Czech sector

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Czech[oslovak] sector
Česk[oslovensk]ý sektor
Rōbeugūī [Yaegūnī] sēttor·n
General information
LocatedCzech Republic, Slovakia
Sector founded2009
Nations in area
27 micronations
Organisations in area
Notable people in areaKarl Friedrich
Naemal Namul-den
Tomáš Falešník
Jan Šťastný
Nicholas I
Albert Flinkmann

The Czech sector or the Czech community (Czech: Český sektor/Česká komunita) is a term used to categorize micronations which are mostly bounded and are located inside Czech territory, with some members bounded with or located in Slovakia. The term is used presumably since the establishment of Czech MicroWiki in 2012. There are currently more than 15 micronations considered as the active members of the sector, making it one of the biggest regional micronational communities in terms of active members. The Czech sector is dominated by two international organizations, the Union of Micronations of Central Europe and the Organisation of United Micronations.


The term Czech sector, or more often the Czech [micronational] community, is commonly used to described micronations in the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

To be considered as a member of Czech sector, the micronation should have some form of binding with Czech or Slovakian culture, and associating themselves with it. The micronation should also have its main territory in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, however non-territorial micronations or micronations with territory outside the former Czechoslovakia can be considered a member of the Czech sector as long as it affiliates with Czech or Slovakian culture or is based in Czech or Slovakian territory. Another requirement is to actively participate on the Czech MicroWiki.


Micronationalism in the lands of the present-day Czech Republic has a long history, however, the term Czech sector is mainly associated with the rise of on-line micronational communities on various Wiki websites, social media platforms and instant messaging services.Among the oldest micronations is The Other World Kingdom (OWK), created in 1996 as a matriarchal society.


On 25 June 2011, the Lurk was declared. Initially, the republic interacted primarily with the YouTube sector, eventually being invited to MicroWiki by Flatland. Several sub-pages in Czech were made by Alex White.

Later on in the year, the Lurk Republic ceded some nearby forests to Monovia, and later on joined the United Provinces of Utopia. While not the first foreign micronation with presence on Czech territory (which would likely be Karnia-Ruthenia), it was the first time a micronation instrumental and participating in the community did so.


In 2012, Lurk reformed itself as a federation. One of the federal republics was led by the leader of Burkland, which was one of the early acts of intermicronationalism in the sector.

At some indeterminate date, a micronation was founded nearby to the Lurk hills. While the name and specifics were lost to time, the micronation had a website and initiated contact with Lurk. Alex White suspected the micronation to be a sockuppet led by Spanionte, which had received such reputation in the YouTube sector, noting the obvious usage of machine translation by the micronation.



On 22 October 2017 was the Union of Micronations of Central Europe refounded by Mekniy, Lurk, Radoslavia, Bobania, Okczerpatia, Reichenberg and Moravia, with the UMCE Charter being ratified on 7 November. Moravia however left the process on 6 November, due to tensions with the Bohem Republic, which was given independence from Mekniy on 27 October in the territory claimed by Moravia and joined the UMCE. On 9 November, first administrative reforms in Mekniy took place after the fall of the Coronese Confederation, leading to the establishment of the Fourth Mekkism.

On 18 November, the Unofficial State of Gymnasium joined the community, followed by Fyrinia declaring independence on 23 December. Fyrinia immediately applied for UMCE membership, being accepted on 27 December, replacing Reichenberg, which left on the Christmas Day. The Gymnasium State applied for UMCE membership as well, being accepted as observer on 13 January 2018. On 19 January, the Western Bohemian Republic declared independence, briefly entering in tensions with the Gymnasium State over claimed territory. Day after, the Bohem Republic rejoined Mekniy. The Gymnasium State was given full membership of UMCE on 23 January, and the Order of the Overssers executed a coup in Bobania on 25 January.


On 1 February, the Republic of Bohemia declared independence, resulting in the Gymnasium State mobilizing and sparking the Gymnasian-Bohemian Crisis. The crisis ended on 17 February, immediately followed by declaration of war from Slivinia, declaring independence on 7 February, against Fyrinia. Despite the declaration was supposed to be a joke, it resulted in Slivinia disappearing from the community as the other nations interfered. On 18 February, Okczerpatia joined Mekniy.

After the Gymnasian-Bohemian Crisis, Bohemia and Moravia established an unitary state on 21 February. It lasted until 4 March, when Bohemia declared independence as the Republic of Czechoslovakia after disagreements with the Moravian government. Moravia then declared war on Czechoslovakia on 6 March, followed by Radoslavia declaring war on Moravia the same day.

