Kingdom of Atovia

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Kingdom of Atovia
Königreich Atovien
Motto: Scientia ipsa potentia est
Knowledge itself is power
Anthem: Atovian Hymn
Map of Atovian provinces
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentSemi-Presidential Constitutional Monarchy
• Monarch
Connor I
Chase von Mahoning
Thomas von Bainbridge
David von Neues-Michigan
Chase von Mahoning
LegislatureHouse of Commons
• Foundation
5 May 2017
(01 Erstat 01)
• Total
0.245 km2 (0.095 sq mi)
• Sep. 2023 census
CurrencyAtovian Krone (AVK)
Time zoneUTC−05:00 (EST)
Date formatYYYY-MM-DD CE (Traditional)
YY-MM-DD AE (Atovian Calendar)
Driving sideright
Calling code+505 (Proposed)
Internet TLD.av (Proposed)

Atovia (/ə.'toʊ.vi.ə/), officially the Kingdom of Atovia (German: Königreich Atovien), is an unrecognized nation with land claims in Ohio and Texas. The nation was founded on 5 May 2017 by Connor Stumperth; the first and currently reigning monarch. It is governed under a semi-presidential constitutional monarchy with a unicameral parliament. The nation takes inspiration from the Federal Republic of Germany, the Swiss Confederation, and Canada.

The Kingdom of Atovia is organized as a federation of provinces that may exercise a great deal of autonomy. Each province has the right to form its government as it wishes, conduct relations with other nations with the approval of the federal government, and draft provincial constitutions and laws. The federal government retains the right to determine whether the provinces are performing their duties to the standards set forth. There are currently two provinces, Theolonia and Zederschloß.


The name Atovia was chosen by Connor I before the foundation of the Kingdom. It was chosen for its aesthetic appearance and the sound of the particular vowels in the name. The name holds no meaning in any language as far as is known. The German name was determined by following similar patterns to other nations in the German language.



Before the foundation of the Kingdom of Atovia, the land was controlled by the Democratic Kingdom of Mallanor. This was the first nation founded by Connor I, officially created on 28 April 2014. Mallanor existed between 2014 and 2016 with periods of activity and inactivity. In May 2016, the nation was declared to be defunct by Connor I.


The Kingdom of Atovia was founded by Connor Stumperth I on 5 May 2017. The government took inspiration from the previous Mallanorian system, with other influences from the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation. The nation initially claimed no land, but the previous Mallanorian borders were adopted later by the king. This period lasted from the foundation of the kingdom in May 2017 to the beginning of a time of greater development in January 2018.


This era of Atovian history began in January 2018 and lasted until February 2019. The development period includes the final organization of the government, the writing of the Basic Law, and the first federal elections. Connor I passed several Royal Edicts during this time. Most of them took advantage of the executive power of the Monarch to organize the government, legislate on citizenship, join organizations such as the Konmahleth, and create a system of Atovian honors and awards. This period ended after the first parliamentary election in February 2019 because the government was deemed to be well-established enough at this point to have left the development period.

Transterra-Atovia merge

In early April 2019, Richard Dalton, the president of the Federated States of Transterra and chancellor of Atovia, expressed his desire to merge Transterra into Atovia. This was due to his increasing amount of work as a student. The merge was accepted by both parties and was formalized with a treaty.[1] The merger took effect on 23 April 2019. There were a few major effects of this event. Firstly, the Kingdom of Atovia would gain control over all of the federal states of Transterra as provinces. These states were Verraland, Judesberg, Sylvana, and Tuskawanta. Secondly, all Transterrian citizens were guaranteed acceptance of Atovian citizenship upon completing the normal application form.

Government and politics

Atovia is a semi-presidential democracy with a constitutional monarchy headed by the Monarch and the Chancellor. The nation is a federation of semi-autonomous provinces under one federal government. The system of government is officially described in the Basic Law of Atovia. The Government consists of ministers in the Council of Ministers and the prime minister. The government is responsible for the daily governance of the entire kingdom through their respective portfolios.


The monarch is the primary head of state of the Atovian government. The Kingdom of Atovia is a constitutional and semi-elective monarchy. The power of the monarch is limited by the Basic Law of Atovia, but the monarch is still granted royal prerogative. The monarch rules for life following their coronation. After the end of the reign of the previous monarch, the next monarch is chosen following the rules of absolute primogeniture. If the house of the reigning monarch becomes extinct, a new royal house will be elected by the Atovian nobility. This group is known as the Royal Council of Atovia.

The current monarch of Atovia is Connor I, the founder and first king of the nation. His reign began on 5 May 2017 when he officially founded the Kingdom of Atovia.

Chase von Mahoning, the chancellor of Atovia since 29 October 2022


The chancellor is the second head of state of the Atovian government. The chancellor is directly elected by the citizens for a two-year term. The chancellor has legislative veto power and must approve a bill before it is passed to the monarch for royal assent.

