Monarchism in Sorrenia

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Monarchism is one of two central ideologies in the Kingdom of Sorrenia. Beginning as a credible alternative to the left-wing parties during the Sorrenian Federation, monarchism was initially focused on protecting the local monarchy of Amon Lasgalen, with the eventual aim of creating a national monarchy.

After the War of the Sorrenian Succession, Ronald I ascended the throne as Sorrenia's first king, and monarchism became a central theme in Sorrenian politics.


Sorrenian Federation

The Sorrenian Commonwealth Party was the sole monarchist party during the Sorrenian Federation, although other parties often co-opted monarchist policies. The party was created to protect the regional monarchies that existed at the time, especially the Amon Lasgalen monarchy.

Although the party had as its ultimate aim the establishment of a national monarchy, this was a generally unpopular idea, and so did not heavily feature in the party's policies.

War of the Sorrenian Succession

The War of the Sorrenian Succession was triggered by the left-wing Socialist League, who sought to re-establish the Sorrenian Federation after years of inactivity. While they had initial success, seizing the old capital of Levaria, a counterrevolutionary movement began to emerge, under the leadership of King Ronald.

Initially, the movement was a collection of disparate groups opposed to a return to socialism. This included monarchists, conservatives and centrists.

The monarchist forces were successful, seizing most of the north and west of Sorrenia, ultimately defeating the Socialist League in Dunelm and Bowburn, forcing their retreat.

After subsequent warring, King Ronald seized both Dradelia and Morgannwg, recreating Sorrenia with its Federation-era borders.

Establishment of the Monarchy

Ronald was crowned in Sacriston during the War, and established himself as an authoritarian monarch, to the dismay of many centrists within his movement.

Early elections were held, in which the New Monarchists and Old Monarchists won a majority, forming a coalition. Together, they implemented several policies to establish the monarchy as a permanent feature of Sorrenia.

A Constitution was created in June, granting the monarch extensive powers and creating a Papal Directorate, transitioning Sorrenia from secularism to state Catholicism.

The Great Expansion and Late 2018

The Great Expansion was a significant extension of Sorrenia's claim, to encompass all of Northern England. The move was part of a wider policy of Northumbrianism, in which Sorrenia embraced the unique culture of Northumbria and the North.

Along with this extension, Hortania joined Sorrenia as a county, and the New Monarchists established an alliance with the Hortanian National Party.

In November, King Ronald called what would become a pivotal election - the fourth in one year - in which the NDLP ascended to third place, winning an additional five seats. As a result, the New Monarchists left their coalition with the Christian Alliance (previously the Old Monarchists) and entered into one with the NDLP and HNP.

Political Parties

Two significant monarchist parties exist in Sorrenia - the New Monarchists and the Christian Alliance.

The former is led by King Ronald, and is most actively supportive of his reign and declarations. The party remains the joint largest in the King's Council, along with The Republicans. The party is strongly Northumbrianist and mostly conservative (although a centrist faction exists).

The Christian Alliance began as the Old Monarchists. Formed by Richard Brooker, the party was also strongly supportive of King Ronald's claim, but emphasised the need for compromise and cooperation with other moderate parties.

Upon the establishment of the Papal Directorate, the Old Monarchists attracted many christian non-Catholics, especially in areas such as Amon Lasgalen. Prior to the November election, the party was renamed, indicating an additional focus on religious rights.

The Hortanian National Party is also monarchist, and as part of the Treaty of Hortanian Unity, represents the monarchist cause in Hortania. Along with its Soft Monarchism, the party supports Millomism and is generally more socially liberal than its national counterparts.


Hard Monarchism

Hard Monarchism describes those who are most supportive of King Ronald and his powers. They are wary of removing power from the monarchy, and are often sceptical of electoral reform. Hard monarchists also strongly support King Ronald retaining his title as King of Amon Lasgalen.

Leading hard monarchists include the king himself, Michael Disraeli, Richard Brooker, Peter Otterson and Phillip Pompeia.

Soft Monarchism

Soft Monarchists generally call for greater limits on the monarchy, and additional powers for the King's Council; many also support limiting the Papal Directorate to legally non-binding statements.

Soft monarchists may also subscribe to Millomism or Konpantzia Thought, both of which generally support a Sorrenian monarchy with some greater constitutional controls.

Leading soft monarchists include Melseeq Seetoornah, Mark Rawlton and Stephen Linacre.

Sultanistic Monarchism

Sultanism refers to a form of authoritarian government characterised by an extreme personal presence of the ruler in all elements of governance. Initially used as a pejorative term for hard monarchists, several figures - especially Michael Disraeli - embraced the term.

Generally indistinguishable from hard monarchism, Sultanistic monarchists generally owe personal reverence to the king, and almost always alter their policy agendas to align with the king's. Whereas hard monarchists may at times oppose the king on specific non-constitutional matters, Sultanistic monarchists rarely do so.

A Sultanistic faction exists within the New Monarchists, headed by Disraeli.