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National flag of Ebenthal
Total population
Regions with significant populations
 Ebenthal 131
 Brazil 31
 United States 10
 Argentina 8
 Sweden 6
 Italy 3
 Germany 2
 India 2
 France 1
 Colombia 1
 Netherlands 1
 Portugal 1
 Sildavia 1
 United Kingdom 1
 Karnia-Ruthenia 1
 Vishwamitra 1
 Australia 1
 Burdette 1
 Japan 1
 Rino Island 1
 New Zealand 1
 Peru 1
 Belgium 1
 Uruguay 1

Predominantly Portuguese, German, English, Spanish, Swedish, Italian


Christianity (primarily Catholicism and secondarily Protestantism), Spiritism, Irreligion, Umbandism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism

Ebenthalers (Portuguese: Ebentálicos) are citizens of Ebenthal in accordance to the Ebenthaler nationality law. This includes all permanent residents of Ebenthal proper, as well as those living outside the kingdom who have been granted or applied for citizenship and the children of Ebenthaler citizens wherever they might been born. Ebenthal is a multiethnic society, which means that it is home to people of many ethnic origins, and there is no correlation between one's stock and their Ebenthaler identity. Being Ebenthaler is a civic phenomenon, rather than an ethnic one.

According to the 2022 National Census, the population of Ebenthal is divided into two major racial groups, that of the vastly majority of whites (77.6%) and mixed race people (16%), with a significant minority of blacks (3.8%) and a small minority of Bengalis (1.4%) and East Asians (0.4%). The country's most natively spoken language is the Portuguese (78.1%), which is also the national language, followed by the German (8.7%), predominantly in the form of the Brazilian-originated German dialect called Hunsrik. English is natively spoken by a significant minority (6.7%) and it is used as a work language and as lingua france between the Portuguese-speaking majority and the others. Other languages spoken include the Spanish which is spoken primarily by people of Argentinian origin(5.8%), the Swedish, spoken by the Nordics who applied for citizenship in a wave (2.9%), Italian spoken by multinational immigrants (1.4%), and also Hindi, French, Japanese and Dutch. Christians comprises most of the population (63.5%) and are subsequently divided into Catholics (51.4%) and Protestans (12.1%). A major group of Ebenthalers are Spiritists (24.2%), making of Ebenthal the most proportionaly Spiritist country in the world, albeit largely unrecognized. Irreligious, including Atheists, make the third largest group in this category (8.2%) followed by two significant Buddhist (1.9%) and Hindu minorities (1.4%).

While all Ebenthaler citizens are registered and aware of their status, only 83 (40.2% of the population) actively and fully exercise their citizenship and are subsequently labeled "citizens-in-exercise" by the government. In 2022 all Ebenthaler citizens have at least dual citizenship, the vast majority (61.5%) being of Brazilian origin. On 24 October 2020 Princess Emmanuela of Ebenthal became the first Ebenthaler citizen by jus soli at birth in Malmünd.


According to the Constitution of Ebenthal, an Ebenthali citizen is:

  • Anyone born in Ebenthal, even to foreign born parents.
  • Anyone born outside of Ebenthal to an Ebenthaler father or an Ebenthaler mother who are expected to reside in Ebenthal for at least a year more.
  • Anyone born outside of Ebenthal who applied for and was accepted as an Ebenthaler citizen.
  • Anyone born outside of Ebenthal who take up residence in Ebenthal for more than a year and accept the registration as an Ebenthaler citizen.

According to the Constitution, all people who hold Ebenthaler citizenship are equal, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or religion.

History and overview

See also