The current chancellor is Chase von Mahoning, who took office following the 2022 executive election.

Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers consists of the heads of all main government departments. Each minister is appointed to a portfolio by the chancellor on the recommendation of the prime minister for a time up to the limit of the prime minister's term. Ministers may appoint and dismiss Directors to lead sub-divisions of their ministry at will.

There are currently four critical ministries controlled directly by the monarch.

List of ministries

  • Ministry of Communications: Led by the Minister of Communications, responsible for Atovian communication systems, including television, radio, and post.
  • Ministry of Culture: Led by the Minister of Culture, responsible for Atovian cultural preservation and tourism.
  • Ministry of Education: Led by the Minister of Education, responsible for standardization of the national education system.
  • Ministry of Energy: Led by the Minister of Energy, responsible for Atovian energy production, as well as research into renewable energy.
  • Ministry of the Environment: Led by the Minister of the Environment, responsible for conservation and protection of the natural resources of the nation.
  • Ministry of Finance: Led by the Minister of Finance, responsible for national monetary and fiscal policy.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with other nations.
  • Ministry of Justice: Led by the Attorney General of Atovia, responsible for keeping records of all legislation, as well as defending the nation in court.
  • Ministry of Public Safety: Led by the Minister of Public Safety, responsible for protecting citizens from natural and man-made threats.
  • Ministry of Transport: Led by the Minister of Transport, responsible for national infrastructure and transport systems.
The flag of Atovia flying


The Parliament of Atovia is the unicameral legislative body of the nation. The House of Commons is the supreme organ of government, being the most powerful according to the Basic Law of Atovia. Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected directly by the citizens of each province to represent the province in federal affairs. MPs are elected for a one-year term.

Following the approval of a bill in parliament, the Supreme Court determines its constitutionality. If the bill is deemed to be unconstitutional, it is sent back to the House of Commons for changes. Once a bill is approved in parliament and determined to be constitutional, it is sent to the chancellor to approve. Finally, the bill is sent to the monarch to receive royal assent.

Prime Minister

The prime minister is the head of government, leading the majority party in the House of Commons. The prime minister is selected by the monarch and serves at their pleasure. The prime minister will usually be the leader of the majority party or the leader of a coalition government. The prime minister is a member of the Government and works with the chancellor and ministers to introduce policies into the House of Commons. The prime minister must ask the chancellor to appoint or dismiss ministers, and the chancellor may reject the request.


The judicial system of Atovia is made up of two systems, federal courts, and provincial courts. The provincial court system can vary between provinces, but typically there will be common pleas courts, appellate courts, and a provincial High Court. Each province may organize their judicial system as they wish, but all provinces must have a High Court. The provincial courts are used for cases taking place within a single province. If a crime is committed in multiple provinces, or if a suit is against the provincial or federal governments, the federal court system is used.

The federal court system consists of three main types of court: Courts of Common Pleas, Appellate Courts, and the Supreme Court of Atovia. The Court of Common Pleas is the court of first instance for all crimes committed by a citizen outside of any provincial jurisdiction. Following the initial ruling, an appeal may be made to the Court of Appeals to review the case. Following this, the Supreme Court is the court of last instance, and rulings may not be appealed further. The Supreme Court is also used for crimes committed in more than one province, and for suits against the government of a province or the federal government. The Supreme Court also holds the power of judicial review.

Chief Justice

The Chief Justice of Atovia is the head of the federal judicial system and administers all federal courts. The chief justice is appointed by the chancellor for a three-year term. The appointment is approved or rejected by the House of Commons, acting as the voice of the provinces.

The powers of the chief justice include appointing and dismissing all federal judges and judicial review as the leader of the Supreme Court. The chief justice may appoint and dismiss all federal judges except for justices of the Supreme Court with the permission of the House of Commons. The chief justice is a permanent member of the Supreme Court for the length of their tenure. As a member of the Supreme Court, the chief justice, along with the other justices, reviews all legislation to ensure that it is constitutional.

Elections and political parties

Elections to choose a chancellor are held every two years in Atovia. New MPs are elected at least every year during parliamentary elections. The prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party represented in the House of Commons or the leader of a coalition government.

All citizens of Atovia have the right to form political parties to further their cause and negotiate coalitions within the House of Commons. There are currently four political parties acting in Atovia. All citizens are considered independents until they declare a party affiliation.

