Organization of Islamic Micronations

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Organisation of Islamic Micronations
منظمة الدول الإسلامية المجهرية (Arabic)
Membership23 Members
2 Observers
• Chair
Ibraheem I
Saleh A.H
Showib Ahmmed
• Foundation
12 March 2024
23 June 2024

The Organization of Islamic Micronations (OIM) is an intermicronational organization established on 12 March 2024. Founded by Ibraheem I and Saleh A.H, the OIM serves as an organization for micronations with Islamic affiliations to engage in diplomacy, cultural exchange, and cooperation.


The OIM was established on 12 March 2024, with the signing of its charter, which outlines its fundamental purposes and organizational structure. It was founded on the belief in Islam as a unifying force among nations and strives to foster solidarity and community among its member states.

Organizational Structure

The OIM's structure is defined in the Charter and includes the General Assembly, specialized committees, the Executive, and the Supreme Court.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the OIM. It consists of representatives from each member country and has the authority to approve major initiatives, amend the Charter, and admit new members. The General Assembly also creates specialized committees to address specific issues. The assembly is responsible for making decisions by majority vote, creating committees and commissions, approving projects, and ratifying treaties. Sessions are chaired by the Chair, Vice-Chair, Chief Justice, or a nominated delegate. Each full member has one vote, with voting periods lasting 24 hours.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the judicial branch responsible for interpreting OIM laws, advising on legal matters, and investigating violations. It operates independently from the General Assembly and Executive, ensuring impartiality and expeditious decision-making.


The Executive comprises the Chair, Vice-Chair, Chief Justice, and other officials. The Chair, elected for a six-month term, is the head of the Executive and the General Assembly. The Vice Chair, appointed by the Chair, serves as the deputy. The Chief Justice, appointed by the Chair, heads the Supreme Court and administers elections. The Chair can also appoint additional justices.

Executive Election

Elections for the Chair are administered by the Chief Justice. If the Chief Justice is a candidate or unavailable, another justice or a nominated delegate administers the election. Elections are held before each six-month term, with candidates campaigning one week prior to voting. Voting lasts 72 hours, and no delegate may serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair.


Membership is open to all Muslim micronations that share the OIM's values and goals. Prospective members must identify as micronations of Muslim origin and are subject to approval by the existing members. Full member states vote on membership applications, which can be rejected without a vote for specific reasons.

Observer Status

Micronations with at least a 20% Muslim majority can apply for observer status. Observers can participate in formal OIM proceedings but do not have voting rights. Their applications are subject to a vote by the General Assembly and can be rejected without a vote for specific reasons.


Each full member state sends three delegates to the OIM, while observers send one delegate. Delegates must be citizens of the member or observer state they represent. Changes in delegation can be made by notifying the Chair.

List of members

Full members

# Flag Name Member since Currency(ies) Capital(s) Head of State
1 Emirate of Shaheenistan 12 March 2024 Ibraheemi Riyal Shaheenistan Ibraheem I
2 Islamic Republic of Olov 12 March 2024 Olovian Basil Van Engels Saleh A.H
3 Sultanate of Selatan 14 March 2024 Singapore Dollar Changkat Changi Noor Alyarish
4 Qintiistan Darussalam 16 March 2024 Qintiistani Shilling Oya Seri Omban Faisal bin Muhammad
5 Islamiyyah Dunjakistan 20 March 2024 Dunjak Ujar Alleria Abubakar Ibrahim I
6 Kingdom of Ajdinland 13 April 2024 Sejlar Ajdingrad Ajdin Sejdinović
7 Ugori Islamic People's Emirate 23 April 2024 Ugori Dollar Ugori Centar Elnur Pamukčić
8 Islamic Emirate of Besonia 12 April 2024 Besonian Kaantal Misol Ran DB
9 Islamic Emirate of Recanesia 15 April 2024 Ruza'il None Abdullah al-Shadhil
10 Kingdom of Imruland 22 May 2024 Ika Shagorika Showib Ahmmed
11 Soyuzist Republic of Azameen 25 May 2024 Moroccan Dirham Adrar Hicham Soyuz
12 State of Rovia 27 May 2024 Egyptian Pound, Saudi Riyal Karaz Al Mu'tazz billah
13 Sheikhdom of El Amal 27 May 2024 Egyptian Pound, Euna Qaryet El Amal El Sayyid Abdelghafar
14 Hashemite Kingdom of Raritania 30 May 2024 Raritan Dinar, United States Dollar, Pakistani Rupee Qadirabad Yusuf I
15 Turkic Micronation Of Yazhnikstan 5 June 2024 Hym Uleseika Kildiyar Mukhtarov
16 Republic of Zarkyiv 6 June 2024 Zarkyivo Farhan ZP
17 Grand Khanate of Sol 7 June 2024 Sol Red Rockia Christopher Solis
18 Kingdom of Azura 22 June 2024 Azurian Dinar Azura city Abdullahi Bashir
19 Prıncıpalıty of Adana 11 July 2024 Dirham Adana Muhammad
20 Khalifat e Isakhelistan 17 August 2024 Pakistani Rupee Khizeristan Usmaan Khan Niazi
21 Batiikhist Sultanate of Batiikhistan 19 August 2024 Dunjak Ujar Batiikh M.A Sadiq
22 Federation of Kortland 7 September 2024 Tunisian Dinar, Euro Daarhedi King Youssef I
23 Democratic Oligarchy of Yuldurustan 12 September 2024 Yulduru Manat Icheroba Memmed Family


# Flag Name Observer since Currency(ies) Capital(s) Head of State
1 Republic of Kartal 19 March 2024 Kartal Lira Kartal Doruk
2 Free Socialist State of Paloma 11 April 2024 Paloman dinero Paloma City (de facto) Aidan McGrath

External links