Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State

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Not to be confused with the Empire of Ela'r'oech.

Kigla o Elarian Hep'erg Powa'ech (Dangaro, Formal)
Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State (English, Formal)
Elarian Hep'erg Powa'ech (Dangaro, Informal)
Greater Elarian State (English, Informal)

Coat of Arms of Ela'r'oech
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Ra'esh ela'r'oech"
Anthem: March of Freedom

Red is Original Lands
Green is Territory Annexed During the Elarian-Alarian Conflict
Yellow is Militia Controlled Lands

Purple is Territories Annexed Democratically With Full Elarian Control
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish, Dangaro
GovernmentUnitary Parliamentary Constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
Emperor Charles I
• Foundation of The First Artillery
11 August 2018
• Independence from the U.S.
19 May 2019
• First Ratified Constitution
25 August 2020
• Current Amended Constitution
17 November 2021
• Empire prolaimed
3 March 2022
• Total
0.01880156 sq mi (0.0486958 km2)
• Estimate
March 2022 Census
CurrencyUnited Elarian Dollar (UED)
Time zoneCentral Daylight Time (CDT)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1
Internet TLDSee Internet

The Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State was an autonomous territorial entity claiming to be a sovereign state, often classified as a micronation by external observers. It held territories in multiple states, it also shared and Empire with the Kingdom of Zeprana, the Kingdom of Alaria, and the Duchy of Nogrod.


The name behind the Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State comes from the idea of this Kingdom specifically being the main one in the Empire. This idea is supported further when you consider that the entire Elarian identity is allowed to be in it.



Ela'r'oech was founded on 11 August 2018 by a separate name. It was called the First Artillery and was an idea based on nations during the crusades. It was a religious nation that followed the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. During this time, Charles and a friend Anthony ruled over it together. The land claims included Anthony's bedroom and Charles' house. These were in Texas.[1] It was founded accidentally by Charles Madgett while working on a project that got out of hand.

The First Artillery was inactive or defunct de facto for about a year until Kakato was founded by Charles. It was a more democratic but authoritarian mock-nation. Charles was the supreme leader, taking after North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. They held land claims that included Treemont, Bremerton, Washington and Round Rock, Texas.[2]

Elarian Era Groups

Era Length of Era Notes
Alarian War Era 15 September 2020 - 1 October 2020 16 days Post Ela'r'oech's Foundation, This is the Alarian War.
Foreign Era October 2020 - December 2020 3 months The era of Runnymede's discovery by Charles. The founding of LENS is in this era.
Seperation Era December 2020 - April 2021 4 months This is the era of Charles' first leave in Ela'r'oech. Something that would be on-and-off for some time in the future.
Progressive Era April 2021 - August 2021 4 months This is the era where Ela'r'oech becomes more heavily involved in the government and shows plans for self-sufficiency for the first time in this era.
Expansive Era August 2021 - October 2021 2 months This era is where Ela'r'oech becomes more involved in other micronations, notably in the Kapresh Civil War and begins to help Worrell and take in more constituencies.
Carolusian Era October 2021 - November 2021 2 months This is the era where the Ela'r'oech Monarchy Power Dispute takes place.
Culture Shock Era November 2021 - February 2022 4 months This is the era where Ela'r'oech's culture explodes, with multiple new territories being founded as well as the founding of the Louisiana State Football League, which would help out the economy, though to a limited extent.
Rebirthing Era February 2022 - March 2022 1 month This is the era where Charles returns to Ela'r'oech and focuses on making Ela'r'oech better. Government approval, involvement, and activity would serve to come at an all-time high in this era.
Era of the Empire March 2022 - Ongoing This is the era where due to Ela'r'oech's quick and fast-paced growth, it would hastily move to become an Empire.

Early Ela'r'oech (Sept 2020 - Apr 2021)

First Era, lasting from September 2020 to October 2020. The era of the first Alarian War lasted from 15 September 2020 to 1 October 2020. The Alarian War was a war where the older micronation, Alaria, attempted to take over Ela'r'oech. They sieged Elarian Building 1 and Ela'r'oech retaliated. Eventually the Elarians took an Alarian soldier captive with the excuse of a sleepover until a cease fire was ordered by the Alarian general. 90% of Alaria's land was taken.[3][4]

In August 2020, anonymous people deployed some poisonous gas among Da'a'ck, also known as Charles' house. It is still unknown who these people were as Charles had left to attend to errands and shopping. He dealt with the "Elarian Civil War" when he arrived at his home an estimated 4 hours after the gases were deployed, all animals were outside of Da'a'ck beforehand, but when he arrived, his pets ran in. Charles ran in and was able to eventually get them out of the house before any noticeable damage had been done.[5]

