Foreign relations of the Republic of Ashukovo

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Republic of Ashukovo

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of
Republic of Ashukovo


Being one of the most active nations in what is considered the MicroWiki sector, Ashukovo enjoys a prominent diplomatic role as a major micronational power. Considering as major allies New Virginia, and Wyvern, the Republic of Ashukovo implements foreign relations and defines foreign policy through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The current Minister is Prince Edward I. Ashukovo is also a member of Amatine League, Grand Unified Micronational and Saint Josephsburg Economic Pact and enjoys perfect relations with all of their member states.

As of 27 July 2024, Ashukovo recognizes all member states of the United Nations, a handful of partially-recognized states, and a several micronations, including many fellow GUM members.

Recognised nations; no relations

The following is a list of nations recognised by Ashukovo, in accordance with the001-2017 Presidential Decree. Ashukovo recognises the following states, but has no relations, formal or informal, with any of them.

Flag Country Recognition Notes
All member-states of the United Nations 10 February 2017
Abkhazia, Republic of 10 February 2017
Donetsk, People's Republic of 10 February 2017
Luhansk People's Republic 10 February 2017
Palestine, State of 10 February 2017
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic 10 February 2017
Sealand, Principality of 10 February 2017
Seborga, Principality of 10 February 2017
South Ossetia, Republic of 10 February 2017

Formerly recognised nations; no relations

Flag Country Recognition Notes
Luhansk People's Republic 10 February 2017 Recognition revoked on 16 April 2020.
Talossa, Kingdom of 10 February 2017 Recognition revoked on 16 April 2020.

Official relations

Flag Country Recognition Notes
Imvrassia, Kingdom of 5 March 2017[1][2]
  • Ashukovo and Imvrassia enjoy excellent diplomatic relations.
    • The former Ashukov District of Mouzilo, in particular, enjoyed a special relationship with the Kingdom of Imvrassia, both being located in Greece, sharing common national identities and culture, and having a very similar stance on international and domestic matters.
  • Both nations are members of the Hellenic League.
Karnia,the Lands Represented in the Council of, and Ruthenia, the Kingdoms and Lands of the Crown of 9 April 2017[3]
  • Ashukovo and Karnia-Ruthenia enjoy excellent diplomatic relations.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement regarding the formalization of diplomatic affairs was published on April the 15th, 2017[4]
Austenasia, Empire of 4 May 2017[5]
  • The two states share a common Orthodox Christian culture.
  • Emperor Jonathan I was a member of the Orthodox Association of Ashukovo.
  • Former President of Ashukovo Vera Hewitt served as Prime Minister of Austenasia.
  • Both nations are members of the Grand Unified Micronational.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs press release regarding the formalization of diplomatic affairs was published on 15 April 2017[6]
Abelden, Empire of 9 May 2017
  • Ashukovo and Abeldane enjoy excellent diplomatic relations.
  • Both nations are members of the Grand Unified Micronational.
Nedland, Khaganate of 16 May 2017
  • Ashukovo and Nedland enjoy excellent diplomatic relations.
New Virginia, Commonwealth of 15 April 2020[7]
  • Ashukovo and New Virginia are major political and cultural allies.
  • Founder and Chairman of New Virginia Brooke Kennedy served as President of Ashukovo in 2013.
  • Ashukovo and New Virginia are both founding members of the Amatine League.
Adammia, Empire of 5 May 2020
  • Both nations are members of the Grand Unified Micronational.
Gymnasium State 16 May 2020
  • Both Ashukovo and Gymnasium maintain land claims in Central Europe.
  • Both nations are members of the Grand Unified Micronational.
Vancouver Island Soviet Socialist Republic 31 May 2020
  • Ashukovo and VISSR enjoy excellent diplomatic relations.

Former relations

Flag Country Recognition Notes
Pavlov, Empire of 10 February 2017
Terminated 12 May 2017
  • First nation to enter into diplomatic relations with the Second Ashukov Federation, on January the 10th, 2017.[8]
  • Pavlovian leader Alexander IV was formerly an Ashukov citizen.
  • On May 14, 2017 Pavlov ceased to exist.
Hasanistan, State of 14 May 2017
Terminated 13 June 2017
  • Hasan Çakar was formerly a citizen of Ashukovo and member of the Federal Assembly between 2013 and 2014. His citizenship was dishonorably revoked in 2014, following a series of scandals which included charges on vandalism and treason.
  • In 2017 Çakar attempted to re-obtain Ashukov citizenship, claiming to have been admitted as Mouzeliot national. Çakar's request was subsequently deemed unlawful by the Supreme Judge of the Federation. Hasanistan responded by cutting all diplomatic relations with Ashukovo.[9]
Shorewell, Empire of 10 May 2017[10]
Terminated 16 April 2020
  • Ashukovo and Shorewell enjoyed excellent diplomatic relations.
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Coria, Kingdom of 11 May 2017
Terminated 16 April 2020
  • Nikola I of Coria was a member of the Orthodox Association of Ashukovo.
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Essian Commonwealth 10 June 2017
Terminated 16 April 2020
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Crimson Socialist Republic 6 May 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Lysimachia, Empire of 14 May 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Brienia, Kingdom of 18 April 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Montescano, Tsardom of 23 April 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • Montescanin Monarch Dionisiy I was a former citizen of Ashukovo.
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Antarctica, The United Republics of 28 April 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
Misberia, Directive of 1 May 2020Terminated 22 May 2022
  • A treaty of mutual recognition was signed during the 2020 edition of the 24-hour Grand Unified Micronational Quorum.
  • Treaty nullified by the Republic of Ashukovo.
