Youth Scouting of Wegmat

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Youth Scouting of Wegmat
Youth organization
Membership21 scouts
HeadquartersTwo Pine, Wegmat, 05 Lower Riats Avenue
Founded21 July 2020
Area servedFederal Union of Wegmat

Youth Scouting of Wegmat or YSW is a scouting organization in the Federal Union of Wegmat for youth ages 9-14 years old. The organization prepares youth in skills of kindness, trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, volunteer service, and hiking. YSW divides itself into three local councils which consist of 1-2 troops.

YSW operates Scouting in conjunction with provincial and local education agencies, to implement the Scouting program for youth within their communities. Units, known as troops, are led by volunteers between the ages of 16-19 appointed by the local council.


YSW divides itself into three local councils which directly serve their troops.

  • The Thatcher Woods Council is the most active council and has the largest membership with two troops. Troop 40 in Bushwood, Gliffork and Troop 66 in Isadora, Hilda. The Council Camp "Camp Scotia" is located on National Park Agency land in the Hilda Highlands National Park. The Thatcher Woods Council serves any chapters or future chapters in Essef, Gliffork, Two Pine, Hilda and Hydrove.
  • The Sergio Leone Council serves Drystone, Whynofly, Abieta, Irving, South Potawatomi and North Potawatomi. Troop 13 in Bodwatmi, Irving is the only charter in the council and has little activity. The Council has land claims to a "Camp Eastwood" in Lovely National Forest, Whynofly.
  • The Loon and Antler Council is the council for any perspective chapters in Cenwister and New Finland. There are currently no troops registered in the council. They are only interested in forming a camp.

The National Committee of Scouters sets forth standards for all troops and camp programs. National programs include the Campfire Lodge, a honors program based off of the Order of the Arrow. To become a member of the Campfire Lodge one must complete several camping nights and many hours of service before entering an induction ceremony. Lodge activities are kept in secret. The National Committee also manages the YSW Adventure Program on West Oulu, New Finland.


YSW programming primarily revolves around outdoor skills and conservation service. Ranks are gained through a combination of demonstrating proper skills such as first aid and camping in addition to service hours. Troop often preform conservation tasks needed to be done by governmental agencies especially litter control. Troops also may go on campouts to various locations throughout the American midwest. Camp programs accelerate the rank advancement of member while also providing fun activities such as hiking, fishing and canoeing. There are 4 ranks on YSW. A Tenderfoot is the lowest and is for members who just joined until they advance through second class and first class scouts ranks. The final rank, Coyote Scout, is only achieved after a scout plans and coordinates their own service project as approved by a council administrator.

YSW runs on the scout law and WCPRER (often pronounced wick-prer) project management method. To advance each rank a scout must demonstrate their WCPRER process. Tthe steps are to want, to choose, to prepare, to realize, to evaluate and to be reward.