Kingdom of Landopia

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Kingdom of Landopia
Regno di Landopia (Italian)
Regnum Landopiae (Latin)
Motto: Lux Imperat (official)
Lux Imperat in Æternam (variant)
The Light reign supreme
Anthem: National Anthem of the Kingdom of Landopia
Royal anthem: Magnificat Anima mea Dominum, BWV 243
Territories of the Kingdom of Landopia
Territories of the Kingdom of Landopia
Official languagesItalian
Ethnic groups
Roman Catholicism
GovernmentUnitary confessional semi-parliamentary monarchy under an absolute monarchy
• Monarch
Carlo I
• Prime Minister
Gabriele Scorzato
LegislatureParliament (III)
Senate of the Kingdom
Independence from the Italian Republic
• Declaration of Independence
20 December 2018
• Estimate
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
Gini (2024)17.9
HDI (2024) 0.940
very high
CurrencyLandopian crown (CR)
Time zoneCET+1
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+39
Internet TLD
  • .rdl (de jure)
  • .it (de facto)

Landopia (pron.: /lɑːndɒpɪɑː/), officially the Kingdom of Landopia (Italian: Regno di Landopia), is a micronation surrounded by the Italian Republic. Landopia is a micronation founded by Carlo I, the first and incumbent King of the nation who has held the throne since the proclamation of the nation on 20 December 2018.[1] Landopia is cradled by mountains to the south and north and cut in half by a stream. It is located in the geographic region of Triveneto. The total area of the Kingdom has exponentially from 54461 km² until 27 June 2022, when, with a Royal Decree, the total area of the Nation was reduced to the actual 25 km².

The Kingdom of Landopia is a unitary parliamentary monarchy with the administrative capital at Città-Capitale. The Kingdom of Landopia is very active in wider foreign affairs, becoming a member of the Union of Italian MicroNations in April 2019, of the Micronational Olympic Federation and the Grand Unified Micronational in February 2024. The Kingdom of Landopia is a confessional state, where the Christian Catholicism creed of Roman Rite is in force.[2]


The term Landopia is the combination of the English word normally used as a suffix "land" and the Greek suffix -ōpía (-ωπία), which means sight. Initially the name of the nation must have been Terròpia or Terrapìa, however the choice of the name totally changed up to today's name.[1]


[...] Lo stato, che di tanta forza di volontà si è rialzato da un subìto vituperoso e veemente passato, è rinato come fenice dalle ceneri dalla sua dissoluzione.

— King Carlo I, Proclamazione d'indipendenza del Principato di Landopia, excerpt

2018: Proclamation of independence and preconization of the new Principality

The Kingdom of Landopia was founded as the Principality of Landopia by the current King Carlo I on 20 December 2018, following many years of study and passion for Italian, Spanish, British, French and Russian monarchic heraldry and a growing interest in politics in general. The foundation of Landopia is tied to Carlo I's personal interest in the very symbols that make up a nation, such as the coat of arms, the flag and the borders. On the evening of 20 December 2018, Carlo I summons all the state authorities, including the people of the now ceased Kingdom of Caràlb to announce a new one, better reformed, more complicit in the playfulness of the organization and based on the harmony of man and of nature. The short but concise proclamation speech carried out by the new monarch was unanimously approved not only by the Senate of the Kingdom, but also by the people themselves. The declaration of independence was never sent to the government of the Italian Republic, in accordance with article 4 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Landopia.

2019: Annus mirabilis for the Kingdom

The year 2019 was the annus mirabilis for the kingdom: in fact the first Ministries were proclaimed by the King, as head of state and president of the council ad interim, through numerous Royal Decrees: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of the Royal House. On 9 February, by Royal Decree, the first fund was allocated to create the Information System for the Security of the Kingdom (it: Sistema di Informazione per la Sicurezza del Regno, or SISR), the secret services of the Kingdom, with the aim of protecting the integrity of the nation and establishing the public order with due precautions and missions, without, however, affecting fundamental human rights. The Secret Service was to be operational within three years (9 February 2022). The opening of the Instagram page, which took place on 27 December 2018, led to a significant increase in the visibility of the Kingdom in the micronational and intermicronational panorama, first of all it entered the U.M.N.I. on 21 April (until its dissolution), then in the Umo the same month and finally starting numerous diplomatic missions in the continents of North America, Europe and Asia. On 24 May, the first funds in Landopian currency were allocated for the creation of an army dedicated to the defense of national borders and internal order.

