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Gymnasium State

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Gymnasium State
Stát Gymnázium cs
  • Staat Gymnasium de
  • Staten Gymnasium sv
  • Štát Gymnázium sk
  • État de Gymnasium fr
  • Estado de Gymnasium es
  • Civitas Gymnasium la
Motto: Cesta je náš cíl (Czech)
The journey is our goal
Anthem: "Gaudeamus igitur" (Latin)
So Let Us Rejoice
Location of the Gymnasium State (Coordinates:  49.235, 13.521)
Location of the Gymnasium State
(Coordinates 49.235, 13.521)
and largest city
Official languagesCzech
Other languages
Ethnic groups
Czechs (96.3%)
Swedes (3.7%)
Irreligious/undeclared (81.48%)
Christian (18.52%)
Evangelical (11.11%)
Catholic (7.41%)
Demonym(s)Gymnazist, Gymnasian (official)
Student (common)
GovernmentDirect democratic parliamentary republic under a civilian dictatorship
• Leader of the National Preservation Government
Tomáš Falešník
• President
• Premier
• Socialist State of Gymnasium declared independence
1 September 2017
8 January 2018
• Adoption of Constitution
13 February 2018
4 September 2023
• Total
0.0078 km2 (0.0030 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2022 census
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
Steady 0 USD
• Per capita
Steady 0 USD
HDI (2022)0.893[a]
very high
CurrencyCzech koruna (CZK)
Time zoneUTC+1:00:01 (GSMT)
• Summer (DST)
UTC+2:00:01 (GSST)
Date formatdd. mm. yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+0496
GUM 3-letter codeSGY
Internet TLD.sgy[b]

The Gymnasium State (/gɪmˈneɪzi.əm steɪt/; Czech: Stát Gymnázium), sometimes known as the State of Gymnasium, is a small self declared country,[c] commonly known as a micronation, in Central Europe.[1] The Gymnasium State declared independence from the Czech Republic as the Socialist State of Gymnasium on 1 September 2017. According to its constitution, the Gymnasium State has a parliamentary, democratic rule of law with a liberal state regime and a political system based on an open democratic discussion between individuals. The legal head of the state is the President of the Gymnasium State and the second highest position is the Premier, but after the 2023 Gymnasian coup d'état both positions became vacant and power was vested in the National Preservation Government under Tomáš Falešník. The highest and the only legislature is the Senate of Gymnasium State, which is also at the top of the executive and judicial power, however it is also suspended since September 2023.[2]

The Gymnasium State is a landlocked country, claiming a school in Czech the town of Sušice. The Gymnasium State has an area of approximately 0.0078 km2 and borders the Czech Republic on the entire border (0.36 km). The Gymnasium State has only one administrative region, Sušice-Gympl, which also serves as its capital city. As of 2022, 27 people held citizenship of the Gymnasium State. Most of the population is accustomed to Czech nationality. The Gymnasium State is a member of the Union of Micronations of Central Europe, the Micronational Olympic Federation, and the Grand Unified Micronational.


Ancient Greek gymnasium in Olympia

The word gymnasium is the latinisation of the Greek noun γυμνάσιον (gymnasion), gymnastic school, in pl. bodily exercises and generally school which in turn is derived from the common Greek adjective γυμνός (gymnos) meaning naked by way of the related verb γυμνάζω (gymnazo), whose meaning is to train naked, train in gymnastic exercise, generally to train, to exercise. The verb had this meaning because one undressed for exercise. Historically, the gymnasium was used for exercise, communal bathing, and scholarly and philosophical pursuits. In Czech language, word gymnázium is used for type of grammar school, where Gymnasium State was founded and from which was the micronation's name derived. The exact reason why Gymnasium State was started to be used as the official English translation of the Czech name instead of State of Gymnasium or Gymnasian State is unclear. The citizens can be described as Gymnazists.


There are two official pronunciations of Gymnasium State, /gɪmˈneɪzi.əm steɪt/ and /dʒɪmˈneɪzi.əm steɪt/, both commonly used. The first pronunciation, /gɪmˈneɪzi.əm/, is based on the Czech pronunciation of the word gymnázium ([gɪmnaːzɪjʊm]). The variant is largely used by the Czech people of the micronation, and it is unofficially endorsed by the micronation to avoid confusion with the English word gymnasium. The variant /gɪmˈnaːzɪjʊm steɪt/ can also be sometimes heard. The other pronunciation, /dʒɪmˈneɪzi.əm/, based on the pronunciation of the English word gymnasium (/dʒɪmˈneɪzi.əm/), is also used very often, mostly outside the Czech population.


