List of proposed micronational state mergers

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This is a list of proposed micronational state mergers.


Proposed state Components Time period Successful? Notes
 North American Confederation New Europe
Ohio Empire
2010 Yes Proposed by Wilhelm von Hartmann-Peters and accepted by Joseph Marx and Aaron Meek by 28 November 2010.
Theodia Underwoodia
2011 Yes Proposed by Consul Erasmas Underwood of Underwoodia and accepted by Hir Grace, Kyng Sweyn Bradsson Schroeder I of Theodia by November 2011.
Indonovia Indokistan
2012 Yes Established on 2 April 2011 after discussion between Mustafa Hakim and Harry Fitzpatrick. Survived for merely a week before Monovia declared its withdrawal from the confederation to accept autonomy offer from Renasia.
Indokistan Al Rasyid Darussalam
Bobodolands Barakstan
2012 Yes Established on 16 September 2012 after Indokistani government accepted an offer from Abdul Rasyid I to merge Al Rasyid Darussalam to Indokistan and reestablish the country as federation, with Bobodolands Barakstan joined the proposed federation soon after. Reformed as unitary Indokistani Third Republic on 3 October 2012.
Indokistan Indokistan
2013 Yes Unification of Raflesinesia
Indokistan Indokistan
2013 Yes
Republic of Asassin Republic of Asassin
Democratic People Republic of Asassin
Republic of Singaparna
Republic of Asia
Babikuda Kingdom
Republic of Twenty Five
2014 Yes
Madyaraksa  Indokistan
 Los Bay Petros
2014 No Discussion on proposed unification suspended after Los Bay Petrosian delegates withdrawal and sudden inactivity in August 2014.
Drastharaya Arkapore
2014 Yes Established on 20 October 2014 as the brainchild of Tian Abdurrahman and Tommy N. in order to protect their own country from inactivity. Drastharaya was seen as the most potential micronation inside the sector to counter Indokistani hegemony after its establishment. Collapsed on 24 March 2015 as result of internal conflict and rivalry among constituent states.
 Indokistan  Indokistan
2014 Yes Unification of Aziziyah
 Juclandia  Juclandia
 Sabia and Verona
2014 Yes As part of a major internal reorganization process, the Kingdom of Juclandia and several of its territories briefly became sovereign states and then merged into the Federal Union of Juclandian Lands; the Lycene Freehold also joined the Federal Union as part of Sabia and Verona.
 Abeldane Empire  Abelden
St. Castle
East Nedland
2016 Yes Following major internal discussion and a referendum in favour of the establishment of a federal system within the Abeldane Empire, the majority of the member states of the Abeldane Commonwealth were voluntarily integrated into Abelden as federal states on 30 June 2016.
Karnia-Ruthenia Karnia
2016 Yes Karno-Ruthenian Compromise of 2016. Later joined by other micronations.
 Empire of Paravia  Paravia
 Cinnamon Creek
2016 Yes Following a period of increasing concern among multiple members of the micronational community about the citizen-sharing situation, wherein many nations simultaneously consisted of virtually the exact same people, a number of micronationalists came together and following long-winded discussions decided to unite their nations into a wider federation. This federation came into force through the Treaty of Nyros, which transformed the Empire of Paravia into a federation and integrated its signatories as federal states in mid-2016. Following protracted federal inactivity throughout the latter half of 2017 and the secession of most states, Emperor Patrick, the federal head of state, dissolved the federation through a self-coup, suspending the federal constitution and transforming the remaining states into provinces of a restored unitary state.
Great Lawl Reich Great Lawl Reich
Grand Empire of Francia
2017 No Kaiser Emeritus Francis of Francia held a referendum in October or November 2017 for Francia to be annexed by the Great Lawl Reich. Most people, including Tsar-Kaiser Stefan I, opposed annexation.
 Kingdom of Atovia  Kingdom of Atovia
 Federated States of Transterra