Second "Foreign" Era from October 2020 to Dec 2020. The Foriegn Era was the time where Charles discovered Runnymede and throughout his political journey there, he becomes Prime Minister. This era was great for Ela'r'oech because foreign relations were at an all time good and the League of Elarian Nations was formed on the final day of this era. This era focuses a lot on his time as Prime Minister of the micronation.[6] Ela'r'oech's response to a possible Alarian threat proposed in November was quite fast and simple. However, Alaria had an ally - Poloris - which together the nations dragged out the war to multiple weeks past the first war. They began to battle with Alaria for control and dominance and over the course of a month, they had won the war, the only difference from the Alarian War being that each former solo belligerent now had allies.[7][8]

Third "Separation" Era from December 2020 to April 2021. In February 2021, Charles left Ela'r'oech and instead joined the Empire of Aeternia as a citizen paying tax through content creation. Although he is not formally a citizen yet, Ela'r'oech has given him the honorary title of Eternal Ruler, the title however gave him no powers nor was he recognized as a citizen as per Aeternia's citizenship requirements. Ryan then became king for the month as Anthony Ramirez II became Prime Minister. This put the nation in a state of inactivity continuing it's decline. In March 2021, Charles came back and announced he would keep the role of King until he officially became an Aeternian citizen, as numerous setbacks had indefinitely suspended his citizenship to go through. Anthony has continued to be the Prime Minister, however. By this time, the LENS was headed by Christoph Billung, leaving Charles to the position of Vice-Chairman.

Alaria was taken over by extremists, Neo-Alaria was annexed and Alaria ended up having most of it's land taken, with now only a house as their land. Communists and Fascists - admittedly, small groups, however dangerous - attempted to infiltrate Ela'r'oech's government but failed. The tu'e'namo lands - "land of the army" in Dangaro - had been demilitarized and Alaria has reverted to democracy again.[9]

Classical Ela'r'oech (Apr 2021 - Nov 2021)

Fourth "Progressive" Era from April 2021 to August 2021. In late April 2021, Ela'r'oech began to become more fleshed out - government wise - Parliament and Prime Minister elections were held as parties began to pop up. They also began to help other nations in other conflicts, such as the Vancouver Island Territorial Dispute.[10]

In May, they began to announce plans for self-sufficiency, for example on May 10 it was announced that Ela'r'oech would hold chickens for eggs and meat related food items as well as starting a garden for food self-sufficiency.[11] On 19 May 2021, the King revealed plans for a Financial Independence Act, which would donate 1,000ᴱᔆ to every citizen, an estimated $20,000 USD or $500 for each citizen, which would actually put the national debt at an estimated 400ᴱᔆ.

In June, they got more involved in their own Elarian-Alarian Conflict again as they entered a cold war with Alaria. They also began to engage in foreign relations with nations such as the Duchy of Pontunia and the Dominion of West Canada. They have since become involved in the Kapresh Civil War.

In July, they became quite inactive for a period of time, allowing Charles to focus on other things, however he also worked on Ela'r'oech's physical location. He graded some buildings as well, with the main building in New Da'a'ck giving it a rating of 4. A table which was made of wood and screw by an Elarian Citizen, was given a rating of 5. It was described as a "piece of history, as the first Elarian-made build to be graded by the government."

In August, they stayed inactive until Anthony Ramirez proposed a new bill which would allow for a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on LGBTQ+ citizens of Ela'r'oech to serve in the military, including offensive operations. It was later rejected as it got two "nay"s, no abstains, and no "aye"s. Prime Minister elections, with many candidates running. Christoph Billung won, however after some backlash, Charles decided to let the people object to the elections turnout, to which they did successfully. Another election soon followed, however after voter fraud was discouraged, Christoph won again. Eventually, he revealed that he would be leaving Ela'r'oech's Prime Minister position. However it was made unclear if he would be stepping down from Elarian politics completely. He had also revealed that he had been working on two bills.

