List of micronations by CGSC

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This is a list of micronations by the Categoric-Gradial System of Classification (CGSC) created by Mark Dresner as a way of classifying the potential and importance of micronations. As its alternate name says, it works with Categories and Gradients, exactly five of each. A specialty of this classification is that it automatically classifies all online micronations as "0", please, do NOT add fictive or simulationist micronations.


The scale is fairly simple. The scale is from one to five, one being the worst class, and five being the best class. The categories, combined with the various scales are as follows:

  • Population
    • 1: 5 or less
    • 2: 15 or less
    • 3: 30 or less
    • 4: 50 or less
    • 5: 51 or more
  • Cultural development
    • 1: Hardly any culture in existence. (e.g. very scant information, often no flag)
    • 2: Basic insignia in existence. (e.g. flag, coat of arms, little detailed information)
    • 3: Some culture in existence (e.g. a cuisine or national dish)
    • 4: A basic culture in existence (e.g. a cuisine and a religion)
    • 5: A strong culture in existence (many aspects covered, e.g. cuisine, religion, language, sport etc.)
  • Allies (this includes nations with mutual recognition)
    • 1: 2 allies or less
    • 2: 5 allies or less
    • 3: 10 allies or less
    • 4: 20 allies or less
    • 5: 21 allies upwards
  • Sphere of influence
    • 1: Micronation is widely ignored.
    • 2: Micronation is known and watched, but in no position to e.g. threaten somebody. The highest honour available in the micronation would be nothing special for a foreigner.
    • 3: Micronation relatively well-known and its actions are followed by many. Should they threaten someone, it is not ignored but doesn't cause too great fear either, and the highest honour would be an honour, but is certainly outmatched by honours from elsewhere.
    • 4: Micronation is well-known, its actions are quite important. A threat made by them is taken very seriously, and their highest honour is probably a very special honour for the recipient, which they will be quite thankful for.
    • 5: Micronation is widely known among micronationalists and outsiders alike. A threat would cause great fear among a micronation and its allies. Also, even one of the smaller honours of such a micronation would be regarded as an incredible honour by any recipient.
  • Budget
    • 1: Less than $50 spent yearly on the micronation in question. This includes internet connection and web hosting costs.
    • 2: Less than $100 spent yearly on the micronation in question. This includes internet connection and web hosting costs.
    • 3: Less than $150 spent yearly on the micronation in question. This includes internet connection and web hosting costs.
    • 4: Less than $200 spent yearly on the micronation in question. This includes internet connection and web hosting costs.
    • 5: More than $200 spent yearly on the micronation in question. This may or may not include internet connection and web hosting costs.

Level calculation

Finally, once all these are determined, one calculates the level of a specific micronation by taking the average of all the scores. If a factor is unknown, a guess can be made or it may be left out. Here is an example:

  • Petorio: 2/3/4/4/1 = 2+3+4+4+1 = 14; 14/5 = 2.8

Thus, Petorio's level would be 2.8. Here is what the levels mean:

  • 1-1.4: This... ...whatever it is does not deserve the term "micronation". (Low)
  • 1.5-1.9: Not a micronation worth mentioning, will probably fall apart very soon. (Low)
  • 2.0-2.9: If it is a very young micronation, it may yet prosper; if it is older (four months upwards), it is relatively insignificant, but not necessarily to be ignored. Many older ones are in a temporary period of inactivity, but may ascend to a level 3.0-3.9 micronation eventually. (Medium)
  • 3.0-3.9: A very average micronation, they exist en masse. No need to ignore them, but they probably aren't very special or interesting. Often it is hard to tell the difference between them, and if they stay at this level for a long time it is probably because of a lack of population, time, effort, and/or interest. (High)
  • 4.0-4.9: One of the most significant micronations (e.g. St. Charlie, The Soviet Republic of North America, etc.). There was a lot of effort involved in getting the micronation to this level. Once here, it is quite difficult for the nation to fall back down unless it becomes inactive, like Scientopia. (Very high)
  • 5.0: What some describe as a micronational superpower. (Very high)

List of countries

When you'll add a country to the list, make sure to position it according to its CGSC classification in alphabetical order. For example: Austenasia is above Liberland because, despite both being ranked with 5.00, Austenasia comes first in alphabetical order, therefore it's listed first, though both have an equal score.

