Nemkhav Federation

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Nemkhav Federation
  • Conam Nemkhav (nkh)
    Conaidhm Nemcabh (ga)
Imperial Republic Flag Wiki.pngNemkhavia coa.png
National Flag (Symbols)
Highlighted areas contain a Member State
National Anthem:
Nemkhavs, onwards!
Democracy, Brotherhood, Peace
Capital Astor Impora

Official languages English, Nemkhav, Irish

Denomyn Nemkhav

Government Federation
President Marka Mejakhansk
Prime Minister None

Legislature Federal Assembly
-Type de jure Bicameral
de facto Unicameral
Seats 1

– Foundation of the nation 31 July 2009
– Re-establishment as Third Federation 21 February 2016
– Re-establishment as Fourth Federation 30 November 2021

Area claimed pending survey

Population pending survey

Currency 1 Mark (ℳ) = 50 Pent (ϱ)

Time zone GMT

Country code nkh, nk

Internet TLD .nkh (main)

Drives on the Varies

Date formats Gregorian calendar, dd/mm/yyyyy

Nemkhavia [IPA: /nɛmˈkʰaviˌjɐ/ or /nɛmˈxaviˌjɐ/] (Irish: "Nemcabh", Nemkhav: "Nemkhavija"), officially known as the Nemkhav Federation, has, in its history, been a transcontinental nation with territorial claims around the world. It is a federal presidential republic composed of different types of micronations, termed "Member States". It is the inheritor of the legacy of the original Imperial Republic of Nemkhavia, founded on 31 July 2009. The Federation is in its fourth incarnation, the first having existed in late 2009, the second reaching its zenith between 2011 and 2012 and the third dissolved in March 2021.

Nemkhavia had been a micronation of note since late 2009 when it rose to prominence as an advocate of socialism and communism. Along with other large socialist nations of the era, it established and played a prominent role in the unofficial "Leftist Bloc". Under the title of Socalist Federal Republic of Nemkhavia, it came an independent base of left ideas, sometimes in stark contrast with the other large Socialist nation of the time, Erusia. This was often compared to the relationship between Yugoslavia and the USSR, resulting in broad political and cultural similarities between Nemkhavia and Yugoslavia arising; whether this was intentional or not is not known.

Nemkhavia is moderately sized territorial micronation, claiming mainly private property. In the modern age, it is generally seen as an "elder-nation", despite its relatively young age in comparison to some other prominent micronations. It is famed for its incorruptibility and fairness. In late 2010, it was revealed that Nemkhavia had been following the "fantasy" path of micronationalism, which was at the time and to many degrees still is regarded unfavorably within the community, mainly due to incidents like those with Erusia, Camuria and the SUNP. However, the reformed Nemkhavia managed to gradually rebuild its standing in the community over time.

Under the leadership of Marka Mejakhansk, the Federation and its predecessors followed his "Policy of Peaceful Existence" - a collection of ideas and laws that have seen Nemkhavia mediate many disputes and generally shy away from any conflict. Under this policy, the Federation promoted peace above all things and abhors violence of all kinds unless in absolute self-defense, and even this was heavily regulated. Nemkhavia does not possess a Defense Force and is constitutionally forbidden from doing so.

In its time, Nemkhavia has been a prominent part of many micronational organisations, including the Organisation of Active Micronations, the Grand Unified Micronational and, the disbanded Inter-Micronational Union. Nemkhavia was well-regarded by the member nations of the IMU, and so it happened that in late June 2011, Nemkhav First President, Marka Mejakhansk was also elected President of the IMU. The Federation also attained membership of the Cupertino Alliance in 2020.

The Federation was dissolved by President Mejakhansk on the 7th of March 2021, with a provisional government immediately formed to secure the nation’s future. This dissolution would prove to be short-lived, however, with the establishment of the Fourth Nemkhav Federation in November of that year.


Nemkhavia is the anglicised form of Nemkhav Nemkhavija, or Nemcavhija. The name originates in the Nemkhav mythology of Nemed, who is regarded as the pre-historic hero who brought the Nemkhav people from the deepest Caucasus to the shores of the island of Ireland.

As a demonym, the generally accepted term is Nemkhav. This applies both to the adjective (as in "This is typical of Nemkhav cuisine") as well as the noun ("He is a Nemkhav"). The term Nemkhavian is also accepted for the adjective only ("This is typical of Nemkhavian cuisine"), however, it is incorrect to be used as a noun.



Concepts loosely similar to that of a micronation came to the nation's founder and current President, Marka Mejakhansk, as early as May 2009, when he simulated a nation for a short while in order to give reactions to world events. All documents from this era have been lost, except for a few remnants that may appear in past revisions of Nemkhav-related articles on the old MicroWiki. This concept may not have constituted a micronation and may be regarded as slightly non-serious or off-beat, but this is what inspired Mejakhansk to dabble into micronationalism, which he learned of a few months later.

