Ward Empire

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Ward Empire
Equitum Imperii
Motto: "Veni, vidi, vici"
"I came; I saw; I conquered"
CapitalGreater Roma
Official languagesEnglish
Miku Church
GovernmentSemi-elective, constitutional absolute monarchy
Ben Ward
LegislatureSupreme Senate
Independence from New Zealand
• Independence from New Zealand
6 July 2022
• Recognized by the Arstotzkan Union
6 July 2022
• Total
722.5 km2 (279.0 sq mi) (36th)
• Estimate
CurrencyArstotzkan Credit (provisional adoption)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy

The Ward Empire (Latin: Equitum Imperii) is a New Zealand based micronation. It is a strong ally of the Arstotzkan Union, who strongly supported their independence and entered into diplomatic relations on 6 July 2022 with the signing of the Treaty of Two Nations. The Empire draws heavy inspiration and ideals from the Holy Roman Empire. Including incorporation of its features in its flag.


The name for the Ward Empire comes from its Supreme Emperor, Ben Ward. The Supreme Emperor lending his last name to the title of the Empire.


Although the Ward Empire is a newly founded Micronation it has had major roles and influences in its time. The first influential impact that the Ward Empire was part of was the founding of the Tauranga Commonwealth of Micronations where it is one of the three founding members. This Commonwealth allowed for more micronations to be created with assistance and to offer them the help that they needed. In conjunction with the Tauranga Commonwealth of Micronations being founded the Tauranga Allied Micronational Treaty Organization (TAMTO) who's main goal is protecting the TCM and all micronations in it, apart from the CDG and Grayson Country and Supreme Emperor is the Chairman of the Allied Military Council. On the 24th August 2022 the Ward Empire declared war against the Empire of Him due to that attack that accrued during the 4th meeting of the Tauranga Commonwealth of Micronations and became part of the Commonwealth - Empire War.

Flag Meaning

The flag of the Ward Empire takes many of the design features that the flag of the Holy Roman Empire had. The crown on top of the birds has the colours red and blue. These colours represent where the members of the Empire are from, with red being of the United Kingdom, and blue being New Zealand. The purple cross on the flag represents that it is a rich place, both in culture and money.


The Ward Empire has 31 Provinces located mainly in New Zealand but has Provinces around the world. The First Supreme Army has the duty of protecting these Provinces from outside threats.

Main Provinces

There are 8 main provinces part of the Ward Empire. These provinces are seen as vital due to what they bring to the Ward Empire weather that be protection, religion or food.

Supreme Province

Supreme Province was the first province created and is owned by the Supreme Emperor Himself. It was established on 6 July 2022. The province holds the capital city of the Ward Empire, Greater Roma and also the Supreme Sente. The province is widely known as the most important province in the Ward Empire due to the location and what is inside the territory. The Supreme Province is located in Tauranga Boys' College next to the tech classrooms.

Holy Province

The Holy province is one of the oldest provinces that is in the Ward Empire and is owned by Territorial Patriarch Trixtan. The province was established shortly after the creation of Supreme Province on 6 July 2022. The Holy Province holds the Miku Church, the religious building for the Ward Empire religion, Miku Church. The Holy Province is located directly next to the Supreme Province, making the location accessible to all.

Cibus Province

The Cibus Province is one of the newest provinces in the Ward Empire and is owned by Territorial Chancellor Gordon. The province was established on the 8th July 2022. The Cibus Province holds the food supplies for the Ward Empire. This is an important province due to the nature of what it holds. It was established shortly after the food crises that happened on the 7th July 2022 and was put in place so nothing like that happens again.

Defendere Province

The Defendere Province is a new Province in the Ward Empire and is owned by Territorial Marshall Nick. The Province was established on the 11th July 2022. The Defendere Province was established to hold the military of the Ward Empire. The Defendere Province is located at the entrance to the Supreme Province. Due to the location the military is able to quickly defend the Supreme Province on short notice and is able to launch an attack quickly and efficiently.

Trānsportō Province

The Trānsportō Province was established on the 7th July 2022 and is owned by REDACTED. The Trānsportō Province holds all vehicles that is owned by the Ward Empire, military and civilian. It is located near the Supreme Province and Holy Province.

Gymnasium Province

The Gymnasium Province was established on the 6th July 2022 and is owned by Tribute Chancellor Jayden. The Gymnasium Province holds the training grounds for the military as well as recitational activates such as basketball and football.