  • = increase.
  • Steady = steady.
  • = decrease.
Rank Country CGSC
2022 data Change from previous year 2023 data Change from previous year
Very High Categoric-Gradial System of Classification index
0 Steady  Adammia 5.0 Steady
1 Steady  Austenasia 5.0 Steady
2  Karnia-Ruthenia 5.0
3 Steady  Liberland 5.0 Steady
4 Steady  Seborga 5.0 Steady
5  Vishwamitra 4.8 Steady
6  Westarctica 4.8 Steady
7 Bolgajna 4.6
8 Kappa 4.6
9  Molossia 4.6
10 ValeVRG 4.6
11  Ebenthal 4.4 Steady
12  Rino Island 4.4 Steady
13  Sealand 4.4
14  Arlandica 4.2
15 Arstotzkan Union 4.2
16  Baustralia 4.2
17 Steady Luxe 4.2
18  Mauritia 4.2
19  New Athens 4.2
20 Steady  Pavlov 4.2
21 Steady  Sabia and Verona 4.2 Steady
22 Sabini 4.2
23  Snagov 4.2
24 Tavil 4.2
25 Aulpanne 4.0
26  Begon 4.0
27  Principality of Ikerlàndia 4.0
28  Istria 4.0
29  Quinta Velha 4.0
30  Todia 4.0
31  Wegmat 4.0
High Categoric-Gradial System of Classification index
32 Amestris 3.8
33  Bartonia 3.8 Steady
34 Steady Beaulosagñe 3.8 Steady
35 Breve Empire 3.8
36 Regelis 3.8
37  Sprinske Empire 3.8
38 Suverska 3.8
39 Steady Vilasia 3.6 Steady
40  Belcity 3.6
41  Gapla 3.6
42 Malinovia 3.6 Steady
43  Mayursia 3.6
44 Orientia 3.6 Steady
45 Steady Islamic Sultanate of Qardasha 3.5 Steady
46  Novus Hierosolymis 3.4 Steady
47  Penn Federal Republic 3.4
48 Rhossia 3.4 Steady
49  Shulinguo 3.4
50  Aenopia 3.2 Steady
51 Steady Agber 3.2 Steady
52 Athérenon 3.2
53 Steady Caudonia 3.2 Steady
54 Steady Henristan 3.2 Steady
55 Steady Natal 3.2 Steady
56 Steady  Pinang 3.2 Steady
57 Steady Unitedlands 3.2
58 Steady  Strathcona 3.2
59 Steady  Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands 3.2
60 Steady  Arkazja 3.0
61  Gymnasium State 3.0
62 New Southern Rhine 3.0
63 Richensland 3.0 Steady
64 Ikonia 3.0
Medium Categoric-Gradial System of Classification index
65 Steady  Eco-Republic of Theritree 2.8 Steady
66 Medopolania 2.8 Steady
67  Natlin 2.8 Steady
68 Petorio 2.8 Steady
69 Qök Qoyunlu 2.8 Steady
70 USRF 2.8
71  Achsen 2.6
72 Steady Begana 2.6 Steady
73  Falcar 2.6 Steady
74  Mahuset 2.6 Steady
75 MicroWiki:MicroProject Copy Edit/Nation page guide Vatolean 2.6
76 Vladislavia 2.6 Steady
77 Zakinesia 2.6
78  Zeprana 2.6
79 Lanevinia 2.5
80 Steady Republic of Aulpanne 2.4 Steady
81 Steady Kingdom of the Shark 2.4 Steady
82 Reektby 2.4
83 Tsurasia 2.4 Steady
84 De Witt 2.2 Steady
85 Iska Akaliazen 2.2
86 Roschfallen 2.2
87 Sovietia 2.2 Steady
88 Steady Republic of Theria 2.2 Steady
89 Bradonia 2.1 Steady
90 Land 2.0
91 Steady Consulate of the Tribe
2.0 Steady
91 Lienish Sovereign Republic 2.0
92 Onopolissia 2.0
93  Slitronia 2.0 Steady
Low Categoric-Gradial System of Classification index
94 Steady Hosamia 1.8 Steady
95 Steady MicroWiki:MicroProject Copy Edit/Nation page guide Federation of the Seven Towers 1.8 Steady
96 Fortawia 1.8
97 Steady Taslavia 1.8 Steady
98 Kunasho 1.8
99 Thulia 1.8
100 Steady Acre 1.6 Steady
101 Steady Mobilis 1.4