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For other uses, see Baránok (disambiguation).

Federal Republic of Baránok
Baránok (Slovak)
Barúnus (Baranese)
Úgen (Old Baranese)
Flag of Baránok
Coat of arms of Baránok
Coat of arms
Motto: Honor to Baránok!
Anthem: Our motherland
Location of Baránok within Europe[a] Location of Baránok within Slovakia
Location of Baránok within Europe[a]

Location of Baránok within Slovakia
LocationBratislava, Slovakia
Largest cityGoji
Official languagesSlovak
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary republic
• President
Establishment22 April 2018
• Total
10.5 km2 (4.1 sq mi)
• Census
Time zoneUTC+1
Internet TLD.brn
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Empire of Talcon
This micronation was a member of the UAMW and the UWSM.

Baránok[b] (more commonly Baranok, Baránokland[c], BRN, (Slovak: Baránok; Baranese: Barúnus), is a micronation located in Bratislava, Slovakia, and Romania. It has 7 citizens and an area of c. 10.5 km² . It was established on 22 April 2018 as the Republic of Baránok by Imrich Kvajda and A.H. The capital city is Gyögiszertár, with the largest city being Goji. Baránok borders with Slovakia and Romania.[1] Baránok has four territories, three located in Bratislava and one in Romania. Baránok is also the co-founder and member of the now defunct Union of Western Slovakian Micronations and of the Confederation of Baránok and Talcon.


The word baránok means lamb in Slovak, but the name was chosen randomly as a compromise because the founders did not know what name they could give to the new micronation, and not because the word is of Christian symbolism. The name was chosen immediately after the establishment of the First Republic.


First Republic of Baránok (April 2018-September 2019)

On 22 April 2018, two friends named Imrich Kvajda and A.H. from Bratislava, Slovakia decided to establish their own country. They named it Baránok. Baránok was originally established just for fun and it was not meant seriously, although founders said that they want Baránok to be an independent country. Then, Kvajda elected himself on the post of President and A.H. on the post of Prime Minister. The area of Baránok was small, it was formed only by two school desks and nothing else. However, shortly after Baránok was established, it fell to inactivity, because of other things that founders were interested in. Baránok was finally inactive for the rest of 2018 and for the most part of 2019, although it sporadically resumed activity for a few days. This period is called First Republic of Baránok or the Dark Period because we don't know much about it.

Second Republic of Baránok (September 2019-January 2020)

On 5 September 2019, a school trip occurred where Imrich Kvajda and A.H. re-established Baránok after a long discussion about it. Then, the Stone War began after a group of pupils threw small, gravel stones on the other group. The war was long, but luckily, no one was injured. One of the groups was named "Baranese Army".

Location of the Stone War on Pekná Cesta, Bratislava, Slovakia

It had 10 members, including Kvajda and A.H. When the war ended, all the members of the army joined to Baránok. In general elections, government with M.B. as Prime Minister took power and Kvajda was re-elected President for the second time. In the afternoon, another three citizens joined. That ended the era of the First Republic and the Second Republic began. On 8 October 2019, Declaration of Independence was signed by 5 citizens. This day is celebrated as the Independence Day. In this time, the motto Honor to Baránok! was coined by the Prime Minister M.B. It is used as Baranese motto to present day.

Declaration of Independence, signed on 8 October 2019

In November 2019, it was announced that a new parliament will be established because the old one was inactive. On 5 December 2019, first parliamentary elections were held. The Socialist Party came victorious and formed a coalition with the People's Alliance and Canalization Party. On 23 December 2019, a political crisis began as 4 MPs left the coalition because they feared that under a Socialist government, the country will quickly turn into a dictatorship. However, the dictatorship wasn't established and the crisis ended on the Christmas Eve, but early elections were announced to be held in January 2020. Also on the Christmas Eve, the First Constitution of Baránok was made. It was handwritten and now, the original is in the Baranese National Archive.

The first Baranese Constitution

January 2020 was supposed to be an important month because parliamentary, presidential and governmental elections were supposed to be held. But on 16 January, two unexpected things happened: One Baranese citizen left the country, so only 12 citizens remained. Another citizen left to form a country named Połiak. The leadership of Baránok split into two sides: one wanted to form a federal republic or a confederation with Połiak, and the second side wanted military intervention to Połiak and its annexation by Baránok.[d] However, the federalist side won and a new micronation named Połiak-Baránok was formed. The Second Republic ended.

