Kingdom of TDC

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Kingdom of TDC
TDC's Flag
TDC Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Hail TDC!"
Lesser Arms
CapitalImperial City of Bresdin
Official languagesEnglish
Common languages
Roman Catholicism (official)
• King
Jason I
Lucas J.
from the United States
• Pine tribe
• TDC established
November 5th, 2021
• TDC Union established
April 2022
• TDC Empire established
October 9th, 2022
• Kingdom established
January 12th, 2024
• 2024 census
GDP (PPP)2024 estimate
• Total
HDI (2023)0.70439
CurrencyUSD (de facto)
Time zoneEST
Date formatmm/dd/yy
Driving sideright Side
Calling codeN/A, +1
Preceded by
TDC Empire
Today part ofRusilkian Federation

TDC, officially the Kingdom of TDC, was a self-declared sovereign country that was not recognized by any UN Member States thus being considered as a micronation by external observers, situated on Long island, New York, with multiple colonial territories throughout the United States and Europe. TDC was divided into multiple counties and duchies, covering an area of an just under 2 km2 . TDC had a population of 46. The nations capital of Bresdin was the center of all administration in the nation.

TDC had a humid continental climate in it's main geographic region, which was where most citizens reside, and was located in the Long Island sector. Although a notable amount of Treskans did not live within the borders of TDC.

Human habitation of the area TDC was located on dates to c. 10,000 BCE, when American natives occupied the land. The first proto-micronation founded in the area of modern TDC was Pine Tribe, in 2018, which was where much of modern Treskan culture originates from. TDC was originally founded sometime during September, 2021, as Tree Dust Clan by its current King Jason I his friends, however it wouldn't be a proper micronation until November 5th, when it was first labeled as one.

TDC was an absolute monarchy with had a small council of advisors. TDC had a barter economy that was tied to silver. TDC had a GDP (PPP) of almost $1500. TDC was a founding member of the Treskan League of States, and was part of GLMA, The Coalition of Sovereign Realms, ANS, UNAM, and CIN.


The name 'TDC' is an abbreviation for the words Tree Dust Clan, which was the name decided on by Jason I and Ibvar Singh while in the now abandoned territory of Pyro-city after getting pollen in their eyes.


The History of the TDC Empire dates as far back as 2018 with the creation of the Pine Tribe. The history of the Empire was divided into five different eras: the Pine Era, the reformation era, the post-reform era, the turbulent era, and the current era. During the pine era (2018-2021), the roots of TDC can first be seen around 2018, when the Kaiser and his cousins were playing around with the idea of a nation or tribe being held in their yards and surrounding areas. This group was focused on establishing a tribe. The reformation era (early November 2021-January 2022) marked a turning point for TDC. During this time TDC moved from a small project to an actual micronation being known as Tree Dust Clan. The nation started a government, industry, and gained population. The post-reformation era (late February 2022-November 2022) was marked by months of political inactivity in TDC and the purge of most national documents but would later see TDC reformed into an empire on the 9th of October 2022. In the turbulent era (November 2022-August 2023), several significant events took place such as the forming of the first Commonwealth, the First TDC Colonial Wars, the annexation of Nissequogue, the Hamardistani war for independence, the forming of the second Commonwealth and the May dark period. The current era is considered to be a time of new expansion and growth of the TDC Empire. Each era in TDC’s history represents a unique phase in its development and growth. From its humble beginnings as a small project to its transformation into an empire, TDC’s history is marked by periods of change and evolution.


Clay works made during the pine-era

The early roots of TDC can be traced back to around 2018. During this time, the Kaiser and his cousins were playing around with the idea of a nation or tribe being held in their yards and surrounding areas. This group was focused on establishing a tribe, making stone tools similar to those of the clovis culture. This period is often referred to as the Pine era (2018-2021), which marked the beginning of TDC’s journey from a small project to an actual micronation. For around 3 years the group built primitive technology such as fires, clay pots, and the above-mentioned stone tools. Many current TDC territories were old tribal areas of the Pine Tribe. This includes Neshanic Colony, New Neshanic, Johannas, etc. Multiple Clay works were fired in clay ovens made by members. Cuneiform was used often within the tribe. These early tribal roots have shaped the TDC Empire in several ways. They have influenced its culture, traditions, and in some cases governance structure. The tribal roots have fostered a sense of community and belonging among its members, which is still evident today. In addition, the tribal roots have also inspired a respect for nature and the environment. This is reflected in the TDC Empire’s policies and practices related to environmental conservation and sustainability.