Imperial Republic of Nemkhavia

The Imperial Republic of Nemkhavia was the first, short-lived incarnation of the Nemkhav nation, founded on July 31, 2009. Being named Nemarkia for an extremely short period of time, it was soon renamed Nemkhavia in order to better represent Nemkhav mythology. This nation was the first state to officially represent the Nemkhav people. The Republic was governed officially by an Empress, with Marka Mejakhansk serving as its Premier. Many important institutions were founded during this period which would go on to form the basis of Nemkhav society.

First Nemkhav Federation

On 28 August 2009, the Imperial Republic of Nemkhavia transitioned into the first Nemkhav Federation in its first attempt at democratic government. Mejakhansk remained as Premier, with the role of Empress being replaced by the President. As with the previous role however, this position was purely ceremonial and the President had no input into the day to day affairs of the Federation.

Fantasy Epoch

Around this time, Nemkhavia transitioned into a fantasy nation, in order to better simulate the democratic process despite the population being comparatively low in real life. This period of Nemkhav history is regarded with mixed feelings today and is looked back upon sometimes regretfully, sometimes nostalgically.

The Mejakhansk Revelations

In mid-2010, an event occurred that shook Nemkhavia and its very existence. The fact that all Nemkhav states succeeding the Imperial Republic had been so-called Fantasy nations was revealed. This revelation was devastating to the credibility of Nemkhavia and its leader, and its immediate and long term future came into doubt as many struggled to understand the reasoning behind the move.

Mejakhansk admitted his deception and stated that he would "bear the costs" for it. As this was in the time of the Lethler Dossier scandal, the community was scarcely in the mood for another deception.

Protectorate of Nemkhavia in A1

The now-weak Nemkhavia was spared from an early demise by the leadership of the Most Glorious People's Republic of A1, who accepted Nemkhavia as a Protectorate, as Marka Mejakhansk took on the role of General Officer Commanding A1 Defence Force. It existed for a short time as part of A1, taking an active part in the affairs of the micronation until, after a matter of weeks, Nemkhavia was to be independent again.

Empire of Nemkhavia

The next independent form of Nemkhavia was the Empire. Having decided on independence, the long-time Nemkhav leader adopted the style Patrick Marka II and led the short-lived Empire as it struggled to regain the respect of the other members of the community. The Emperor used this time in independence to repair Nemkhavia's relations as best he could, and the Empire took an active role in the affairs of the community, voicing its opinions again as it once had, but this time doing so completely free of any uncertainty as to its make-up.

Egtavian Overseas Territory of Nemkhavia

In January 2011, Mejakhansk made the decision to merge Nemkhavia into the Republic of Egtavia, with he himself taking up a newly created position in the Egtavian Government after the January Revolution of 2011. Nemkhavia was given overseas territory status. It took up a quiet but effective role in local politics.

Second Nemkhav Federation

See November 2011 Nemkhav Presidential Elections

In June 2011, after just over five months in Egtavia, Marka Mejakhansk and Nemkhavia decide to part from Egtavia and return to independent status. After much consideration, it was decided that the Nemkhav Federation of 2009 would be brought back to life. In a ceremony that took place in Nemkhavia's Novomir Province in Germany, Mejakhansk signed the documents which brought legal force to the new Federation and acknowledged it as the legal heir to the blue-flag legacy.

The first major boost to the new-found Federation came in June 2011, with the admission of the Republic of Koss into the Federation. Its leader, Lucas Campos, immediately rose to prominence as one of the President's chief advisors. Another prominent citizen of Koss, Isabela Mello, was appointed as the Federation's first Prime Minister.

On 16 July 2011, the Nemkhav Federation Government made a bold decision in admitting the Kingdom of Pristinia into the Federation, led by controversial micronationalist Sebastian Linden. After a campaign by President Mejakhansk and King Sebastian, the latter was unbanned from MicroWiki and allowed to properly carry out his duty as Nemkhav Minister for Technology.

On 22 July 2011, Vian joined Nemkhavia as the Kingdom of Vian, one of the precursor Governments to the modern Nation-State of Vian. Its monarch, Samuel I, was appointed to the position of Minister of Infrastructure and Representative to the House of Territories, and immediately began to work on projects such as zoning and building regulation.

On 26 July 2011, the Kingdom of West Germania was accepted into the Federation. It was easily recognizable that Penda the Ironhand would become the Federation's Minister for Culture.

