Orders, decorations, and medals of Indokistan

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Awards and decorations of Indokistan (Penghargaan Negara Indokistan) were awarded to Indokistani or foreign individuals with outstanding achievements, services, and contributions for Indokistan. It was awarded by the President with consent from the national forum. The awards and decorations system was recognised by the constitution, yet after 2015, no awards were bestowed to any individuals until its dissolution in 2016.


No Order Indonesian name Date of establishment Number awarded
1 Star of Indokistan (Bintang Indokistan)
 • Gold Star of Indokistan Bintang Indokistan Emas June 2012 0
 • Silver Star of Indokistan Bintang Indokistan Perak June 2012 0
 • Bronze Star of Indokistan Bintang Indokistan Perunggu June 2012 0
2 Order of Integration Orde Integrasi June 2012 5
3 Order of Presidency (Orde Kepresidenan)
 • Full Presidency Award Kepresidenan Penuh June 2012 1
 • Second Presidency Award Kepresidenan Kedua June 2012 1
 • Third Presidency Award Kepresidenan Ketiga June 2012 1

Commemorative medals

No Order Indonesian name Date of establishment Number awarded
1 Warfare medal of Indokistan (Medali Peperangan Indokistan)
 • Medal of Victorious January Revolution Medali Revolusi Januari June 2012 0
 • Medal of Victorious Battle against Ntolia Medali Kemenangan melawan Ntolia June 2012 4
2 Medals of Indokistani Peoples Achievements (Medali Pencapaian Rakyat Indokistan)
 • Medal of Discovery Medali Penemuan June 2012 5
 • Medal of National Defense Medali Pertahanan 2
 • Medal of Loyalty Medali Kesetiaan 1
3 Friendship Medal Medali Persahabatan June 2012
4 Medal of Constitution Medali Konstitusi March 2014 5

Obsolete awards

No Order Indonesian name Date of establishment Date of dissolution Number awarded
1 Order of the Golden Duck Orde Bebek Emas February 2011 2012 6
2 Order of the Flagstrip Orde Bendera February 2011 2012 3
3 Order of the Wings Orde Sayap February 2011 2012 0
4 Ribbon of Courage Orde Keberanian February 2011 2012 0

Awards and decorations

Star of Indokistan

Star of Indokistan was a honour awarded for individuals with outstanding contribution to Indokistan. There were three classes of this award - the Gold, Silver, and Bronze class.

Order of Integration

Order of Integration was awarded to individuals that led the process to integrate their micronation or regions to Indokistan.

Order of Presidency

Order of Presidency was given to the President of Indokistan.

There were three classes for this medal - full, second, and third. The Full Presidency were awarded to the President that has just finish their entire term, the Second Presidency was bestowed to presidents that was resign during their term, and the Third Presidency was awarded to the acting president.

Commemorative medals

The commemorative medals was given to individuals with great contribution in one particular fields of development of Indokistan nation. All of the medals are given to Indokistani citizens, except the Friendship medal.

Warfare of Indokistan medal

The Warfare of Indokistan Medal was awarded to individualswith outstanding contribution and support for Indokistan during wartime, with inspiring heroism and spirit to defend Indokistan against foreign enemies. There were two editions that was issued for the January Revolution and Indokistan - Ntolian War.

Medals of Indokistani Peoples Achievements

Medals of Indokistani Peoples Achievements was an order awarded to individuals with outstanding contribution on achievements on the Indokistani cultural, scientific, and defense fields.

There were three editions - Invention, Defence, and Loyalty medal. The invention medal is an order that given to particular peoples of Indokistan that has made an outstanding contribution on Indokistani science and technological development. The Defence medal is given to citizens of Indokistan that contribute to the defence and security of Indokistan during peacetime, and the loyalty medal is given to the people that shown their loyalty to Indokistani nation.

Friendship medal

Friendship Medal was a honorary order awarded to either head of state or head of government of micronations that engaged in diplomatic relations with Indokistan.

Medal of Constitution

Medal of Constitution was a honorary order awarded to National Forum members participating on the creation of the new 2014 Indokistan constitution.

Obsolete awards

These awards and decorations were founded shortly after the January Revolution in February 2011, primarily in order to be bestowed to individuals perticipating on the struggle. The awards never been popular among citizens, and its entire system was abandoned in early 2012, to be replaced with a new system on the same year. The old system has been criticised for being unclear on its distinction, which may also caused its collapse.

Order of the Golden Duck

Order of the Golden Duck was founded to be awarded for Indokistani or foreign citizens with outstanding achievements in Indokistan or micronational world. The awards was symbolised by the national animal, duck.

It was awarded to six individuals, with some of them were Ali Akbar for its outstanding achievements in scientific fields, Badra Shidqi for his outstanding achievements in national government, and Farhan Abbas for his presidency (his awards was revoked in October 2011 during De-Farhanization policy).

Order of the Flagstrip

Order of the Flagstrip was awarded for Indokistani or foreign citizens with outstanding military performance and services for Indokistan. It was only awarded to three citizens, one of them was Badra Shidqi.

Order of the Wings

Order of the Wings was awarded for Indokistani citizens with outstanding contributions for Indokistan or micronational world. It was never awarded to any individual.

Ribbon of Courage

Ribbon of Courage was founded to be awarded for Indokistani citizens with outstanding courage that inspires the nation. It was more distinct than the Order of the Flagstrip. It was never awarded to any individual.


Recipient State Date of inauguration Reason
Order of Integration
Lindy Lucky CIK 2 July 2012 People that proposes the establishment of Centralotus, an Central Indokistan province
Rafli Fadilla CIK 2 July 2012 Governor of Centralotus
Rayhan Haikal CSX 2 July 2012 President of Raflesinesia that joined Indokistan to become Cussex Region
Tian Abdurrahman BRK 2 July 2012 People that establishing the division of Bobodolands
Sena I WSN 2 July 2012 King of Wirasena that joined Indokistan to become Greater Wirasena state
Sultan Aziz I AZY 1 January 2014 King of Aziziyah that joined Indokistan to become a state
Order of Presidency
Farhan Abbas CIK 28 May 2012 Full Presidency Awarded after he became the president of Indokistan for full one year term.
Dicky L. K. CIK 28 May 2012 Second Presidency awarded after he became the president of Indokistan, but resign before his term over.
Mustafa Hakim SWA 28 May 2012 Third Presidency awarded after he serve as the acting president of Indokistan.
Warfare Medal of Indokistan
Rizky Aulia CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded after supporting Indokistan during Indokistan - Ntolian War
Dews Ariansyah CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded after supporting Indokistan during Indokistan - Ntolian War
Badra Shidqi CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded after supporting Indokistan during Indokistan - Ntolian War
Mustafa Hakim SWA 28 May 2012 Awarded after supporting Indokistan during Indokistan - Ntolian War
Medal of Indokistan
Farhan Abbas CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Invention Medal - Contribute to experiment Electricity by Mud
Badra Shidqi CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Invention Medal - Contribute to experiment Electricity by Mud
Dicky L. K. CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Invention Medal - Contribute to experiment Electricity by Mud
Mustafa Hakim SWA 28 May 2012 Awarded Invention Medal - Contribute to experiment Electricity by Mud
Ali Akbar CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Invention Medal - Contribute to the establishment of Indokistan Technology Development Center
Adam W CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Defence Medal - Contribute to the security of defence in Indokistan during peacetime
Badra Shidqi CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Defence Medal - Contribute to the security of defence in Indokistan during peacetime
Lindy Lucky CIK 28 May 2012 Awarded Loyalty Medal - Contribute to promoting Indokistan when live outside Indokistan with his new community