Logo Name Ideology Political
Leader(s) House of
Council of
New Democratic Party
Neue Demokratische Partei
NDP Social democracy
Democratic Socialism
Center-left Connor Stumperth
Thomas von Bainbridge
2 / 5
10 / 11
Centre Party
CP Conservatism
Economic liberalism
Center-right Tobey von Wyles
Rafe Hargreaves
2 / 5
0 / 11
Green Left
GL Social ecology
Green politics
Left-wing Esty Carpentieri
0 / 5
0 / 11
National Fatherland Party
of Atovia

Nationale Vaterlandspartei Atovien
NFPA National conservatism
Atovian Nationalism
Syncretic Erich Thaller
0 / 5
0 / 11
IND Various Various None
1 / 5
1 / 11

Theolonian elections and political parties

Logo Name National
Ideology Political
Leader Executive
Theolonian Pirate League
Theolonischer Piratenbund
TPL None Pirate politics Left-wing Griffin von Kaos
1 / 3
1 / 3
New Democratic Party
Neue Demokratische Partei
NDP NDP Social democracy
Democratic Socialism
Center-left Thomas von Bainbridge
1 / 3
1 / 3
Together for Theolonia
Zusammen für Theolonien
TFT None Democratic socialism
Social progressivism
Left-wing Esty Carpentieri
1 / 3
1 / 3
Centre Party
CP CP Conservatism
Economic liberalism
Center-right Tobey von Wyles
0 / 3
0 / 3
Centrist Party of Theolonia
Zentristische Partei Theoloniens
CPT None Conservatism Center-right Andrew Irons
0 / 3
0 / 3
IND None Various Various None
0 / 3
0 / 3

Foreign relations

The Kingdom of Atovia establishes and maintains diplomatic relations through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has the power to grant nations informal recognition, but official recognition can only be granted through an act of parliament or by a decree of the Monarch.


The roundel of the Royal Atovian Air Force

The Armed Forces of Atovia are a defensive force that can be mobilized to defend the nation from a variety of threats, both external and internal. The monarch is the Commander-in-Chief, and the military as a whole is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of National Defense. The roles of the military include defending against external threats, defending the monarch, disaster relief, aiding the surrounding communities, and various ceremonial duties. Training for military personnel will consist of a basic training course and quarterly practical training and testing. There are three branches of the armed forces: Army, Navy, and Air Force. Each branch has a specialty and field of operations.

The armed forces are currently inactive, though universal conscription will be established to maintain the command structure.

Geography and climate


Atovia is currently made up of two provinces. The citizens of Atovia may cede territory to the federal government at any time to form a new province. Citizens are usually registered in a province depending on their geographic proximity to the territory, but citizens may also request to be registered in any province. To participate in provincial governments, one must be registered as a citizen of the province.

Flag Arms Province Code Capital Cit. NCR Area
Head of State Head of
Duchy of
TL Theolonia 14 3 0.002 km2
0.001 mi2
Connor Stumperth
Griffin von Kaos
Thomas von Bainbridge
Duchy of
ZD Zederschloß 2 5 0.243 km2
0.094 mi2
Wilhem von Wilhelmsohn


The Kingdom lies on the border between a Humid Subtropical (Cfa) climate zone and a Humid Continental (Dfa) zone under the Köppen climate classification system. Because of this, the nation shares a climate with much of the Midwest and Southeastern United States and has slightly warmer summers than East-Central Europe. These climate zones are characterized by large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot summers with high humidity and cold to severely cold winters. Precipitation is usually well distributed throughout the year.


Religion in Atovia as of September 2023

  Christianity (50.0%)
  Islam (9.1%)
  Buddhism (4.5%)
  Norse Pagan (4.5%)
  Irreligion (31.8%)

The culture of Atovia is derived mostly from the Midwest United States, where most of the citizens reside. Atovian culture also includes many elements from Central European culture, especially nations with German as an official language.


According to the Atovian Basic Law, the official languages of the nation are English and German. However, the right to speak any language freely is also in the Basic Law. English is the most used language, with German only being used for certain official purposes.


The Basic Law of Atovia grants all people within the nation the right to exercise their chosen religion, beliefs and culture freely. Atovia is officially a secular nation and does not officially endorse any religion. The Basic Law provides citizens the right to choose and practice their religion anywhere in the nation.

There is no official state church of Atovia.

National holidays

The Federal government sets certain holidays that are celebrated by the whole nation, and each province may adopt unique provincial holidays as they choose. The nation as a whole is officially secular, but each province may choose to celebrate religious holidays as they wish. The province of Theolonia consists of mostly Roman Catholic residents, so Christian holidays are typically celebrated there.

Name Date Notes
New Year's Day 1 January The first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
International Women's Day 8 March To celebrate the achievements of women and to promote equality.
Constitution Day 11 March To commemorate the ratification of the Basic Law of Atovia and a celebration of democracy in Atovia.
Earth Day 22 April To promote environmental protection.
Transtovia Day 23 April To commemorate the Transterra-Atovia merge.
International Workers' Day 1 May To celebrate the achievements of workers throughout the nation.
Foundation Day 5 May Foundation of the Kingdom of Atovia.
Flag Day 19 May Adoption of the flag of Atovia.
King's Day 19 December Celebration of the birth of King Connor I.
Christmas Eve 24 December The day before Christmas.
Christmas Day 25 December Celebration of the birth of Christ.
New Year's Eve 31 December The last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

External links
