Metropolitan sector

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Metropolitan sector
Flag of Metropolitan sector
Location of counties comprising the sector
  •   New Jersey
  •   New York
  •   Pennsylvania
Establishment17 November 1998

The Metropolitan sector, sometimes referred to as the New York micronational area, the Tri-State sector, or simply the Metro sector, is a general term used to refer to micronations located in the New York metropolitan area, encompassing the entirety of New York City and Long Island, the cities of Newark and Hoboken, and various neighboring counties in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and upstate New York.

While not a geopolitical organization in itself, the Metropolitan sector is home to several subsectors and regional coalitions.

History and notable events

The earliest-known micronational presence in the the New York metropolitan area began with the Tallini Family, established by Cesidio Tallini on 17 November 1998, followed by the State of Joeland in 1999, however the The Tallini Family would relocate its presence and operations entirely online. Throughout the following decade, the amount of micronations within the New York metropolitan sector steadily increased, with the majority appearing in Long Island.

Site of the Hakkai-Pongonesian War.

Hakkai-Pongonesian War

The Hakkai-Pongonesian conflict, also known as the Pongonesian War, was a short military conflict that occured in July 2010 in the Sultanate of Hakka. Because Hakka was majorly influenced by Arabic and Hispanic cultures, its Christian minority felt isolated and attempted to secede and establish the theocratic Christian Republic of the Pongo. Hakka went to war with the aim of regaining its lost territory, resulting in a Hakkan victory. The Christian Republic of the Pongo was reincorporated into Hakka with the Treaty of the Golden Fish. The aftermath of this conflict led to the creation of the Kingdom of Tiana, a micronation that was active from 11 November 2010 until March 2015.

White Island dispute

Final proposal on how to split White Island.

The White Island dispute was a disagreement that occurred in late February to March between the kingdoms of Auvenum and Bepistan over micronational ownership of White Island, an island in Brooklyn, New York. The dispute originated from a personal matters between officials of the two nations, and escalated to the Kingdom of Auvenum demanding full control of the island and surrounding mainland shoreline, although the nation reduced their demands regarding the island to three-quarters of the total area with no details regarding how it should be divided. As both nations were some of the earliest member states of the Cupertino Alliance, the dispute was settled with input from other members of the organization, most notably with the help of Jayden Lycon and William Efton of Aenderia. The conflict was resolved with the splitting of the island into north and south halves of equal area, with Auvenum receiving the northern half, and Bepistan receiving the southern half. Alongside the fair splitting of the island, an agreement was made to institute a neutral buffer zone spanning two meters into each nation from the dividing border, and was to be reclaimed by both nations after one month after the signing of the agreement.

Ausverian soldier during Operation Fall Gelb.

Long Island War

The Long Island war was a conflict between the West Long Island Coalition and People's Republic of Tesforia as well as their respective allies. The coalition declared war on Tesforia on 8 October 2021 at 12:00 EST. A few hours later, the Republican Dictat of Lake Ronkonkoma declared war on the coalition. The following day, United Royal Republic of Englica declared war on the coalition as well, as they had territory on the island in the form of the Feathers and Gills Governate. Conflict started with Ausveria's military campaign into territories controlled by Tesforia and Lake Ronkonkoma. Ausveria's advancement into the territories was named Operation Fall Gelb, after the German WWII plan of the same name. In the midst of the war, on 29 October,[citation needed] Todt citizens of ethnic Turkish background declared independence from Todt Hill to form the "Caliphate of Staten Island." The Caliphate would be hostile to both the Western Coalition, engaging in battle with Todt Hill on the border of Neu Memelland. By November second, a surge in S.I.C. troops led to the Caliphate's victory over Todt Hill, and they took control over Neu Memelland.

Starting off the New Year on 8 January 2022, a battle between Ausveria and Lake Ronkonkoma occurred. The Battle of Massapequa turned out to be indecisive, with both the Dictat of Ronkonkoma and Chancellor of Ausveria sustaining injuries but not securing a victory over the other. By the 31 January, Todt Hill was officially dissolved. The territory was taken over by the Caliphate of Staten Island in addition to Ausveria creating the semi autonomous region of New Lavallette. On 24 March, Ausveria and Lake Ronkonkoma reaches a ceasefire agreement, due to the Lavian Secession Crisis which began 14 days prior. Grigori Vlasov of Lake Ronkonkoma stated Ronkonkoma would "give full diplomatic and military support to Ausveria" to quell the Islamist uprising in Neu Memelland.