On 15 March, an ultimatum to the UMCE members was sent by Czechoslovakia, asking for support, but with small effect. On 16 March, idea for a peacekeeping organization was brought up, with the full proposal of Organization of United Micronations created by representatives of the Gymnasium State. On 18 March, first discussions about the OUM were made, with support from most of Czech micronations.

On 4 April, Western Bohemia joined UMCE as an observer, it however slowly started to become a fictional state inspired by Czechoslovakia, especially after independence of Oliland on 9 April. On 1 May, the conflicts with Moravia were nearing end, as Moravia recognized the sovereignty of Radoslavia. This brought more discussions about the OUM creation, which was quickly stolen by Czechoslovakia and Oliland on 3 May. On the same day, Western Bohemia was given full UMCE membership. On 5 May, peace was achieved between Moravia and Radoslavia, followed by peace treaty with Czechoslovakia signed on 13 May.

On 23 May, the Slavic Federation declared independence, immediately joining OUM. On 26 May, the MMA was established by Slavic Federation and Western Bohemia, followed by Oliland. On 4 June, the Slavic Federation left OUM for inactivity, applying for UMCE membership on 9 June. It was rejected, and rejoined OUM on 21 June.

On 14 August, Czechoslovakia joined MMA. On 25 August the Olilandese Revolution, a fictional event supposed to serve as an excuse for government change. It was however interrupted as Doshickaum declared independence against the plans of the government of Oliland. After a discussion in OUM and MMA, it was decided that Oliland and Doshickaum will unite.

On 10 September, the Gymnasium State ceased to recognize fictional nations prior to signatory of the Wrythe Convention on 24 September. This caused tensions between the Gymnasium State and some of the fictional states, however no conflict has taken place. On 24 September was also declared independence of the Kingdom of Bohemia, which joined OUM and MMA on 26 September. On 14 October, the unification of Oliland and Doshickaum finally took place, establishing Menshiria.

On 7 November, another series of reforms took place in Mekniy, and Snowy plains declared independence. On 11 November, Lurk joined Mercia. A brief incident started between Czechoslovakia and Snowy plains after the latter laid new territorial claims on 22 November, but was resolved by an agreement between the sides on 29 November.


In March of 2019 Mekniy annexed Radoslavian puppet of Northern Mekniy as part of an iniciative to reunite historical territories of Mekniy. Snowy plains entered a phase of inactivity on international scene as all their electronical documents were lost. On the end of spring of 2019, a Discord server for Czech MicroWiki was established.

In May, Klitzibürg and the Rednecks Republic declared independence. On 11 July, the fictional states decided to dissolve on an OUM meeting, with an intention to re-establish as non-fictional micronations. During summer, a conflict between newly founded Kybistan and Vitiania raged, alomst resulting in Snowy plains sending a military force in the region. Slavic Republic was established as a successor to the Slavic Federation. On 21 August, Fyrinia entered a phase of reorganizaton in order to become non-fictional micronation as well. Several UMCE projects were also created by Mekniy and Mercia thorough summer and early autumn.


The first summit to be held in the Czech Republic, Podskalský Congress, took place on 23 March 2019 and had 8 attendees from 4 micronations,[1] followed by a second summit in the Czech Republic, the Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations 2019, which took place on 28 September 2019 in Sušice and was organised by Tomáš Falešník of Gymnasium State. The summit had 4 attendees, representing 4 micronations. The third summit took place on 1 July 2020 in Lovosice. It was the biggest by far, with 6 attenendes and 4 micronations represented.

Organizations in the Czech sector

Diagram of membership of nations in Czech sector in various organization

There are four micronational organizations in the Czech sector, the largest being the Union of Micronations of Central Europe (UMCE) with 10 members including observers. UMCE was originally established in 2014 as series of treaties between Lurk, Moravia and the Karamial Republic, it however dissolved in 2015 with the establishment of the Corona Confederation. The organization was refounded in 2017 and continues active to this day.

Second active organization in the sector is the Organisation of United Micronations (OUM), which was established in May of 2018 by Czechoslovakia and Oliland after a conflict between Czechoslovakia and Moravia. The original purpose was a peacekeeping organization, proposed by the members of UMCE, the idea was however stolen by Czechoslovakia and the organization served as organization for geofictional states for a long time. This caused some tensions between the OUM and UMCE. On 11 July 2019, the geofictional micronations collectively dissolved and the organization is currently waiting on return of the new micronations replacing the old members. The organization largely cooperated with the Micronational Military Alliance (MMA), a military pact between the OUM members, until its dissolution in July 2019.

Two more organizations existed in the Czech sector, League of Micronations, established by Moravia and Corona in 2015, which dissolved by Mekniy-Lurk as the last remaining member leaving, and Monarchical-Christian Alliance, associating either monarchies or Christian nations, established in March of 2020 by Vltava and Kybistan and dissolved later that year.