Pre-independence and the Socialist State

Prior to its independence, the territory of Gymnasium State was a part of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. In 1902, the territory was bought by the Sušice gymnasium for its new building, which opened in 1911.[3] In 2015, the class that would later form the base of the Gymnasium State started the school. Immediately, a number of groups would emerge and later dissolve, most of which however had little to no significance. Out of these groups, The Imperium, formed by four students in 2016, stood out from the rest as its structure resembled a government, unlike previous groups. Most of the information about The Imperium has since forgotten, however, as the group only existed until its collapse during the spring of 2017. While The Imperium can be described as a micronation, the group did not consider itself one.

Independently of The Imperium, Tomáš Falešník declared the independence of the Socialist State of Gymnasium on 1 September 2017. This was then followed on 4 September by a meeting of the first four citizens, today considered the founders of the micronation. The four agreed on the form of government, establishing the Council as the sole legislative, executive and judicial body. The word socialist remained a part of the name, even though the Council never adhered to Marxism or other socialist ideologies. The Socialist State functioned until October, growing in population, however was soon forgotten and near abandoned.[4]


Provisional Constitution from the Transitional Period

Interest in the micronation began to rise again in November 2017, which was followed by a rise in its population. The new citizens included the former members of The Imperium. As the original system of government proved to not be very functional, the Council decided to implement several reforms, marking the beginning of what was later called the Second Republic. The name and flag were changed to distance itself from communist states, and the executive powers were divided between individual ministries. The first elections were held on 8 January 2018, with Adam Pivetz elected as the President and František Prášek as the Premier.[5] The Provisional Constitution, written by Joel Novotný, was adopted not long after to formalise all inner workings of the government, although a controversy arose from inclusion of articles not previously agreed on by the government. The Provisional constitution was replaced by the first full one on 13 February. The Gymnasium State also began interacting with other micronations, signing its first international treaty with the MYCUS Republic in January, although it remained mostly in contact with other Czech micronations. Gymnasium State became a member of the Union of Micronations of Central Europe in January and participated in the Gymnasian-Bohemian Crisis in February. It however didn't participate much in the international MicroWiki community until the government received an invitation by a Posafian politician Nicholas Randouler to join the Micronational Olympic Federation in May. On 1 June, citizenship applications were temporarily closed.[4]


One of small flyers distributed around the Sušice gymnasium in 2019

After the first year of independence, the government drafted the 2019 Modernization Project, a number of plans for further reforms with the goal of "modernisation" of the micronation, mostly revolving around formal adoption of uncodified precedents.[6] The Project saw the largest accomplishments in diplomacy, as the Gymnasium State established bilateral relations with number of micronations, signed the Wrythe Convention[7] and became a co-founding state of the Konmalehth at the invitation of Abelden. The largest diplomatic accomplishment achieved as part of the Modernization Project was the entry of the Gymnasium State to the Grand Unified Micronational in December 2018.[8] In contrast, the plans for internal changes of the Project saw less success, with only a few planned changes were implemented, such as the adoption of the second constitutional amendment on 13 February 2019, abolishing the ministries created by the Provisional Constitution,[9] or the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in April.[10]., Majority of the proposals were however never implemented. The reforms along with the legalisation of political parties from late 2018 led to the increase of interest in the micronation from both its citizens and foreigners, which led to the citizenship applications being reopened on 1 September 2019, followed by a small advertisement campaign on the school.[11] The Sušice summit, which the Gymnasium State hosted, was held on 28 September.[12] Throughout 2019 proposals for annexation of new territories gained support, with a number of pieces of land in the nearby hills being considered, however the proposals never went through. The first and only administrative division, Sušice-Gympl, was then created in October, serving as the capital since.[13]