2020 and 2021: The two-year period of challenges

Royal Decree, posted on Instagram on 23 February 2020

The year 2020 was an important year both nationally and internationally. The King, on a state visit to the Italian city of Florence, received a report from an agent of the newly formed Information System for the Security of the Kingdom concerning the uncontrolled spread of an virus originating from the People's Republic of China. The document, now declassified, speaks of a virus that affected the respiratory system of the human body. Concerned about the situation, the King forwarded the document to the President of the Council of Ministers via emergency correspondence. Having received and analysed the report, on 20 February 2020 the Prime Minister convened the entirety of the Council of Ministers and the Senate of the Kingdom in an extraordinary manner in joint session, with the specific object of the report on the Chinese disease. After 2 sessions, on 23 February 2020, through a joint decree between the Presidency of State and the Royal House, it was decided to close all borders with the Italian Republic, therefore to limit the airspace, to intensify internal security and land borders. The State of Emergency and the state of War was declared by radio message.

Throughout 2021 the kingdom experienced a period of closure, unable to carry out its duties, the king was formally asked to suspend governmental, legislative and judicial activities until the health situation permitted it. There is a considerable legislative gap until 2022.

2022: The changing year

Known as the year of the rebirth of the Kingdom, the year 2022 led to many positive events in the development of Landopia, such as the creation of a new constitution which re-established state sovereignty, the creation of a new single-chamber Parliament, a Constituent Assembly for the new Constitution, 2 macro-parties, the Most Noble Order of the Kingdom and the Intelligence System (9 February 2022). On February 24, 2022, at 23:11, the King of Landopia, in a parliamentary session, signed a document where they did not recognize Ukraine as an independent nation and which justified the actions committed by the Russian Federation, as an applicator of the Just War principle.[3] In the same year, on 27 June 2022, by order of the King, the Kingdom releases all the provinces south of the capital, keeping only a small colony close to the legislative institutions. A historic decision, reducing the national territory by 99.96%. On 9 September 2022, the King of Landopia launched a plebiscite on the change of the state order from Principality to Kingdom. With the majority of votes in favour of the change of state order, on 10 September it was confirmed through the Royal Document that the nation would be called the "Kingdom of Landopia".

Flag Type of Government Period
Start date End date Duration
Principality of Landopia Principato di Landopia 20 December 2018 9 September 2022 3 years, 8 months, 22 days
Kingdom of Landopia Regno di Landopia 9 September 2022 Present day 1 year, 322 days

2023: Year of National Reforms

In June 2023, His Majesty's Government set the Boundary Review and Redrawing Commission (in italian: commissione per il revisionamento e il ridisegnamento dei confini nazionali) the task of to divide the nation into five provinces, in such a way as to better organize the general administration of the capital city. The objective of the new provinces is to give meaning to the individual representations in parliament, as the number of parliamentarians was proportionate, until the month of July 2023, to the number of Landopian citizens. A month later, in July, the commission sent a telegram to the government: it concerned the conclusion of the work of redesigning national borders, which took place successfully. Three days later the King was notified of this news and promptly signed the decree for the implementation and advising of the new subnational borders. From 1 August 2023 each province has one representative in parliament, except for the capital city which has two of them.

2024: The First War of the Kingdom and development of the first foreign treaties

Announcement to the Landopian people of the state of war.

For the first time in the history of the kingdom on 27 January 2024, the King, having consulted the President of the Council of Ministers and the Senate of the Kingdom, started the land, sea and air operation for the expansion of the national borders. For the first time the armed forces were deployed for the acquisition of new territories of the kingdom, declaring a state of war. The war ended two days later, on the afternoon of 29 January 2024 at 7:00 pm, with victory in favour of the Kingdom of Landopia.

In June the government appointed Brando Pernice as Minister of the Royal Household and president of the Heraldic Institute of the Kingdom of Landopia. On 4 June the King decreed the creation of at least 7 new honors of different types, as well as the total reorganization of the hierarchy of honors and noble titles. In fact, the Most Excellent Order of Saint Cecilia and the Royal War Order were established, as well as the Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Landopia was completely reorganized.

