Ebenthaler nobility

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Noble Titles of Ebenthal
  Princedoms of Ebenthal
  Dukedoms of Ebenthal
  Marquisates of Ebenthal
  Counties of Ebenthal
  Baronies of Ebenthal

The Ebenthaler nobility (Portuguese: Nobreza Ebentálica) is a social class and the peerage of the Kingdom of Ebenthal. It consists of aristocrats holding noble titles and their immediate families. Nobles proper (suo jure) carry the titles of non-royal prince, duke, marquis, count and baron and enjoy the style of adress of excellency, with the exception of princes, whose style is highness. Noble titles are conferred and revoked at the King's discretion. All titles are personal, lifetime and non-transferable, and their inheritance depends on formal confirmation from the Sovereign. Descendants in up to the second generation of titled nobles receive the courtesy title of lord/lady.

Upon having a title granted, the noble is registered at the Registry of Nobility and Knighthood of the Kingdom, an independent agency overseen by a King of Arms appointed by the Sovereign. Although historically powerful, the Ebenthaler nobility today enjoys limited privileges such as exclusive membership in the House of Aristocrats, the upper chamber of the national parliament, and the right to be judged by their peers.


The Ebenthaler nobility dates back to the Roschfallenian nobility. The first noble titles recognized in Ebenthal were those conferred by the King of Roschfallen on the leaders of the rebellion that led to the formation and independence of Ebenthal. With the promulgation of the Constitution of Ebenthal in 2015, the country became an aristocratic state, in which only members of the nobility could hold public administrative positions. However, this regime was abolished in 2021 with the approval of Bicameral Act.

In 2022, Ebenthal's nobility system underwent an aesthetic reform that consisted purely of changing the territorial designation of some extant titles, instigated by the House of Aristocrats' Luso-Germanic Cultural Commission in order to promote cultural cohesion. The reform was followed, in 2023, by the abolition of 23 titles and the establishment of a stricter policy on the granting of honors.


The Ebenthaler constitution, as per ammendment, gives the noble class the exclusive right to sit in the House of Aristocrats, pending appointment by the Sovereign, and to be judged by their peers, if they request the right. In the House of Aristocrats, nobles oversee civil policy and have the power to reject bills passed in the House of Councillors, sending them back to the lower house of parliament to amend approved bills. Councilors and submit their amendments for approval to the lower house and introduce bills themselves. Since the enactment of the 2024 New Nobility Act, nobles cannot be elected to the House of Councillors. The nobility also enjoy [[rights of precedence immediately after the royalty.

All privileges of a noble are lost they disclaim their noble title. A noble by marriage loses the privilege upon marrying a commoner but a noble suo jure does not. Individuals who hold courtesy titles, however, do not have such privileges by virtue of those titles.


Ebenthal nobility system is inspired by both the Portuguese nobility and British Peerage. Titles are for life unless the bearer relinquishes it or the Sovereign relinquishes the title by Royal Edict. Furthermore, titles are personal, and therefore are only hereditary if the right of inheritance is explicitly conferred by the Sovereign.

List of titles


  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Prince of Soussen 2024 Raphael Sousa Arthur II


  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Duchess of Guterfolg 2022 Gabriela Amorim Arthur II
2 The Duchess of Erzfelsen 2022 Princess Nilse Carvalho
3 The Duchess of Aufenbauer 2022 Princess Alda Carvalho
4 The Duke of Grünewald 2019 Thiago Walker
Gustavo Grünewald
Matthew I


  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Marquis of Rozandir 2020 Jonathan Scherer-Arrais Arthur II
2 The Marchioness of Zerrenthin 2024 Luísa Somme
3 The Marquis of Braunau 2022 Hans Scherer
4 The Marquis of Amsee 2022 Nicholas Reis
5 The Marchioness of Gehhilfe 2023 Thiago Walker
Isabella Walker
6 The Marquis of Lüttenbühl 2022 Rodrigo Scherer-Arrais


  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Count of Valëns 2020 Bruno de Moraes Arthur II
2 The Countess of Barcelos 2021 Beatriz Barcelos
3 The Count of Aldringen 2019 André Marquadt
4 The Count of Grzebuła 2020 Eric Grzebuła
5 The Count of Bannen 2024
(Originally created Duke on 2021)
Marco Antonio Rino
6 The Count of Gesetzhausen 2014 Pedro Reis Arthur I
7 The Count of Versteckberg 2015 Nilo Moreira
8 The Count of Verdefort 2015 Raphael Viana


  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Baron of Koehler 2023 João Koehler Arthur II
2 The Baron of Sommerlath 2023 Rupert Ruschel
3 The Baroness of Durchbohrterthron 2022 Marlene Viana
4 The Baron of Telesia 2024
(Originally created Marquis in 2019)
Lucas Lira
5 The Baron of Grünhufe 2024
(Originally created Marquis in 2019)
Allan de Pádua
6 The Baron of Linz 2014 Ruy Menezes Arthur I

Courtesy titles

Courtesy titles are noble titles that have no legal significance, but are used out of custom or respect for the dignity of the holder. In Ebenthal this generally applies to persons who once held legal titles, but which were later abolished—particularly in the case of the princely families that ruled the former administrative divisions of Ebenthal, before they were transformed into municipalities; members of the princely families have formally lost their titles, but continue to be referred to as princes, even by the state. Also included among courtesy titles are noble titles originating from other nations, but tacitly recognized by the Sovereign of Ebenthal.

  •       Subsidiary title.
  •       Dormant title.
Arms Title Created Grantee Monarch
1 The Prince of Albuquerque-Maryen 2022 Thomas de Saena e Albuquerque-Maryen Arthur II
2 The Prince of Goëtzën 2021 Oscar Götzö-Thomaz-Rocha
3 The Duchess of Ottokar 2024 Maria Ottokar-Flaviano