Stagnant era

During the beginning of 2020, the Gymnasium State hosted and won the 2020 MOF eGames.[14][15] However, as the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic reached the Czech Republic, the activity in the micronation suffered huge losses, lasting for the remainder of the year. The micronation however wouldn't be hit by the pandemic until January 2022. In summer of 2020, representatives of the Gymnasium State met with the Emperor of Pavlov, regarding mutual cooperation.[16] During the end of autumn, the Senate dealt with a series of proposal regarding the classification of Islam, which also uncovered several issues with the current system of the Gymnasium State's governance.[17] During 2021, turnout for presidential elections bounced back, but it would never achieve the levels of before 2020 because of large number of inactive foreign citizens. Attempts to combat this, including the switch from Messenger to Discord as the main online communication platform for the government only led to lower participation in Senate voting and eventually even periods of no proposals presented to the Senate lasting several presidential terms. In October 2022, the first Gymnasian census took place in attempt to solve the issue of inactive citizens. In May 2023, majority of the citizens of the Gymnasium State successfully passed the maturita exam and ended their attendance on the claimed school. On 4 September 2023, Tomáš Falešník assumed absolute power in the micronation after the 2023 Gymnasian coup d'état.

Goverment and politics

According to its constitution, the Gymnasium State is a parliamentary direct democracy, with the President and Premier as heads of state. The Senate (Senát Státu Gymnázium) is unicameral.[2] However, since 4 September 2023 the democratic institutions are suspended and all power is held by the National Preservation Government (Vláda národního zachování), led by Tomáš Falešník.

Legislative and executive power

The Senate of Gymnasium State was unicameral head of both legislative and executive power, as derived from the Constitution. Any citizen of the Gymnasium State became a Senator after reaching the age of fifteen. The right to propose new laws was held by every citizen of the micronation, as written in the Constitution, the draft was then passed to Senate to vote. It was required to get over 50% of the votes (60% for constitional amendments) for a proposal to pass, with the President and Premier having double vote. If both President and Premier voted against the proposed draft, it is automatically rejected.[2] The Senate was however suspended during the 2023 coup d'état and the National Preservation Government assumed all legislative and executive power.

Formerly, the executive branch of the government was instead represented by the Government, identical to the modern Senate as all Senate-eligible citizens held a ministry of their choice. The majority of the ministries however held little to no actual executive power in their respective fields, and as the Gymnasium State's population grew in size in 2019, many new ministries with even smaller fields emerged. Both of these issues led to the abolishment of ministries and the establishment of the Senate by the Senate in the Second Constitution on 13 February 2019.

President and Premier

Ballot box used for the presidential election

The President and Premier are the official formal heads of state. The extent of presidential and premieral powers has been debated since the positions were established in January 2018, with the constitution referencing a law not yet written and passed.[2] This left their powers only determined by precedents, effectively keeping them mere figureheads with limited rights in the legislative process, such as double vote and shared veto. Both were elected every two months directly by the citizens. Every citizen could be elected only for one term a year for both positions.[2] Both positions of the President and Premier were however de facto left vacant after the September 2023 election was annulled by the 2023 coup d'état.

Political parties

The Gymnasium State only allowed for the creation of political parties in December of 2018, being a non-partisan democracy until then. Due to this, the Gymnasian political parties serve no actual purpose in the micronation's politics beyond allowing citizens with similar beliefs to associate in them. For the same reasons, a large portion of the Senators chose to remain independent. There are currently four registered political parties, all of which have representation in the Senate. A fifth political party, the Gymnasium Reform Party, existed in 2022 until its members' citizenship was terminated. Although party politics play little role in the decision making of the Gymnasium State, it is sometimes described as a "three-party system", with the smaller parties grouped together with the independent politicians as a third major political group in addition to the two large parties.

Party Senate Leader Description
Civic Republican Party
Občanská republikánská strana
9 / 25
Radek Vastl The oldest and largest political party in the micronation, serving as a general right-wing party, often described as conservative and economically liberal or libertarian.
Social Liberals
Sociální liberálové
7 / 25
František Prášek The second largest political party in the micronation, generally associating people with leftist views, with a large centrist and apolitical wing.
Holy Atheist Party of the Gymnasium State
Svatoateistická strana Státu Gymnázium
1 / 25
Mikuláš Göth A political party representing the Holy Atheist minority and advocating for establishment a permanent regency in the place of the current presidency.
Gymnasian Party of Social Democracy
Gymnaziální strana sociálně demokratická
1 / 25
Jan Šťastný A far-left political party presenting itself as an alternative to the Social Liberals, calling more actively for implementation of socialist policies and eventual formation of people's democracy.