Tree Dust Clan

Pine Tribe hit a turning point during the September to November months of 2021. During this time it moved from a small project to an actual micronation being known as Tree Dust Clan. The nation started a government, industry and gaining population. TDC's first expansion was a mass recruitment campaign to expand TDC's influence on those around them. This also established the then capital of "Pyro City", which is now defunct. The area that was used by the TDC was still in use as late as May 2023. Many parliament sessions took place in ft. Box even after the territory was formally let go. During the Formation of TDC, an early constitution was written during the first constitutional convention within TDC, based in the now defunct Pyro city territory. On the first of December 2021, Jason I was introduced to the leader of the United Republic of the Potato by the current Duke of Askia, who was, at the time, the Vice-President of the United Republic of the Potato, where an alliance was made.

TDC Civil War

Birds-eye-view of Fort Box

The TDC Civil War was a significant event in the history of the TDC Empire. The conflict began on the 21st of December 2021 due to the worker class of TDC feeling that they were being underpaid by state-owned companies. The origins of the war began with the workers of TDC starting an uprising over what they thought was a low amount of money being given for their work within TDC. A message was sent from Brian C. to Hamard W. asking if he wanted to join an underground association that would later rise the same day. The war saw several battles, with the first battle happening in the former Pyro City Province. During this time, a rebel was taken prisoner by the TDC loyalists. However, the rebels had managed to take over Pyro City. The imprisoned person gave all the info they knew at the time for their freedom, which would give the loyalists the upper hand in the next battle. After around 2 days, the second battle took place, where a different rebel had been taken into the head of TDC, which was then Fort Box due to Pyro City being under rebel control. The third battle saw Fort Hil be taken by the rebels leaving Fort Box as the loyalists’ last holdout. After some time, a loyalist was able to use a stick to lock Fort Box and the rest of the loyalists used more sticks to jab at people outside of it, which resulted in a loyalist victory. Due to this victory, most of the rebels were taken prisoner with the rest running away. This is where all rebels were forced to pledge allegiance to TDC and never rebel again. The war ended promptly after this pledge with all members being allowed back into TDC, but not allowed to hold a government position. The TDC Civil War marked a pivotal moment in TDC’s history. It highlighted issues within its socio-economic structure and led to significant changes in its governance.

TDC Union

A short while after the government was formed, good relations were established with the Republic of potatoes, which is located in Brooklyn and is now known as the Kingdom of Podat. After around a week of relations with the republic, TDC and it merged, to form the TDC Union. This union would be highly unorganized. The Government itself is a mix of the systems of Democracy, Socialism, Marxism–Leninism, Imperialism, and Tribalism. The main Legislature was made up of the Grand Senate of the Union which itself was made up of elected officials.

During late February the union went inactive with the government recovering from an attempted Religious coup. Much of the historical TDC records were thrown away or deleted during this time. This resulted in a large period of only oral records of what happened.

TDC Empire

After many months of political inactivity combined with fact that the government of the TDC Union was not highly organized the government itself is a mix of multiple ideologies, TDC was reformed into an empire on the 9th or 10 October 2022. This Empire consisted of the former states of the union as well as a single colony that is now defunct. The reformation marked a significant turning point in TDC’s history. It represented a shift from a loosely organized union to a more structured empire. This transformation laid the groundwork for TDC’s future growth and development.

Soon after the formation of the TDC Empire, it attempted a mass expansion of diplomatic relations and recognition in November 2022. The start of this was marked by the establishment of relations with the Empire of Shahawkia. The earliest TDC and Shahawki relations can be informally seen sometime before November 2022 when Stephen Vashyyr and Jason I met over discord in the DML (Discord Micronations league). Later, the two leaders formed official relations on the 5th of November 2022. The relations between the TDC Empire and the Empire of Shahawkia have been generally positive since late 2022. During this time, TDC affirmed its relationship with Shahawk as its most important bilateral partnership in the current TDC foreign policy, and the Shahawki foreign policy also affirms its relationship with TDC as its most important relationship. This is evidenced in aligned political affairs and cooperation in the area of intelligence. This early diplomatic expansion set a precedent for the TDC Empire’s foreign relations, establishing it as a key player in its sphere of influence.

