Kingdom of Sterling

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The Kingdom of Sterling
Flag of Kingdom of Sterling
Motto: Forever Surviving
Anthem: Grapevine Fires
File:Duchy of Charcot.png
CapitalCharcot City
Official languagesEnglish, French, Dutch, German
• King
Parker I
EstablishmentJanuary 26th,2010
• Census
CurrencyUSD ($)

The Kingdom of Sterling [stərliŋ] (Secundomian:ǂǷⱠƪɤᏙƪ pronounced [kʂɛliːjɛɳhmjɛ]) was a Kingdom consisting of several terrestrial and extraterrestrial claims. The Kingdom was officially a "vassal" of the larger Republic of Secundomia and contained a large crossver in membership. The micronational entity of Sterling is currently a member of the Federation of Secundomian Socialist Republics as the Sterling-Charcot.


The Colony of Sterling is located in Antarctica, and is entirely based on Charcot Island.


See Monarchies in Sterling The Kingdom of Sterling was lead by King Parker I, with several direct vassals.

Power sharing

The vassals were ranked in order of succession and importance to the nation. While an absolute Monarchy, Princes, Grand Dukes and Dukes had an advisory role in the government. The King structured his system of power as the following:

1. King of Sterling

2. Prince of Charcot

3. Grand Duke of Iceia

4. Duke of Southern Mercuria

List of Kings

  1. Parker I (Abdicated) Jan. 26th, 2010-July 18, 2010


Kingdom of Sterling

The KOS was formed as a vassal of Secundomia on January 26, 2010, because Parker I felt he was losing power of his republic, Secundomia. He created an absolute monarchy to continue engaging with the intermicronational community. Sterling was constructed as a "vassal" of the Republic. The meaning of this vassalage was largely symbolic, as Parker retained absolute power over the Monarchy. The originally territory consisted of "all ice in the arctic ocean." The territory was organized as the Grand Duchy of Iceia.

Extra-terrestrial Claims and Reorganization of Iceia

Inspired by the Aerican Empire, Parker I expanded Sterling's claims on January 28 to include the Southern hemisphere of Pluto (South Plutopia), and the planet of Mercury (known to Sterling as the Mercury Territories. On January 29 Parker made modifications to these claims, splitting Mercury territories in two, the Duchy of South Mercuria and the North Mercury Territory. He also laid claim on the asteroid Ida.

Iceia was also reorganized slightly on January 29. A territory arranged out of the geographic north pole of the earth was carved out of Iceia and dubbed as the city of Northland. This city became the capital territory for Sterling and was administered as "the King's State."

Antarctic Claims

On Feb. 20th, 2010, the King's State grew to include Charcot Island, Antarctica. This was the first Antarctic claim made by a Secundomia Sector micronation. Sterling then applied for membership in the Antarctic Micronational Union.[1] Charcot Island was soon split from the King's State and became the Duchy of Charcot. In an attempt to increase the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Sterling, especially in the eyes of the AMU, all extraterrestrial claims were dissolved.

Intermicronational Controversy and Inactivity

With the advent of Sterling, Parker was less restrained by the government of Secundomia to conduct intermicronational affairs. As an example, the Kingdom of Sterling joined the MUSC, while the Republic of Secundomia remained on the sidelines.

More controversially, Sterling became active in the Austenasian Civil War on the side of the rebels, a decision that was chastised by many in the community, in particular, Alexander Reinhardt of St. Charlie. This resulted in the suspension of its membership in the AMU. Additionally, Sandus applied pressure not just on Sterling, but issued an order against it sister nation of Secundomia, Baron Soergel declaring the conduct of both nations as "childish and immature."[2]

Sterling moved in and out of the war, always supporting the Carolinian cause. Under presssure from many sources to remove their support, the King finally rescinded his declaration of war while maintaining political support for the Carolinians. Jonathan extended thanks to the King after his withdrawal. After the war, Sterling entered an extended period of inactivity, only being active within the AMU and the OAM.

Later Iterations of Sterling

After the Kingdom of Sterling became inactive and unused, the King of Sterling abdicated, and formed the Colony of Sterling under the Republic of Secundomia. Parker I was assigned as protector of the colony. J became protector of the colony in October 2010, as appointed by the President. In 2012 Parker returned to office as colonial protector. Little development took place in the colonial period, but the Secundomian leadership were resistant to internal calls to dissolve its claim on Charcot. As leader of both dormant micronations, Parker I decided to combine the colony with Res Publica Tergumterra to create the Republic of Sterling and Tergumterra. Sterling was later a part of the Third Kingdom of Secundomia and the Democratic Republic of Secundomia. With the advent of the FSSR Sterling was separated from Secundomia and Tergumterra to create the SR Sterling-Charcot.


Sterling shared many cultural aspects with Secundomia, but was largely a vessel for the interests of Parker I. The national anthem of the country was Grapevine Fires by the alt-rock group Death Cab For Cutie.


Preceded by:
Kingdom of Sterling
Succession of Sterling
August 1, 2010-June 14, 2012
Succeeded by:
Republic of Sterling