Napoléon Bleuberrie

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Napoléon Bleuberrie
1st Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona
In office
20 October 2012 – 1 January 2013
Preceded byOffice established
Succeeded byOsez Kóvérsz
In office
1 June 2013 – 25 July 2013
Preceded byOsez Kóvérsz
Succeeded byRubén D. Hernández
1st President of the Socialist Party
In office
26 October 2012 – 25 July 2013
Vice PresidentPomme-Gabrielle Gauvier
SecretaryUlla Müller
Succeeded byPomme-Gabrielle Gauvier
Personal details
Political partyIndependent (since 2018)
Other political
National Artists' Guild (2015–18)
Left Alliance (2014–15)
Socialist Party (2012–14)
Cabinet1st ministry
3rd ministry
In this traditional Sabian name, Marakaibavái is the matronymic and Bruñberrí is the family name.

General Napoléon d'Hélène Bleuberrie IOB MAV RS (Sabian: nabolónn eleninn marakaibavái bruñberrí), also formerly known as the Dear Leader, is an author, activist, professor and retired general and politician, who served twice as Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona. He was founder of the now defunct Socialist Party (Sahoedang).

As the founder and leader of the short-lived Sabia and Verona People's Movement, Bleuberrie led the grassroots movement that fought for plushies' right to self-determination and advocated for the establishment of a micronation in the Valtir where plush toys could be recognized as citizens. Upon the proclamation of Sabia and Verona in October 2012, Bleuberrie was elected Prime Minister by the newly assembled Courts of Sabia and Verona and soon became the leader of the Bleuberrist revolution, inspired in elements of democratic socialism.

After a brief period as the unofficial leader of the Opposition following the 2012 general election, Bleuberrie once again became Prime Minister in June 2013. Despite having gained the popular mandate and being the region's most popular politician, in July 2013 Bleuberrie led a failed coup attempt that resulted in his brief incarcelation and permanent retirement from politics.

Although he is a controversial figure up to this day, Bleuberrie is regarded as one of Sabia and Verona's icons, and his pivotal role in the formation of Sabia and Verona as a nation-state is nowadays unquestioned. Many aspects of Bleuberrie's political and economic theory, Bleuberrism, remain central to Sabioveronese politics today, especially those upheld by the country's modern left-wing political force, the Democratic Party.

Early life

Born in Maracaibo, Napoléon d'Hélène Bleuberrie was released from a concentration camp in his hometown, where he lived a few weeks before moving to the south of the country. His Sabian matronymic, Maravái, reflects his origins and hometown. He made his living as a peasant and became an important figure within a small social circle in the Valtir Sector. He became an activist for whale shark rights, originally hoping to achieve recognition nationwide in Venezuela. His campaign "Tiburones ballena pa' la Asamblea" ("Whale sharks to the Assembly") became somewhat famous, but it never reached anywhere outside the Andean states. However unsuccessful his activism was, he became known in the Valtir Sector for his charms, making him a celebrity up to this day. It is argued Bleuberrie is known more than Sabia and Verona itself.

Micronational career

Official portrait as Prime Minister.

In October 2012, the region was recovering from the failure that represented the annexation to the Würtige Empire as Listva; micronationalism in the Garrshirian sector was suffering. Rumours of talks between Tarik Kârjasary and King Ciprian were spreading, and Bleuberrie along other Sabioveronese leftist acvitists took their opportunity and formed the Sabia and Verona People's Movement (Movimiento Popular Sabia y Verona). In the Movement figured important faces; alongside Bleuberrie were Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier and Ulla Müller. The SVPM drew plans to form a socialist government in the region, leaded by Bleuberrie. Sabia and Verona as originally planned by the SVPM was composed of Salisse (known then as Saint Enric), Caenia, Aguasblancas (Nuevo Berín) and part of what today is Tegula. Due to the diversity of languages spoken in the region at the time, the SVPM had troubles organizing meetings and many members proposed forming their own linguistic groups. Kârjasary and Bleuberrie agreed to make Sabia and Verona an overseas territory of the Kingdom of Juclandia, which originally prompted opposition within the SVPM.

