Central Nemkhavia

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Central Nemkhavia
Flag of Central Nemkhavia
Coat of arms of Central Nemkhavia
Coat of arms
Motto: Democracy, Brotherhood, Peace
All three Cantons of Central Nemkhavia are located in the highlighted area
All three Cantons of Central Nemkhavia are located in the highlighted area
CapitalAstor Impora
Official languagesEnglish, Nemkhav, Irish
LegislatureState Assembly
EstablishmentJuly 31st 2009 (as the Imperial Republic)
CurrencyNemkhav Mark
Time zoneUTC

Central Nemkhavia, (Irish: Nemcabh Lárnach, Nemkhav: Nemkhavija Larja) is a micronation located on the Island of Ireland. It is a State of the Nemkhav Federation. Central Nemkhavia is the original home of the Nemkhav nation, its capital Astor Impora being the site of the official declaration of nationhood in 2009.

Central Nemkhavia claims direct lineage back through the various incarnations of Nemkhavia through the years. While the name Nemkhavia would go on to refer to a larger Nemkhav Federation, a multi-national federation of many nations, Central Nemkhavia remains within the larger structure to continue the unique Nemkhav cultural identity.

The capital city of the State, Astor Impora, also functions as the capital city of the larger Nemkhav Federation. This, combined with Central Nemkhavia’s unparalleled position in Nemkhav history, has afforded the nation a unique position of importance.


When the original Nemkhav Federation was founded in 2009, what is now the CNR was created from the old Home Province of the Imperial Republic. When the Federation was transformed into the various incarnations that would follow, the CNR thrived in its own right under various names. When the Second Nemkhav Federation was founded in 2011, the CNR was brought back to life and re-instated as the home Republic of the Nemkhav people.

Known as the Republic of Novomir for the duration of most of the Second Federation's life, the Central Nemkhav Republic name was re-instated upon the establishment of the Third Nemkhav Federation on the 21st of February, 2016.

On the 5th of December 2020, the State Government announced that the name of the state would change to Central Nemkhavia with immediate effect. This was done as part of a push to increase the visibility and relevance of the original Nemkhav home territory within in the larger federation.


The territory of Central Nemkhavia is made up of two areas of land, both alike in terms of climate but notably different in terms of geographical makeup. The main claim, known in Nemkhav as "Skajacka", or "Homeland", is made up of mostly urban areas with small, maintained green spaces and parks. The main green area is located to the east of the capital city, Astor Impora, and runs to the eastern border. At the eastern border, there was a notable eucalyptus tree which was the tallest in the state, at an estimated 70 feet high. It was felled for safety reasons relating to its roots. During a notable storm in 2020, the the canton’s remaining tree was blown down leaving the eastern grassland as open plains. The land to the west of the capital city is largely manicured grassland.

The second main area of the state’s territory, named "Coldwater", is far to the north of Skajacka. This area is made up almost exclusively of wild grassland and forest. The Coldwater River, for which the area is named, crosses the territory's northern border before returning to the adjacent nation. The forest to the east is almost entirely impassable for most of the year, usually only being ventured into by specially equipped teams. Near the river there is the only major settlement in the area, named Coldwater Station, which is uninhabited for most of the year.

Administrative Divisions

The state is divided politically into two sections, termed "Cantons". This is the case in order to facilitate the best running of what are very different areas in terms of political, social and economic needs.

Skajacka Canton

The first of the two claims held by the state is named "Skajacka" Canton. In the native language of Nemkhavia, "Skajacka" refers to the term "Homeland". Skajacka is by far the more economically and politically developed of the two areas, being home to the capital city, Astor Impora and a large potion of the Republic's metropolitan infrastructure.

Coldwater Canton

The second of Central Nemkhavia’s claims is a large distance north of Skajacka and is almost entirely made up of countryside. The administrative capital of this Canton, Coldwater Station, is rarely inhabited and is usually only made use of by groups of tourists from the southern cantons. The main export of Coldwater is tourism and leisure activity, with holidays for citizens and foreigners alike being regularly held. It is a known relaxation spot for high-up politicians.

Sakhavsk Canton

Sakhavsk Canton is the third claim of Central Nemkhavia and the first to be added in over ten years in 2021. Named for the canton’s main town of the same name, Sakhavsk is a largely rural region with a growing townland, situated roughly sixty-five miles from Skajacka.

Sakhavsk is the current home of President of the Nemkhav Federation Marka Mejakhansk and functions as the de-facto capital of the nation.


The state’s climate is identical to that of the neighbouring macronation. Weather is generally mild across both areas, with rainfall being quite common. All cantons are above sea level and as such they can be open to harsh weather conditions. Coldwater in particular is victim to harsh weather as it faces onto the sea. Temperatures in both areas can range from over 30 degrees Celsius in Summer to -6 in Winter. Snow was uncommon but it had been known to occur, particularly in the Winter of 2010/2011 which saw freezing conditions grip the state and brought the capital city to a standstill.

In recent years, incidences of extreme weather have increased in frequency. In March 2018, the state suffered its worst ever snowfall followed by a drought in June into July. Storms have increased in number through 2019 and 2020, occasionally leading to structural damage.

Government and politics

Central Nemkhavia is a parliamentary republic and a Member State of the Nemkhav Federation. The State Government is composed of the Chancellor and the State Assembly. When the Assembly is not in session, the Chancellor rules with absolute authority.


The main political position in Central Nemkhavia is that of the Chancellor. This person is the chief executive of the state, overseeing its day to day affairs and reporting to the Federal Assembly of the Nemkhav Federation. The position is the most powerful in the nation, with the Chancellor having unequalled executive power.

The Chancellor is officially based in the Chancellery in Astor Impora, with day-to-day activities currently managed from a satellite office in Sakhavsk. The current holder of the position is Marka Mejakhansk, leader of the Federalist Party of Central Nemkhavia

State Council

The Chancellor may appoint a council of ministers to aid them in the administration of the state, with its members being termed “State Ministers”.

Office of Emergency Management

The State Office of Emergency is a subdivision of the Chancellor’s office with responsibility for directing the state’s response to major weather events and other natural threats. Since its foundation it has been mobilised to counter droughts, extreme storms and heavy snowfall among other events. The office handles the issuing of states of emergency as well providing day to day updates on matters such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

State Assembly

The State Assembly is the legislature of Central Nemkhavia, forming the second half of the State Government. The assembly is not always in session, only being called upon by the Chancellor when the number of citizens of the state numbers more than one. This is a similar arrangement to the lower house of the Federal Assembly.

When in session, the Chancellor becomes the presiding officer of the Assembly. There is currently no fixed number of seats, with it expected to grow in proportion to any growth in the general population.