Atlantis Civil War

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Atlantis Civil War
Date September 13 - October 26, 2010 (de jure)
September 13–18, 2010 (de facto)
Location Republic of Atlantis
Result Treaty of Empire City::*Cease-fire armistice
  • Federation of Makhnovist politically supports Atlantis
  • Poseidon becomes the Confederate Republic of Poseidon
  • Carbone nominated Atlantis Minister of Defense

AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army


Tyler Revolutionary Forces (20/09 - 8/10)

Republic of Atlantis

Holy Salanian Empire (13/09)

Republic of Ultamiya (14/09)

Kingdom of Emerald Isle (18/09)

Republic of Starland (Battallion I) (18/09 - 03/10)

USLSSR(17/09 - 22/09 de facto - 25/09 de jure)

Kingdom of Zurdonia (20/09 - 24/09)

Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros (18/09)

Atlantis Foreign Legion (21/09)

Istoria (29/09)

Republic of Kozuc (25/09)

Principality of Garagstan(17/10)


Sante Carbone

Eddie Pedersen

Alex Sinatra Gossard

Tyler Hallock

Alexander Virgili

Jordan I

Ethan I

John I

David I of Varina

Logan Clarke I

Connor O'Leary I

General Nik Hart

Alex Ulbricht

King Chance

Premier Riley Small

General Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman

Brigadier Muhammad Hady Faiz

27 56
Casualties and losses
3 0

The Atlantis Civil War was a civil uprising which took place in the Republic of Atlantis since the evening of September 13, 2010 and until September 18th. It began after a motion of no confidence by Minister of the Interior Sante Carbone and Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriele Pellecchia against the leadership of president Alex Specter.

The loyalist side was led by Virgili and most of the members of the legitimate government of Atlantis. The rebels, on the other hand, also known as the newly-created Socialist Federation of Makhnovist (previously known as the Socialist Autonom (sic) Republic of Atlantis), received the support of the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army, led by Sante Carbone. Following the partially successful uprise, Atlantis was left divided as supporters of the existing Republican government fought the forces of the new "Anarcho-Communist" faction for control of the country. As of mid-September no real change was made, and the capital of Atlantis, Poseidon, was split into two sectors, each of those controlled by one side.

Soon after the start of the conflict, both sides were quickly backed by "military" support. The Holy Salanian Empire and the Republic of Ultamiya gave support to the "loyalist" Atlantis on the day after the start of the war. They were backed in the following days by Starland, Emerald Isle, Los Bay Petros, Zurdonia. The Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics also joined the war on the 22nd, however later withdrew on September 25 due to a popular motion in the Supreme Soviet. On the other hand, the rebels gained support from the People's Democratic Republic of Pugguinia, the Draco Republic and the Tyler Revolutionary Forces, which however seem to have disappeared days after the start of the uprise.

Days after its beginning, the Atlantis Civil War has been heavily criticized for the intervention of other micronations and the so called "military support" given by most of the belligerents on both sides. Foreign micronationalists protesting it include Marka Mejakhansk of the SFR Nemkhavia, Anthony I of Zealandia, Aldrich Lucas of Yabloko, Will Sörgel of Sandus and the National Party of St.Charlie, with both Reinhardt and Schneider condemning the war itself. Unlike in the Austenasian Civil War (often seen as very similar to the Atlantis uprise), several micronations have expressed neutrality towards the conflict.

Despite a division of the capital, an apparently rigged trial by President Specter, and the creation of a totally new micronation with the territories acquired by the rebel forces, the civil war continued for almost a month and a half.

The war finally ended on October 26, 2010 at exactly 18:51 (UTC+1) with the signing of the Treaty of Empire City.


The civil war began on the evening of September 13, 2010 when the Atlantis Minister of Interior, Sante Carbone, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriele Pellecchia declared a motion of no confidence towards Alex Specter, currently serving as the Atlantis President of the Republic. Specter was soon backed by Vice President Paweł Dworzycki and Ministers Jordan I and Ethan I. The quarrel started when Carbone, at the 10th meeting of the Council of Ministers of Atlantis, accused the President of dictatorship and betrayal. He then threatened to fight against the President and everyone who supported him.