On 13 June 2024, the King gave the order to the Government to develop and organize the Landopian armed forces, which have no hierarchical and legislative sources. He also assigned to the President of the I.A.R.L., i.e. the Institute of Heraldry of the Kingdom of Landopia, the task of sketching the naval flag, the jack, the commissioning pennant, and the coat of arms for the Royal Navy; the coat of arms and the war flag for the Royal Army, the cockades and the tail badge for the Royal Air Force. Finally he was ordered to sketch the Minister of War's flag.

The king, in a royal decree dated 12 June 2024, firmly condemned satanism, however inviting those who are part of it to embrace the Christian faith. This decision was made after discovering the existence, on the Microwiki site, of nations and alliances that have this state "religion" and central theme of the alliances. The text of the document reads as follows:

"The King, after discovering the Satanic Temple of Micronations, proclaims an absolute ban on belonging to the malignant religious sect, openly denying and condemning it. It also declares all members of the sect, its member nations and all nations that have satanism as their state religion perpetually banned from relations with the Kingdom of Landopia and its citizens. However he invites them to embrace the one who loves them, Jesus Christ of Nazareth."

— King Carlo I, IV Royal Decree of 2024 of the Kingdom of Landopia, 12 June 2024

Also in June there was the opening of Landopia towards foreign nations, for cultural exchange. In June alone, four agreements were signed with important nations such as Vishwamitra, the Kingdom of Salanda, the Kingdom of Baustralia, and the Emipire of Levinia. With the opening of diplomatic relations with numerous nations of the micronational panorama, Carlo I organized an international Christian Alliance of Catholic rite with the Imperial States of Forestria and the Kingdom of Egemonica. The alliance, yet to be developed, has as its main goal the evangelization of nations and the promotion of religious agreements.

On 21 June 2024, with the sixth Royal Decree of 2024, Carlo I suspended the status of "unrecognized nation" towards Ukraine, remaining neutral on the recognition of the nation's independence.


La nostra nazione necessita di un testo di legge fondamentale, per il nostro Popolo e per la nostra Patria. Noi siamo una nazione rispettabile e in quanto tale affido alla futura Assemblea Costituente il compito di stendere una bozza di questa.

— King Carlo I talking to the Prime Minister

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Landopia is the Fundamental Law of the State and is positioned at the top of the hierarchy of sources in the legal system of the Kingdom. Considered by the people to be a constitution similar to the Italian one, with the exception of the economic part and the secular nature of the Italian one, it is made up of 24 articles in 3 parts.[4] It was approved by the Constituent Assembly on 27 February 2022 and promulgated by the King of Landopia Carlo I on 9 January 2022, and entered into force on 10 January 2022.

The constitution determines the rights and duties of citizens; establishes provisions on the creation of the national currency and the explanation of the division of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

Honours and noble titles

Classes of the Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Landopia

The honors of the Kingdom of Landopia include both military and civilian honors and are the reward systems officially adopted by the Kingdom of Landopia. The main civil order of chivalry is the Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Landopia, where every citizen of Landopia or foreigner, based on the actions performed towards the party, can receive it. In June 2024 the King, with a Royal Document, decreed the creation of at least 5 different honors, as well as the hierarchical reorganization of the value of medals and titles. The Most Excellent Order of Saint Cæcilia was created on 5 June, first awarded to King Reuben I of Salanda on 6 June and to the Rashtradhyaksh of Vishwamitra Varuna Sriraya on 7 June of the same year.

There are currently no physical medals. However, the recipient is granted the right to disfigure the title based on the honor awarded. Only noble titles assigned to Landopian citizens and the most deserving foreigners do not require the awarding of medals, but rather recognition with the personal coat of arms.

National Symbols

The Landopian national symbols are the symbols that uniquely identify the Kingdom of Landopia, reflecting its history and culture. They serve to represent the Nation through emblems, metaphors, personifications, allegories, common to all Landopian people. Some of them are official, that is, recognized by the landopian state authorities, while others are part of the country's identity without being defined normatively. The symbols are:

  • Various Coats of arms (of state, of institutions, of associations or military)
  • Various Flags (of state, of institutions, of associations or military)
  • Music generes
  • Culinary dishes
  • Social activities
  • Road signs


State system

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Landopia, which was approved by the Constituent Assembly with the King, is the fundamental law of the nation. The Landopian political system is typical of a semi-parliamentary monarchy, in which Parliament and the King are the only institution together with that of the King. The institutions are:

  • His Royal Highness, the King of Landopia: is the head of state and represents national unity; he appoints the Prime Minister and, upon his proposal, the ministers. He can dissolve Parliament and has some juridical privileges.
  • The Parliament: it is single-chamber consisting only of the Senate of the Kingdom. It exercises legislative power and votes confidence in the Government.
  • The Government: exercises executive power, is composed of the Prime Minister and the ministers, who together with the King form the Council of Ministers.