On 17 September 2011 the Republic of Berin was admitted into the Federation, nearly doubling the national population. A few days later in the month, however, a rebellious movement had started within the citizens of Berin, but the matter was resolved quickly with 10m of land being ceded to the Montblanci rebels.

In September 2011, J.J. Hakimoto, interim Supreme Potenate of Yurtyzstan, inquired with Samuel I on the possibility of Yurtyzstan joining the Federation. It went to the Nemkhav government but was never pursued. Later in the month they officially applied and were accepted on 25 September 2011.

During mid-October 2011 Alex Ulbricht, President of the Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics, decided to have the USLSSR join either the Nemkhav Federation or the Zealandian Commonwealth. Later, in October it was decided that the USLSSR would join Nemkhavia, and they applied. On November 1 the motion carried and they were accepted. Later it became known as the Lewisham Democratic Republic. Around the same time as the USLSSR, the Republic of Norovia applied as well. They were accepted just a day after the USLSSR. Later in November, a flurry of controversy, condemnations, and insults proceeded the departure of the Republic of Berin, later to be called Faryar, from the Federation.

On 21 November 2011 the November 2011 Nemkhav Presidential Elections concluded with Samuel Azehtyla winning the elections by 1 Electoral Vote. This is the first time Marka Mejakhansk has not led the Federation since its inception in 2009.

On 17 December 2011, the Kingdom of Pristinia succeed from the Federation, as a result of a major internal dispute between the King Sebastian I and the rest of congressmen.[1]

On 15 January 2012, the Grand Duchy of Koss also declared independence due to the desire of the population to create an independent Grand Duchy. Three days later, the Nation-State of Vian and the Kingdom of West Germania declared independence to form the Saxon Empire.

In November 2012, the Federation returned to its original size with the departure of Lewisham and Eragia. Marka Mejakhansk, who had been taking a back-seat role in the Federation's politics for some time, re-assumed the Presidency as the last citizen.

Nemkhavia in St. Charlie

The next home of Nemkhavia was to be the Federal Republic of St.Charlie, with the accession of the nation to the Federal Republic towards the end of 2013. This time in St.Charlie was to be marked by the participation of the Nemkhav leader in St.Charlian politics, culminating in his time at the helm of the National Party of St.Charlie as it went into the 2014 elections. In the months after, Nemkhavia once again declared independence, parting ways with the Federal Republic on positive terms.

Third Nemkhav Federation

The Nemkhav Federation lay idle after independence from St.Charlie, save for an abortive attempt at federal restoration in 2014. Life would not truly return to the micronation until February 2016, when Marka Mejakhansk announced the revival of the nation as the "Third Nemkhav Federation". He assumed the Presidency of the new Federation and set about drafting a new constitution.

In 2020, President Mejakhansk began a campaign to increase the standing of the Federation in the community, moving it from being a relic of history to an integral part of modern diplomatic affairs. One of the major moves made towards this goal was an application to join the Cupertino Alliance, one of the preeminent modern intermicronational organisations alongside the Grand Unified Micronational. The application was accepted and the Nemkhav Federation was granted observer status in on 22 November 2020.

On the 28th of November, Nemkhavia became a signatory of the Augusta Accord, a treaty written with the goals of decreasing transphobia in the micronational community and protecting transgender and nonbinary members.

In early December 2020, the Federation was raised to full membership of the Cupertino Alliance.

Dissolution of the Third Federation

At 11pm on the 7th of March 2021, President Mejakhansk officially dissolved the Nemkhav Federation. The demands on the President’s time as the sole member of government had become unsustainable, given the myriad of necessary commitments. A provisional government was immediately formed to secure the future of Nemkhavia.

Fourth Nemkhav Federation

On the 30th of November 2021, the Nemkhav Federation was re-founded in its fourth incarnation. This was following a brief attempt at a ducal government that failed to make any headway. The Federal Government reassumed authority based on the constitution of the third federation with major reforms expected to follow.

As of June 2024, the Federation continues to exist albeit at a greatly reduced level of activity. On the 31st of July 2024, Nemkhavia will mark its 15th anniversary.

Government and politics

The First President, Marka Mejakhansk

Nemkhavia is a federal presidential republic which has a President as both Head of State and Head of Government. Each State of the Federation has the opportunity to elect its own Heads of Government according to local custom. This has led to many unique titles among the Federation's political elite, including Samuel Azehtyla, who took the title Caesar. The three branches of government are together referred to as the Federal Government.

Executive Branch

Executive authority is vested in the President of the Nemkhav Federation. The President determines the overall direction of the Federation's foreign and domestic policy and is the chief executive officer. He/she signs bills into law, can refer them for reconsideration and appoints all cabinet positions and other national officers. The President is elected by universal suffrage in elections held annually, and there is currently no limit on how many terms a President can serve. There is no legal requirement for the President to be a Member State leader, but this has traditionally been the case. The current President of the Federation is Marka Mejakhansk.

Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers is the collection of people who make up the various Ministries of the Federation, appointed by the President and led by the Prime Minister. Ministers need not be members of either legislative house, but tradition has held that each member of the House of Territories is given at least one ministerial portfolio. Thus, the Prime Minister can often be the leader of one of the Federation’s Territories. The Prime Minister also acts as the first-in-line to full executive authority should the President be unable to execute their duties.

The Ministers are as follows:

Federal Agencies

The President is empowered by the constitution to create special statutory bodies, known as "Federal Agencies", to assist with the administration of the Federal Government. Usually these bodies are established for a very particular purpose, such as the Federal Communications Agency, which was set up to manage the Federation's official media outlets. The heads of agencies are appointed by the President, with the Federal Assembly holding the right to reverse such appointments by unanimous vote.

The current federal agencies are as follows:

The logo of the Federal Communications Agency

Legislative Branch

Legislative authority is vested in the Federal Assembly of Nemkhavia. The Assembly contains, de jure, two Houses - the House of Territories and the House of Representatives. The former is made up of all the Leaders of the Federation's various constituent nations (Monarchs, Prime Ministers, Governors etc.), with the latter being made up of elected representatives from each of the constituent nations. The Federal Assembly holds the power to remove the President as well as all major legislative functions. Since the inception of the Federation, there has been only one House in the Federal Assembly called to session, the House of Territories, making the legislature a de facto unicameral body.

The House of Territories consists of as many seats as there are constituent nations within the Federation. All Member State leaders are entitled to a seat regardless of which office they hold, and their votes in the House are also equal. This House acts as the true legislative body. It exists to pass legislation on behalf of the Nemkhav People and the Federation.

The House of Representatives, while being the less powerful of the two Houses of the Federal Assembly, serves an essential purpose as its members are the direct representatives of the people at the federal level.

Judicial Branch

Judicial authority is vested in the Supreme Court of Nemkhavia. It is the one and the only organ which deals with all matters of law and the Federation. Civil Law is the form of law which is enforced in Nemkhavia, and it is the task of the Supreme Court to investigate and prosecute anyone who breaks law in the Federation. Another, very important function of the Supreme Court is the enforcement and protection of the constitution. All legislation can be referred to the Court in order to asses its constitutionality.


Nemkhavia, being a transcontinental micronation, has potential for a very varied geographical profile. In the history of the nation, areas claimed by Member States have been on three continents, from South America to western Europe. Currently, the entirety of the Federation's territory is located on the Island of Ireland, specifically the eastern side of the country. The cantons of Central Nemkhavia are both located on mountainside areas of the island, with mild weather for most of the year interspersed with ever more frequent major weather events.

Administrative divisions

Nemkhavia being a Federation, it consists of various regional entities, termed Member States. Each state is a micronation in its own right, with its own unique customs and government structures. Throughout the history of the Federation, member state government structures have ranged from republics to monarchies, and mixtures of the two. The Federal Government is constitutionally obliged not to interfere in how local governments are formed, except in cases where the structures would interfere with the human rights accorded to each citizen regardless of State.

The following is a list of territories within the Nemkhav Federation:

Flag Name Joined Leader Type Citizens
Imperial Republic Flag Wiki.png Central Nemkhavia 5 June 2011 Chancellor Marka Mejakhansk Republic 1

Law and order

Law and order in the Federation is maintained by both Federal and State-level police forces, with differing areas of responsibility.

Federal Police

The Federal Police of the Nemkhav Federation is the service which is responsible for Federation-wide law and order. Its officers are stationed in every Republic, and its tasks usually involve keeping the peace on a national scale.

Local Police

Each State is entitled to have its own police force, which is in charge of all local law and order. Small-time crime is handled by these forces, with the Federal Police being all call to deal with any activity that threatens the entire Federation. Each State names and controls its own police independently of the Federation Government

Foreign relations

The Federation carries out its foreign affairs under the aegis of a policy of "Tacit Recognition". Rather than establish relations with individual micronations on a case by case basis, the Federal Government recognises all micronations simply by virtue of their existence and the presence of a functioning government system. This policy is designed to allow the Federation to remain aloof from any major conflicts which may occur, especially over territory or issues of independence, while leaving scope for negotiations where necessary.

In certain cases, the Federation may sign a formal treaty with another micronation, but this is generally an area of diplomatic affairs reserved for nations with whom Nemkhavia has a long history, such as St.Charlie or Wyvern. This stage of relations can often take years to achieve, and countless hours of diplomatic contact and negotiation.