Fifth "Expansive" Era lasting from August 2021 to October 2021. 16 August marked the first day of the Fifth Era, following the Prime Minister elections. It has been revealed that there will be yet another attempt at Prime Minister elections after Parliamentary elections. With some parliament members rendered unable to use discord, this has opened the gates for many possible newcomers. On the day the Seventh Era began, it was revealed that Alaria had sent two missiles towards Mageto. After this was revealed, Charles replied to Anthony saying "I'm not even going to humor that. I'm not going to defend Worrell anymore." He then began working on a new bill, however the contents of said bill was unknown until later on being revealed to be an economic reform bill that he would somewhat modify for use in many micronations that he believed would be able to help said micronations. Some micronations that have had the bill proposed include Ela'r'oech, Bushistan, Worrell, and more. On 12 September, the Era was named the Expansive Era as it was focused on expanding the United Elarian Front as a whole, with new constituents like Zeprana, and the attempts of having Worrell join the Kingdom. On 16 September, the Worrellian Civil War had began after the destruction of a Worrellian discord server and the Elarian attempts at unity into the Kingdom of the United Elarian Front. On 19 September, they left the Kapresh Civil War, opting to dissolve the Second Empire of Kapreburg. Later on, Ela'r'oech reformed it's server and itself, becoming the Kingdom of Ela'r'oech rather than the United Elarian Front. It made a Worrellian constituency, later renamed to Keystone. Towards what was almost the end of the expansive era, Bryce had abolished power of the monarchy and set up his own cabinet. The cabinet then proceeded to name Christina of Cycoldia the Queen of Ela'r'oech. When this was announced, it was argued against by most citizens not a part of the government.

The Declaration of Christina as Queen on 27 October 2021 marked the beginning of the Sixth "Carolus" Era. Andrew, Christoph, Anthony, Charles, and others all began to argue against the current government. There was an attempted resolve to the issue, however Charles had stated that it was his right to be King and claimed Christina was unfit and unworthy of the throne. The power dispute was almost resolved on 4 November 2021, when Charles banned the cabinet members as well as Bryce and Christina from the Ela'r'oech discord server. The server was then nuked the same day, though no members were banned. Charles had proclaimed that this was a sign of mercy from God, proclaiming Ela'r'oech to be a legitimate state in the eyes of the lord. He then proceeded to start a session with some provisional parliament members and included Cam of Lateritia, to engage in new foreign relations with more Carolusian micronations, effectively boosting their sphere of influence. Charles has declared the Prime Minister seat vacant and has made an anti-war statement regarding the Ela'r'oech Monarchy Power Dispute and Cycoldia. He and Cam of Lateritia have begun foreign relations as Ela'r'oech will now be becoming more "local" in his words. That same day, Charles met with the Dragon King of Naga and effectively handled out foreign relations and was also deemed Prime Minister of Naga. He also met with Cam of Lateritia, however that meeting was not documented. On 6 November 2021, Charles declared a new constitution, which would prevent any such dispute from happening again.

"Modern" Ela'r'oech (Nov 2021 - Mar 2022)

The Discord Server of Ela'r'oech after the boosts.

The Third Era Group or Third E.G. began on 11 November 2021 with the founding of Norton and Kamehameha, sparking the Seventh "Culture Shock" Era. Afterwards, Ela'r'oech would proceed to get many new territories over the course of 8 days. This would be referred to as the "66" or "6/6," as 6 major new territories were declared and most declarations and annexations were over the course of the initial 6 days. On 13 November 2021, the Ela'r'oech Football League was founded and started it's first season to fan enjoyment. Aftershocks from the ending of the Fifth "Expansive" Era are still present, as the nation is still dealing with the Ela'r'oech Monarchy Power Dispute, however Charles has stated it will end by 20 November to 1 December, which should be towards the start of the era. On 16 November 2021, Ela'r'oech purchased Level 3 Discord Server boosts, giving it the vanity url of "" and also revamped the server a small amount. The Ela'r'oech Monarchy Power Dispute was resolved when Christina and Charles came to the conclusion that a diarchy with Charles as the majority power would be a good solution. The next November 2021 Ministerial elections took place as it was asked of Christina after the end of the dispute. Christoph Billung won the second election of the month, making him the Prime Minister-elect. Christina abdicated on Christmas Day, 2021. Afterwards, they held on some more activity until eventually it fazed out until the next era.

The Rebirthing Era started on 21 February 2022. At 1:37 AM CDT on 24 February 2022, Nogrod was announced to have officially became Ela'r'oech's third ever realm. Zeprana would later become a realm again. Ela'r'oech would also join ComSov to help further improve foreign relations. However, they would also officially restart their progress on their creation of the Elarian Armed Forces and would also create MSW, a military readiness alert system which would be used multiple times after it's creation. On 28 February 2022, it would be revealed that Poloris had sanctioned Alaria for becoming an Elarian realm - this would begin major tension in Ela'r'oech and Alaria as it seemed war could be possible after Poloris had 1 militia soldier go up to the Alarian-Elarian border in the early hours of the day, just after midnight. Alaria and Poloris would go to war over this, causing Ela'r'oech's MSW level to go to one, with the general being greenlit to allow troops to move into Alaria, which would then scare the Polarusen troops away. Later on, the government of Ela'r'oech would become greatly involved in the Rebirthing era, with Ela'r'oech News Source providing interviews with officials, former officials, and even outsiders to provide multiple perspectives of Ela'r'oech and present them to those not yet aware of it's existence. In addition to this, the government would reform the political culture yet again, doing away with the former representatives system to update it to contemporary Ela'r'oech.

