Ebenthaler Constitution of 2024

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Constitution of Ebenthal
Created2 February 2024
Presented5 February 2024
Ratified18 February 2024
Date effective18 February 2024
SystemUnitary parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy
Government structure
ChambersBicameral: Konkrëse (House of Aristocrats and House of Councillors)
ExecutiveThe Monarch and Archchancellor
JudiciaryTribune of Truth
Last amended1 May 2024
Author(s)Arthur van der Bruyn
Jonathan Scherer-Arrais
SignatoriesArthur van der Bruyn
Jonathan Scherer-Arrais
Wellington Muniz
Pedro Reis

The Constitution of Ebenthal, officially Political Constitution of the Kingdom of Ebenthal and Territories (Portuguese: Constituição Política do Reino de Ebenthal e Territórios) is the supreme law of the Kingdom of Ebenthal. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of Ebenthal as a sovereign state. It provides the framework for the organization of government and its branches and of citizens and their rights. Originally written in Portuguese, the constitution was largely based on the 1824 constitution of the Brazilian Empire, 1867 constitution of the Austrian Empire and the 1997 constitution of Porto Claro.

Promulgated on 18 February 2024, it is Ebenthal's second constitution, replacing the Ebenthaler Constitution of 2015. Unlike its predecessor, which was written and approved by a constituent assembly, the current constitution was written and imposed by the Monarch, the King Arthur II, in common agreement with the leaders of the legislature and judiciary. Jonathan Scherer, 1st Marquis of Rozandir, assisted the Monarch in writing the constitutional text and signed the Magna Carta as Lord President of the House of Aristocrats; Being himself ex officio King of New Southern Rhine, the Ebenthaler constitution earned the nickname Constitution of the Two Kings.

The constitution defines Ebenthal as a unitary parliamentary hereditary semi-constitutional monarchy. It creates an unusual w:Separation of power, between the moderating power, exercised solely by the Monarch as head of state, the executive power, whose functions are divided between the Monarch and the Archchancellor, as co-heads of government, the legislative power, exercised by the Konkrëse, a mixed aristocratic-democratic bicameral legislature, and the judiciary power, exercised almost exclusivelly by the Tribune of Truth, the country's supreme court.

The constitution provides for a comparatively powerful Monarch, while severely limiting his ability to govern alone. Simultaneously, government actions depend on royal assent, thus making state and government co-dependent. Neither the Sovereign nor the parliament can make any laws which may be repugnant or contrary to the constitution. Laws can be declared unconstitutional and rendered void by the Tribune of Truth. Changes to the constitution must be passed by a supermajority in a joint session of the two chambers of Konkrëse.