Shed Province

The Shed Province was established on the 7th July 2022 and is owned by REDACTED. The purpose of the Shed Province is for a REDACTED for the REDACTED and REDACTED. It's use hasn't been needed as of today.

Itinere Province

The Itinere Province was established on the 6th July 2022 and is owned by Territorial Steward Shrirang. There is no real purpose of this province except that Shrirang wanted it and as the first member to join the Ward Empire he was granted it. This province is the least important of the main provinces but is a good reminder of where the Ward Empire started and how far it has come.

Foreign Relations

The Ward Empire holds strong and friendly relations with most of the Micronations residing in Tauranga and all members part of the Tauranga Commonwealth of Micronations. As of the 24th August 2022 The Ward Empire is at war with the Empire of Him due to the 4th meeting of the Tauranga Commonwealth of Micronations.

Name Founded Diplomatic Relations Formed Current Diplomatic Relation
Confederate Democracy of Gamers 9 November 2020 3 August 2022 Friendly
Grayson Country 7 May 2022 3 August 2022 Friendly
Arstotzkan Union 22 August 2019 6 July 2022 Allied
Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums 3 August 2022 3 August 2022 Friendly
Anarchist Federation of Taurstan 3 August 2022 3 August 2022 Friendly
Empire of Him 22 August 2022 22 August 2022 War
Kingdom of Krongle 7 September 2022 7 September 2022 Neutral

Unrecognized Nations

  • North Korea (Never Recognized)
  • France (Never Recognized)
  • China (Never Recognized)


Upon the foundation of the Ward Empire on the 6th July 2022 the First Supreme Army was also founded. The duty of this branch is to protect and serve the Supreme Emperor. This duty includes going to war, defending territories and protecting the Supreme Emperor. The First Supreme Army is led by the Territorial Marshall Nick. The Ward Empire has another branch of military it being the REDACTED or the HM for short. The HM where founded on the 6th July 2022 but has remained a secret until 8 September 2022.


The main and only religion in the Ward Empire is the Miku Church. The Miku Church was founded by Territorial Patriarch Trixtan and is followed by many outside the Ward Empire. The Church was founded back in 2018 and has grown ever since. Any other religions are banned from the Ward Empire and if people are found having a different religion they are punished accordingly.

Structure of the Ward Empire

Supreme Emperor

The Supreme Emperor is the highest position in the Ward Empire. The Supreme Emperor is the official leader of the Ward Empire. The Supreme Emperor has the power of veto in the Supreme Council, a power shared with the Tribute Chancellor. There will be only one Supreme Emperor which is currently Ben Ward.

Territorial Marshall

The Territorial Marshall is part of the Supreme Council. The Territorial Marshall job is to command and maintain the First Supreme Army. This is a highly prestige's role due to the nature of it. This Territorial Marshall at the present is Nick.

Territorial Patriarch

The Territorial Patriarch is part of the Supreme Council. The Territorial Patriarch job is to look after the Church and to make sure that everyone part of the Ward Empire follows the Miku Church. The Territorial Patriarch is a role for life and is currently Trixtan.

Territorial Steward

The Territorial Steward is part of the Supreme Council. The Territorial Patriarch job is to look after the economy of the Ward Empire which includes spending, budgeting and income. The Territorial Steward at the present is Shrirang.

Territorial Chancellor

The Territorial Chancellor is part of the Supreme Council. The Territorial Chancellor role is to develop and maintain foreign relations with other Micronations in the Tauranga area. The Territorial Chancellor at the present is Gordon.

Tribute Chancellor

The Tribute Chancellor is part of the Supreme Council. The Tribute Chancellor role is to represent the Plebs in the Supreme Council and to make sure that they have a say in what happens. The Tribute Chancellor is allowed to veto anything that is brought up in the Supreme Council, a power that is only shared with one other role. the Supreme Emperor. The Tribute Chancellor at the present is Jayden.

Territorial Researcher

The Territorial Researcher is part if the Supreme Council. The Territorial Researcher role is to look over the research department in the Ward Empire and bring any new ideas to the Supreme Council. The Territorial Researcher at the present is Josh.

National Sport

The national sport of the Ward Empire is Football. It was chosen during a meeting of the Supreme Senate that accrued on the 19th August 2022. This was a unanimous vote with disagreements about calling it Soccer instead of Football. This name was vetoed by the Supreme Emperor as he deemed it "not it's proper name". This veto did bring some conflict in the meeting but a quick punch in the gut by the Supreme Emperor ended it. From this conflict it was deemed that violence became prohibited during future meetings.