First TDC Colonial War

Flag of the Theodore Republic

The wars between the Theodore Republic and the TDC Empire, more commonly known as the First TDC Colonial War, was a significant event in the history of TDC. The Theodore Republic, a breakaway state from TDC, declared secession on 3/6/23 and wanted to take the capital of TDC and declare itself its own nation. TDC would not stand for this and immediately engaged in conflict with the Theodore Republic, resulting in a 4-hour-long battle, with the winner being undecided, the conflict hit a ceasefire until 4/10/23, when the second battle of Bresdin took place. TDC eventually won the conflict with the signing of the Bresdin Accords. On 3/6/23 the First battle of Bresdin took place. The battle lasted 4 hours and started a war against the Theodore Republic. The battle took place in North-Western Bresdin and resulted in two minor injuries. On 4/10/23 the Second Battle of Bresdin took place. After around an hour of fighting the 1st Colonial Division of TDC was proving victorious and fully surrounded the Theodore Republic soldiers. The leader of the Republic formally surrendered with the signing Bresdin Accords. The Bresdin accords proved significant as it would be a pivotal part of Treskan-Dodgian relations and would lay the framework for further diplomatic outreach to the Theodore Republic. The accords represented an attempt to resolve conflicts and would establish a framework for future interactions. Later the TDC Empire would break the Bresdin accords and annex Theodoesian South Dodgia, which is now part of the Kingdom of Bresdin.

Annexation of Nissequogue

Coat of arms of Nissequogue

The Kingdom of the Nissequogue, located in Smithtown, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY, was a micronation that became a state of the TDC Empire. The process leading to its annexation was marked by several significant events. Before becoming part of the TDC Empire, the Kingdom of the Nissequogue had its unique history. It was founded by Maximillian Greig, who had previously established several other micronations. These included the Pirate Kingdom of Suffolk, the Empire of Yotai, the Kingdom of United Smithtown, the Empire of Whisperburg, and the Almendrian Kingdom of Commack. The annexation of Nissequogue into the TDC Empire was a result of a series of discord raids carried out by different entities. Three raids were carried out by Owen Bean of Canvia, another one was carried out by Faltree, and the last one was carried out by the Russian Kingdom of Ukretinia. These raids were significant events in Nissequogue’s history and ultimately led to its annexation by the TDC Empire. As a state of TDC, Nissequogue was split into 11 provinces, which were further divided into many different counties. The Kingdom of Nissequogue officially became part of the TDC Empire on March 20, 2023. The annexation marked a new chapter in the history of both Nissequogue and the TDC Empire. It expanded the territorial reach of the TDC Empire and brought new cultural and historical elements into its fold. The Kingdom of Nissequogue continues to maintain its unique identity within the larger framework of the TDC Empire.

Hamardistani War for Independence

The Hamardistani War for Independence was a significant event in the history of the TDC Empire and the region of Hamardistan. The conflict began on the 24th of March 2023, sparked by the people of Hamardistan’s desire for independence. The origins of the war can be traced back to religious conflicts within TDC. The multiple religions of TDC, namely the Sikhs, and Christians, were having minor skirmishes in the now defunct Pyro Territories over a remark made by the former Chancellor of the Empire calling Christians 'heathens’. During this time, the smaller religious minority of Muslims in TDC were not getting heavily involved with the fights that took place after the remark. However, when one of these fights directly involved the Duke of Hamardistan, they declared secession from the empire to form a new nation built on the principles of Islam and immediately declared war. The TDCSOF, the special forces of the TDC Armed Forces, were sent down to the areas that the secessionists claimed around 11:48 am on the 24th of March 2023. They met heavy pushback by the Hamardistani forces that controlled the area. During this conflict, another mainly Muslim Duchy within the empire, the Duchy of Askia, sent forces to help the Hamardistani secessionists. Members of the TDC Army from the 2nd Infantry Regiment went and blocked Askians from helping the Hamardistani cause. Eventually, members of TDCSOF caught up with the leader of the secessionist group, Hamard W., and imprisoned him in the former Ft. Box area. Here negotiations between him and Kaiser Jason I began. They argued about the general rights of the citizens of Hamardistan and its autonomy within the empire. After around 15 minutes of discussion and negotiations, both sides collaborated on a verbal agreement that would later be put on paper on July 5th, 2023. The agreement stated that Hamardistan would stay in the Empire but have high levels of autonomy. Thus, while it began as a war for independence, it ended with Hamardistan gaining greater autonomy while remaining part of the TDC Empire. This event marked a significant moment in both entities’ histories and shaped their future relationship.

