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Collaborative Realms of Working Nations
Named afterCrown
Formation5 January 2024 (6 months ago) (2024-01-05)
FounderHenry Vireyica
Founded atTractohall, Hugia
TypePolitical alliance
PurposeTo unite every monarchial micronation
7 states
Official language
Henry Vireyica

The Collaborative Realms of Working Nations (CROWN) is an alliance for any type of monarchies that a micronation has as its government type. Originally discussed as an idea on Hugia's X (formerly Twitter) account,[1] a few micronations have discussed about forming this agreement, forming on 5 January 2024.

CROWN is open to any micronation that has its government as any type of monarchy. However, anything else that is not a monarchy are not allowed to join. So far, there is no official way to join, other then asking Hugia on any of its official social media accounts.


The CROWN alliance was first discussed on the first day of 2024 on X (formerly Twitter). Many agreed to this alliance and so 4 days later on the 5th of January, it is formed by Hugia.

Hugia is the 1st member, but Asdeskia joins on the same day it was created. They became the 2nd member to join. Avernus and Nicaea join a day later on the 6th, becoming the 3rd and 4th members join. The first four members joined with out using a Google form. The rest had to. 3 days later on 9th, Gosland becomes the 5th member to join the alliance and first by using a form. Exactly 1 week later, on the 16th, the 6th member, Landopia, joins the alliance. 2 days later on the 18th, Stottoria becomes the first observer member state and a day later on the 19th becomes a member. Nicaea requests to leave and becomes the first to leave the alliance due to "a no conflict rule is a hard ask."[2] A day later, Redanistan joins the alliance. However, they get expelled 2 days later on the 23rd due to being "a fake micronation with no purpose". Exactly 4 months later, 23 May, Velgoria joins.


CROWN's main goal is to unite every monarchical micronation. It aims to be a peaceful, friendly environment, with no wars in the alliance and outside of it.[3] Any member that breaks a rule with two warnings will be expelled. So far, no member has broken a rule, but one former alliance member did get expelled due to being a hoax.


Below is the list of every member state that has been apart of CROWN. It is organized by when the member joined in order.


  • Green = Member
  • Light blue = Observer
  • Grey = Former member
  • Light red = Expelled
Member Date joined Date left Location Monarchy type Status Notes
 Hugia 5 January 2024 United States Unitary semi-constitutional monarchy under a dictatorship Member Where the alliance was founded at and the founder. Originally the organizer from 5 January 2024 – 7 January 2024.
Hijabialandia 5 January 2024 United States N/A Member
File:Kingdom of Avernus flag.png Avernus 6 January 2024 United States N/A Member
Nicaea 6 January 2024 20 January 2024 Greece (unconfirmed) N/A Former member First member to leave the alliance on 20 January 2024
Gosland 9 January 2024 United Kingdom Grand duchy Member
Landopia 16 January 2024 Italy Unitary semi-parliamentary monarchy Member
Stottoria 18 January 2024 (as an observer state)
19 January 2024 (as a member)
United Kingdom Semi-constitutional monarchy Member The first observer member state from 18 January 2024 – 19 January 2024
Redanistan 21 January 2024 23 January 2024 Canada Absolute monarchy Expelled The first member to be expelled
Velgoria 23 May 2024 Bulgaria Absolute monarchy Member


  1. Hugia on X (formerly Twitter): What if we created an alliance called C.R.O.W.N?
  2. CROWN: Nicaea leaves the alliance
  3. Hugia: Let's discuss about this Collaborative Realms of Working Nations (CROWN) alliance and its rules.