On October 18, 2012, Bleuberrie, Gauvier and Müller arranged the first meeting of the Courts of Sabia and Verona, which was presided by Bleuberrie. In the meeting, Gauvier was elected provisionally as Prime Minister, but near the end of the meeting Gauvier turned down the position and this time Bleuberrie was elected to serve as Prime Minister for a term of six months. Partially thanks to Bleuberrie's fascination for the North Korean culture, Korean is made the regional language and schools regionwide now teach it as main language.

Flag of the Socialist Party Sahoedang

First term (October - December 2012)

Anton Schubert-Moss

Bleuberrie's government slayed the edge between a socialist state and a monarchy. The SVPM was disbanded and Bleuberrie forms the Socialist Party (Sahoedang). The Socialist Party, commonly referred as "The Party" is even bigger than the SVPM, and now that Korean is spoken regionwide, linguistic problems are no longer in the way of the leading party. Government propaganda, corruption and coercion categorize the initial stages of Bleuberrie's first term. As the government pushes harder to eliminate the growing opposition's voices, a group of liberal conservatives in Caenia leaded by Graham Müntz form the Unity Party, unifying the former adherents of the Democratic Party, the Conservative Christian Party and several independent oppostion politicians. In sight of the Unity Party's increasing popularity, the Socialist Party leads a series of reforms in the region that outlaw "harmful conservative propaganda", and forbids the Unity Party from public demonstrations.

As the "Sabian Nationalist Movement" allies with the Unity Party, the Bleuberrie government realizes its situation. To avoid a possible revolt agains the Government or a coup, Bleuberie opens to the Unity Party and the Sabian Nationalist Movement's demands. On December 16, 2012, the Legislative Courts agree to outlaw the use of Korean as regional language and implements the use of Sabian language instead. A treaty between the Socialist Party and the Unity Party is signed, the Karasal Treaty. With the Karasal Treaty, the Regional Committee for Democracy and Stability in Sabia and Verona, better known as the Karasal Council (now the Commission for the Preservation of Democracy) that regulates democratic proceses in the region. The Socialist Party is not allowed to be in the Commission, and so it loses control of the state. King Ciprian orders the creation of a regional armed corp, the People's Land Army. Bleuberrie becomes leader of this small military body as General. During that time, Bleuberrie starts his candidacy for the December general election, running for a full six-month term as First Secretary. His campaign was partially funded by the regional treasury, which caused controversy within the opposition. Against all the odds, Bleuberrie and his campaign loses to the Unity opponent Osez Kóvérsz by a considerable margin. Kóvérsz took office on January 1, 2013.

The Kóvérsz Era

During Kóvérsz' term, Bleuberrie stayed away from politics. He retired to a small house in Elinore and worked in the Socialist Party's platforms. Meanwhile, most of the Party's conferences and rallies were leaded by Gauvier. He focused in a young group of anarchists that were based in Alcabala and moved underground, avoiding public precense. The group, that called itself the "Free Suyu Front" was contacted by Bleuberrie, who proposed to help them bring down the Kóvérsz government. With the Socialist Party's secret aid, the Free Suyu Front managed to infiltrate Anton Schubert-Moss as Minister in Kóvérsz' Cabinet. Information from Cabinet meetings and the Unity Party's plans leaked through Schubert-Moss helped both the Socialist Party and the Free Suyu Front act with anticipation, and sectors of the Socialist Party were already forming militias. However, in a move that neither Socialists nor members of the FSF anticipated, the Legislative Courts agreed to legalize the FSF and accept it as an official political party, and Kóvérsz issued a pardon to Hidram Cerwyn, leader of the FSF and other FSF members. This way, Schubert-Moss and Bleuberrie are discovered and arrested for violating the convictions of the Karasal Treaty. They were both released soon after.

Bleuberrist propaganda from the May '13 election

On April 2013, Bleuberrie got his own daytime talk show called "The Bleuberrie Report", which he used to promote the Socialist Party's ideals and to criticize Kóvérsz and his administration, and through which he announced his candidacy for the May 2013 general election. His campaign was categorized as agressive, yet it proved efficient. On May 20, 2013, Bleuberrie obtained 31% of the votes against three other candidates.