2019 Yes President of Transterra and Chancellor of Atovia Edward Daniels proposed the merger, which was accepted by King Connor I of Atovia and formalized by a treaty on 23 April 2019.
 Republic of Quebec  Republic of Quebec
Republic of Hattering
2019 Yes Then President Aidan McGrath of the former Republic of Quebec seen the Dominion of Hattering independence from the Kingdom of Ikonia. He sought this out and used it as a way to get more land. He installed Socialist parties to head the state, later he proposed his final motion, a merge between the two.
 Kingdom of Quebec  Kingdom of Quebec
People's Republic of Azarathia
2019 No After months the disputes and battles began between the two nations, Aidan I proposed that Azarathia should become a part of the Kingdom of Quebec. The motion was viewed by Tyler Boyle and was denied.
Yes Empire of Emosia Empire of Emosia
2019 Yes Aenopia was annexed as a Dominion of the Empire of Emosia on 1 July 2019 however became independent on 15 August 2019.
 Kingdom of Quebec  Kingdom of Quebec
2019 No Tyler Boyle declared Azarathia dissolved and created Holland. Later, Aidan I proposed again that Holland merge with Quebec or war would erupt. This caused the start of the Quebecois-Hollish War.
United Kingdom of Baustralia and Quebec  Kingdom of Baustralia
 Kingdom of Quebec
2019 No Aidan I and John developed a bill to be introduced to Parliament merging the two kingdoms into one with Aidan I as King. This failed, and with the approval of Aidan was rewritten to have John as King. This passed Parliament as the Union with Quebec Act, 3 John 1 c. 9 when Aidan suddenly pulled out and refused to assent to this Act. Provision still allows him as president to sign and merge.
Great Lakes Commonwealth  People's Federation of Quebec
2019 No
 People's Federation of Quebec  People's Federation of Quebec
Commonwealth of St. James Islands
2019 Yes On 5 September 2019 President of the Federation Aidan McGrath arranged a meeting with the then leader of St. James, a recently independent country from the First Kingdom of Quebec. The agreement is that the St. James islands would become an autonomous territories of the Federation. The agreement was made.
Phoklandian Free State Kingdom of Phokland
Grand Duchy of Navārdia
2019 Yes In late October 2019, Navārdia joined a confederal union state consisting of Phokland. After some reorganization, the confederation became the Phoklandian Free State. The original claims of Navārdia and Phokland became the provinces of Navārdia and Homeland, respectively.
Phoklandian Free State Phoklandian Free State
Principality of Unicornia
2020 Yes After the successful merge of Phokland and Navārdia, it was decided that the small, politically troubled nation of Unicornia would also be invited into the union. It became what is now the New Santiago Special Administrative Region.
 Paloma  Paloma
Sauveuse Republic
2020 Yes On early in March 2020 President of Paloma Aidan McGrath had brief talks with the then leader of the Sauveuse Republic's president, Leon Montan, on a possible merger and for all land of the Sauveuse Republic to return to its original state as was in the People's Federation of Quebec. On 21 March 2020 the Paloman-Sauveuse Joint Declaration and Treaty on Annexation of the Sauveuse Republic merging the Sauveuse Republic into Paloma and turning it into the Salvadoran SAR.
Federation of Micronations Mendersia
Rednecks Republic
Also invited:
Gymnasium State
2020 No On 30 April 2020, two representatives of Rednecks Republic and Klitzibürg resigned on their government positions and citizenship of Mendersia after claims of undemocratic actions in the state. The President of Mendersia then proposed federation of the three micronations, which was rejected immediately. The President then proposed this idea to the Premier of the Gymnasium State, who refused too.
Rednecks Republic Rednecks Republic
2020 No The governments of Klitzibürg and Rednecks Republic created an agreement, according to which Klitzibürg should become a part of the Rednecks Republic, if the Klitzibürg's government should become inactive. The idea was however later abandoned.



