Antonia I

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Antonia I
Spokesperson of the Worker's Party of Secundomia
In office
August 2015 - April 2016
President Jaedon I
Born United States of America
Citizenship Democratic Republic of Secundomia, United States of America
Nationality Secundomian
Ethnicity White
Political party Worker's
Home town Eastern Secundomia

Antonia I was a Secundomian politician who helped found the Democratic Republic of Secundomia in 2015. A Democratic Socialist, she was a leader of the centre wing of the Worker's Party of Secundomia. She was only the third female citizen of a Secundomian micronation, and the second to hold high office after Erised NJ.

Personal life

Antonia met Parker, Brennan and Jaedon in college where they were classmates. Antonia was an avid Dungeons and Dragons player and would host game nights that many Secundomian citizens would attend.

Micronational history

In August 2015, Antonia and Parker I, King of Secundomia, met on the college campus where they were attending. Parker introduced Antonia to micronationalism and invited her and a few others to join the Kingdom of Secundomia. Antonia joined Jaedon in a bloodless revolution as the Worker's Movement. The movement, which had background approval of the King, demanded his abdication and the establishment of a socialist Democratic Republic.

After abdication, Antonia took on a leadership role in the Worker's Party of Secundomia. By law, all 3 leaders, including Antonia, had equal power in the WPS. After entering into a power-sharing agreement with the Anti-Sloth Party, the DRS fell into disrepair and eventual inactivity. Antonia officially left the nation after the rise of the Maoist-Worker's Party of Secundomia.