State of war and invasion of Poseidon

Immediately after Carbone's declarations, Specter decided to expel him and Pellecchia from the Council of Ministers, accusing them of "vandalism, betrayal, threats and terrorism". Meanwhile the "rebels" recruited Federico Cangelosi, Minister of Education and a Corporal of the Army, Manuel De Felice. Carbone and De Felice threatened a massive offensive; subsequently the Council of Ministers declared the state of war, or DEFCON 5. As a response, Vice President Dworzycki took the office of the President of the Republic of Atlantis, in order to stop the fight between the Government and the rebels, unsuccessfully, and brought the case to the Atlantis Court of Justice.

Being Carbone the Governor of the capital city, Poseidon, he soon declared on September 14 that the territory was occupied by the rebel forces, who united under the "Socialist Autonom Republic of Atlantis". After the creation of the "Autonom Republic", the rebels founded the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army, the military branch, and as of now the only "fighting" group of the belligerents against the Atlantis Government, including foreign micronations.

Due to the occupation, the military headquarters and the capital of the Republic of Atlantis was moved to the governorate of Taravai.

Court of Justice and first negotiations

Leaders Alex Specter (left) and Sante Carbone (right). Albeit two meetings in order to restore peace, Virgili refused Carbone's proposal to recognize the territory occupied by the rebels as a sovereign micronation.

As soon as the Court of Justice was established, Dworzycki, which became Vice President again, was nominated in charge of the trial against Carbone. The leader of the rebels accused President Specter of corruption, although there was no evidence to support his claims.

During the trial, Pellecchia and Cangelosi surrendered to the Government and started to collaborate with Specter. In particular, Pellecchia became a mediator between the Republic and the rebels. On the other hand, Cangelosi was arrested for conspiracy, acts of terrorism and high treason. Later negotiations didn't give any important results: on the evening of September 14, President Specter and Gabriele Pellecchia met Sante Carbone in the Foreign Office of Atlantis. Apparently, the leader of the rebels had the intention to return Minister and Governor of Poseidon, but requested a personal army and higher autonomy for the capital city. The demands were refused by Virgili, stating that they were unconceivable.

Another discussion took place two days later, on September 16, always between Specter met Carbone. After several hours of negotiations the only outcome was one article of the "Treaty of Poseidon". This was mainly due to the fact that Carbone insisted that the Socialist Autonom Republic of Atlantis should have been recognized by the Republic of Atlantis.

September 17 talks

The meeting of the September 17 was described as "the most important meeting of the Civil War". It was indeed decided to end the conflict with a truce as a way to conduct negotiations more quietly. With Gabriele Pellecchia as mediator, other two articles of the "Treaty of Poseidon" were drafted. However, due to some issues regarding the economy, the meeting ended but not the civil war itself. During the meeting, Sante Carbone insisted that the Autonom Republic deserved to become an autonomous region under the Atlantis protectorate.

Battle of Poseidon

On the afternoon of September 18, Manuel De Felice and an armed group of rebels opened fire (with an airsoft gun) against an Atlantis soldier of the Army in neutral territory. Soon after, the Atlantis Army and Marine Commando counterattacked using airsoft guns as well. At the end of the battle the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army surrendered to the Atlantis Armed Forces.

Alhough Manuel De Felice was the Chief of Staff and Vice President of the Autonom Republic, he confessed that the group did not act in name of their Republic. All the rebels involved in the battle were arrested by the Atlantis Armed Forces. De Felice was later released, and together with Virgili later wrote a treaty of surrender. This part of the battle still remains uncertain, as the rebels and in particular Carbone, claim that De Felice never signed a document of armistice.

"Specter's plot"

One of the main events that took place during negotiations between the rebels and the Government was the so called "Specter's Plot". It was apparently created by Sante Carbone in order to justify the accusations of high treason given to Manuel De Felice. On a public speech, Carbone stated that on September 19, Specter "tryed (sic) to corrupt general (sic) Manuel de Felice ordenerig (sic) to shoot on atlantis troop (sic) to get the conflict started". Carbone later claimed that no treaty was signed after the Battle of Poseidon.

The declaration was followed by a post by Specter, which accused the rebels to have a "ruined republic" and added: "Well, he say (sic) that I try to corrupt Manuel De Felice the 19 September 2010 (sic), well in this (sic) day I was at home at listen some cd's of Frank Sinatra and I think that also De Felice can tell you that I have not heard him (sic)". He then claimed to be in possession of the signature of De Felice on the treaty of surrender and added: "from this paptetic (sic) test to cover up the truth we can take only one consideration: they are at the end and they know it".