Contemporary Ela'r'oech (Mar 2022 -)

Contemporary Ela'r'oech would start on 3 March 2022, the day the nation and it's realms would become an Empire. This Empire would consist of the Kingdom of Zeprana, the Duchy of Nogrod, the Kingdom of Alaria, and the Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State. That same day, the Emperor would reform the Elarian Armed Forces, the militaries of each realm, and make them all closer.


Generally, Elarians are fond of numerous things however notably art in all forms, the culture of others, and more. It is normally considered culturally taboo to have more liberal or progressive thoughts due to the apparent growth of extremist left-wing politics, considering Ela'r'oech is a conservative micronation. Alt-Right, Alt-Lite, and Nazi-based thought is also extremely taboo, however notably fascism is not considered taboo, rather than an acceptable form of governance. It seems that most Elarians prefer democracy however and are mainly males and teenagers. There are, however, some exceptions with some adult citizens and female citizens. It seems to have a 3:1 male to female ratio and a 5:1 minor to adult ratio. It's a normalcy in Ela'r'oech to have lots of loyalty to the crown, as seen in the Culture War of Runnymede and the Worrellian Civil War.


Elarians celebrate numerous nation-exclusive holidays, such as "Kakapalooza" which is held every 10–20 January and 15–22 May, specifically to honor the nations Kakatoan heritage. Ela'r'oech day is held on 25 August, to celebrate the nations more official establishment. On 20 February 2021, the aforementioned date will become a part of Kakapalooza as a day to celebrate the rule of Charles Madgett.

National Holidays in Ela'r'oech ; Elarian Holidays
Name of Holiday Premise Date(s) Macronational Holiday Counterpart Notes
New Years New Years Eve and Day 31 December, 1 January New Years Eve, New Years Day None.
Kakapalooza Holiday to celebrate the New Year and Charles' birthday. 10-20 January, 15–22 May None. A Kakapalooza Holiday can be set at any date, realistically, however only the set dates are annually.
Valentine's Day Day to celebrate love. 14-15 Feburary Valentine's Day (14 Feb) None.
Star Wars Day / Space Wars Day Celebrate Star Wars and the Scifi "Space War" genre. 4 May None, however Star Wars Day is an unofficial international holiday. None.
Jesus Day Day to go to Church and celebrate the life of Jesus Christ. 10 June None. None.
Goku Day Celebration of the character Goku, from the Dragon Ball anime franchise 9 May Goku Day (Japan Only) None.
Goten Day Celebration of the character Goten. 10 May Goku Day (Japan Only) Goten Day is not as prominent as Goku Day, celebrated the day prior, and is only a small-scale holiday.


Art is a primary source of culture in Ela'r'oech. The End and End Times are some of the first motion pictures produced in Ela'r'oech, short movie and series. The media industry makes up an estimated 40% of Ela'r'oech's propaganda and advertising. On 12 May 2021, Charles created rating systems for numerous types of art. The King has stated that both systems are only to be used to bring more culture to Ela'r'oech.[12] Books, comics, nor music have any of their own rating systems for themes or marketability.

Holds of Companies by Media Form
Books / Comics Movies / Short Films Television / Streaming Series Music
ACBIC Media (32.4%) Firefly (50%) Firefly-Dragon Studio (30%) Acid Productions (33%)
Pop-Lar (26%) Firefly-Dragon Studio (20%) Firefly (25%) Firefly-Dragon Studio (33%)
End Reads (20%) Acid Productions (20%) ACBIC Media (20%) ACBIC Media (33%)
XD Books and Stuf (11.6%) ACBIC Media (5.2%) Acid Productions (15%) Indie-Independent Music (1%)
Heroics (10%) Mackenzie Films (4.8%) Indie-Independent Series (10%)

News Coverage

There's Ela'r'oech News Source, the main Ela'r'oech news site, however numerous other sites have apparently worked with Ela'r'oech. News sources are free to speak to Elarians according to Charles and some already have as of May 2021, with Proper Providence News calling Ela'r'oech "something that looked good, but wasn't too classy."[13] It's also come out that the Bull Moose Advance has spoken to Charles and more news sites may be giving coverage to the nation. There have been numerous Elarian movements, namely the Alarian Succession Movement which has been called by some the zuccession movement in response to their spelling of secession. It mainly calls for the end of the Alarian nation and was the organization that started Neo-Alaria until it became an Elarian noble state. There have also been other movements such as the Peace Treaty of Micronationalism, which call for the end of the Elarian-Alarian Conflict.