Laws and justice

The Gymnasium State is an unitary state with a civil law system based on the Czech law system, however customary law still makes up majority of the Gymnasian law. The basis of the legal system is the Constitution of Gymnasium State adopted in February 2018. If something is not specified by laws of Gymnasium State, precedents set during the Gymnasian history apply, with most of Czech law still being the de facto law of Gymnasium State. The Gymnasium State does not have courts, however when needed, they're supplanted by the National Preservation Government since 2023, replacing the Senate, which would previously serve as a sort of a jury.[2] The current justice system has been criticized for it may be unfair or biased, and a replacement had been drafted during 2019, proposing the establishment the Judicial Council, consisting of three judges appointed by the Senate. To preserve the neutrality of the judges, all of the judges could not be citizens of the Gymnasium State. The Senate would also however elect a Chairman of the Constitutional Court from itself to join the Council in matters relating to constitutional affairs. The Court Law was however never finished.


The Armed Forces of the Gymnasium State, or formerly the Home Defense, are unprofessional and barely equipped militia responsible for the defense of the Gymnasium State. They consists of the Army, Air Force and Navy of the Gymnasium State. The President is the official Commander-in-chief, with the individual branches being led by the Army General Radek Vastl, Marshall Adam Pivetz and Admiral Jan Švejd respectively. All citizens of the Gymnasium State over the age of 15 are considered soldiers of the Armed Forces, meaning that it currently can mobilise 32 soldiers, although a number of them are not assigned to any unit. The Armed Forces are mostly symbolic, however they are maintained for a possibility of an attack on the micronation. As the Gymnasium State tends to keep a policy of neutrality in intermicronational affairs, it avoids entering any defense pacts, but it also decided to not become a signatory of the Union Against Micronational War.


A CIA World Factbook style map of Gymnasian claimed territory.

The Gymnasium State lies on 49.2° N and 13.5° E. Landlocked within the Czech Republic, its nearest neighboring states are the Empire of Pavlov, with the County of Prácheň located approximately 180 m southeast of the Gymnasium State, Duck Islands, a former part of the Posafian province of Nievenorte, approximately 500 m south, and the Federal Republic of Germany, on the Czech–Bavarian border near Prášily approximately 21 km southwest of the Gymnasium State. The landscape is in the Gymnasium State homogeneous. It is located near the river Otava, in the basin of Vltava and later Elbe. A landlocked country, the Gymnasium State does not have any bodies of water within its claimed territory.


The Gymnasium State has warm and temperate climate. There is a great deal of rainfall in the Gymnasium State, even in the driest month. This location is classified as Cfb by Köppen and Geiger. The average annual temperature in Sušice is 8.23 °C. The rainfall here averages 1970 mm a year.[d]

Climate data for Sušice (CZE), Sušice-Gympl (SGY)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 0.2
Daily mean °C (°F) -1.8
Average low °C (°F) -4.8
Average Rainfall mm (inches) 95.4
Average Snowfall mm (inches) 61.2
Average rainy days 5.0 8.2 11.3 13.5 27.0 25.8 26.0 25.3 18.8 14.0 7.4 7.0 189.3
Average snowy days 21.6 17.2 18.5 6.3 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 4.6 10.0 20.8 103.6
Source: (Retrieved on 1 March 2022)

Flora and fauna

Phytogeographically, the Gymnasium State belongs to the Central European province of the Circumboreal Region, within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, the territory of the Gymnasium State lies in Western European broadleaf forests ecoregion, however, the territory of the Gymnasium State is mostly an urban area. Despite this the Gymnasium State has a significant plant population due to its claim on the school garden. Most of the Gymnasian territory is covered by various types of grass or moss with occasional patches of dandelions, daisies or snowdrops, present especially in the south. Thanks to human interference, the Gymnasium State is also home to various trees. Japanese cherries were planted along what is now the eastern border, apple trees grown in the southern portion of the territory and the western border is lined with limes and, on its south half, thujas. The western border is also largely covered with ivy, which spreads both along the southern border and several meters inwards on the ground.

The animal population of the Gymnasium State is in contrast small and mostly limited to insect or spiders. Notable was the large firebug population, peaking in 2019 but in decline since then. Other species include the black ant or various beetles. The insect population often attracts birds, mostly blackbirds, house sparrows or tits, but no permanent nests have been discovered. The territory is also occasionally passed by domestic cats.