An immediate comment was received by Carbone, who now talked on behalf of the people of the "Autonom Republic", and claimed that he possessed a declaration of De Felice, claiming he never signed a treaty of surrender. The declaration was followed by propagandistic phrases.[1] Virgili obviously replied to Carbone's declaration, stating that he was unable to reach those documents, nor recruit staff because he was on holiday.[2] He then threatened an attack, stating that the rebels had a last "chanche" to end resistance before the Republic would have seized the territory with force.[3]

Despite the threat, Carbone replied stating that Mr. De Felice declared the signature was false, and as a consequence a trial was needed in order to find the truth. He then commented on the attack claiming that "only you and mr Pellecchia are close to Poseidon to fight so all your allies won't help you. If you want some molten lead come and get we our (sic) ready to defened ourselfes (sic)". Specter agreed to have a trial.

After Specter's reply, which also referred to him as a "magician", Carbone concluded that "at the moment Poseidon is more defended that the White House in the USA, here you have only one soldier apart from you and your equippment (sic) is worst than ours, so i repeat the war will only sign your ruine (sic) and our Triumph!". Despite using a capital letter for the word "triumph", is is believed that Carbone was not referring to the famous international underwear manufacturer.

Pacific Front

Soon after the start of the civil war in Atlantis, the Tyler Revolutionary Forces, a terrorist organization located in the now-inactive Kingdom of Zurdonia declared support for the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army on "on there (sic) new mission to spread the communist movement" and claimed they would have joined the Socialist Federation of Makhnovist as soon as the conflict would have been over.

On September 20, the TRF attacked the Kingdom of Zurdonia with a fire cracker, which was thrown into the Kingdom's back yard, opening a new front in the war. The TRF soldiers apparently then ran away to "Tyler's house" and had a sleepover. The fire cracker, which was then found to be property of Tyler H, The head of the TRF movement, did not make any important damage, but was enough to cause a war. The Republic of Starland, who already declared war on the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army and supported the Republic of Atlantis, referred to the fire cracker incident as "an act of terror and vandalism and an unnecessary act of agression". It then subsequently declared war on the Revolutionary Forces.

De Felice's trial and legacy

For more information, visit: Atlantis Court of Justice for War Crimes

On the afternoon of September 21, the People's Court of Justice and the Atlantis Court of Justice, the two judicial bodies of each side, united under a special tribunal with the intention to try the so-called war criminals of the uprise. The Court was headed by Vittoria Di Fiore, of the Autonom Republic, and Riccardo Landi, of the Republic of Atlantis. Defendant Manuel De Felice was apparently accused of war crimes, high treason against both Republics, crimes against mankind, abuse of power, attempted corruption towards judges Di Fiore and Landi, armed robbery and sexual crimes.

Apparently, armed robbery and sexual crimes were committed in the past, while all the other accusations are based on the events of September 18. De defense of Mr. De Felice decided to rely "on the grace of the court (sic)" as no evidence was found to defend the accused.

In the end, the court decided the following:

  • De Felice was sentenced to life imprisonment and forced labor, for the crimes of armed robbery, attempted corruption and sexual crimes. The way both groups are going to enforce the sentence was not specified.
  • He was then forbidden to acquire citizenship of any micronation, was dismissed from both Armies with a dishonorable discharge, and was deprived of both his Atlantis citizenships for the crimes of high treason, crimes against mankind and "war crimes".

At the conclusion of the trial, Virgili said "justice has (sic) run its course" and that the "diffamatory (sic) allegations" which were made against him were finally proven false, although this never took place, as the trial was directly against Mr. De Felice. Carbone agreed with Virgili for the first time since the start of the conflict and said the NLA would have arrested De Felice when possible.

After the De Felice trial, Carbone's front expected a decrease in the military power of the loyalist side. Indeed, soon after the trial, he invited Virgili and the republican Atlantis to end the "criminal embargo" on the socialist Atlantis, the Internationale and its allies. It also requested sanctions against the "fascist state of Starland". The request was ignored, as Virgili didn't see a correlation between the trial and the embargo.

Rigged trial

Two days after the De Felice trial, an internal investigation conducted by the People's Court of Justice rectified the verdict stating that the trial was rigged. Carbone's judicial body claimed that during De Felice's hearing, some points, that weren't specified, were ignored. Also, after the rebel side, the "Treaty of surrender" of the battle of Poseidon did not include the signature of De Felice. Subsequently, the "Supreme Assembly of the Workers, Farmers and Soldier (sic)" declared the trial to be void and asked o have another one on September 25.

