Gori Jucărescu

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His Excellency
Gori Jucărescu
Prime Minister of Juclandia
In office
1 January 2016 - 6 November 2021
King Ciprian
President Ovia Bogi
Predecessor Teddy Populescu
In office
July 2006 - 1 September 2008
Deputy Leopold Jucărescu
Predecessor Pisica Democrescu
Successor Leopold Jucărescu
President of Juclandia
In office
23 August 2012 - 1 November 2014
King Ciprian of Juclandia
Prime Minister Iepurica Democrescu
Teddy Populescu
Predecessor Pisica Democrescu
Successor Ovia Bogi
In office
23 August 2010 - 23 August 2011
King Ciprian of Juclandia
Prime Minister Bestia Reformescu
Predecessor Office established
Successor Pisica Democrescu
2nd Vice President of Juclandia
In office
23 August 2011 - 23 August 2012
King Ciprian of Juclandia
Prime-minister Bestia Reformescu
Iepurica Democrescu
Predecessor Pisica Democrescu
Successor Pisica Democrescu
President of the Socialist Republic of Juclandia
In office
13 June 2010 - 21 August 2010
Prime-minister Leopold Jucarescu
Predecessor Ciprian of Juclandia
Successor Dissolved
Personal information
Born March 2006 (naturalisation)
Political party United Revolutionary Front (since April 2014)
Socialist (until 2013)
Residence Jucărești, Juclandia
Religion Church of Juclandia
Military service
Allegiance Royal Army of Juclandia

Gori Jucărescu (naturalised March 2006) is a Juclandian politician and professor currently serving as Prime Minister of the country. Gori Jucărescu has previously served as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2008, and he served as the first and third President of Juclandia from 2010 to 2011 and then again from 2012 to 2014. He served as deputy head of state from 2008 to 2010 and as acting head of state from June 2010 to August 2010, being the second non-human person to serve in this office, after Bestia Reformescu.

Gori is considered to be the most influential leader in Juclandia's history, as his ideas contributed to the development of Juclandia's democratic system of government. He is also the co-signatory of the 2008 Declaration of Independence, which founded modern Juclandia. He is the longest-serving Prime Minister in Juclandia's history. During his two non-consecutive periods as head of government, Gori has headed six cabinets that implemented significant social, cultural, and economic policies, strengthening the Juclandian government as well as Juclandia's constitutional framework.

Gori has historically been considered a democratic socialist, but since the Juclandian political realignment of 2014, he heads the United Revolutionary Front, which represents the right-wing party on the Juclandian political compass. He espouses statist positios, along with a mix of social conservatism and social liberalism. He is considered to be a part of the realist school of international relations.

To date, he is the only male to have occupied the office of the President of Juclandia.

Personal life

Gori Jucărescu and his partner, Pisica Democrescu became the first couple in Juclandia to enter into a formal partnership under the Civil Union Act 2013, passed by the government of Teddy Populescu. His relationship with Pisica has always been very popular, and they're often portrayed in the media as the "ideal couple" within Juclandian society and culture.

His usual residence is his co-operative's Coppelia building, located in Elena Iliescu Square, in Jucărești. However, as President, he also enjoys an official residence at the Royal Palace, in the Independence Square.

Political career

Gori Jucărescu immigrated to Juclandia in January 2006 and was naturalised in March of the same year. Amid an unstable government and a weak state with barely any institutions, he shortly became an important figure of the left-wing movement in the country. He served as Acting President of the Socialist Republic of Juclandia for about two months and a half, and became the first President of Juclandia, after the country transitioned to a constitutional monarchy.

After Bestia Reformescu finished his rather disastrous mandate as President and Prime Minister, the Politburo of the Communist Christian Democratic Party decided to make Bestia leave the political scene. During Pisica Democrescu's Premiership, the left-wing movement has seen a downturn in popularity, and found itself in a crisis of identity. After immigrating to the country in January 2006, Gori shortly became popular among the citizens for his ideas, and the then-President of the Communist Christian Democratic Party, Ciprian of Juclandia, had shortly remarked Gori, who was put in the position of Prime Minister of Juclandia in July 2006.

The Premiership of Gori has been characterized by a large stability, and has seen the transition of the Socialist Democratic State of Toys into the Socialist Democratic State of Romania, and shortly after into the Socialist Republic of Juclandia. Many of the state's institutions have been established under his Premiership, and the first Constitution of the country has been approved in September 2006, under his coordination. He implemented successful monetary policies, and was the first Premier to implement a stable currency system. In 2007 he inaugurated the first market of Jucărești, the Unirea shopping center.

In 2010, Juclandia transitioned to a monarchy on 23 August. The final months of the Socialist Republic of Juclandia have seen Gori being the head of state of the country, having replaced the former President, who was preparing to become King Ciprian. After the latter became Monarch of Juclandia, he had to resign from the Socialist Christian-Democratic Party, and was replaced by Gori. He thus became the second leader of the Socialists, and formed a country-wide alliance with the National Reform Party and the Communist, having gained a plurality in all elections since then.

He was elected to become the first President of (State Council of) Juclandia after the monarchy was instated. He lost to Pisica Democrescu in the 2011 elections, but has won again and is currently the incumbent President of Juclandia, for the second time.


See also