Ford Cabinet

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The Ford Cabinet was the fifth governing Council of Ministers of the Ashukov Federation. Appointed by Prime Minister Nathan Ford on 25 January 2014, the Ford Cabinet came to replace the Schriber Cabinet, which was dismissed after Sebastian Schriber's term has ended. It was replaced by the Hewitt Cabinet II on 18 May 2014.


Party key Honor Party
National Party
Orthodox Party
Social Democratic Party
Seats by party (As of March 18, 2014)
Office Name Political affiliation
Prime Minister Nathan Ford OP
Deputy Prime Minister Edward Jacobs OP
Aerospace Minister Nathan Ford OP
Defense Minister Jacob Huff HP
Home Minister Vera Hewitt NP
Foreign Minister Vera Hewitt NP
Culture Minister Richard Cunningham (to March18) NP
Emmanouil Tsompanoglou (from March 18) SDP
Sports and Recreation Minister Emmanouil Tsompanoglou SDP