Lusophone sector

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The Lusophone Sector, or Lusophonia (port. "Lusofonia"), is an axis of micronational activity, cultivated in portuguese language, around certain micronations, micronational media, organizations and collective initiatives. Lastly, it is a particular drama, as Lusophonia has a continuous history from 1996 to 2012. The concept of Lusophonia should not be understood as referring to the mere set of individual micronations, but in fact to the "medium", the middle of them, the activity between them.


In 1996, the Kingdom of Porto Claro, founded by Pedro Aguiar, appeared as the first internet-based lusophone micronation. Due to macromedia articles and advertising, it prospered as a vigorous micronation, with more than 50 active citizens. By the end of 1997, another lusophone micronation, the Holy Empire of Réunion, headed by Claudio de Castro, also grew substantially and even surpassed Porto Claro's force. Réunion was the first lusophone micronation to appeal to sectors outside Lusophonia, as it was created as bilingual micronation, and remained so until years later.

In 1998, the acute rivalry and threads between both projects produced a vivid space of intermicronational interaction, which slowly structured itself as Lusophonia. Many lusophone nations were created around Réunion and Porto Claro, but none of the same size and energy, albeit some respectful projects emerged: Orange (1997), Marajó (1999) and Sofia (2000), among a majority of weak initiatives. That time, the Latin-American Micronations Organization (OLAM, 1999-2004) was founded as main lusophone organism.

Lusophone sector style was characterized by activity through e-mail groups and messages, cultural and diplomatic isolationism (except for Réunion) and dominance of simulationism.

Starting in 2001, the Free Community of Pasargada was the first significant lusophone project to break traditional paradigm of Lusophonia, leaded by Rafael Figueira, Bruno Cava and Leonardo Carrion. Although primely built by réunian veterans, the new micronation introduced a whole new vision and practise for lusophone sector, in a movement later baptized as the Pasargadan Turn. All lusophone micronations after 2002 got influenced one way or another by realism.

Lusophonia's peak of activity happened in two eras: 2000-02 (called "golden years") and 2004-05 ("silver years"), when it reached 500 active micronationalists speaking portuguese, most of them brazilians.

In the end of 2006 and all over 2007, there happened a general cooling down of activity and enthusiasm. Many respectful micronations of the past, Orange and Marajó, simply vanished and others, like Porto Claro and Sofia, decreased their activity to a minimum. Even two greatest lusophone powers, Réunion and Pasargada, entered a stage of decadence.

Nevertheless, in the end of 2008, a risorgimento was initiated decisively in Pasargada and, later, with the return of Claudio de Castro and many important réunians, continued with enormous vitality in Réunion.

In 2009, thanks to massive efforts and investments, the Empire of Réunion arrived to its pinnacle of citizens and structure. Pasargada follows closely as second greatest in population and influence. The first represents older tradition of simulationism, and the later bears the flag of realism. Both powers can be considered the two vectors that define Lusophonia nowadays.

In 2011, the Republica of Koss was found, it was based on the brazilian city of Brasilia. The Republic had a short live, soon joining the Nemkhav Federation, it became independence again on January, 2012 under the name of 1st Grand Duchy of Koss.

In the decade of 2010, vitality once again gave way to inactivity. By 2020's, few projects based on historic-modelism still exist, most of them considered "one-man nations" and they maintain an extremely hostile stance towards derivative projects, which gave rise to a reaction from Brazilian derivatists, who created the Brazilian sector, then considering Lusophonia as a "closed system", while the Brazilian sector would be a system receptive to foreign micronations and the common practice of micronationalism.


Flag Micronation City Capital Government Demonym Foundation date
Federation of Koss Brasilia Arceu Direct democracy Kossian 2011
Republic of Orange Presidential Republic Orangian ?
Free Community of Pasargada Rio de Janeiro non-territorial Parliamentary Republic Pasargadan 2001
Aristocratic Republic of Porto Claro Rio de Janeiro Saint Herculaine Parliamentary Republic Porto Clarense 1992
Holy Empire of Reunion Rio de Janeiro Saint-Denis Parliamentary Monarchy Reunion 1997
Reino Unido de Portugal e Algarves Lisboa Lisboa Parliamentary Monarchy Portuguese 2002
Reino da Itália Roma Parliamentary Monarchy Italian 2002
Kingdom of Eintrachtia Setúbal Concorde Constitutional monarchy Eintrachtian 2017
Goat's Island Balneário Camboriú Cabralândia Absolute Monarchy Cabrarian 2010
Kingdom of Ebenthal Rio de Janeiro Arturia Constitutional Monarchy Ebenthali 2014
Imperial State of Badakhshan São Paulo Fayzabad Constitutional monarchy Badakhshani 2014
Deltaria Vitorinople Constitutional monarchy Deltarian 2015
Guanabara Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Semi-presidential republic Carioca; Fluminense 2018
Zenitist Empire Martina Absolute Monarchy Zenitist 2018
Karno-Ruthenian Empire São Paulo Persenburg Constitutional monarchy; Personal union through dual monarchy; Corporative federalism Karno-Ruthenian 2014
New Visigothland Wyrms Monarchy Visigoth 2019
Munaland Isla Suárez Munaland-Ville Constitutional monarchy Munalandish 2019
São Guimarães São Valeur Constitutional monarchy Munalandish 2018
Emirate of Takia Curitiba Masbahá Emirate Takian 2015
Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland São Paulo South Würdigestadt Technocratic constitutional monarchy Würtige 2012
Popular Republic of Bugolavija Dara Revolutionary republic Bugolav 2018
Community of Mewniuvia Mewniland Constitutional monarchy Mewniuvian 2017
Principality of Lomellina Funchal Castello di Valle Absolute monarchy Lomellinian 2014
Principality of the Pontinha Funchal Forte São José Constitutional monarchy Pontinhense, Fortense 1903/2007
United Provinces of Mauritia Recife Mauritsstad Aristocratic Republic Mauritiaanse 20??
Kingdom of Roschfallen Votorantim Baltar Absolute monarchy Roschfallenian 2014
