Timeline of Sancratosian history

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This is a timeline of Sancratosian history, comprising important social, economic, political, and legal changes and events in Sancratosia.

Before independence

Proposed emblem of the Constitutional State of Sancratosia, 21 October 2021.


  • 16 October: Reflexions begin on the creation of Sancratosia.
  • 21 October: The name is chosen and the nation is originally called the Constitutional State of Sancratosia, beginning of the Emergence of Sancratosia.
  • 23 October: The domain "sancratosia.org" is purchased.[a]
  • 24 November:
  • 30 November:
    • The Coat of arms is adopted.
    • The official motto, "Monarcia bonvolente" is adopted.

After independence



Meeting between Princess Cloe of Sancratosia and Minister-President Dominic Desaintes of Saint-Castin, 19 March 2022.
Sancratosia's presentation table at MicroCon 2022, 4 August 2022.


Friendship star is awarded by Princess Cloe of Sancratosia to Chief Constable Alexis Baugh of Molossia, 1 July 2023.
Princess Cloe of Sancratosia at the summit of Mount Washington in the United States, 1 October 2023.


See also

Notes and References


  1. Originally, the domain "sancratosia.com" was purchased, before switching to the more non-profit oriented ".org".
  2. Formerly the Rhys T. Eyton National Museum.


  1. Sovereign Family of Sancratosia (1 December 2021), "Message to the Nation from the Princess on the signature of the Declaration of independence", sancratosia.org
  2. Principality of Sancratosia (2 December 2021), "Sovereign Ordinance no 1 of 2 December 2021 on the temporary exercise of absolute power by the Sovereign Princess of Sancratosia", sancratosia.org
  3. Principality of Sancratosia (7 January 2022), "The Principality of Sancratosia unveils its citizenship program", sancratosia.org
  4. Principality of Sancratosia (11 January 2022), "Sovereign Ordinance no 29 of 11 January 2022 on the nomination of the Minister of State", sancratosia.org
  5. Principality of Sancratosia (13 January 2022), "Law no 5 of 13 January 2022 on the provisions against discrimination", sancratosia.org
  6. Desaintes, Dominic (24 March 2022), "Le Ministre-president Desaintes rencontre la Princesse Cloe de Sancratosia.", L'Union de Saint-Castin
  7. Principality of Sancratosia (30 November 2022), "The Sovereign Princess gives her 2022 State of the Principality speech", sancratosia.org
  8. Principality of Sancratosia (15 December 2022), "Sovereign Ordinance no 117 of 15 December 2022 on the establishment of diplomatic divisions", sancratosia.org
  9. Desaintes, Dominic (26 January 2023), "Renforcement diplomatique entre Saint-Castin et Sancratosia à travers la découverte des quartiers historiques de la Petite-Bourgogne et de Saint-Henri", L'Union de Saint-Castin
  10. de Sancratosia, Cloe (12 March 2023), "Sancratosia joins the LMCU", sancratosia.org, La Ganso Coronada
  11. de Sancratosia, Cloe (4 April 2023), "Three new members join the MicroFrancophonie", sancratosia.org, La Ganso Coronada
  12. Desaintes, Dominic (17 May 2023), "OMF : Résultats du vote sur l'approbation des secrétaires généraux adjoints du 7 mai 2023", L'Union de Saint-Castin

External links