May 2023 Crisis

The May dark period was a significant event in the history of the TDC Empire. During this time, the former constituent monarch of Rüliska threatened the life of the Kaiser. The authorities were called and the situation was dealt with. This incident led to a state of shock within the empire that lasted for around two weeks. During this period, the Grand Duchy of Rüliska was abolished and all colonies related to the constituent monarch were dissolved. The May dark period marked a time of crisis within the TDC Empire.

Shahawki-Treskan Split

The Shahawki-Treskan split was a significant event in the history of the TDC Empire and the Empire of Shahawkia. The split occurred on the 20th of July 2023 Before the split, TDC’s minister of foreign affairs, Stephen V., was removed from office and replaced by Hamard W. During his administration, Hamard decided that the Concordat, a formal agreement between TDC and Shahawkia, was irrelevant and highly advised the removal of Jason I’s signature from the document. Following this advice, the Concordat was terminated citing clause i, article iv. This decision led to a severing of all ties between Shahawkia and TDC. The termination of the Concordat marked the end of formal relations between the two nations. However, this split was not permanent. The Concordat resigned on the 21st of July, 2023 and relations between the two nations were re-established. This reconciliation marked a new chapter in TDC-Shahawki relations, however, Hammad W. would remain in office as minister of foreign affairs, and would constantly try to antagonize the Shahawkian Emperor. This would later be changed as Hammad would be removed from office and Stephen V. would be reinstated as Minister of Foreign Affairs for the TDC Empire.

Annexation of Malus

On the 22nd of July, 2023, the Commonwealth of Malus would be annexed into the TDC Empire. This marked a significant event in the history of both entities. This move brought Malus under the jurisdiction of the TDC Empire, integrating it into its administrative and political structure. This annexation also had a profound impact on the relations between Malus and the Kingdom of the Nissequogue. Before the annexation, these two entities were in a state of high tension. However, the annexation led to a de-escalation of these tensions and fostered closer relations between them. Despite this, Malus eventually decided to leave the Confederation. The reasons for this decision are not specified.

Annexation of Symchia and the Good Sunday War

On the 21st of August, 2023, the TDC empire would annex the Sables of Symchia, however, around 2 days later symchia would abruptly leave the confederation, and instigate conflict between themselves and the Freedomist Republic of Rusilkia, a Treskan ally. This would lead to the Good Sunday War On the 27th of August. TDC and Rusilkia put out a joint declaration of war on Symchia at 7:24 PM. The President of Symchia immediately responded asking for a more peaceful approach, officially signing an unconditional surrender at 8:17 PM. After the war had ended, Jason I made a speech declaring the newly annexed land to become a new constituent state of the TDC Empire, while Rusilkian President, Jack C., declared a new province in the formerly Symchian state of Elmwood.

Colonial expansion

The colonial expansion of the TDC Empire was the foundation of New Neshanic. New Neshanic is a territory colonized by the TDC Empire in and around Lake George, New York. The territory started to form around the 10th of April, 2023, when the governor-general of the Neshanic colony visited family land around the area and set up claims for TDC, establishing the George Colony. Later an expedition would be held to George Colony to explore the area around the colony. During this expedition, the men sought to profit from the multiple natural resources in the area and decided to found the Treskan Lake George Company. This company was chartered on September 4th, 20233, to capitalize on the vast amounts of timber in the area and to expand on the Treskan colonies there. The company was granted a monopoly to manage timber selling in the area, which is mainly located in Benedict County. In return, the company was supposed to fund projects taking place in New Neshanic like the New Neshanic militia. The company was capitalized with $185 and has currently made around $50. This period marked a significant phase in the history of the TDC Empire’s colonial expansion. The establishment of New Neshanic and the Treskan Lake George Company not only expanded TDC’s territorial reach but also brought economic benefits through resource exploitation.