Administrative division

For the majority of the Gymnasium State's existence, there were no lower administrative regions as they were deemed unnecessary. This changed on 19 October 2019, when the Senate voted to establish the town of Sušice-Gympl. Encompassing the entirety of the Gymnasian claimed territory, its establishment had no actual impact on the micronation's governance. On 6 June 2020, the Senate also passed the division of the town in three zones, recognising its limited control over the territory. The three zones are not commonly considered to be the further administrative divisions, rather, they better reflect the relation between the powers of the Gymnasian government and the Sušice gymnasium, which owns majority of the claimed area under Czech law.

Foreign relations

Attendees of the Sušice summit

Since the signature of the first international treaty with the MYCUS Republic, the Gymnasium State has established and maintains diplomatic relations with many other nations, including Karnia-Ruthenia, Mahuset, Essexia and Vishwamitra among others. The majority of the international treaties are however mostly symbolic and limited to mutual recognition. The Treaty of Friendly Relations and Cooperation, signed in 2018 with Lurk and later expanded to Mercia, is currently the oldest international treaty signed by the Gymnasium State that is still valid by Gymnasian standards, followed by the Treaty of Arkonia City with Arkonia.

Gymnasian foreign policy is mostly focused on other Czech micronations, due to geographical proximity and common cultural heritage. On top of the formal diplomatic relations established with micronations such as Mekniy-Lurk, Majeria or Mercia, the Gymnasium State also enjoys informal influence in the sector, with Gymnasian treaties often becoming a standard for diplomacy between third parties or with unofficial advice of Gymnasian politicians on diplomatic issues being highly regarded. The Gymnasium State is one of the leading forces in the Union of Micronations of Central Europe, and hosted the first Summit of Czech and Slovakian Micronations in 2019. Outside of the Czech sector, Pavlov and Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land are considered among the most significant partners of the Gymnasium State, as was Posaf formerly.

The Gymnasium State is also a signatory of a number of multilateral international treaties. As a full member of both the Union of Micronations of Central Europe and the Grand Unified Micronational, it is a signatory of the Treaty of Functioning of UMCE and the Charter of the Grand Unified Micronational. The Gymnasium State has also signed the Wrythe Convention, because of its historical attitude to fictional elements in micronationalism.[18][19] The Gymnasium State was also formerly a member of Konmalehth and briefly of the Commonwealth of Sovereignties.


Historical population
YearPop.±% p.a.

The Gymnasium State has 27 citizens, but because of its territorial claims, all of them reside abroad. All of Gymnazists live in the Czech Republic, most of them either directly in Sušice or in its vicinity, while the remainder of the citizens are spread throughout Bohemia. Formerly, the population was commonly divided in two main groups, the "mainland" and "foreign" Gymnazists, with the foreign Gymnazists residing northeast of the Indian subcontinent, the East Coast of the United States or in Mexico, their citizenship was however terminated after they failed to participate in the 2022 census.

Nationality composition

The Gymnasium State is not a nation state, however it is almost homogeneous with almost 97% of citizens considering themselves members of the Czech nation and only a small minority of Swedish people. Formerly, other minority nationalities of the Gymnazists included Pakistanis, Americans, Indians, Mexicans, French and Serbians. In the 2021 Czech census, at least one person was reported to include Gymnasian as a secondary nationality in the response.


The most used language, both for everyday communication and government activities, is the Czech language, being the native language of the population. English also has an official status and is used mainly in diplomacy, as well as formerly for communication between the mainland and foreign Gymnazists. Majority of laws and other official documents are however only available in Czech. Five more languages also hold a minority language status, with German being the most widespread. Minority languages are mostly symbolic, holding little to no actual significance.


Religion in the Gymnasium State (2022)

  Irreligion/Undeclared (81.48%)
  Evangelicalism (11.11%)
  Catholicism (7.41%)

Officially, the Gymnasium State does not support any religion and guarantees the free expression of religion. Similarly to the neighbouring Czech Republic, the majority of the population is either irreligious or does not publicly adhere to any religion. The only religion spread in the Gymnasium State is Christianity (18.52%), with Evangelicalism being the more popular branch among the Gymnazists, namely the Church of the Brethren, followed by Catholicism. Formerly, adherents of Orthodoxy, Hinduism and Islam also held citizenship of the Gymnasium State.


