Orders, decorations, and medals of Ebenthal

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The orders, decorations, and medals of Ebenthal, nationally called the National Pantheon of Honours and Awards (Portuguese: Panteão Nacional de Honrarias e Premiações) it is the collective that comprises the honorific and chivalric orders, the medals and the courtesy titles granted by the State of Ebenthal to its citizens and to foreigners. The Ebenthal honor system has as its main function to recognize and reward individuals for specific actions or achievements whether or not related to the Kingdom of Ebenthal. It consists of three types of award: honours and decorations, such as titles and membership in orders of knighthood, in recgonition to merit in terms of deeds, achievements and services to the country; and medals, to recognise bravery, long and/or valuable service and/or good conduct.

As the head of state, the King of Ebenthal is the fons honorum of all orders, which are granted at his pleasure. The Pantheon of Honours include both dynastic orders, which are mastered in perpetuity by a dynasty, regardless of their reigning status or not, and by national orders, that belong to the state and are guided by the Head of State, whoever he may be. Dynastic orders are entirely and entirely the responsibility of their Grand Masters, while national orders have government-appointed chancellors who administer membership. The federative units of Ebenthal have the autonomy to create their own orders, but so far only one exists. According to the enacted honors directive, all Ebenthaler orders must necessarily be single-graded.

Current orders

Name Ranks Ribbon Established Motto Description
Order of Prince Ludwig Gaston of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza
Ordem do Príncipe Luís Gastão de Saxe-Coburgo e Bragança
Knight/Dame (SCB)
A Ducibus ad Imperatores una familia, multae domus
From Dukes to Emperors, one family, many homes
National order granted at the monarch's pleasure;
Order of the Cross of Saint James
Ordem da Cruz de Santiago
Knight/Dame (CCS)
Sancti Iacobi et dele pro Ebenthal
Saint James and strike for Ebenthal
National order granted at the monarch's pleasure;
Order of the Crancelin
Ordem do Crancelin
Knight/Dame (CRA)
Una corona, plures populi
One crown, many peoples
National order granted at the monarch's pleasure;
Order of the Blue Blood
Ordem do Sangue Azul
Knight/Dame (OBB)
Homem como poucos, Príncipe como nenhum
Man like few, Prince like none
Dynastyc order exclusively granted to royals at the monarch's pleasure;
Order of Lady Mary
Ordem de Dona Maria
Dame (DDM)
Amor et Sapientia
Love and Wisdom
Dynastyc order exclusively granted to women at the monarch's pleasure.

Dormant orders

Name Ranks Ribbon Established Motto Description
Order of Pedro II of Brazil
Ordem de Pedro II do Brasil
Knight/Dame (PII)
20 August 2021
Ao Magnânimo Imperador do Brasil
To the Magnanimous Emperor of Brazil
Highest Dynastyc order in Ebenthal, granted at the monarch's pleasure.

Subnational orders

Name Ranks Ribbon Established Motto Description
Order of the Swiss Prince
Ordem do Príncipe Suíço
Grand Cross (GCPS)
Commander (COPS)
Official (OPS)
Knight (CPS)
Dame (DPS)
Deus misereátur gentem hanc
May God have mercy on this nation
Granted at the Prince of New Switzerland's pleasure.

Former orders

Name Ranks Ribbon Established Motto Description
Royal Ebenthali Order
Real Ordem Ebentálica
Knight/Dame (ROE)
Vivre et laisser vivre
Live and let live
National order exclusively granted to heads of state upon the establishment of formal diplomatic relations with Ebenthal.
Order of the Silver Cat
Ordem do Gato de Prata
Knight/Dame (OGP)
29 December 2019
Patientia superbia mentis operationem
Patience, pride, intelligence, action
Highest national order in Ebenthal, granted at the monarch's pleasure.
Order of Gillis the Artisan
Ordem de Gillis
Knight/Dame (GOA)
Ars gratia artis
Art for the sake of art
Dynastyc order granted at the monarch's pleasure;
Order of Dagon
Ordem de Dagon
Knight (OED)
Dame (OED)
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
At his house in R'lyeh, Cthulhu, dead, awaits dreaming
Civil merit
Dynastyc order.
Order of St. Arnald
Ordem de São Arnaldo
National order granted for civil merit.
Order of the Mountain Star
Ordem da Estrela da Montanha
National order granted for civil merit.
Order of Sea and War
Ordem do Mar e Guerra
National order granted for military merit.
Order of the Black Needles
Ordem das Agulhas Negras
Victoria uel Vindicta
Victory or Vengeance
National order granted for military merit.

See also