Economy of Ebenthal

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Economy of Ebenthal
Fixed exchange rates𝕮1 = 1g CU (copper standard)
Fiscal yearCalendar year
GDP 𝕮11.762 million (2024, PPP)
𝕮8.520 million (2024, nominal)
GDP growth 98% (2024, PPP)
99% (2024, nominal)
GDP per capita 𝕮50,482 (2024, PPP)
𝕮36,566 (2024, nominal)
GDP by sectorServices: 72%; Farming: 21%; Industry: 6%; Banking: 1%; (est. Mar 2024)
InflationNegative increase 22.04%
Labour force 102 (est. Mar 2024)
Average net salary 𝕮20.574 (est. Mar 2024)
Main industriesConsumables • construction • Decoration goods • Telecommunication • Beverages • Wood
Exports𝕮78.132 (2023, reintroduced on the national budget)
Export goodsApples, wheat, meat, sausages, furniture, curtains, stained glass, wood, liquor, candies, informatic pieces, tea
Main export partners Brazil 74%
 China 17%
 European Union 9%
Import goodsMachinery and equipment, computational technology, textiles and footwear, chemicals, agricultural products, natural gas, minerals and fuels
Main import partners Brazil 52%
 China 40%
 United States 8%
Public finances
Public debtNegative increase 2% of GDP (2024)
Budget deficit0% of GDP (2024)
ExpensesNegative increase 𝕮511.708 (2024)
Foreign reserves 𝕮300.000
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in

The Economy of Ebenthal is regarded[By whom?] as a micronationally advanced economy, largely based in the services sector with farming contributing considerably. Due to its status as a self-proclaimed microstate without international recognition by UN member states, the country is unable to enforce tax collection and maintenance of the state apparatus depends entirely on of private profits poured into the public sector. The state only considers as national economic activities those carried by Ebenthalers within Ebenthaler territory, in which part of the profits are destined to national maintenance. As such, the state considers only services provided by citizens of Ebenthal with financial return for the country and companies based in national territory as part of the national production activity.

The official currency of Ebenthal is the Conto, whose value is backed through the copper standard at the fixed exchange rate of 𝕮1 to CU 1g. The country keeps a store of value of both refined copper and silver bullion coins of convertible value. However, the government issues currency backed by public debt bonds, which works like credit, allowing the country to issue currency at high inflationary risk. Notwithstanding, the Conto is _de facto_ used solely for the government's internal financial activities, whereas the Brazilian Real is the currency used on a daily basis by Ebenthaler residents, and both the Conto and the Real are recognized as legal tenders.

The Ebenthaler economy works free from much bureaucracy. The country's de facto economic system is self-described as a hybrid between laissez-faire and state capitalism, on which transactions between private groups or people are free from any form of economic interventionism while most of the business and commercial enterprises are nationalized. Nevertheless, the state recognizes a series of labor rights and the social responsability of labor providers, allowing the formation of trade unions, safeguarding the principle of workers' self-management and envisioning the establishment of a sustainable universal basic income as well as a minimum wage.

Ebenthaler economic policy is set by the Ministry of Economy in association with the Executive Council under the design of its leader, the Archchancellor and the scrutiny of the Konkrëse. The policy is implemented by laws and through mostly autonomous government institutions such as the Bank of Ebenthal, which works as Marienbourg's central bank. Additionally, Ebenthal is a member state of the Micronational Trade Organization, with which it acts in close partnership in defining its economic objectives and policies. monetary policy, however, is set by an executive board made up of representatives from both the Bank of Ebenthal and Marienbourg's Ducal Bank – as both countries adopts the Conto as official currency – mediated by an external auditor.