Ela'r'oech has many internet CCLDs used. They first used "el-" before any web address, however this is old and is only for the official government website. Later on in August 2021, uef. and began to be used respectively along with other placeholders as CCLDs.

Usage Active ccLDs Legacy ccLDs
For Governmental Use
For Commercial Use

The internet is the main basis for most businesses and companies in Ela'r'oech, including Photon Economy, ACBIC, and Pride of Nations: Online's service. Photon Economy, ACBIC, Firefly, and the government website all have active ccLDs, with Photon Economy even having an app on the Google Play Store, while also being the only business with a Legacy ccLD, having the privilege granted for being deemed the most profitable business in the country

Cultural Rating Systems

The structure rating system has been used multiple times before, mostly with a 3 for commercial buildings made around New Da'a'ck. On 13 July 2021, he graded his niece's table she had built. He made it a 5, for being the first structure he would grade that was not his own. He had previously given himself one '5' for having the first structure to be rated.

The media rating system has been used many times, mainly for The End and Chicken and the Dog. Other series have also been rated, mainly for the new Elarian-based Firefly, a new micronational streaming service releasing in 2021.

Examples of Media Ratings Per Rating System
AA 10+ 13+ 15+
The End Chicken and the Dog III Chicken and the Dog IV: Epilogue War
Chicken and the Dog I Chicken and the Dog IV End Times (mini series) War Never Changes
Chicken and the Dog II Battlebot Jr. Fight of Gods Fight of Gods: The Superest Super God!
Da'a'ck, Ela'r'oech


The Climate of Ela'r'oech has hot, humid summers with the occasional hurricane or storm, with mild winters.

Following the claims recognition from ACBekistan and Kakato, these land claims are their own former classifications of noble states, now into districts, being "ACBICestan" and "Kakatoa." On March 30, Neo-Alaria was admitted as a noble state, rather than a simple city. On April 30, cities, provinces, and noble states as ideas were merged into districts. Ela'r'oech holds 5 districts over the nation, with ACBICestan, Kakatoa, Tomsident, New Da'a'ck, and Raul.

A map of Ela'r'oech; Part of the "Election Map" created for news coverage and better understanding of the territories of Ela'r'oech; Former Mainlands - Contains constituencies Ela'r'o, Neo-Alaria, and non-constituency territory of Militia Lands.

Territory changes mainly from conflicts have contributed greatly to Ela'r'oech as it provided both Neo-Alaria and Keystone as constituenciees.


Ela'r'o is the first constituency made, though unofficially. The Ela'r'oech discord server and former mainlands also represent the constituency. Da'a'ck is a part of Ela'r'o and Ela'r'o has full constituency protection policies enacted and enforced.

The first Ela'r'oech map officially recognized in 2021, pre-Election map.

Neo-Alaria is a constituent nation that first formed during the Alarian Civil War. It is a micronational territory that is a constituency of Ela'r'oech, while Alaria has previously claimed it as their own entity. It has received recognition from numerous allies of Ela'r'oech and other micronations. Neo-Alaria was made a constituency on 24 June 2021.

Keystone (formerly known as the Empire of Worrell) is a constituent nation that first formed during the Worrellian Civil War. It is a micronational territory that is a constituency of Ela'r'oech, while the Republic of Worrell had previous held it as the land of Mageto - their sixth state introduced by Elarian politicians - they had quickly fallen out due to the Civil War, when the Empire of Worrell had been formed, however it later had it's name changed to Keystone to quickly stop any confusion from naming. It became a constituency on 24 September 2021, however had it's name changed on 26 September 2021.

Militia Lands is a constituency. Initially just an annexed land, the citizens got used to Elarian culture and style. Eventually, it gained protectorate status then became a constituency on 11 November 2021.

Norton and Kamehameha are protectorates of Ela'r'oech, both named after influential figures. Norton is named after Joshua Norton, who declared himself Emperor of the United States. Kamehameha is named in part after Dragon Ball, however mostly after Kamehameha V of Hawai'i, as towards the end of his reign, he officially only recognized Joshua Norton as the Emperor and only government official of the United States.