The original Baranese flag, drawn by hand. There was also a fish on it, but was removed as the Fourth Republic was established.

Połiak-Baránok Federation (January–March 2020)

On 20 January 2020, Baránok joined the Połiak-Baránok Federation. There were many riots between Połiakese and Baranese people. The federation was shortlived, because after two months, on 22 and 23 March, a referendum was held about the dissolution of the Federation. It ended with 5 votes for dissolution and 2 against, and 6 people not voting, so Połiak-Baránok was dissolved.

Third Republic of Baránok (3 March 2020)

On 3 March 2020, Kvajda and A.H. informed the Połiak-Baranese President S.D. that they declare the independence of Baránok from Połiak-Baránok, because they didn't like the situation in the country.[e] But then, S.D. appointed Kvajda to the post of the Prime Minister of Połiak-Baránok, so they quickly dissolved Baránok. This short period of Baranese independence from Połiak-Baránok is called the Third Republic of Baránok, although it was very similar to the First Republic, as it had only two citizens and area of two school desks, although not on the same place as in the First Republic.

Fourth Republic of Baránok (March 2020-January 2021)

After announcing the dissolution of Połiak-Baránok, many Baranese people were happy that the country is independent once again. On the day of re-establishing of Baránok, temporary government of Transitional State Council took power. But it lasted another three or four days to elect the President. Finally, T.L. was elected and assumed office on 29 April with Kvajda as Deputy President. On 4 April, Kvajda was elected as President,[2] and on 8 April, the Transitional State Council was dissolved after parliamentary election, in which T.L. became Prime Minister.[3] Then, many reforms occurred, such as Army Reform or Economy Reform and first three governors of republics were also appointed. On 22 April, Kvajda resigned from post of President,[4] and A.H. was elected by the Federal Assembly as new President.[5][6] On 25 April, first local elections were held and on 28 April 2020, Baránok was recognized by first micronation.[7] On 27 May, Baránok co-founded the Union of Western Slovakian Micronations. On 27 July 2020, Baranese mark replaced Euro as the official currency of the country,[8] and became the official currency from 1 August. On 6 November 2020, the Supreme Court of Baránok was established as the highest judicial body in the country[9] and the judges were elected on 26 November 2020.[10] On 10 December 2020, the government of K.Č. was dissolved after protests and a coup and M.M. became the new Prime Minister, but resigned the next day and T.L. was elected to the post. In parliamentary election in January 2021, Oľga Bebečková became the first female Prime Minister of the country, but an unexpected thing happened after she resigned and retired from politics on 27 January.


On 27 January 2021, Baránok was dissolved after months of political unstability and resignation of Oľga Bebečková, the Prime Minister, which resulted in third vacancy of the post in only a month.

Fifth Republic of Baránok and Baránok-Talcon confederation (April–December 2021)

M.B. stated that he will re-establish Baránok when "coronavirus will end". Imrich Kvajda later stated that there is a c. 35% chance of re-establishment of the country. Kvajda attempted to re-establish Baránok in April 2021 by asking the former citizens if they wish so in a poll, however, after Talcon resumed activity, this action was temporarily cancelled. But M.B. decided to continue in the process anyway, and on 7 April 2021, he announced that Baránok will be re-established soon. Majority of the citizens accepted to rejoin the country, although some, such as former President A.H., and former Prime Ministers T.L. and Oľga Bebečková, declined. On 16 April 2021, it was announced that Talcon and Baránok will form a confederation the next day. Baránok, however, didn't engage in the confederation very much (similarly to Talcon) and was proclaimed an anarchy several times, as the state had no government or President and basically did not exist. Other attempts to re-establish Baránok occurred in July and September 2021, but lasted only a few days.

