Des Plaines National Park

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Public Lands of Wegmat
Des Plaines National Park
Des Plaines National Park from the P 2 Underpass Image credit: Volkan Yuksel
Founded10 August 2019
TypeNational park
HeadquartersThatcher Glenn Visitor Center
LocationTrel, GL

Des Plaines National Park is a national park in the Des Plaines Upper Thatcher region of Essef. The national park has trails, fishing and other recreation throughout the park. Many sycamores and maple trees grow in the park. The park is the lowest point in Wegmat at 613 feet above sea level. The Des Plaines River Floodplain is at it’s skinniest point however deepest. At time of heavy rainfall during the spring Route Connection 14 And other roads are completely closed as water can be above the average human height at times. The park has very little flora.