National Guard (Ebenthal)

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National Guard
Guarda Nacional
Founded24 August 2024
HeadquartersSaxenfurt, Ebenthal
Commander-in-ChiefKing Arthur II
Minister of DefenseRodrigo Falcão
CommanderPrince Pedro Henrique
Military age16+
Active personnel2
Reserve personnel31
Percent of GDP1.1%
Domestic suppliers
Atom Stresser
ManageEngine Log360
Foreign suppliers

The National Guard (Portuguese: Guarda Nacional) is the armed force and gendarmerie of Ebenthal. It is a military reserve force, that is, it is a non-standing force whose members have civilian occupations and only assume military functions when called upon. Membership is voluntary from the age of 16. As a single force, the National Guard is tasked with defend the country and its borders, patrol and perform ceremonial duties. The National Guard is divided into cadres according to specialties. The National Guard is under civil control, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. The King of Ebenthal is its commander-in-chief, and the military swears allegiance to the crown.


Ebenthal adopts the civilian control of the military model. The National Guard is an autonomous institution, however it is subordinated to the Ministry of Defense. As per convention, the Minister of Defense appoints two senior officers, and the Monarch, as commander-in-chief, appoints one of them to the position of Commander of the National Guard. Without conscription, the National Guard is a volunteer military force with enlistment from 16 years of age. At the time of enlistment, loyalty is sworn to the Crown, not to the person of the Monarch, nor to the State itself. The Tribune of Truth interprets that although the Crown actively represents the State, they are two distinct institutions, so that by swearing loyalty to the Crown, if the State legally transforms from a monarchy into a republic, the military are essentially relieved from their duty.

As a reserve military force, members of the National Guard have civilian occupations and only perform active military duty when required, such as in missions, during conflicts, or as diplomatic representatives. The only standing active-duty members of the National Guard are its Commander and Deputy Commander.


Acknowledging the sparseness among the enclaves that make up the national territory and the very small size of its military force, the National Guard does not divide its activities and units into regional commands, brigades or divisions. Instead, it is divided into specialized cadres. These are:

Corps English Duty
Portuguese: Corpo Náutico Nautical Corps Navar warfare
Portuguese: Corpo Cibernáutico Cybernautical Corps Cyberwarfare
Portuguese: Corpo Aeronáutico Aeronautical Corps Aerial warfare
Portuguese: Gendarmeria Gendarmerie Patrol and land warfare
Portuguese: Corpo Cerimonial Cerimonial Corps Cerimonial duties

Military rankings

Senior officer uniform.

The insignia and ranks of the National Guard were defined by the National Military Act, which created the military force. Maintaining the ancient Lusophone tradition of Brazilian Empire and Kingdom of Portugal, Ebenthal calls the rank of aspirant alferes. Aesthetically, the insignia were inspired by those of Finland and Independent State of Croatia.


NATO equiv. code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF(D) Student officer
Marshal General Brigadier Colonel Lieutenant
Major Captain Lieutenant Alferes

NGO and enlisted grades

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
No equivalent First sargeant Second sargeant Third sargeant Corporal Soldier