Landopian Parliament

The Landopian Parliament, in the law of the Kingdom of Landopia, is the constitutional body to which the exercise of the legislative function is attributed. It has a single-chamber structure, being comprised only by the Senate of the Kingdom. The basic principle on which the number of Senators was determined is that of the number of citizens. On the basis of a royal decree, the king fixed the number of Parliamentarians. The Senate of the Kingdom includes 6 deputies elected by all citizens that have more than 15 years old.[5]

Political parties

The kingdom of Landopia has, in the political life of the country, two political parties of different ideologies:

  • The Conservative Party, party currently in power. It is a right-wing party, although anti-Nazi, anti-Communism, traditionalist and Catholic Christian, which has as its salient points the party ideology, patriotism and religious faith.
  • The Progressive Party. It is a left-wing party, anti-Nazi, which has as its objective the secularity of the state, the formation of a hypothetical Landopian Republic, through a constitutional and popular referendum on the change of the state system, and the partial demilitarization of the country.

Here below the parties with all their seats in parliament:

Party Logo Party Leader Membership Ideology Foundation Seats in Parliament
Partito Nazional Conservatore

National Conservative Party

Official Logo of the National Conservative Party of Landopia
Gabriele Scorzato 9 Conservatorism, traditionalism 9 February 2022
5 / 6
Partito Nazional Progressista

National Progressive Party

Official Logo of the National Progressive Party of Landopia
André Cirillo 3 Progressivism 9 February 2022
1 / 6

His Majesty's Governments

His Majesty's Government, or more formally the Government of the Kingdom of Landopia, is an organ of the Landopian political system, composed of the President of the Council of Ministers, head of the government, and the ministers, who form the Council of Ministers; it constitutes the summit of the executive power. The Prime Minister has his official seat at the Government Palace in the Capital City; the Government as a whole uses the hall of the Royal Palace as representation offices for some official occasions, all located in the capital. Each government lasts a year with national elections occurring annually every December.[6]

The Dellantonio Government ruled from 1 January 2019 to 16 February 2022, ending due to the resignation of the Prime Minister. After the 9 February 2022 national elections, the National Progressive Party (NPP) won. The Prime Minister of the second government was André Cirillo, Leader of the National Progressive Party. The 20 December 2023 national elections, Gabriele Scorzato won five out of the six available seats in the Senate. He is in office since 1 January 2024.

Regional administration

Landopia is geographically homogeneous nation. Before the First Landopian War, there were only five administrative regions:

  • Capitale, where all political and military bodies reside (Parliament, Royal Palace and House of the Government);
  • Campi, where the agriculture system is implemented;
  • Ponte, transit area for both merchant and military transport. Low density residential area;
  • Sambrigione, where the headquarters of multimedia agencies, ministries, scientific institutes, universities and embassies are located;
  • Centro, high intensity residential area;

After the conquest of these lands, 4 more regions were created:

  • Trania, western border area, low density residential area;
  • Marca Orientale, eastern border area, low density residential area;
  • Marca Occidentale, national park and very low density area;
  • Fosprinia, industrial area.

The later of which all the government buildings of the Kingdom: the Palazzo del Parlamento, where the Senate of the Kingdom sits, the Palazzo Regio, the Royal Palace which is the King's official residence, the Palazzo del Governo the meeting place of the Council of Ministers. There is a royal dependency called Insula Maiestatis. This is an island located in the Mediterranean which is claimed by Landopia but is not administered by it.

Flag Name Code Proclamation of creation Pop. Representative Map
Capitale I 29 July 2023 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Campi II 29 July 2023 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Ponte III 29 July 2023 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Sambrigione IV 29 July 2023 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Centro V 29 July 2023 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Trania VI 29 January 2024 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Marca Orientale VII 29 January 2024 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Marca Occidentale VIII 29 January 2024 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)
Fosprinia IX 29 January 2024 (census in progress) King Charles I (ad interim)

On July 12, 2024, the foundation of the insula Maiestatis, the first possession of the Landopiana crown, was officially proclaimed. Currently the island is not inhabited by any type of inhabitant with Landopian citizenship.

