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Volapukia is a territorial micronation in Wellington founded on April 25 2010 by His Excellency King Stuart the First. It is a federalist constitutional monarchy currently with two states and a Royal reformed Government District.



In April 2010, the King decided that he was not happy being a New Zealander, and decided to start his own nation. He claimed his bedroom and named it Capital Room. He also made a flag, a white background with a black diagonal cross like the Scottish flag.

Annexation of Akatarawa Forest

During a trip to Akatarawa Forest, King Stuart was amazed at the beauty of the forest. The King claimed the Forest as a state of Volapukia. The state was still called Akatarawa Forest.

The King is trying to apply for OAM membership.

The two states are currently:

Akatarawa Forest

Woodlands (the garden around the king's house)

and also the Capital Territory, king's bedroom.


Volapukia is a federalist constitutional monarchy. It contains lower level government entities called Volapuk States and a ruler who the power to pass any decree that he or she wishes that is not in violation of the Rights of People. Any government official may be removed by a seventeen-twentieths majority vote of the people.

Executive Branch

The executive branch contains the departments and the head of state, a king or queen. Each king or queen may pass any Volapuk Decree at any time for any reason. The only excpetion is that no decree may violate the Rights of People, a Volapukia bill of rights.

The Heir or Heiress to the Throne

The Heir or Heiress to the Volapuk Throne is a prince or princess. He or she is chosen by the current king or queen before the king's or queen's death and does not have to be related to the king or queen. The prince or princess must have a mininum of a high school education and have been a citizen of Volapukia for at leat ten years at the time of becoming prince or princess. If no prince or princess is chosen by the time of the king's or queen's death, the citizens shall vote on a heir or heiress to the throne. The winner is the person with a four-fifths majority.

Volapuk Departments

Volpauk currently has eight Volapuk Departments. Each department oversees certain responsibilities of the Volapuk government and is headed by a duke. The duke is referred to as "Duke (last name) of the Volapuk Department of (department)". :

The Volapuk Department of the Treasury

The Volapuk Department of the People

The Volapuk Department of Volapuk services

The Volapuk Department of Justice

The Volapuk Department of the Military

The Volapuk Department of Government

The Volapuk Department of Foreign Relations

The Volapuk Department of the Interior

Judicial Branch

The judicial branch contains the four Volapuk Courts of Volapukia. They are each headed by a high judge, who is the main person that runs the court, and rules on cases with six lower judges. The high judge is referred to as "High Judge (last name) of the Volapuk Court of (court)", the lower judges are referred to as "Judge (last name) of the Volapuk Court of (court)". Judges are appointed for life by the king or queen.

Volapuk Court of Crime

The Volapuk Court of Crime overhears cases involving the violation of Volapuk Law. After the case is heard, the judges give their verdict. The punishments given to a guilty party can be fines and/or prison sentences.

Volapuk Court of Civil Cases

The Volapuk Court of Civil Cases overhears cases involving suits between citizens of Volapukia. After the case is heard, the judges decide whom they are in support of and the portion of the value of the suit that the winner shall receive if he or she was the plaintiff. The value given to the plaintiff shall not exceed the value of the suit.

Volpauk Court of the Rights of People

The Volapuk Court of the Rights of People overhears cases involving violations of the Rights of People. After the case is heard, the judges decide if the Rights of People has been violated. If it has been violated, a proper decision shall be reached to how the violation shall be removed.

Volapuk Court of Inhumanity

The Volpauk Court of Inhumanity overhears cases that involve acts of inhumanity. A defendant may be only brought before the VCIH or he or she may be brought before both the VCC and the VCIH. An act of inhumanity does not have to violate any Volpauk Law. It only must be excessively crule, painful, or inhumane. Doing absolutely nothing in front of an act of crulety may also be considered inhumane. After the case is heard the judges decide if the act was inhumane enough to deserve punishment. The punishment may be fines, prision sentences or any level of the act they inflicted, or did nothing to help, short of endangering the convicted's life, or depriving he or she of it.