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Kakapalooza is an Elarian event held every time certain events happen. So they could happen erratically at any given time. During Kakapalooza, the Ela'r'oech and Kakato Discord Servers will not be moderated, meaning anything is allowed within those time frames as long as it is allowed with Discord's Terms of Service (ToS).

Other events may occur as well, such as movie nights, zoom meetings, livestreams, game releases, and more. The first, second, and third Kakapaloozas were held in the Kakatoan Discord Server in 2019.


Kakapalooza is named after Kakato, which is in turn named after Goku from Dragon Ball whose Saiyan anme is Kakarot. Kakato mixed with "Palooza," a word meaning an extravagant and crazy party makes Kakapalooza, or an extravagant and crazy party which originated in Kakato. They first began as a way to celebrate Charles Madgett's upcoming birthday and would later be held to mark events such as the old Kakato server reaching 100 members.

In modern usage, Kakapaloozas are held to celebrate events in Kakato, Ela'r'oech, or any other Bayou Sector nations.


Kakapalooza 1: The Super One

Kakapalooza 1 was held on May 15–18, 2019 to celebrate the Kakato Discord Server reaching 50 members. Activities included

Zoom Meetings (16th)

Custom Roles For The Discord Server (Throughout)

Thank You From Toxicity (17th)

Live Watching of Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - Father of Goku (18th)

Group Video Chat/Call (18th)

Kakapalooza 2: The Super Duper One

The second Kakapalooza was held May 22, 2019 to celebrate Charles' birthday. Activities included

Live Staff Application

Xenoverse 2 Livestream

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy


Dragon Ball Z: Episode of Bardock

Kakapalooza 3: And This! Is to go.. Even further beyond!

Kakapalooza 3 was going to be held sometime after the server reached 100 members. Activities would have included:

Discordian Nations Season 3 Data Wipe / Rerelease

Dragon Ball Z: Discord Battle


Star Wars Episode IX

It was cancelled shortly after it's announcement but still held just at a much smaller scale. The reason for this is due to member join stagnation and the loss of the account which held ownership.

Kakapalooza 6: New Years

Kakapalooza 6 was held on January 10–20, 2022 as the annual Kakapalooza to celebrate the new year was occurring. This Kakapalooza had no activities and simply removed server rules, yet was still enjoyed by the Elarian citizens in the server.

Kakapalooza 7: United We Stand

Kakapalooza 7 was held during the formation of the First United Kingdom of the Great Bayou. This Kakapalooza had no activities and simply removed server rules, yet was still enjoyed by the Elarian citizens in the server. However, it could be cited as a cause of instability in the UKGB.

Kakapalooza 8: Ela'r'oeCh or Ela'r'oech C

Kakapalooza 8 was held around July 2022, celebrating 100 members in the Empire of Ela'r'oech's discord server. This Kakapalooza held an activity where members were encouraged to simply 'be fanatic,' which would subsequently result in a rise in Carolusianism in the First United Kingdom of the Great Bayou.

Upcoming Kakapaloozas

Kakapalooza 10: Iron Jubilee

Kakapalooza 10 will be held in August 2023.

Lost Kakapaloozas

Kakapaloozas 4 and 5

Kakapaloozas 4 and 5 - both titled "Combine!" were held, however later forgotten. It's speculated that they were held solely due to either Charles' birthday or he wanted to host them. Unfortunately, their records have been lost and it's unconfirmed when they happened or what activities happened during them.

Kakapalooza 9: New Years II

Kakapalooza 9 was held during New Years 2023. This Kakapalooza had no activities and simply removed server rules, yet was still enjoyed by the Elarian citizens in the server. It was also the first silent Kakapalooza, simply allowing members to do as they wish with no repercussions, rather than announcing a Kakapalooza. It can be assumed lost as the events of what happened during the Kakapalooza are unable to be found.