2020 Yes The establishment of the federation was successful, but it lasted only two months and then was separated on Połiak and Baránok.
North American Vanguard  State of Faltree
Kingdom of Jehovah
2020 No A proposal made in September 2020 by Natlin to merge Faltree, Natlin, and Jehovah all into one micronation. Tueoedeth was in the talks for a few hours before pulling out. The idea was abandoned after Natlin pulled out.
Vishwamitra Vishwamitra
 Republic of Lowenia
2020 Yes The Republic of Lowenia was successfully merged into Vishwamitra on 18 October 2020, after the leaders of the two nations discussed and framed a future plan. The territories of Lowenia are now part of Vishwamitra, as the Special Administrative Territory of Chandril.
Republic of Luchijan Kingdom of Bladesharp

Republic of Atami

Abkazian Provinces

Asdenian Republic

2020 Yes A proposal was made in late September to unify the Asdenian Republic and the Kingdom of Bladesharp into one unified state. Later on right before the proposal was ratified and put into place, the Abkazian Provinces and Atami were added to the proposal. This prevented the formation of the Asdenian Union and instead created the Republic of Luchijan. In November 2020, the Peoples Republic of Nordvilla left Luchijan.
Wohlstand Vereinigung Kingdom of Jehovah
2020 Yes A proposal made in October 2020 to create a unified state from Faltree and Jehovah. This proposal was created after previous talks including United Provinces of Natlin and the Republic of Tueoedeth failed to come to fruition. Faltree and Jehovah officially united on 26 October 2020.
United Duchies of Lutasia and Mapperia Duchy of Lutasia
Duchy of Mapperia
2020 No Mapperia was struggling with inactivity during the beginning of November. Foreign observers proposed to unite Mapperia with Lutasia into a diarchy due to close cultural and geographical ties, the proposal however never gained traction in the respective micronations until after Mapperian dissolution.
United States of Mekniy and Lurk United States of Mekniy
Noble Republic of Lurk
2020 Yes The Noble Republic of Lurk joined the United States of Mekniy
United Kingdoms of Greater Monmark United Kingdoms of Greater Monmark
2020 Yes A small nation called Hallstfeild requested Monmarkian annexation as a constituent country in late October, which was accepted and finalized on 1 November 2020, with Hallstfeild becoming the Kingdom of Hallstfeild. On 26 November Hallstfeild was dissolved.
Holy American Empire Monmarkian Empire
Germanic Kaiserreich of Austeria
Grand Principality of Begon
Kingdom of Wynnland
Principality of Winschatten
Principality of Sophiesburg
2020 No A proposal made in October 2020 by HHRH Christoph I to the monarchs of the other nations for a union should one nation go inactive. On 31 October, new nations entered negotiations, but Wynnland pulled out the next day. Negotiations officially ceased on 1 December, with Begon pulling out following proposals of a "Monmarkian-Arthurian Empire" leading to negotiation.
United Republic of Englica Kingdom of Woodshire Hill
Federal Republic of New Potato Land
2020 Yes A proposal initially made by Josiah Welch, President of New Potato Land, and Jonah Nichols, King of Woodshire, two micronational leaders from Lincoln, Nebraska. Jonah’s co-leader, Max Stenner, King of Hilltop approved.
Republic of West Lancaster Grand Republic of New Hamilton Republic of Bausman 2021 Yes? A proposal made off January 5, 2020 it would bring a more United front around the city of Lancaster. This would also meen a better spread of trade across Lancaster and Pennsylvania as a whole.
Karnia-Ruthenia Karnia-Ruthenia
2021 Yes Since Occidia became in personal union with Karnia-Ruthenia, a merger was in discussion with the Delveran Government. In December 2021, Delvera officially applied to become a constituent state of the Empire, what was accepted by the Imperial Diet two days later. On the other hand, Occidia, already bonded with the Karno-Ruthenian Monarchy, just became another state with the end of their union with Delvera. Eminia applied to merge with Karnia-Ruthenia early November 2021, but the Treaty of Saint Theotonius was signed to allow their transition to the Empire.
High Kingdom of Amicae  Atiera
 Australis (considered)
2021 No
 Sprinske Empire  Sprinske Empire

 Imperial Republic of Donkrea

2022 The Imperial Republic of Donkrea’s government collapsed when the Sprinske Empire’s army were withdrawn, and it was proposed for the Sprinske Empire to annex Donkrea, but on 7 August 2022, William M Steeger was given the position of Prime Minister of the Imperial Republic of Donkrea, ending all proposals of the merger.
Republic of New Somerset Saint Andre and Baccalieu

Maritime Republic of Salacia

2022 Yes A proposal by Otto Green to merge SAB and Salacia into one nation. Both nations share a armed forces and currency, referendums passed in both nations with strong support.
British Leprechia Leprechia

United Kingdom

2022 No - Pre-War

Yes - After War

Proposed by the Leader of the Equality Party (LEP), to unite Leprechia and the UK, and to stop Leprechia from gaining independence from the UK. This proposal was rejected and angered the King, which made the "British Leprechia" proposal one of the reasons for the no-confidence vote against the LEP.

However, after the Velocito-Leprechian War, Leprechia was divided among the victorious powers, with the LEP being one of them. A sector of Leprechia was given to the LEP, marked as British Occupied Leprechia, meaning that in the end, Leprechia was put under British Rule, even if it was a part of it.

Crown Republic of Flinders Crown Republic of Flinders

Concordian Republic

2022 No Proposed following the departure of Concordian President, Callum Russell, to Flinders. This left the Concordian Republic a very small amount of land. The proposal would have seen Concordia become a state, however it was terminated due to failed negotiations between the two nations' leaders.
Federal Republic of Kerguel Crown Republic of Flinders