Poseidon divided

On September 18, the Republic of Atlantis, considering the northern part of the capital city, occupied by the rebels, as "unstable", decided to establish an autonomous government with respect to the rest of the Government. Obviously, the loyalists still didn't recognize northern Poseidon as sovereign, and ended up closing links with the northern sector and enforcing the diplomatic embargo on Carbone's government, although they always declared themselves "open to negotiations". As a possible consequence, the rebels then declared the Autonom Republic completely independent from Atlantis, creating the "Socialist Federation of Makhnovist" and publishing the declaration of independence.[4]

The Siege of Fort Shaumo

On the 13th October, the rebel forces attacked Fort Shaumo after a period of inactivity and 'captured' many Loyalist troops as they were unprepared for an attack of this magnitude. The Loyalists, but also the attacking Pugguinia, suffered heavy damage; three of the seven divisions that were sent into the battle were decimated. It is regarded as the most successful battle in the war for the Rebels and some believe that this could be the turning point in the war. There is no evidence that this ever took place, despite its 'participants' continue to claim that it did.

Distancing of the Socialist Federation of Makhnovist towards the Siege of Fort Shaumo

After the alleged attack on Fort Shaumo by the Pugginia Armed Forces, the Socialist Federation of Makhnovist publicly distanced itself from the alleged attack. The Socialist Federation of Makhnovist stated that none of the AnarchoCommunist National Liberation Army or of the Co.Re.Co troops participated in this battle . The Federation has stated that is does not understand how this attack took place and agrees that the battle never took place.

The End of the War

Although the fighting had ceased weeks ago, the war didn't officially end until October 26, 2010, when the Treaty of Empire City was signed.

Intermicronational response

Loyalist support

  • Holy Salanian Empire: the Empire declared its support for the government of Atlantis, including its president, mere moments after the war began. The Loyalist government has been its closest friend and ally, and the Empire declared it "will devote all military forces to the defense of President Virgili".
  • Kingdom of Zurdonia
  • Kingdom of Emerald Isle: the Kingdom's Royal Government has seen attacking a nation without a just reason as "barbaric and uncivilised", though the King declared later he would not send his troops into war. However, after a short meeting with his advisers and the Grand Lord, The King declared military support.
  • Republic of Starland: Starland began by politically supporting the loyalist government but would not join the war. Her Excellency Prime Minister Hunter fully stood by President Virgili and the Republic. Following the rebels unprovoked act of agression, the Senate voted 7-4 to go to war. On October 3, following the September 2010 Starland General Election, Her Excellency Prime Minister Destiny Elmo called for the immediate end to the Republic's involvement in the war. Starland still politically supports the loyalists.
  • Republic of Ultamiya: President David considered the rebels threatening the 'Republic of Atlantis's immediate national security, and decided to help the Atlantis government in any possible way, including through military support, although this being technically impossible. Ultamiya later added the Tyler Revolutionary Forces to the President's "enemy and watchlist".
  • Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros: Los Bay Petros stated they fully supported the Loyalist but they would have not joined the war according to New Petrovakia Treaty. However, after the Legislative Council reconsidered the presidential statement on September 18, the NLC approved the declaration of this war against the rebels onS September 20.
  • Democratic Republic of Vitla
  • Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics: although the government saw the revolution as a necessary part of the advancement of Socialism, the Government decided it could not "support a violent revolution". The President stated: "Revolution is necessary but using force instead of political means is wrong unless there are serious issues within a country". After talks the government, the USLSSR decided to give the Republic of Atlantis the use of the Foreign Legion, but left the conflict on the 22nd of September.
  • Zeeland-Belgie: Decided not to send military support, although engaged in an embargo against the Tyler Revolutionary Forces, the Draco Republic, Pugguinia and the Socialist Autonom Republic of Atlantis
  • Istoria: the Kingdom has declared its decision to join the war on the Pacific side, & joined the other side of the Atlantis Civil War on October 11, mainly due to the King's stance against Anarchism and Communism.
  • Principality of Garagstan
  • Slinky Empyre: Although support has been given to encourage the government of Atlantis, no official declaration of war has been made, and no military assistance is planned to be given. Due to the peaceful nature of the nation, it has been emphasized that the Empyre has no plans to become involved in the conflict.

