[74]
 Essexia On 18 March, by the order of the First Minister, Essexia declared a state of National Emergency,[75] the first in Essexia's history.[76]
Al-Muqaddimah On 22 March, Muqaddiman government set a border control to restrict access for foreign visitors and Muqaddiman citizens. All citizens with a history of activities abroad are required to be quarantined. Muqaddiman King Abdullah Allero I also orders non-essential companies and institutions to close for 2 weeks, while decided to allow religious congregations to continue with heightened caution.[77]
Imperial Grand Duchy of Lundenwic On the 28th of March, the Prime Minister released an official response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Citizens were advised to remain indoors, self-isolate for two weeks if symptoms are displayed, avoid bulk buying, wash hands and practice social distancing.[78]
Jomblonisme On 28 March, Jomblonisme government performed disinfectant spraying on government premises and citizens' houses in Bengkuring City and its surroundings. The authority also distributed free hand sanitizer to its citizens.[79]
Savakop Socialist People's Republic On March 31 Savakop has declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic and has ordered an emergency lockdown all foreign goods must be washed thoroughly and no one can exit shelter unless it is to collect goods or feeding of the animals in Nabreska. Government advises all civilians should wash there hands for 20 seconds and put cologne on Furkan Altay had stated on National Television that tests are advised to be taken if you have the symptoms of: coughing runny nose high temperature shortness of breath.
Kingdom of InfinityLand On 4 April, the InfinityLand government closed borders, ports, and all trade ports (except for the Bladesharp trade port).
Kingdom of Bladesharp On 4 April, the Bladesharp government closed ports and trade ports (except for the InfinityLand trade port)
Kingdom of Talossa La Curantoina (evening show) program has been launched to get conscience about Covid-19. There are currently no Talossans infected.[80]
Federal Republic of Baránok On 8 March 2020, Government of Baránok (at that time Połiak-Baránok) closed borders of Gyögiszertár, the capital city. Now, it's required to wear facial cover as coronavirus spreads in the neighbouring macronation of Slovakia.
Kingdom of Efransa On April 27, 2020, the first day of the newly formed Parliament, the National Coronavirus Response Act was passed, declaring a state of emergency and suspending all government activity, with all powers vested in the King. No one may enter the Prefectures, and all are mandated to stay within their homes in Caisonia.
Grand Navārdian Commonwealth In early March, a suspected coronavirus case occurred in New Santiago. Though this was later found to be a false alarm, the Special Administrative Region was almost immediately put on lockdown. This lockdown was spread to the entirety of Navārdia on April 3, when Georgia governor Brian Kemp began a stay-at-home order for the state. Since the Georgia lockdown has begun to end, no further orders have been declared by the Navārdian government.
Austin Island On March 12, 2020, The monarch declared to close all travel incoming from 12 Canadian provinces and 63 other countries. On March 27, the monarch decided to close all non-essential businesses by 8:00 pm. The next day there was a travel ban in effect for all provinces in Canada. Anyone trying to come back to Austin Island must quarantine in Canada for two weeks prior to arrival. On March 29, the monarch announced a proclamation for a shelter in place in the capital city starting on April, 3rd. On April 1, all capital city restaurants were subject to close at 8:00 pm. By April 8, reports of an overcrowded party were sent to the monarch's office. On April 11, the monarch decided to close all restaurants by 8:00 pm. If restaurants fail to comply, a fine of AI$10,000 is applied. If the problem is not immediately taken care of.[81][82] on november,18th,2020 Austin island reported its first confirmed case of covid 19 this case was later proven to be negative and the person who preformed that test was positive. restarunts schools and non essential buisnesses shut down for two weeks with the situation being monitored with in a week. on January,22nd,2021 the covid vaccine roll out started. on May,11 the mask mandate was dropped for those who are fully vcaainated and have a negative covid test
Directive of Misberia On 2 April 2020 after Misberia was refounded the nation placed a Shelter in Place Order on the entire nation and strongly advised all nationals to listen to their local macronational authorities. During the month of April, the National Directive Council allocated national funds to those who needed additional funds to obtain medical and other needs. On May 13, 2020, the town of Presque announced they were lifting the Shelter in Place order following local authorities. On May 18, 2020, Misberia announced its first three cases in the capital of Songo. The Mayor of Songo addressed the citizens of both the City and Nation.
Unified Royal States of Australis On the 9th of April, the Australissian Government issued a formal warning to all citizens, warning them to stay 1.5 metres apart from each other at all times. On the 29th of June, despite restrictions beginning to ease in neighbouring Australia, Australis renewed the warning, reminding citizens that they must still maintain social distancing, believing that the second wave of COVID-19 is incoming.
Republic of Bartonia The Doge Cal Sewa and the Vice-Doge decided to close all borders in late May. Then the National-Council decided to open the borders. On 4 August 2020 the Doge decided to close the borders again, but only to the main-territory and he also introduced mask requirement in the capital city Bartonowo.
Tavil Republic On 14 June, the government declared a state of emergency due to the outbreak.[83] On August 1, the Ministry of Health issued an official warning on mask, distance and cleaning issues.[84] Since December 1, wearing a mask has been made mandatory in all states.[85] On December 2, the government announced that it would be quarantined for 14 days for those coming from abroad.
Republic of Uniland The Government of the Republic of Uniland temporarily banned all forms of public gathering and implemented a national lockdown to prevent the virus from spreading.
Timonocite Empire The government set up very strict social distancing laws. Citizens are required to social distance 7–9 ft (preferably 8 ft). Every place in the nation was closed down. As schoolchildren must cross the American-Timonocitian border to reach a school (it has none of its own schools), parents are advised not to send their children.