Unnamed territories are territories of Ela'r'oech one can view on the official map, however they have not been given any protection policies and are not allowed to yet have majority vote rulings as they are yet to become a constituency. The citizens there are somewhat ignorant of Ela'r'oech's claims and annexation, therefore democratic process is not considered when discussing giving these territories constituency status.

Name of Territory Type of Territory Founding Date Governor Flag
Keystone (Formerly Empire of Worrell) Constituency 24 September 2021 N/A
Militia Lands (Officially "Unintegrated Militia Lands of the Army") Constituency 28 October 2021 (Made Constituency on 11 November 2021) N/A
Zeprana Constituency 18 November 2021 (Independence in 2021) N/A
Herero Constituency 12 November 2021 N/A
Beck Constituency (Merged into Zeprana on 18 November 2021) 12 November 2021 N/A
Kamehameha Protectorate 11 November 2021 N/A
Norton Protectorate 11 November 2021 N/A
Duchy of Anglica Protectorate 12 November 2021 N/A
Begonia Terra Protectorate (Merged into Anglica on 19 November 2021) 12 November 2021 N/A
Insula Protectorate (Merged into Anglica on 18 November 2021) 12 November 2021 N/A
Altera Fines Protectorate (Merged into Begonia Terra on 18 November 2021) 12 November 2021 N/A
Unnamed Territories

(Territories militia has annexed, though not a part of Militia Lands or any Mainlands. These are territories not yet fully annexed.)

Annexed Not protectorate or constituency. N/A (Unrepresented) N/A
An Ela'r'oech Identification Card. They also hold monetary information.


Economics appear to be going well in Ela'r'oech as businesses appear to be forming through the first few months of it's existence and people are purchasing goods with their Stix. It claimed to have 1,507,500 Stix and counting, with the 1,500,000 due to the Alarian War. Multiple businesses have been founded in Ela'r'oech since they are unable to get a proper start in the United States of America.[14] After the economic reform throughout the Kingdom of the United Elarian Front, Stix were replaced by the United Elarian Dollar, now worth half of a United States Dollar. Businesses in Ela'r'oech include Firefly, ACBIC, Photon Economy, Pride of Nations and more. Firefly is a streaming service, with content made by micronational citizens. ACBIC is a multi-million dollar company - in United Elarian Dollars terms - that has a gaming-based subcompany as well as a website that features content creation. Photon Economy is a website that features user-generated content that allows players to make and sell items for virtual avatars. Pride of Nations: Online is a game service that functions through Discord as an RTS. Ela'r'oech has provided real progress to looking like a macronation, as it is now able to provide education, jobs, and military. Most of these are very limited to only some citizens, however if it is proven through studying the citizens that the progress is going well, they may open more and more up to residents and open up all signs of progress to all, eventually with the possibility of getting recognized, at least by the U.S. However, according to the Declarative Theory, Ela'r'oech is actually considered a macronation by some. These claims are ignored by Christoph and Charles. It seems most progress has halted with the new change in power. Charles purchased ID Cards on 5 August 2021. Charles received them on 19 August that year. Citizens have since been receiving and using said IDs, notably one citizen used it to make purchases on Photon Economy, a website Charles had made earlier that day.

Stock Market

Name of Company Abbreviation Buy Sell Change
Firefly FLY $34 UED $12 UED UP
Firefly-Dragon Studio FDS $55 UED $33 UED UP
Acid Productions ACP $20 UED $10 UED NEUTRAL
Photon Economy PHO $70 UED $50 UED NEUTRAL
Pride of Nations PON $150 UED $50 UED NEUTRAL
Government GOV $550 UED $120 UED NEUTRAL
Project HellHound PHH $20 UED $15 UED UP


Main Powers

The Head of State is Charles Madgett. Brandon Jacobs is a permanent parliamentary member as a posthumous award. There were no parties in Ela'r'oech as they had been abolished and there were only independent politicians, that was until April 2021 when parties were allowed again. The Government is an theocratic system called Doctrinism. It was made by Charles I and provides a meaning for each member's power. There are many forms of doctrinism such as Division Doctrinism, United Doctrinism, Base Doctrinism, and more.


Dictator Charles I was the first and third ruler of Ela'r'oech. His reign started on 11 August 2018 de facto but started on 25 August 2020 de jure. On 25 August 2020, he created a parliamentary system, which contained no representatives for the first few weeks. His residence was established as the capital city of Da'a'ck. The Dictator was also working as a member of parliament in the Principality of Runnymede at the time. During this period, he established an Elarian-Runnymeden space program, which led to the creation of a space alliance between the nations.