Sixth Republic of Baránok (February 2022-present)

On 26 February 2022, about a year after the Fourth Republic was dissolved, Kvajda recorded a short message in which he declared the Sixth Republic of Baránok. He appointed himself President and P.L. was appointed Prime Minister. They formed the Great Autocratic Council, a transitional legislature. Shortly after that, other former citizens joined and the population rose up to 7, with first presidential election held on 1 April 2022, in which M.B. came victorious. Parliamentary election took place on 12 April 2022, with League 36 winning and S.S., its President, becoming Prime Minister.

Government and politics

Baránok is a unitary parliamentary republic. The highest political post in Baránok is the Prime Minister, and the President served as the head of state. The current Prime Minister is P.L. and the current President is M.B.

Political parties

There are currently four political parties in Baránok. Politics are very popular in Baránok, as nearly all citizens participate in some of the parties. There were also plans to establish regional political parties, but were not realised, as there was a lack of interest in this idea.

Name President Political position Ideology Seats in Parliament
Socialist Party S Imrich Kvajda Centre-left Social democracy, Kvajdism
0 / 3
Drunk and Corrupt DaC P.L. Political middle Frivolous political party
1 / 3
League 36 L36 S.S. Political middle Populism
1 / 3
Free Baránok FB K.Č. Centre-right Classical liberalism
1 / 3


The Great Autocratic Council is the current legislature of Baránok. Consisting of President and Prime Minister, it holds absolute power in the country, hence the adjective "autocratic". It is expected to be dissolved after parliamentary election takes place.

The President

The President is the third-highest constitutional position in the Federal Republic and the head of state. They have the right to veto bills passed by the legislature. The President iss elected for a five-month term, which is renewable once. The incumbent President is M.B.

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister was the highest constitutional position in Baránok. Their rights are unspecified, but although, it is the person with the most authority in Baránok. The incumbent PM is P.L.


Sports are very popular in Baránok. The national sport of Baránok was formerly association football. It is played by the majority of the population. Basketball, cycling, judo, floorball and many other sports are also practised.

Administrative divisions and cities

Baránok was divided into 4 republics from March 2020 to January 2021: Republic of School, Republic of New Pennsylvania, Republic of Ada Island and Republic of Riparian Woodlands, from which the fourth was the biggest. There were only two cities in Baránok: Gyögiszertár (the capital) and Goji.

List of the republics
Name Establishment Governor
Republic of School March 2020 Oľga Bebečková
Republic of New Pennsylvania March 2020[f] T.L.
Republic of Riparian Woodlands March 2020 S.S.
Republic of Ada Island 17 July 2020 K.Č.
List of the cities
Name Establishment Mayor
Gyögiszertár 5 September 2019[g] T.L.
Goji April 2020 Imrich Kvajda


Baranese economy is not very progressive. In fact, Baránok lives from creating newspapers (like Baranese Telegraph), or formerly from the production of ballots. There were also some companies (mostly government-owned), like Baranese Airlines or TV Baránok. Also, there are banks in Baránok, like "The Bank of Three Pigs",.[h] The currency of Baránok is the Euro, although the Baranese mark was used from August 2020 to January 2021.


The Baránokball, made by Tomáš Falešník

Baranese culture is relatively undeveloped.


Baránok has no national dish, but some of the favourite foods are for example french fries or pancakes, or pizza, which is one of the most eaten dishes in Baránok. Cola (or the Czechoslovak variant of it, Kofola) is sometimes considered to be the national drink.

Kofola, the Czechoslovak variant of cola, is a very popular drink in Baránok.


The most favourite music in Baránok is electronic and pop music, some of the population also likes rock music or metal music. Some notable Baranese music bands or musical artists include rock band Cow on Curry or DJ Vemeno.

Cinematography and TV

In the history of Baránok, nearly no movies or documentaries were filmed, only a few, like a documentary named "Interview with I. Kvajda", but there are plans to film some new. TV Baránok and TV HNOJ were formerly the two main broadcasters in the country. Currently, there is no TV channel.


The only active media in Baránok is the Baranese Telegraph, an online newspaper which operates from 2020. Some historical examples of newspapers/magazines include Political or Word of Baránok.


The two official languages of Baránok are Slovak and Baranese. Old Baranese and English were also used. Most people in Baránok speak Slovak.


Religion in Baránok (as of 2021)

  Atheism (38.5%)
  Atheist/Breadist (23.1%)
  Christianity (15.4%)
  Unknown (15.4%)

Most of Baranese people are Atheist, Agnostic or Christian.