Concordian Republic Shetvik and St Alouarn Republic of Ithyca

2022 Yes - without the Concordian Republic The merger between the Russellian-era nations would have seen the government of Ithyca rebrand and take over the relevant territories of Shetvik and St Alouarn, Flinders and the territories and history of the Concordian Republic. The merge went ahead on 17 August 2022, without the Concordian Republic because its President did not agree to it. Kerguel was short-lived, however, with the Second Republic reforms in Concordia and the dissolution of Kerguel on 23 August.
 Permaria  Burdany
2023 Yes The Treaty of Frankovich was signed between the now-defunct Principality of Burdany and the Kingdom of Permaria that resulted in Burdany's territory and citizenry being absorbed by Permaria. The proposal was enthusiastically received by the populations of both countries.
 Republic of ValeVRG
 Kingdom of Québec
 Republic of 3 Nations 2023 No The Republic of Valentia Riqueza and Grandeza, Ikerlàndia and Québec more commonly known as Republic of 3 Nations, was a short-lived micronation, located in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile and Finland. It was founded on 18 January 2023 by Jake and Iker because of a union between ValeVRG, Ikerlàndia and Québec and desinstablished in the same day.
 Vancouver Island  Vancouver Island
 Southern Columbia
2023 Yes After the dissolution of the Dominion of Vancouver Island in early 2023, the Southern Columbia Protectorate was established as a possible successor state. After the Legislative Assembly of Vancouver Island voted unanimously to revive the dominion on 7 December 2023, a proposal was put forward to merge the government of Southern Columbia with that of Vancouver Island. The merger was finalized to go ahead before the end of 2023.
 Sitkan Empire  Sitkan Empire
2024 Yes The Kingdom of Permaria held a national referendum on 2 April 2024 regarding a proposal to join the Sitkan Empire. The referendum passed, having broad public support across both Permaria and Sitka.
 Strathcona  British San Juan Islands
 Vancouver Island
2024 Yes On 1 June 2024, several months of negotiations between the British San Juan Islands and the Dominion of Vancouver Island resulted in an Act of Union, formally uniting the nations into a single territorial entity named the Dominion of Strathcona.
 Marbordo  Pinesia
Vancouver Island SSR
2024 Yes Following the reorganization of the Vancouver Island Soviet Socialist Republic, or VISSR, into the Dominion of Vancouver Island in 2021, disaffected former officials Marcus Salisbury and Steven Liu seperately established the Democratic Republic of Lazonesia and the People's Democratic Republic of Pinesia to keep the socialist aspirations of the VISSR alive. After both ventures ultimately failed, discussions were held to unite their efforts into a single state. These discussions were successful, and the Democratic Republic of Marbordo was created on 13 August 2024.


Proposed state Components First proposed Notes
Aenia Confederation United States of Mekniy and Lurk
Grand Duchy of Klitzibürg
Kingdom of Radoslavia
Rednecks Republic
Also invited:
Republic of Fyrinia
Declined invitation:
Gymnasium State
2020 Several Czech micronations have agreed to form a confederation to combat inactivity. The confederation succeeds few previous attempts on a federation or confederation of Czech micronations, known as Corona.
Garuda New Eiffel New Eiffel
2020 A proposal made in 2020 by Garudan and New Eiffelic leaders to create a unified state with three major constituencies. Referendums are currently being held in both nations to gauge support for such a union.
Constantia Pact Australis
Confederate States
Garuda New Eiffel
2020 A proposal made in October 2020 by Daniel Hamilton to create a confederation or organization of micronations with representation in The Fun Gang, a micronationalist social club formed earlier in the month.
Austral-Garudan Union Australis
Union of Garuda
2020 A proposal made in November 2020 to merge the Unified Royal States of Australis and the Union of Garuda, with Australis being the dominant power and retaining its name.
Republic of Luchijan Republic of Luchijan

Peoples Republic of Nordvilla

2020 A proposal made in November 2020 to merge the Peoples Republic of Nordvilla with the Republic of Luchijan again, either becoming a special administrative province of Luchijan, or an Autonomous region.
Monmarkian-Arthurian Empire Monmarkian Empire
Arthurian Empire
2020 A proposal made in December 2020, to merge Monmark, and Arthuria into a dual monarchy, first proposed by Vincent I, Emperor of Arthuria, based on the close relations enjoyed by the two nations. The unification is set to come into force on 1 January 2021.
Vijverlanden Wallenia
2021 A propospal by King Joseph to unite nations that had the same geographical features as Wallenia, located in a lake/pound and are islands,
 Paloma  Paloma
2021 A propospal by Aidan McGrath to merge Wendatia into Paloma as a Province. Both nations are culturally and geographically alike and share similar believes and values.
Federation of Arab States Republic of Halayibland
Central Saharan Republic
2022 A proposal made in 2022 by the government of the Republic of Halayibland that the Central Saharan Republic and Halayibland must unite under the name Federation of Arab States. Currently there are negotiations help by the governments of the two states.
 Sprinske Empire  Sprinske Empire
 Tsardom of Kaltarsia
2023 In 2023, the Tsardom of Kaltarsia held a referendum on merging with the Sprinske Empire. Kaltarsia was created in March 2023, when it declared independence from the Grand Kolniaric Republic as the successor state of the Sprinske Republic. The Sprinske Republic had earlier declared independence from the Sprinske Empire after the country’s government was taken over by the leader of a nation they were at war with. After Sprinske came back under the rule of Aaron I in August, proposals were made to merge the two nations, and Kaltarsia’s population voted unanimously for the merger. It is set to go ahead on 26 November 2023.