Programs and Laws

On 1 October, he began to go door-to-door asking non-citizen residents of Ela'r'oech and asking if they would like to apply for citizenship, he gained over 10 residential citizens that day and established the "Door-To-Door Citizenship Legislation", a collective set of laws that would allow members of parliament and the dictator to go door-to-door in their areas informing people of Ela'r'oech's existence and asking about citizenship applications. He is also responsible for the victory of all of Ela'r'oechs conflicts and wars. He has gained the support of many throughout separate micronations, and there have been Elarian movements in his name or support. Most of the citizens in Ela'r'oech are very much in support of Charles, as is the media.

On 29 April 2021, Ela'r'oech engaged in its first elections, mainly to put a Prime Minister into office and also fill up the vacant parliamentary seats. The Prime Minister elected was Christoph Billung.

Current Political Climate

Main: Elarian Political Climate[15]

Party Logo Color(s) Party Leaders Date of Foundation Ideology Position Membership Representatives
Independent May Vary By Politician N/A No Leader Non-Party Big tent Big tent Those not part of a party.
3 / 5
Elarian People's Congress (EPC) Green No Leader April 18, 2021 Big tent Center 8
0 / 5
Elarian Party of the Public (EPP) Blue, Cyan Bryce Smith April 18, 2021 Liberal democracy Center-right 5
0 / 5
Elarian National Party (ENP) Burgundy, White Christoph Billung April 29, 2021 Traditionalism, Monarchism Center, Auth-Right 14
2 / 5

Foreign Relations

Foreign Policy

Ela'r'oech and the Kingdom of the United Elarian Front have gone into relations notably with Begon, Runnymede, and Worrell. Ela'r'oech is mainly a reactive nation which means it tends to use others in ways to help generate activity within the nation, which means it had become more co-dependent. However, after Ela'r'oech had gained more constituencies, it began to become more isolationist and independent. The constituencies have begun to talk domestic policy and trade deals, as Keystone has begun to rely on Ela'r'oech for it's own missile program.

Ela'r'oech had entered relations with Runnymede some time in 2020, notably in November during their Prime Minister elections, as Charles had began to wonder if the two could enter an alliance and start a micronational organization - which eventually became LENS - however after the Runnymeden community began to turn on him, he left the server for a while, back and forth, until eventually in January 2021, Charles led a revolution which became known as the LENS-Runnymede War which took down the Runnymede discord server thus rendering the government unable to continue. Afterwards, the former Runnymeden government began Worrell and Charles quickly had apologized and joined Worrell, later becoming the second Vice President until Matthew Cunningham had banned him, despite the public unaware of any wrong doing - this had sparked the Worrellian Civil War - afterwards, Charles looked towards other micronations and began going into relations with Bushistan.

After entering relations with Bushistan, Charles and Ela'r'oech's government focused now would be a good time to expand economically, later looking to help out the Bushistani government by becoming a member of the House of Representatives. Later on, the public there opposed an economic bill and had gone after Charles, thus ending any foreign relations possible with Ela'r'oech and Bushistan.

Afterwards, Ela'r'oech began to grow more independent until Terry McKeen had come to Charles informing him of a new Worrell. After being informed that the older Worrell had been destroyed after he left the server, Terry claimed the office of Worrell's President and let Charles become the Vice President, until Matthew Cunningham and Liam MacKenzie used intimidation tactics to run him out. Eventually, they had made McKeen delete the server, leading him to make a new discord server for Worrell as he named Charles the chancellor. Charles had began Elarian Foreign Relations afterwards, until McKeen had gotten mad at the proposal of a democratic annexation into a constituency. Later on, Charles left that server thus any relations with it until deciding to make his own Worrell, naming it the Empire. Terry later dissolved his Republic of Worrell, joining the Empire of Worrell as an Elarian constituency before it had it's name changed to Keystone, starting an independent Ela'r'oech.

After the dissolution of the Second Empire of Kapreburg, Ela'r'oech began foreign relations talk with Kapreburg.

Intermicronational organisation participation

Ela'r'oech is a founding nation of the Certified Higher Authority of the Secessionist Micronationalists and had considered attempting to join the Grand Unified Micronational, however Charles determined Ela'r'oech may not have been accepted, so they began the LENS and has so far not been involved with many other organizations. However, the Principality of Runnymede held a vote to leave the Micronational Assembly, which was heavily persuaded by Christoph Billung, the ruler of the Grand Principality of Begon and a member of the Noble 10, as well as Charles Madgett himself more to get Runnymede to join the LENS, which was voted upon as well. This ended in a vote and referendum where it would have been decided that Runnymede would leave the MA and join the LENS, however Runnymede's prince swiftly went against this vote opting to stay in the MA, this resulted in the "LENS-Runnymede War." After the dissolution of the LENS, Charles started CHASM.