Because of the common history and geography, the Gymnasian culture mostly identical to the culture of the Czech Republic. The influence of other cultures through the internet is however also apparent in many aspects.


The Gymnasium State doesn't have any artists of larger significance, its citizens have however produced a small number of rap songs or short amateur movies for local distribution. They also often participate in regional literature or arts competitions, and a number of citizens are members of local youth choir or actors of student theatre. A short satirical book, Geopolitical Goals of the Gymnasium State, became the first piece of art associated with the micronation, published in 2020.


A "řopík" near Dlouhá Ves, an example of the most common target of bunker hunting.

The national sport of the Gymnasium State is "burning ball". Apart from this, basketball, softball, volleyball, floorball and other, mainly ball games are played. Other popular sports include skiing or cross-country skiing in winter and cycling or canoeing in summer. Tourism is also an important aspect of the Gymnasian culture, especially the so-called "bunker hunting" – exploration of abandoned fortifications from the First Republic era. The most popular watched games are foreign tournaments, mostly in football or hockey. Since 2020, videogames started to be more popular, with the most popular games including Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, Clash Royale and many more, as well as board games such as chess, Dixit or Codenames.

Olympic Games

Since 10 May 2018, the Gymnasium State has been a member of the Micronational Olympic Federation, and can therefore participate in the micronational Olympic Games. The Gymnasium State participated in 2019 MOF Games in then Millania, where it won two gold, silver and bronze medals each, placing second.[20] The Gymnasium State was also chosen to host 2020 MOF Games, which it won with five gold and one silver and bronze medal.[21] After the 2022 MOF Games, the Gymnasium State placed second on the MOF medal table with eleven gold, six silver and five bronze medals. The most successful events include five in a row, chess or reversi.


The cuisine of the Gymnasium State is mostly similar to the Czech one, with a large portion of it consisting of meals from buffets, fast foods and school canteens. Apart from traditional Czech dishes, foreign meals are also very popular, including pizza, considered to be the national food of the Gymnasium State, hamburgers or Chinese and Indian food. Beafsteaks are also among the most popular meals of the mainland population. The most popular beverages include Kofola, coffee, tea, but also various alcoholic drinks.



  1. The calculation was made using the Gross National Income (PPP), the expected years of schooling and life expectancy at birth for the Czech Republic, within which the Gymnasium State is enclaved. The value of the mean years of schooling (13 years), however, are estimates based on the mean years of schooling according to the average age of Gymnazist government members, which is around 18 years old.
  2. Reserved by the Union of Micronations of Central Europe, not currently used
  3. The Gymnasium State is also sometimes referred to as a sovereign entity under international law.
  4. Data from Sep 2017 to Feb 2022


  1. Mikronárody zaplavují Česko, ani našemu regionu se nevyhnuly. Litoměřický deník. Retrieved on 21 December 2020
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Constitution of the Gymnasium State
  3. Historie školy. Gymnázium Sušice. Retrieved 27 March 2022
  4. 4.0 4.1 Celebrations of the first Independence Day. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  5. Results of Presidential election 1/2018. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  6. 2019 Modernization Project details released. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  7. Gymnasium State signed Wrythe Convention. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  8. Gymnasium State accepted to GUM. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  9. Reform of Gymnasium State Constitution. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  10. Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms adopted. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  11. Celebrations of the second year of independence. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  12. Micronational summit held in Sušice. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  13. Review of Senate activity of October 2019. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020
  14. The 2020 MOF eSports Games begin!. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved on 11 November 2020.
  15. The Games offically closed. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved on 11 November 2020.
  16. Gymnasium State and Pavlov meet in Prague. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved on 11 November 2020.
  17. Why is islam dividing the Gymnasium State. Mekniyan Broadcasting Service. Retrieved on 22 January 2021.
  18. Gymnasium State edits it's foreign policy. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020.
  19. Gymnasium State withdraws from treaty of diplomatic relations with Aenderia. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved 28 April 2020.
  20. Gymnasium State on 2019 Olympics. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved on 28 April 2020.
  21. The Games officially closed!. Gymnasium State News. Retrieved on 28 April 2020.

External links