Dissolution of Nissequogue

On the eighth of December, 2023, Nissequogue was dissolved by Rex Maximilianus, mostly due to inactivity. The nation was succeeded by the Federation of Suffolk.

Dissolution of the TDC Empire

After over two years of existance, the TDC Empire dissolved on the twelfe of January, 2024. The nation was in a period of general inactivity since late August 2023 and Jason I formally decided to dissolve the empire. The TDC Empire was succeeded by the Kingdom of TDC. Following the dissolution, the Kingdom of Podat, Duchy of Hamardistan, Duchy of Askia, Duchy of Provincia, Duchy of Easthalgh, Principality of Impræda, and the Principality of Yarl were dissolved. The Duchy of Elwood-Rosishvy was absorbed into Rusilkia.

Dissolution of the Kingdom of TDC

Almost nothing happening after the creation of the Kingdom of TDC, and so the decision was made to dissolve it. However not wanting the nation to be completely dissolved, King Jason I gave the nation entirely to Rusilkia. Around a week later, Jason rememembered an old deal he made with Nafe Ali, President of the, at the time, Republic of New York, now the New York Federation, which entailed if TDC ever dissolved completely the land would be handed over to the Republic of New York. After remembering this a meeting took place between Jason, Nafe and the President of Rusilkia. In this meeting Rusilkia, out of kindness, decided to allow the land to be annexed into the Republic of New York.

Government and politics

The Kingdom of TDC was an absolute monarchy. It was ruled by decree-law, as all laws enacted are by the King.


The form of government instituted in TDC under King Jason I was commonly referred to as absolute monarchy. It was largely based on European history, the divine right of kings was the theological justification for absolute monarchy. Many European monarchs claimed supreme autocratic power by divine right, and that their subjects had no rights to limit their power.

Foreign relations

TDC recognised the majority of UN member states and some non-member states. All Foreign Affairs were channeled through the crown which communicated with foreign governments and international organizations. The crown coordinated and carried out TDC foreign policy. TDC was open to accepting all Treaties of Mutual Recognition and Alliance which were proposed by nations recognized by the empire.


The Treskan Gaurd were the military forces of the Kingdom of TDC. It was an armed force and honour guard unit maintained by the Crown. The guard was established on the 12th of January. Recruits to the guards must be signle males with Treskan citizenship. A swear to the crown must be made.

I, (name), swear to diligently and faithfully abide by decrees of the King, so help me God and his Saints.

Political subdivisons

The Kingdom of TDC was divided into Duchies and Counties which were established for administration. TDC consisted of three duchies and six counties. There was also two special urban county, being Alv and Bresdin. Each duchy had a council that decided minor issues, however the powers were very slim compared to monarchy. All counties were strickly for administrational purposes. TDC also had multiple colonies abroad.

Political subdivisons of TDC
Flag, name and abbreviation Type Population Pop. of citizens Total area (m²)
Alv AV Urban County 3 3 N/A
Avenzio AZ County 1 1 N/A
Braubruck BB County 0 0 65,678
Bresdin BR Urban County 6 6 52,528
Ceder Archipelago CA Colony 0 0 177,628
Farmetteri FM County 3 3 N/A
Hochfield HF County 0 0 65,678
Johannas JH Duchy 0 0 102,907
Katras KT County 3 3 310,598
Laagplas LP County 0 0 22,985
Lenzson LS County 0 0 11,521
Magyar MY Colony 4 0 675
Mare MA Colony 16 1 119,426
Neshanic NE Colony 5 5 207,025
Nessics NS Duchy 11 3 168,795
New Ticonderoga NT Colony 5 5 318,217
Nirae NI Duchy 2 2 224,950
Prison Island PI Colony 0 0 3,606
Rock Island RI Colony 0 0 960

Geography and climate

Image taken in the Grand Duchy of Roosevelt

TDC is located on Long Island, a densely populated island in southeastern New York state, extends 118 miles eastward into the North Atlantic Ocean with a maximum north-south width of 23 miles. The island is divided into four counties; Brooklyn, Suffolk, Nassau and Queens, of which TDC has claims in the latter three.