Branches of Combative Service


In early October 2020, Dictator Charles I created the army and navy branches of the Elarian military, and appointed himself as the commander and general. At present, the only navy vessel is an armed bottle. As of late October, since the Civil War, Ela'r'oech had invested into Chemical Warfare and started development of poison gases, as well as investments in Nerf Guns to hold enemies in one place. They are no longer investing in chemical warfare. Following the Second Alarian War, missiles were invested into. During the Third Alarian War, Ela'r'oech began to show colonial imperialistic traits as they took over Alaria for a short time and began to grow, taking more American territories. In 2021, the military and Ela'r'oech's militias expanded, using them to gain control of smaller micronations in the area. It has also been able to hold spheres of influence.

The EL1.

Space Program

The Ela'r'oech Space Program, commonly abbreviated as the ESP, was founded on 16 September 2020. Opportunity I was the first mission and lasted four days, with the goal of sending a squirrel to space.

Opportunity II will be the second mission and will last for 2 days, with the goal of getting Elarian-Exclusive recorded footage of space. It is assumed that it will be the first mission of 2021 or 2022.

Missile Program

The stolen Alarian missile, with the Alarian flag crossed off and replaced by the Elarian flag.

The Ela'r'oech Missile Program, commonly abbreviated as the EMP, was founded on 6 November. It started with the uncovering of Alarian plans to use missiles on Ela'r'oech during the Second Alarian War. There so far has been a test of the "EL1" missile and then the construction of the "EL1 Model 5", Ela'r'oech has an Alarian missile called "Big Boi" or officially known as "AL-71" but it is assumed it will never be used and will be displayed for show. Many have called this program simulationist, however the king clarified that a missile is just an object forcefully propelled at someone or something, either by hand or machine. Following a spill in Da'a'ck, all missiles are in critical condition of use. It is unknown if they can even be used in war anymore.

The Golden Cross

Awards and Medals

Elarian Badge of Freedom - This is a badge given to those who have fought in the Alarian War and the Second Alarian War.

Ela'r'oech Badge of Valor - This is a badge given to those who have been knighted or have been in a situation contributing to the culture or history of Ela'r'oech.

The Elarian Badge of Freedom

The Golden Cross - This is a medal given to those who have served in a war, contributed to the history or culture of the micronation, and become a politician.

Spirit to Spirit - This is a badge given to those involved in the government directly, by being a Parliamentary member, or a teacher.


For Kakato, Laws included a 2-child law, no rights for women, education including war-doctrines, disabled citizens in labor camps, transgenders and black people not being recognized as holding citizenship. These were laws that were mainly de jure and not enforced, one member of congress was a woman and another congress member was black. Ela'r'oech holds an Elarian Film Night at random, but they feature movies created by Elarians, such as The End. The leader creates an "End of the World" speech and a "Kakapalooza" speech every 10 December of the year, in which he will use them in the next year for the Kakapalooza speech. The End of the World speech is used only in the event of a confirmed end of humanity or end of Earth's sustenance. In May 2021, Charles had finally moved with his family and on 8 May 2021 he announced that he would be selling IDs and merchandise. On 9 May 2021, he also announced that Goku Day - May 9 - would become a national holiday.[16] It is a growing nation which is also becoming more self-sufficient. Gardens and animals are joining Elarian properties in order to bring forth proper means of self-sufficiency.


  1. "First Artillary Documentation". First Artillary Documentation. Retrieved 3 December 2020.
  2. "First Artillary Documentation". FANDOM Kakato Wiki. Retrieved 9 December 2020.
  3. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  4. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  5. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  6. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  7. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  8. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  9. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  10. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  11. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 10 May 2021.
  12. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 12 May 2020.
  13. "Ela'r'oech and Micronations". Proper Providence News. Retrieved 20 May 2021.
  14. "Elarian News Source". ENS Site. Retrieved 1 April 2021.
  15. Brandon Jacobs is not included as his membership in Parliament was a posthumous award, not considered to be a legal assumption of office. However, Charles Madgett is included as the King does have an Independent spot in Parliament, mainly to act for no internal conflict.
  16. "Anime News Network". Anime News Network. Retrieved 10 May 2020.

See also

Elarian (Disambiguation)

Elarian-U.S. Invasion

Elarian Movements

Elarian Eras

Elarian Building 1

Alarian War

Second Alarian War

Wars involving Ela'r'oech

Third Alarian War


Ela'r'oech Royalty