A case was suspected in Pravar Gollamudi due to inactivity but it was recognised as a false alarm.

All restrictions were repealed on 26 April 2021.

Social Republic of Georgienstine The administration of President Raphaël Olivier has been criticized for its handling of the pandemic. A poll released on February 15, 2021, showed that 71% of respondents supported a nationwide mask mandate. On 13 March 2021, Governor Jean Gagnon of Qaucasia instituted a statewide mask mandate but did not mention the consequence of failing to wear a mask. On 5 April 2021, Secretary of Health and Human Services Logan White instituted a nationwide mask mandate but also did not mention the consequence of failing to wear a mask. During the 2021 presidential election debates, Olivier distinguished himself from all other candidates for his opposition to a national vaccination campaign and vaccine passport (Severanus did not have a position on the issue). Candidate Renzo Wessels distinguished himself for his support for mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19, though he did not explain how he would do so. Former independent candidate Furkan Altay (Altay withdrew from the race but remained on the ballot due to Georgienstine's election laws) opposes the COVID-19 vaccine. Olivier and Pickles are both vaccinated, whilst all other candidates' vaccination statuses are unknown. Three opinion polls during three separate congressional elections have shown that 11%, 18% and 20% of the population believes that the pandemic was the main issue of the election.
Democratic Republic of Parland The Parlandish Government started considering COVID-19 as a possible danger on March 11, 2020 But ended up not adding restrictions. On May 24, 2020, Parland had its first COVID-19 case. On May 25, 2020, Parland had its 2nd conference about COVID-19. The Bill passed, Now you have to to stay 6 feet apart (2 meters), and parland relies on The United States for its Workforce and Education, so restrictions on work and school are the same as The United States. Quarantine in Parland was supposed to end on July 15, 2020, but was postponed to July 28, then postponed again to August 25th, 2020. However, Parland has decided to continue quarantine until November 20, 2020.
Templar Kingdom May 2020: The Government of the Templar Kingdom is not installing any measures to restrict the movement of its citizens within the nation. (Outside traffic however, coming from china to the kingdom, is on total lockdown.) Neither is the government forcing its citizen to have to wear a mask and keeping distance from fellow citizens is also not demanded and the Grail kingdom follows in this, the example set by Sweden. (going for herd immunity) Templar Kingdom citizens that want to wear a mask because they are in the risk group, are urged to wear an FDA approved one, not just any flimsy pieces of cloth. All business, churches and horeca are allowed to stay open for regular hours. No restriction will be placed on large gatherings. Citizens are however asked to wash their hands often with regular soap and sneeze in their shirtsleeve and if one is sick, to just stay home. No quarantine or night clock is going to be imposed. Children of school age, are demanded to continue their education and continue going to school.