Micronations inside the Czech sector

Active micronations

Flag Micronation Capital Government Year of establishment Notes
Kingdom of Charvatia no official capital Feudal monarchy 2023
Duchy of Firburg Malý Kuklík Semiconstitutional monarchy 2020
Freeman Republic Semipresidential republic 2024
Gymnasium State Sušice-Gympl Direct-democratic parliamentary republic 2017
Kingdom of Galenolia unknown Constituational monarchy 2023
Karamial Republic Arcadia Autonomous democratic republic 2010 While not active on the Czech MicroWiki, it often cooperates with it
Grand Duchy of Klitzibürg Brüm/Breitzickburg Arcimoctess federative constitutional monarchy on absolutist and teocratic base 2019
Krlesian People's Federation undecided Presidential republic 2019
Republic of Kybistan Skuteč Presidential republic under military dictatorship 2019
Duchy of Lutasia Schachbrett Elective constitutional monarchy 2020
Free kingdom of the Majer dynasty Royal city Liberal absolute monarchy 2018
United States of Mekniy and Lurk Yeoju (Jitčin)


Mekkism 2009
Principality of Mendersia Poriinnun Constitutional monarchy 2019
Mercia Redwood Parliamentary diarchy 2011
Principality of Nesea Neeseo Semiconstitutional monarchy 2024
Great Empire of Orlovia Sokółów-Mattencloitburg Absolute monarchy 2022
Kingdom of Reiland Korunen Absolute monarchy 2020
Archduchy of Schwarzwald Schwarzwald Autocratic monarchy 2021
Free and Independent Association of Venedia Vimperk Nonprofit organization 2015 While not active on the Czech MicroWiki, it often cooperates with it
Principality of Vyrleia Szankt Femboyvár Constitutional monarchy 2021
Kingdom of Wolfyland Main Wolfyland Constitutional monarchy 2018

Foreign micronations with territory in Czechia and Slovakia

Flag Micronation Main macronation Czech or Slovakian territory Year of establishment of the territory Notes
Empire of Austenasia United Kingdom Aurora 2016
Gebirgspark 2019
Commonwealth of Essexia United Kingdom Čechsexia 2020
Karno-Ruthenian Empire Brazil Karnia 2016
Empire of Pavlov Netherlands Pannonia 2020
Principality of Posaf United States part of Nievenorte 2019 Active on Czech MicroWiki
Republic of Ashukovo Russia, United States Saint Constantine 2020

Inactive or defunct micronations

Flag Micronation Capital Government Year of establishment Notes
Kingdom of Czernava Lysá nad Labem Constitutuinal monarchy 2020
Erzikian Union Ústí nad Labem Benevolent dictatorship 2018
Fyrinian Republic Benešov Unitary presidential republic 2017
Kingdom of Infinite Wisdom unknown Absolute monarchy 2020 Transformed into Charvatia
Krlesian People's Federation undecided Presidential republic 2019
Noble Republic of Lurk Redwood City Direct-democratic assymetric confederation 2011 Merged with Mekniy
Duchy of Lutasia Schachbrett Elective constitutional monarchy 2020
Duchy of Maperia České Budějovice Constitutional monarchy 2020
Republic of Moravia-Silesia Olomouc Parliamentary republic 2009
Archduchy of Ohřevsko Calrsbad Constitutional monarchy 2021
Sendersian democratic republic Choltice Liberal socialist republic 2021
Principality of Multavia Kampa Absolute monarchy 2021
Kingdom of Radoslavia Bruntál Elective absolute monarchy 2017
Rednecks Free Federal Republic Vidlákov Parliamentary republic 2019
Sovereign Principality of Snowy Plains Eastern Province Absolute monarchy 2018
Empire of Talcon Druid Forest Island Monarchy 2021
Wistonian Kingdom Strakonice Constitutional monarchy 2019

Foreign micronations with territory in Czechia and Slovakia

Flag Micronation Main macronation Czech or Slovakian territory Year of establishment of the territory Notes
Empire of Austenasia United Kingdom Aurora 2016
Gebirgspark 2019
Commonwealth of Essexia United Kingdom Čechsexia 2020
Karno-Ruthenian Empire Brazil Karnia 2016
Empire of Pavlov Netherlands Pannonia 2020
Principality of Posaf United States part of Nievenorte 2019 Active on Czech MicroWiki
Republic of Ashukovo Russia, United States Saint Constantine 2020

See also


  1. "Podskalský kongres - tisková zpráva". Free and Independent Association of Venedia. 14 April 2019. Retrieved 29 September 2019.