Micronationalism in New Zealand

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Micronationalism in New Zealand is very limited in comparison to that of its Tasman neighbour, Australia. New Zealand had its rise in micronationalism in the 1980s with nations such as the Independent State of Aramoana and Republic of Whangamomona, however neither were ever seen as prominent nations like the Principality of Hutt River and the nations eventually either were reintegrated into New Zealand like the case of Aramoana or became tourist attractions with no government systems adopted like Whangamomona.

In the 21st Century with the rise of the interconnectedness of the internet, micronationalism began to rise again. By the 2010s, New Zealand had amassed a wide range of unique micronations across its islands. More prominent and power micronations began to rise like the Commonwealth of Zealandia, Federal Commonwealth of Sirocco and Arstotzkan Union.


1980 - 1981

New Zealand's affiliation with micronationalism began on 23 December 1980 with the founding of the Independent State of Aramoana. In terms of New Zealand's first micronations, Aramoana was seen as one of the most powerful. It actively campaigned against the New Zealand Government in its bid to protect the small community of Aramoana in Otago, north of Dunedin. The New Zealand Government had created a consortium of companies to establish an aluminium smelter in the town, which would see about the destruction of local homes and the community as a whole.

The campaign had begun in 1974 but the activists declared independence from New Zealand in 1980. No official government was formed for the nation and it continued its campaign until October 1981 when the global price of aluminium dropped and the consortium was dissolved.


During the time of the Fourth Labour Government under Geoffrey Palmer, the New Zealand Government undertook major reforms of the local governments in the country. One change from this was the redrawing of the district boundary of the Taranaki and Manawatu regions along the Whangamomona river. This moved the small, isolated town of Whangamomona from the Taranaki region into the Manawatu-Whanganui region. This move upset the locals of the town who had strong sentiments about their Taranaki identity and their dislike of the Manawatu Turbo's rugby team. On 1 November 1989, the residents declared their independence and formed the Republic of Whangamomona.

Similar to the Independent State of Aramoana, no government was set up, however an elected office of President was created with Ian Kjestrup serving as the republic's first president.

Whangamomona began to use their republic status as a way to boost tourism for the area and made it a feature for a visit along the Forgotten World Highway (State Highway 43). Unlike Aramoana, the Republic of Whangamomona still exists today but only in a tourist capacity. With biannual republic day celebrations being held in January and Republic passports being issued from the local hotel.

2000s - 2010s

With the rise of the internet, micronationalism began to rise in a larger capacity than it ever had in New Zealand. Intercontinental micronations began to form by the late 2000s with Zealandia and Sirocco becoming increasing powerful micronations. The main sectors began to form in Northland and Auckland with micronationalism beginning to take root in the mid-2010s down on the South Island. These nations didn't last long and many survived for just over a year before falling into inactivity.

By 2016 many of the powerful micronations began to fall into states of inactivity as well. With Sirocco falling to inactivity by 2013 and Zealandia collapsing in 2016, micronationalism in New Zealand looked like it was making a return to the 1990s, with Whangamomona existing as New Zealand's sole micronation.

In 2019, one of the first pioneers of micronations rose up in Tauranga and became the first individual in New Zealand history to form a micronation outside of Northland, Auckland or the South Island. On 22 August 2019, Ethan Brinkman formed the Arstotzkan Union, which began to quickly rise to prominence in Tauranga.

2020s - Present

Although no evidence exists to suggest that Ethan Brinkman brought micronationalism back in New Zealand, he can be credited with the establishment of the most active sectors of micronationalism in New Zealand.

By 2022, the Arstotzkan Union had aided in the development and establishment of eleven micronations in New Zealand in under two months.

Between 2022 and 2023 the Arstotzkan Union also played a role in creating two intermicronational organizations and many different alliances between nations. Although the Arstotzkan Union did also gain a reputation for starting wars over disputes and is still known for intervening militarily rather than diplomatically.

New Zealand micronations

Intermicronational organizations

New Zealand has two main intermicronational organisations:

New Zealand also has some smaller alliances as well as some that have gone defunct:

Notable micronationalists

Notable micronationalists in New Zealand include:

Micronational Superpowers

As of 2024, two micronational superpowers exist, they are:

The Arstotzkan Union is considered a superpower due to its age, size, population and economic capabilities. It has dominated the regional landscape and remains a dominant power in micronational affairs and politics across New Zealand. The Empire on the other hand has taken the role of superpower from the void left by the Big Three after its collapse in 2023.