May 2021: The kingdom has taken no further special action during 2021 for any other COVID-20 (the "delta" variant) or COVID-21 (the "omicron" variant), things have been business as usual since early 2020. Beaulosagñe sees no need for futher alarm from any other possible future variants of this seasonal virus.

House Hold 1 June 2020, House Hold Electoral Commission announces that the election will be held almost entirely online.
Lukland At the turn of August and September 2020: The King, fearing that the return of children to Polish schools would increase infections in Lukland, introduced restrictions that were in force until September 17, 2020. Nobody obeyed the restrictions and the King's fears did not come true.
Ela'r'oech November 2020: The Government of Ela'r'oech gave tips to stay safe while also making sure that people are aware of their macronational governments as well. They also revealed that for months prior, they had been working on a 100% effective cure. It was later revealed that 100% effectivity was pure speculation, and the vaccine was not released as other more specialized vaccines became availiable.
 Ebenthal On 13 December 2020 the Government of Ebenthal passed a law in parliament forcing all citizens of the kingdom to get vaccinated as soon as vaccines are made available by any responsible institutions in their regions, under penalty of losing political rights and citizenship in the Kingdom of Ebenthal. The Prime Minister Prince Fernando of Negromonte, in a statement, also said that death penalty - automatically commuted to eternal banishment - may also be implemented over citizens who refuse to take the vaccine or to follow the restrictive measures imposed worldwide.
Second American Empire January 7, 2021: Francis I, American Emperor issued a State of Emergency due to COVID-19. The House of Deputies passed the COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization to give to citizens once it is released to the general public. There is 2 cases of COVID-19 in the Second American Empire. The Department of Health and the Department of Allergies and Infectious Diseases issued a 14 Day Quarantine. Citizens who refuse to follow Imperial law will be punished accordingly.
 Principality of New Lubenia On 20 March 2021 the Central Council adopts legislative measures to prevent discrimination against "covid dissidents" as part of the Principality's general anti-discrimination policy.[86] On 21 March the Little Albertina College, having considered the issue of continuing live lectures, decided to continue the current regime everywhere until the first deterioration of the COVID situation.[87] On 25 June any requirement for vaccinations and restrictions on the fact of their absence, except for the approved quarantine ones, was prohibited on the territory of the Principality as discrimination against freedom of conscience.[88] On 21 November, based on the report of the Minister of Health, the Cabinet announced the end of the pandemic.[89]
Socialist Republic Of Atlantica On 8 August 2021, Atlantica implements strict COVID measures. Atlantica also sets a date to open vaccinations
Unitaria On October 10, 2022, Rachel Burklandssen in her role as Empress of Unitaria decreed Royal Decree #2: Mandating Every Citizen of Unitaria Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 and Receive At Least One COVID-19 Vaccine Booster. The Royal Decree was symbolic as Rachel Burklandssen, the only citizen of Unitaria, had gotten both Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine booster before Unitaria was established.
EXE/SDA California Republic On November 29, 2022, The president said she would start a lockdown for one week on December 1st 2022 due to the high amount of cases and that it is a national emergency
 Kingdom of New Antrim Following an outbreak of COVID on 19 January 2024, Parliament would pass emergency legislation that re-introduced lockdown procedures similar to those imposed by the United Kingdom. The Acting Prime Minister would additionally close the New Antrian-United Kingdom border for the first time in the history of the Kingdom. Mandatory mask-wearing was also introduced through the directive of the Acting Prime Minister. On 26 January 2024 the Prime Minister would cancel these measures in tandem with Parliament repealing most of its COVID-19-related legislation. In an address to the citizens of the capital city Neilston, the Prime Minister declared an end to the public health emergency caused by COVID-19.

See also


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  88. Central Council adopted Covid Policy by-law
  89. The Cabinet announced the end of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Principality