Drunk and Corrupt

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Drunk and Corrupt (or DaC, in Slovak Spití a Skorumpovaní) is a satirical and recessistic political party in the Federal Republic of Baránok. The party has mainly satirical ideas, like when DaC will win the elections, the party leader will declare "chaos and clauniade in Baránok." The party had its member in the former Federal Assembly during its whole existence, except for one term and was mostly part of the government. It is also the longest operating party in Baránok, from October 2019 to the dissolution of the country in January 2021, and existing again from March 2022.

Drunk and Corrupt
Spití a Skorumpovaní
FoundedOctober 2019
HeadquartersGyögiszertár, Federal Republic of Baránok
Membership (2022)1
Political positionpolitical middle
Colors  sky blue
SloganRules exist to be trespassed.
Seats in Parliament
1 / 3

Electoral results


Election year # of votes % seats won +/- Government
Dec. 2019 1 10.0%
1 / 12
Party established support of coalition
Feb. 2020 (in Połiak-Baránok) 2 10.0% Steady
1 / 8
Steady 1 in coalition
Apr. 2020 3 30.0%
1 / 7
Steady 1 in coalition
Jul. 2020 5 25.0%
2 / 7
2 in coalition, in opposition from 13 December 2020
Jan. 2021 1 12.5%
0 / 7
2 extraparliamentary party
Apr. 2022 3 25%
1 / 3
Steady 0 opposition


The party has never nominated a person to run for President.