Second term (June - July 2013)

Bleuberrie took office as Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona for the second time on June 1, 2013. He and his cabinet, this time one with mixed parties, were iniciated in a ceremony that took place in Salisse. In the ceremony, Bleuberrie explained he respected former First Secretary Kóvérsz and he recognized Kóvérsz' acomplishments, after which he awarded him with the ribbon of a newly founded civilian merit order, the Order of the Needle. The Socialist Party starts inside reforms. During Kóvérsz' term, a series of young political parties are formed, and the original strategy employed by the Socialist administration during Bleuberrie's first term will not work now. This time, Bleuberrie promises to follow the convictions of the Karasal Treaty and maintain the democratic proceses of the region.

Bleuberrie arrested by the Air Force in Alcabala

On July 25, 2013, Bleuberrie alongside other six Land Army officers barricated the entrance of the Legislative Palace in Salisse, where Bleuberrie issued decrees dissolving the Legislative Courts and the Karasal Council, declaring Sabia and Verona a single-party state. Bleuberrie's self-coup would cause major discontent in Jucărești, where the King, President Jucărescu and Prime Minister Populescu attempted to start talks with the Bleuberrist force. Opponents of the coup began the siege of the Legislative Palace and Bleuberrie fled to Elinore in company of his bodyguard only. Loyalists would finally take the Legislative Palace and chase down Bleuberrie to Alcabala, where he was arrested. Rubén D. Hernández assumes provisional premiership of the region and the Courts are re-established. On July 26, 2013 the Karasal Council set date to Bleuberrie's trial to August 1, 2013.

Post-premiership (August 2013 - present)

On September 26, 2013 DMDK spokesperson Marie Lovett announced an agreement had been settled with Bleuberrie and he was to be released from jail that month alongside Tovinski, Walker and Lawrence. Following his release he made a press conference in which he stated he had no intention to return to power anytime soon. Gauvier had assumed temporary leadership of the Socialist Party while Rubén Hernández served as acting First Secretary, and it was settled Bleuberrie wasn't to participate actively in politics until a year after his release. In February 2014 during Sabia and Verona's transition into the FUJL Bleuberrie announced he was officially quitting politics. The Socialist Party dissolved that same month to become what is now the Left Alliance, of which Bleuberrie became member.

On 16 August 2015, Bleuberrie participated in the Congress of Salisse, and co-wrote alongside nine other fellow politicians the new Constitution of Sabia and Verona. Bleuberrie was one of the participants of the Haronos Plan, and on 25 August 2015, he became one of the founders of the city of Alios, which became Sabia and Verona's new capital. He abandoned the Left Alliance and became a member of the National Artists' Guild, which won a majority of the seats in the new Parliament of Sabia and Verona at the 2015 parliamentary election.

Personal life

Before serving as Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona, he lived in a small cottage in the outskirts of Salisse, where he moved back for a short time during the Kóvérsz term. He then resided in Elinore. He was in a relationship with Caenia political activist Paula Lapette, who served as First Spouse of Sabia and Verona during his short second term. He is an Atheist, but has however established bonds with the Church of the Pahun qualifying it as an "institution of peace and acceptance" and "part of the Sabioveronese culture". He enjoys painting and stage acting, and is a fan of the American medical drama Grey's Anatomy.

Political offices
Preceded by
Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier
Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona
18 October 2012 – 1 January 2013
Succeeded by
Osez Kóvérsz
Preceded by
Osez Kóvérsz
Prime Minister of Sabia and Verona
1 June 2013 – 25 July 2013
Succeeded by
Rubén D. Hernández
Parliament of Sabia and Verona
Preceded by
Constituency established
MC for Salisse
18 October 2012 – 25 July 2013
Succeeded by
Party political offices
Preceded by
Party founded
President of the Socialist Party
26 October 2012 – 25 July 2013
Succeeded by
Pomme-Gabrielle Gauvier