Long Island, where the TDC Empire was located, has a climate similar to other coastal areas in the Northeast; it has hot and humid summers and cool to cold winters. The Atlantic Ocean helps bring afternoon sea breezes that temper the heat in the warmer months. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 23°F to 81°F and is rarely below 9°F or above 88°F. The warm season lasts for around 3 months, from June 7 to September 19, with an average daily high temperature above 72°F. The hottest month of the year in Long Island is July, with an average high of 80°F and low of 64°F. The cold season lasts for about 3 months, from December 7 to March 17, with an average daily high temperature below 47°F. The coldest month of the year in Long Island is January, with an average low of 24°F and high of 39°F.

Climate data for Mineola, New York
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °F (°C) 71
Average high °F (°C) 39
Average low °F (°C) 26
Record low °F (°C) -10
Average Precipitation inches (mm) 3.62
Source: The Weather Channel[1]


The culture of TDC is minimally different from the modern culture of Long Island. Long Island is a culturally and ethnically diverse place, known for its unique blend of city and suburban life. It’s famous for its beautiful beaches, such as Jones Beach State Park and Sagamore Hill, which are popular summer destinations. The Montauk Lighthouse, built in 1796, is another iconic landmark on the island. The Hamptons, located on the South Fork of Long Island, is a ritzy area known for its exclusivity. It’s a popular summer spot for celebrities, socialites, and business moguls. Each village and hamlet in the Hamptons has its own unique flair, offering everything from farmland to fancy shops. Long Island is also known for its expensive living. Some areas, like Sagaponack, are among the most expensive in the country. The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) connects the furthest parts of the island with other major railways, providing a vital resource for commuters. The island is also famous for its food and drink. It’s home to delicious bagels and the namesake Long Island iced tea.

Dishes & Drinks

TDC's first adopted meal was chicken marsala. Many citizens from the territories Bresdin and Nirae eat this meal on days of celebration. The national drink of TDC is the Arnold Palmer, which is a mix of iced tea and lemonade.


A large part of the general Treskan culture was celebrated through holidays. TDC shares many holidays with the United States and has a very similar culture to the US in general.

Holidays celebrated in TDC
Holiday Month Day Note
New Years January 1 Celebrates a new calendar year.
Imperial Remembrance Day January 12 Honoring the fall of the TDC Empire.
Civil War Remembrance Day January 21 Celebrates the end of the TDC civil war.
Memorial day May Last Monday Honoring and mourning of U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Alleanza day May 25 Day the Concordat was signed.
Kaiser day May 30 Birthday day of Jason I.
Union day June 23 Day all territories of the original union of TDC were abolished.
Elwood Victory Day August 27 Honoring the victory over Symchia.
Treskan day November 5 Day TDC was founded.
Armistice day November 11 Commemorates the signing of the Armistice which brought an end to the First World War.
Chancellor day November Third Thursday Day celebrating the current Chancellor.
Christmas eve December 24 The day before Christmas Day.
Christmas day December 25 Annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.
Saint Sylvester's Day December 31 New Year's Eve.

Language and Slang

TDC has always spoken English with a slight non-rhotic accent, however many other languages are spoken regionally. Modern slang was used often within TDC.


Much of TDC symbolism came from the era in its history most commonly known as the Reformation era. During this time symbols like the palmetto tree came into use, which it is most commonly seen on the old Coat of Arms and the modern civil flag of TDC. Other popular symbols include the Pine tree, A repurposed coat of arms of Ontario, and the colors black and white, which are used on both the Modern Governmental and state flags of TDC.


  1. "Monthly Averages for Mineola, NY (11501)". The Weather Channel. Retrieved 12 July 2015.