Sidewalk War

The Sidewalk War was a conflict between the United Federation of the Terra Excelsior Republic and the Democratic Republic of Vitione. It lasted one day, from 15 May 2022 to 16 May 2022, with a ceasefire and peace agreement. The conflict was caused by the souring of relations between the Excelsior Republic and Vitone soured greatly after Excelsioran citizens raided the Vitonan Discord Server. During the conflict, the Excelsioran military entente was created between Excelsior, Roscamistan, and Libertas, bring both of those nations into the conflict. After the war ended, despite their being no offical victor, Excelsioran media proclaimed it an Excelsioran victory.

Second Ausverian Civil War


Flag State Capital Area Locale Established
Ausverian Volksrepublik Brittany Suffolk, Staten Island 2019
Bepistani Reich Laptevograd 157.068 km2 New York City 2018
Republic of Breuckelen Wyckoff Brooklyn 2022
Canaan Lake Federation Deckwood 0.60 km2 Suffolk 2022
Canvian Confederation Mawagura Brooklyn 2021
United States of the Terra Excelsior Republic Alis City Brooklyn 2020
Commonwealth of Faltree
County of Breuckelen
Brooklyn 2021
Republican Dictat of Lake Ronkonkoma Suffolk, New Jersey 2021
Kingdom of Nortenland
Rikelaw of Houghmark
Fieldwark Nassau 2021
Federal Republic of Ocean States Tulateville 2020
Federal Republic of Posandia Randouleris 0.836 sq mi Brooklyn 2021
Hashemite Kingdom of Raritania Qadirabad 8.21 sq mi Old Bridge, NJ 2007
TDC Empire Imperial Capital District of Bresdin N/A Long Island (excluding colonies) 2021
Italic Duchy of Western Long Island Capital Region Nassau 2022
Kingdom of the Nissequogue Nissequogue City N/A Suffolk County 2022
Republic of Valkerion Long Island (Nassau County) 2023
Rusilkian Federation Chernogorsk N/A Long Island 2021
Republic Of Grovia 2024 Nassau County (Active)
Republic of Verraland 2024 Babylon Proclaimed on February 24, 2024; Active

Former presence

      Extant micronation

Flag State Capital Area Locale Established Dissolved
Sixth Aenderian Republic
Overseas territory of Bepistan New Zealand
Noyan Brooklyn 2018 2021
Republic of Astropolis Astropolis Brooklyn, Staten Island 2019 2020
Kingdom of Atovia
Province of Verraland-Sylvana
Theolonia Brooklyn 2017 N/A
Kingdom of Auvenum Jyilzyem Brooklyn 2018 2020
Kingdom of Cloverzem New Sterling Brooklyn 2019 2019
Kingdom of Custosia Edwardia Nassau 2017
Principality of Duke Chatham Brooklyn, Manhattan 2017 2019
Sultanate of Hakka New Palermo Nassau 2010 2010
State of Joeland Joe City Nassau 2000 2005
Christian Republic of the Pongo Little Pongo Nassau 2010 2010
Kingdom of Tiana Milesbury Nassau 2010
The Tallini Family N/A N/A N/A 1998 2019
People's Republic of Tesforia Breningrad Suffolk 2019 2022
People's Republic of Todt Hill Pullusterria 0.85 km² Staten Island 2021 2022
Democratic Republic of Vitione Townsville 0.80 km2 Brooklyn 2022 2022
Kingdom of the United Smithtown Suffolk 2022 2022
Kingdom of TDC 2023 Nassau County and Suffolk County Has been annexed into the Rusilkian Federation as of 4/16/2024



Regional organizations

Indirect presence in sector


  • Sheepshead Alliance

See also


  1. While geographically located on Long Island, the Sayville Sector considers itself distinct from both the Long Island Micronational Area and the Metropolitan sector.