Neutrality or indifference

  • Zonian Confederacy
  • Federal Republic of St.Charlie: Since the beginning, the Federal Republic has generally opposed the idea of the conflict itself and the involvement of foreign states. Already since the start, James Lunam, Minister of Foreign Affairs, declared neutrality towards the conflict, in regards to the current St.Charlian policy on micronational war. On September 21, Schneider and Reinhardt jointly published the NPSC's official statement, where they took a neutral stance to the conflict, again in line with St.Charlian foreign affairs protocol, and where they criticized the war, mainly pointing out the fact that "the so called "allies" have no way to go to Naples and at the moment they are simply shouting "yeah!" and "go on!" as if this were an arena fight of some sort".[5] On the other hand, journalist Patryk Adam Bronisz, on a video from October 3, criticized the NPSC's decision to get neutral and declared to support the loyalists. Since the beginning, the Ambassadorial Council has declared neutrality and no interest in the conflict, and the decision hasn't been opposed by the St.Charlian Parliament.
  • Kingdom of Moylurg/Kingdom of Copan
  • Wyvern
  • Barony of Kremlum Sandus
  • Kingdom of Theodia: His Grace, King Swen I, has pointed-out that this "war" seems more like a bunch of teenagers 'running-around and shooting at each other than a nation 'trying to fend-off some dangerous "terrorist" group. He urges both sides to initiate peace talks as quickly as possible so that this "embarrassing conflict might end with some dignity". He suggests talking things out like "civilized human beings", for few things in micronationalism are truly worth waging "war" for.
  • Republic of Secundomia
  • MGPRA1
  • New Europe: After returning from a near crippling period of inactivity, the New European Emperor offered his 'peace of wisdom to all'. The Emperor suggested that a cease fire should be called and called on both parties to negotiate peace even if they wanted a neutral party to do it for them. The Emperor asked them to trust him and to look at the New European Civil War as an example of what had happened in the past. He went on to say that he had never seen so many of his own followers get hurt over a belief. Now, as part of a real army, he says that he understands the real world magnitude of what the Atlanteans are pretending. He ended his statement by calling for both sides to stop fighting before they "destroy yourself like I did".
  • PrSR: Find it completely pointless, useless, another dumb war with no hope of anyone seeing real combat and, along with the MGPRA1, don't care.
  • Angador: After having a brief period of inactivity, the High King has issued this statement on the Civil War. "I can see that this was probably done to show many people a group's views and thought that this was the fastest and easiest way to put it forward. I see that it has become just as bad as previous "civil wars". Being part of the Austenasia Civil War was a moment of Angadorian history that my nation has to deal with, we are not ashamed of or really proud of what happened during the event. we just deal with what happened and i would not change my actions if I had the chance to. I am still firm believer in Carolinianism and seem like the only one. So my message would be end this problem as soon as possible and as peaceful as possible. Do not regret what you have done as it will not be foregotten. To the Young Empress, HMH High King James I of Angador.
  • Republic of Patetopia
  • Intermicronational Conservative Alliance
  •  Federal Commonwealth of Sirocco: Siroccan Premier Daniel Anderson has condemned the War as a "very silly little quarrel that we won't get involved in". Sirocco will adopt a formal policy of neutrality should the conflict continue into November.
  • People's Democratic Republic of Pugguinia: Originally on the side of the rebels under the leadership of Alex Sinatra Gossard. The new leader, Lord Franklin Daivs Martin Jr. decided on new foreign policies and withdrew from the war. But he was overthrown and re-replaced by Alex Sinatra Gossard who has decided not to rejoin the war.

Rebel support




  1. "The show is ended (sic), soon the Revolution will came (sic) in your territory defeating all the conservatives, revisionists and fascists burocrat (sic) of the state. Proletarians of the whole world unite! You just have to lose the chains and a whole world to gain!"
  2. "You have wrong (sic) on the date I'll not be surprised if tomorrow you say that you have wrong (sic) also on the facts. We both know that you was (sic) in holiday from saturday afternoon (13:00 pm) to sunday evening (19:00 pm) my secret services are better then (sic) yours."
  3. "I give you a last chanche (sic) to end all this that you have begin (sic) with the diplomacy, or we will attack and take OUR territory back"
  4. Despite the creation of a new, independent micronation, the civil war hasn't stopped.
  5. "Please stop", official NPSC Statement, Heinrich Schneider, September 21, 2010