Baránok had only one school, the University of Gyögiszertár, so we can say that the education system was not so developed in the country. The Ministry of Citizens took care of education.


From left: Destroyers Vetzlandia (ex-Wolfgang in PH/SK), and Tol City (ex-Ján in PH/SK)

The military of Baránok (or Armed Forces of Baránok) was relatively big, as it had cca. 8 members from 13 citizens. It was divided to three branches: the land branch (the Army), the Navy, and the Air Forces. The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces was the President, the last one being A.H.

The sailboat Tsunami

Baranese Navy

The Baranese Navy, originally established as the Navy of Połiak-Baránok, consisted of two sailors and a fleet of ten ships. {| class="wikitable" |+Vessels of the Baranese Navy !Ship Number !Name !Class !Type !Acronym !Built !Maiden Voyage !Final Voyage !Fate |- |03 |Velociraptor |T-Rex |Frigate |BF 2 |8. 4. 2020 |8. 4. 2020 |? |Scrapped |- |04 |Spinosaurus |T-Rex |Frigate |BF 3 |8. 4. 2020 |8. 4. 2020 |? |Scrapped |- |05 |Hrnček |Hrnček |Submarine |SS 1 |8. 4. 2020 |8. 4. 2020 |In service |In service |- |06 |Vetzlandia |Vetzlandia |Destroyer |GMD 1 |15. 5. 2020 (in PH/SK) |None |In service |In service |- |07 |Tol City |Vetzlandia |Destroyer |GMD 2 |15. 5. 2020 (in PH/SK) |None |In service |In service |- |08 |Unnamed |? |Paddleboard |P1 |? |? |In service |In service |- |09 |Tsunami |Tsunami |Sailboat |S1 |? |? |In service |In service |- |10 |Pharaoh |Pharaoh |Amphibious assault dock |AAD 1 |20. 6. 2020 |21. 6. 2020 |In service |In service |- |11 |Goji |Goji |Cruiser |C1 |November 2020 |27. 11. 2020 |In service |In service


The amphibious assault dock Pharaoh

International rankings

Baránok has a history of relatively high international rankings. Although suffering from some flaws in democracy (like the recent rise of populist and anti-establishment movements), they do not affect the country very much and it has managed to mantain a score of 8.3 in the MDI as of 2022, as the electoral process and personal freedoms of the citizens are in a very good state.



  • Freayth's system of classification: 3.3-Average (2022)
  • CGSC: 2.6-Average (2022)

Foreign relations

Baránok has developed foreign relations with two micronations during its existence. The Ministry of Defence took care of foreign relations. Baránok was a member of two organizations: the UWSM, which Baránok co-founded, and the Union Against Micronational War. Currently, Baránok has no diplomatic relations.

Pinang was the first micronation to develop diplomatic relations with Baránok.

See also


  1. Kvajda, Imrich. "Baránok expanding territory to Romania". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  2. Kvajda, Imrich. "Minutes from the 2020 Presidential Elections". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 3 April 2020.
  3. Kvajda, Imrich. "Parliamentary elections-CDA Wins". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
  4. Kvajda, Imrich. "President resigns from his office after criticism". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  5. Kvajda, Imrich. "Minutes from the Presidential Elections". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  6. Kvajda, Imrich. "New President assumes office+profile". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 24 April 2020.
  7. Kvajda, Imrich. "Baránok and Pinang signed treaty about recognition". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 28 April 2020.
  8. Kvajda, Imrich. "New currency of Baránok-The mark". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 27 July 2020.
  9. Kvajda, Imrich. "Creation of the Supreme Court approved". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 6 November 2020.
  10. Kvajda, Imrich. "Judicial election: Full results". Baranese Telegraph. Retrieved 27 November 2020.


  1. Romanian territory is not on the map.
  2. No official name.
  3. Used by some citizens.
  4. Especially the Minister of Defence S.S., who didn't have a good relationship with Połiaks.
  5. There was a political crisis in Połiak-Baránok.
  6. As Republic of Vineyards.
  7. As School Ave.
  8. It was called like that because the money was in three piggy banks.