Flag Coat of Arms Name Code Proclamation of creation Pop. Representative
Insula Maiestatis IM 12 July 2024 0 King Charles I (ad interim)

Armed Forces and Public Security

Coat of arms of the Royal Army

The Landopian Armed Forces is the military of the Kingdom of Landopia. They are the set of the Landipian Armed Forces, composed of land, sea, air and Gendarmerie Armed Forces, as well as various other corps and support services, under the authority and direction of the King of the Landipia, who according to Article VIII of the Constitution of Landopia is the Supreme Leader of the Armed Forces of Land, Sea and Air.

Born after the independence, they have seen numerous changes throughout their history. With the advent of the COVID restrictions implemented in the first half of 2020, the Regia Gendarmeria, which previously was in union with the Regia Polizia, has become an autonomous armed force; the enactment of a popular referendum led to the suspension of military service calls starting from 1 September 2020, alongside a general reform process accompanied by a progressive reduction of personnel.

The Kingdom of Landopia, for different militarily its territory and to support the decisions of internal and foreign politics, uses different armed forces and police:

  • Regia Gendarmeria (Royal Gendarmerie);
  • Regia Polizia di Stato (Royal Police);
  • Regio Esercito (Royal Army);
  • Regia Aeronautica Militare (Royal Air Force);
  • Regia Marina Militare (Royal Navy).


Since 2022 the kingdom has a stable, despite not growing, national economy, with a nominal GDP of around 10,000 Crowns as of 2022. Landopia's official currency is the Landopian Crown (italian: Corona Landopiana), used in all provinces of the nation and in all possessions under the Landopian Crown. The current banknotes, printed by the Landopiana National Bank, are very few, as well as created with different materials, such as compressed cardboard for the coins and paper to be printed for the banknotes. The majority of Treasury Crowns are held in paper money, with a limited number of actual printed banknotes currently existing in the nation. Large portions of Landopia's economy are centralized and directed by His Majesty's Government, under the control of the Minister of the Treasure and the National Bank of the Kingdom of Landopia.

Secret Services

Logo of the S.I.S.R.

Information System for the Security of the Kingdom (in italian: Sistema di Informazione per la Sicurezza del Regno, or SISR) is the set of bodies and authorities that have the task of ensuring information activities in order to safeguard security of the Kingdom of Landopia from the domestic and foreign dangers and threats. The articulation of the System thus makes it possible to "face change with change" by adapting its structures to the changing context, according to the guidelines given by the President of the Council of Ministers assisted by the Interministerial Committee for the Security of the Kingdom to safeguard the fundamental rights of citizens.

On 9 February 2022, André Cirillo became, as requested by His Majesty, Head of Intelligence.

Foreign Affairs

The Kingdom's foreign relations are managed ad interim by the King, however the de jure holder is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular by the Minister himself. Landopia, since 11 February 2024, has become an observer state of the Grand Unified Micronational, aiming to become a full member state by the end of 2024.

Nations unilaterally recognised

Nations unilaterally not recognised

Micronations unilaterally recognised

Micronations bilaterally recognized

Intermicronational organisation participation

Landopia is a member of 5 Intermicronational organisations:

National holidays

The Kingdom of Landopia guarantees citizens the right to vacation, which is why the following holidays have been announced:

Date Name Purpose
1 January New Year's Day Celebrates the incoming year.
26 June Day of Saints Peter and Paul Celebrates the liturgical memory of Saints Peter and Paul.
The day before the Holy Easter Holy Saturday Memory of the day Jesus Christ's body lay in the tomb and the Harrowing of inferos.
Check the yearly Gregorian calculus Holy Easter Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
15 August Feast of the assumption Celebrates the Holy Assumption.
1 November All Saints' Day Celebrates the the saints of the Catholic Church.
20 December Independence Day The Independence Day is celebrated.
25 December Christmas Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. Article 5 of the Consitution
  4. English translation: "CARLO I (of Landopia) BY GOD'S GRACE AND WILL OF THE PEOPLE RULER OF LANDOPIA Decrees, after consulting the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, after hearing the entirety of the Council of Ministers, the creation of the new Royal Constitution. The new Constituent Assembly (henceforth with the acronym AC) will have to write it in line with the democratic foundations that laid the foundations of the new Europe of peace and harmony"