Charlotte Baird

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Charlotte Baird

President of the Federal Union of Wegmat
Assumed office
1 January 2024
Predecessor James Panton

Attorney General/Minister of Justice
Assumed office
7 September 2023
Predecessor Galen W.

Prime Minister of the Federal Union of Wegmat
Assumed office
4 April 2019 - 6 June 2023 (4 years and 2 months)
Predecessor Office established
Successor Dylan Achterhof
Personal information
Born 26 September 2007 (2007-09-26) (age 16)
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Citizenship Weg, American, Aenopian, New Virginian, Faltrian
Ethnicity Finnish, Scottish
Residence Two Pine, Wegmat

Charlotte Baird is the founder, President Attorney General, and Chair of Parliament of the Federal Union of Wegmat. She also served as Prime Minister of Wegmat and various other positions in other micronations. They were born in 2007 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Charlotte then lived in Littleton, Colorado for 9 years before moving to Chicago, Illinois where they reside now. Charlotte is currently a student in high school. In 2018 Charlotte had become interested in micronationalism, and they founded the Kingdom of Wegmat. Charlotte declared their mother queen and themselves Prime Minister.

Early life

Charlotte was born inside a hospital in Waukesha, Wisconsin. They did not spend much time in Wisconsin as at age 1 their family moved to Littleton, Colorado. Charlotte always loved to build they sunk many hours into the video game, Minecraft. Oddly enough before Charlotte knew about micronationalism they had their own virtual country called Falmont then their family moved to Chicago where they had more freedom to learn about micronationalism. They founded the Kingdom of Wegmat on 30 November 2018.

Political career

Charlotte ran for Prime Minister of Wegmat on November 30 and April 4 with all votes going to them. She is the head of the political party, the Founders Party. Due to Wegmat’s limited labor pool most minor ministries, the Prime Minister or Speaker of Parliament takes the place of this position. Charlotte took the place of most of these their most famous one being the Wegmat Ministry of Transportation.

Charlotte would resign as Prime Minister in May 2023 due to conflicting interests between President James Panton and themself. Charlotte would move to Nakoosa for 7 weeks before returning to Wegmat as chair of parliament and attorney general.

Charlotte is also a member of the Aenopian Y Senedd and is a Ponderosan Minister. Charlotte is also the current chair of the North Atlantic Defense Union

Foreign Affairs

Although the Wegmat Foreign Exchange Ministry is headed by Tommy C., Charlotte represents Wegmat in most micronational organizations such as the Grand Unified Micronational and the Cupertino Alliance.

Military Service

Charlotte Baird served as Sergeant in the Wegmat Marines and was promoted to First Class Officer. He serves in the Wegmat Marines as the Commander of the 1st Infantry Division. They fought in the Squirrel Tower Offense, Shoe War, NWR Conflict and the Midlothian War.

They also served in the Wegmat Navy and Coast Guard as an Officer before becoming Commander of the 2nd Destroyer Fleet.